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Cumming In My Wife's Best Friend Ch. 01

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He fucks wife's best friend to help with pregnancy.
8.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 11/09/2009
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"And that is why we want John to help us to have a baby."

The words, as spoken by our best friend and neighbour Mike, hung in the air for seconds after he had spoken them. I think that I realised the meaning shortly before my wife Natasha, because I was able to see her expression change to shock as I looked at her.

Across the table from me, and seated to Natasha's right, was Mike's wife and Natasha's best friend, Helen. As Natasha caught my eye to express with her look how startled she was, I could see Helen staring down at the table in embarrassment, not making eye contact with anyone.

I was the first to speak. "Mike, surely you don't mean..."

"That's exactly what I –" He leaned forward to put his elbows on the table, then paused and looked over at Helen. "Sorry, what we, mean. Helen is only going to have a chance of having a baby naturally if she has sex with another man, and...look, this is killing me to say this, but Helen and I have talked about this at length and we want that man to be you John."

I sat back and heard Natasha making a blowing sound, followed by the word "Wow." That pretty much summed up my immediate reaction.

When Mike and Natasha had invited us around for an evening meal earlier that day, we categorically had not been expecting this. The invitation to come round to theirs for food had been casually delivered by Mike in a phone call, and we had readily accepted, knowing we could call on our regular babysitter at short notice.

The couple had been our best friends for over 9 years, and meals together at one another's houses (always accompanied by a few bottles of wine) were a regular feature of our Fridays nights.

Natasha and Helen had met at university 15 years earlier, and indeed were still housemates when I had started dating Natasha 5 years after that. Mike had come onto the scene a year after me, and shortly after he started dating Helen we fell into our pattern of social foursomes.

Mike and I had also became friends, and all of this was further cemented when we all got married within 3 months of each other 2 years later, Natasha and Helen acting as head bridesmaid at each other's wedding, and Mike and I trading usher roles.

That was where things diverged however. Natasha got pregnant on our honeymoon, on what must have pretty much been our first attempt. That news had been greeted with great joy by everyone we knew, including Helen and Mike, and I was able to joke happily that I was "1 for 1" when it came to the pregnancy hit rate.

Our first child was joined 2 years later by a second, again Natasha falling pregnant at what must have been the first attempt (so my new joke became "2 for 2"). It was around this time that Helen first confided in Natasha that they had started trying to have a baby, but without success. As time went on it started to become obvious to Natasha that this was beginning to upset Helen, particularly when Natasha fell pregnant again two years later with the twins (yep, first attempt, but no public jokes this time).

Helen and Mike had become quite open with us both by then about the problems they were having conceiving, and it was around that time that they started getting medical advice. It became quickly apparent from tests performed that the problem appeared to be Mike, who had a sperm count which was so low that it made conception impossible. Helen was diagnosed as perfectly fertile, which she later confided in Natasha made her all the more upset.

Following the diagnosis, the couple's next action had been to try a sperm donor through IVF, and in the last two years they had gone through the process twice, but no eggs had taken.

Indeed, Mike had recapped all of this tale earlier tonight as we all sat at their dining room table. "The doctor's think that the physical stress of the process is getting too much for Helen, and they do not recommend that we go through it again." He had looked at Helen as he was saying this.

Helen had spoken up then. "I know I cannot go through that process and that disappointment again...but I just want my own baby! Why can't I have a baby?"

Natasha had leaned forward at this point, squeezing her hand.

Before dropping his bombshell, Mike had added. "Helen is not ready to give up on being a natural mum, and we are not ready to think about adoption yet...look, the two of us have discussed this at length, and can we cut to the chase?"

"Of course," answered Natasha, looking puzzled.

"Every test we have had tells us that Helen is absolutely fine, and fertile," said Mike. "Therefore, if she was to have...." He paused and winced with embarrassment. "If she was to have sex with a virile man who had a healthy sperm count, in a situation which did not have the stress of an IVF procedure, well, we think she would be likely to get pregnant."

