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Cupid's Gifts


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True to her word, she was back in under five minutes, wearing an anything but simple black dress. The bottom looked like a pencil skirt, hugging her hips and thighs, but when she moved, it seemed to ripple in waves. A close inspection would reveal that it was comprised of a multitude of mini pleats which fell from her hips to her knee. The skirt was tight around her waist, from which arose the bodice, if it could, indeed, be called that.

From the hip on each side, what was essentially a gathered sash rose to cover the breast on its side, then went on to wrap around her neck and fasten to its partner in the back, leaving her bare from bust to waist in front, and totally in the back.

Sue walked to Gabe, putting in an earring. She turned her back to him, saying, "Zip, please."

When he saw her back, Gabe caught his breath. The zipper on the skirt extended past the prominence of her buttocks, and, open, revealed the crease dividing them. The open zipper also revealed that the dress and her shoes and stockings were the only clothing she was wearing.

Sensing when he was done, Sue turned to him and gave him a fleeting light kiss on the lips. "I promised that you'd get lucky tonight. When that happens is up to you. And, if you are still interested, breakfast in bed is still an option, as are lunch and dinner."

Gabe growled and grabbed her, pulling her to him, engaging her laughing lips in a passionate kiss, unlike any he'd given since he completed graduate school. "Screw the Ball. I've wanted to make love to you since the day you walked into our office. I'm so fucking hard right now I can't stand up straight. Where's your bedroom?" He asked as he swept her up, cradling her in his arms.

"Shouldn't you take off your overcoat first?" she asked him, the joy evident in her voice and in her eyes. Reluctantly he put her down while he removed the garment. She then helped him out of the dinner jacket he was wearing, accompanied by frequent kisses and caresses. "Shh, slow down," she cautioned him. "Remember, we have until you want to leave, whenever that might be. "

In the bedroom, Sue sat on the edge of the bed, her legs crossed, watching as Gabe fumbled with his clothing, clumsy with eagerness. When he nearly stumbled and fell, she gave a small, amused laugh and went to him. "Here," she said, placing his hands on her breasts, "play with these while I finish for you." As he gently kneaded the muffin sized mounds, she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it down his arms, to hang there until he released his playthings.

She reached for his belt, saying, "The halter unsnaps in the back, if you want to help." Gabe dropped his arms, shedding his shirt, then reached behind her neck to unfasten the fabric covering her. The halter fell away, revealing a pair of beautiful, cone shaped breasts, capped by strawberry colored puffy nipples, just starting to erect. When he ran his thumb over them, they hardened further, producing a bud about half the diameter of a nickel, which quickly grew to a half inch in length.

Sue hummed with pleasure as he caressed the sensitive buds. She pushed his trous over his hips, to let them fall, followed by his boxer briefs. Gabe felt her hand wrap around his staff, which had reached the eight inch mark as firm as concrete in a nanosecond. He reached for and undid her zipper, letting her LBD fall to the floor with his pants and shirt. Lifting her and stepping out of the pile of clothes, he carried her to the bed. Just before he laid her down, she whispered, "Shoes."

Sitting on the edge of the bed to remove their shoes, Gabe looked at her, her dark blue eyes sparkling, smiling, her face as lit up as a Christmas tree. "Are you enjoying this, teasing me like this?" he asked, a trace of frustration evident in his voice.

Her smile got brighter, her eyes wider. "Not teasing, just upping the anticipation." She sat up and wrapped her arms around him, taking his earlobe between her teeth. "I am just so glad, so fucking glad, you are here. I've been waiting for this since that first day when you took my hand to help me out of my chair. Now, I want to savor every minute, every touch, every inch of you."

Gabe felt her hand wrap around his shaft again. "Mmm, I could tell the other night you were big. Tonight, you are going to find areas in me where nobody has ever been. Come to me, Gabe. Love me."

He turned to ly down beside her, his left arm around her neck to play with her magic nipple; his other hand explored her body, tracing the taper of her

torso from shoulder to waist, then out to her hip and down her thigh as far as he could reach. On the return trip, he explored her inner thigh until he found the thick thatch protecting her labial crease. He teased her there, gently tugging the hair, twirling it around his fingers, combing it, fluffing it, finally abandoning it to explore what it hid.

Meanwhile, she was busy with explorations of her own. Her left hand searching his chest and abdomen, to learn their secrets, gently caressing with her fingertips, then lightly scratching the surface. When she found his nipple, she felt his erection jerk in reflex, so she repeated her ministrations to his chest buds. At the same time she began to examine his organ with her fingertips as if it were a tale writ in Braille.

Almost simultaneously, the new lovers thought of the call for Cupid's Gifts. Sue's thoughts ran, "Cupid, Cupid, come to me, I've found the man, my one love to be, Cupid, Cupid, make him mine, make this man my Valentine."

Gabe, recalling how his wife, one night after a passionate session, teasingly told him how she had cast a spell on him, thought, "Eros, Eros, fly to me, I've found the lady, my one love to be, Eros, Eros, make her mine, my love, my Valentine."

Both, from somewhere deep inside, heard a tiny, clear, bell-like voice, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," they answered, silently.

"Are you really sure?"

"Yes," they repeated, surprised at the question.

"Are you absolutely certain?"

"Yes," they answered, exasperated at the repeated questions.

"Okay. It's done." At which point Gabe rolled over on to Sue and entered her in a single stroke, impaling her on his Cupid's dart.


Their joining was powerful, and tender. It was brief, culminated by explosive outpourings of sperm and seminal fluid, accompanied by shouts and screams of joy and passion; and it was extensive, seeming to last through the night into the dawn and beyond. It was quiet, with no sounds from Gabe but the occasional grunt and howl as he came; and it was raucous, with the screams and shouts from Sue,"Oh God! Yes! Fuck me! Oh, shit! I'm coming! O! Christ! Yes! Yes! On, fuck, fuck, oh, oh, oh, yesss, yesss! Harder, harder, yes, yes! Oh God, I love you! Don't stop, don't ever stop, Gabe. Love me, please! Oh, Gaaawwwwwddddd!!"

Although he was aware of the sounds coming from his lover, Gabe had no real comprehension of what she was saying, only that they were an expression of her pleasure and need. As he lay there, wrapped in her legs and arms, he was aware that with every spasm of cum, indeed with every thrust into her, he was falling deeper and deeper in love with the woman under him. He knew that they would soon be living together, accepted as a couple by their friends, colleagues, and families. Emptying his sac for the third time, without softening, he had a vision of them still together, still in love, wrinkled and grey.

Finally, exhausted, they fell asleep. And deep inside heard the voice, "And well done, too!"


Sue stirred, waking up. She reached for Gabe, and found him missing from the bed. Opening her eyes, she saw him, next to the faux mantle where she kept her family photos, looking at one of them closely. "Good morning," she purred. "Are you ready for breakfast, or is there something else I can do for you right now?"

He looked at her, hair mussed, eyes sparkling, an almost demure smile, and somehow, emitting a sexy glow, inviting him back into her. He returned to the bed, carrying the picture which