He looked at Natasha and then at me, assessing our reactions, but the penny had not dropped at this point and we were both looking at him expectantly. However, Helen knew what was coming and her head went forwards in embarrassment, some of her black hair falling forwards over her face.

"If she went out and had sex with a stranger, it's dangerous, and who knows what STD's they might be carrying. Therefore, we asked ourselves the question; who do we know that we trust, who is healthy, and whose virility is in no doubt?" He paused, then delivered the words "And that is why we want John to help us to have a baby."

After our initial shocked reaction and exchanges of conversation as recounted earlier, Natasha turned to look at Helen and said, aggressively, "Let me get this are asking me to agree to you and John having sex? To agree to him impregnating you with his sperm? To you having John's child? Am I understanding this right?"

Helen still had not lifted her eyes. I could see her body shaking slightly as if she was on the verge of tears, and she answered without looking at Natasha. "I am sorry Natasha....I should not have done this, should not have asked....I knew it was ridiculous to ask this, this will destroy our friendship..."

Mike spoke up. "That is exactly what we are asking, Natasha. The two of you are our best friends, and I know how horrible this suggestion must make you feel, and believe me the thought of Helen with any other man makes me feel awful...but we NEED this so much, we don't know what else to do."

There was silence after that. I certainly wasn't going to be the first one to speak up, and I didn't know how I felt about the whole situation. Definitely uncomfortable. I looked at Natasha. The 33 year old mother of my three children had a considering look on her face that surprised me, since part of me had been expecting the announcement from her that we were leaving immediately and that the friendship was over.

Natasha was 5'8" tall, with an attractive sensual face with clear blue eyes and wavy long blonde hair. She had a good body for a woman with three children, although it was not quite as athletic and hot as when we had first met (in that first three month period of fucking like rabbits), and was now more fleshy. Natasha was the only woman I had fucked in the last 10 years, and was definitely the only woman I had ever shot my sperm into to make pregnant. Right now her ample 36C breasts were resting on her arms, which were folded in front of her as she leaned forward at the table with a quizzical expression.

I then looked at Helen. Although they were as close as sisters, the two women were physically very different. Helen was petite, maybe 5'2", with a small frame and a lithe body. She had black layered shoulder-length hair, and a very pretty face with exotic brown eyes. Whereas Natasha's breasts and body had filled out as a result of child-bearing, the 33 year old Helen had the trim physique of a woman 15 years younger than her, with small breasts and hips, and a very pert bum. Indeed, whereas Helen had been carrying some "puppy fat" in the early years I had known her, she had really exercised to get into shape and tone up her body in recent years, probably partly with the objective of increasing her chances of motherhood.

Helen happened to then glance up at me, and found me looking at her, before she flushed red with embarrassment and quickly ducked her eyes again.

An image suddenly flashed into my mind, unbidden....Helen beneath me, moaning, her body writhing under me as my cock slid into her...pleading for me to empty my cum into her...and I suddenly realised that I had been sexually evaluating Helen as I looked at her, something that seemed very out-of-context with our long term platonic friendship.

Natasha then stood up, interrupting my unexpectedly erotic reverie. "We will think about it. Come on John, we're leaving."


Natasha was quiet, reflecting on the conversation, as we walked back to our house. When she was in this mood I knew that the safest policy was to stay quiet, and given the subject matter the very safest policy was to say absolutely nothing. As such, we walked in silence.

When we got home, and later got into bed having dismissed the babysitter and gone through our getting ready-for-bed routine, she finally turned to me and started to talk about the conversation.

"Did you expect that?" she asked, with a slightly ironic grimace, which immediately put me at a greater level of ease that she was not about to explode with anger.

"Absolutely, 100%, no," I replied, adopting a neutral expression. I had decided to be deliberately careful in this conversation, to see where she took it.

"God, imagine suggesting that," she added. "You going with Helen and making her pregnant. What a suggestion." She looked troubled however.

I took a deep breath, but did not reply, lying on my side next to her.

"But....she and Mike must be so sad to contemplate that," she added. "This must be hurting them so much, to know, you doing it with Helen."

Silence and a serious contemplative look seemed to be the right pose for me to continue to maintain.

Natasha stared up at the ceiling for a second, then added, "But she made a call for help from me, her best friend, as the only person who can help her...and I feel really bad about the way I reacted."

"How else could you be expected to react?" I replied. "It was a pretty outrageous suggestion."

She then turned on her side to look at me, giving me a very piercing stare. "Do you find Helen attractive?" she asked.

"No, she's not my type," I answered immediately while maintaining eye contact, knowing that any other answer would be disastrous. "I mean, she is pretty I suppose if you like petite girls, but I don't particularly. Besides, I have never thought about her that way, she has always been like a sister for all the time I have known you."

This even sounded convincing to me, as I said it, and until about an hour ago was probably true. Helen had always been in the category of someone I knew I would never have any sexual relationship with, and as such while she was very attractive, I had not had sexual thoughts about her since maybe the early days of me and Natasha.

But even as I said this, another image flashed into my mind...Helen, bent over the side of my bed with my hands holding her hips, moaning erotically as I thrust my dick into her...

My God, I thought, it's like the earlier proposition has flipped an erotic switch such that my suddenly adulterous mind keeps being assailed with thoughts of fucking my wife's foxy best friend. My cock twitched in my boxers, and I abruptly felt horny.

Natasha continued to stare at me for a few seconds. "I am thinking about agreeing to it," she then said, dropping the second bombshell of the evening.

Again, I decided silence was the safest reaction, instead raising a querying eyebrow. After a second she added, more decisively, "She needs me to agree to this. Mike needs you to agree to it."

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep on this, and maybe talk about it after a night's sleep?" I asked, definitely not wanting to betray any clue that this idea was starting to seem dangerously appealing to me. "Nat, if you ask me to do this, and I have...intercourse...with her, there's no coming back from that."

Surprisingly, she slid closer to me and with her mouth a couple of inches from mine, she slid her hand down to my boxers and placed it on my cock. "But this dick belongs to me, doesn't it John?" she asked, and slowly began to circle her hand on my cock, through my boxers. "I am the only woman you want, and will ever want, aren't I?"

I became hard incredibly quickly, the erotic images my mind had recently been producing contributing to this. As her hand began to slide up and down my hardening shaft, I whispered, "You are the only woman for me, the sexiest woman I have ever known."

"And if you were to do this thing for Helen and Mike, it wouldn't be making love would it?" She sighed as my hand reached to her soft full breast and began to knead it. "It would be a mechanical thing, to do what needed to be done for your seed to go inside her. Nothing more than that?"

I leaned in and kissed her, drawing in her mouth with my tongue, before replying, "We could leave most of our clothes on, I could close my eyes and think about you, and it would be over without any passion."

She continued to work my now erect dick, reaching down once to caress my balls. "Tell me you won't be any less than 100% mine, John, that you can do this without feeling anything for Helen."

I pulled her in close to me and ran my hand down her back to her curvy ass, fondling her. "This is the only body I want...that of my beautiful sexy are the only woman I have ever or will ever love and the only woman who I can make love to."

That seemed to seal the deal, because her hand lifted up from my cock and snaked behind my neck, and she moved her body into mine while we started to french kiss, our tongues entwined. "Put that big cock in me John, I want to feel my husband fill me up."

My hand gripped her ass while we kissed passionately, my mind now completely focused on pleasuring my wife. Natasha knew I loved it when she talked dirty, and she also knew I liked her complimenting my penis, which was now at its fully engorged state. She started to grind her pelvis into my thick 7 inches, while we both endeavoured to work our underwear off our hips and down our legs.

No sooner had we lost our briefs than she pushed me onto my back and swung her legs across me, straddling my hips with her legs while facing me. She hungrily reached behind herself and gripped my cock, positioning it at the entrance to her cunt. Then she made a small moan as she slid down onto me, an expression of wanton lust on her face.

"Oh, John... I love your cock," she whispered breathlessly, as my full length entered her smoothly. She put her hands onto my chest and then slowly began to work my cock inside her, grinding her clit against me.

"That feels good," I replied, reaching up to tease her large nipples with my thumbs. I felt her cunt slide around and down my hard length, enjoying the sensation, watching her arousal build.

"This is the only cunt you want, isn't it?" she asked, while locking her eyes onto mine, her blonde hair tousled around her now flushed face.

"I love being inside you, this is the only cunt I want," I replied, but again unfaithful thoughts surged into my exquisitely tight cunt stretched around me, milking me of my cum...

Natasha was a good fuck, there was no doubt about that, although after the second child had been born I had noticed that she had lost some of the tightness she once had enjoyed in her vagina, and this loosening had been significantly compounded by the twins (she was back on the pill now, so number 5 was not an issue). Hell, childbirth and years of being stretched around my thick penis was bound to loosen the muscles of any woman, and Natasha made up for this with her undoubted passion for sex and for my cock.

She was bringing herself close to a climax now, lifting herself up and down on my dick with increased force and speed while continuing to rub her clit against me. My large hands started to squeeze and knead her soft breasts while her own hands reached for my shoulders. She started to grunt with pleasure as she pounded her pussy onto me, her breasts bouncing in front of me, and I felt my own orgasm drawing nearer.

Finally, she started to climax, and I felt her whole body tense as the first wave of orgasm hit her, the convulsion in her cunt creating a delicious sensation in my dick. I felt the familiar tension in my balls building as she continued to orgasm above me, moaning my name, and as I drew close to cumming my eyes closed in pleasure.

...and the face I could see in my mind's eye had black hair and brown eyes and was not the face of my wife but rather her best friend, whose petite features were contorted into an expression of lust as a wave of my spunk landed on her face...

The unfaithful image set me over the edge, and I opened my eyes again as I started to cum inside my wife, shooting my load into her spasming cunt.

"Godddd...." I whispered, shocked by the intensity of the visual image that had set me off.

Natasha felt my spunk shooting inside her as she orgasmed, and she crushed her tits down onto me, her hair falling down around my chest, locking her mouth onto mine to kiss me while our orgasms subsided.

"Did you like that baby?" she finally said, breaking the kiss and looking down at me with a happy expression which she always adopted after making me cum, her face flushed in the afterglow of sex.

"That was fantastic," I replied.

"And your cock belongs to my cunt, doesn't it?" she asked, staring at me intensely. "And it always will, won't it?"

"Forever," I replied, with sincerity. But even as I said the words I was thinking about what it would be like to fuck her best friend, what Helen's cunt would feel like wrapped around my cock.

"Then I am going to say yes to Helen and Mike," she announced, before kissing me again.


So there we all were, two evenings later, sitting in Mike and Helen's front room, Natasha leading the conversation in the prelude to the first pregnancy attempt.

"I am going to set out the rules," said Natasha, "which I have agreed with Mike. John, Helen, please will you listen carefully, because this is all important."

I nodded while Helen murmured a yes. I was determinedly trying not to stare at Helen, the woman who in about 30 minutes time would in all likelihood be laying beneath me with my penis shooting cum inside her, but I hadn't been able to avoid noticing that she looked radiant today. Natasha's conversation with her the day before, agreeing to her plea for help and organising this gathering tonight, had obviously lifted a large weight from her shoulders.

Helen was wearing a sleek close-fitting white silk blouse and black jeans, casual but sexy, with her make-up lightly done but attractive and her dark hair loose around her shoulders, looking full and glossy. It was the right look , I thought with bemusement, for having sex with your husband's best friend in the annexe bedroom of your house.

"Rule 1," continued Natasha, "I am agreeing to let you have up to 5 separate attempts to get pregnant Helen, all during this month's fertility cycle. If you can get pregnant over the course of the next 5 nights, that will be wonderful, but if you don't, I do not want any of us to ever speak of this again and I will not agree to John doing this again."

Helen nodded in agreement, and this was obviously something they had already discussed between them. I noted to myself that Natasha was quite impressive when she adopted this all-business persona, such that she appeared to be now discussing this in an entirely matter-of-fact way, which seemed quite surreal.

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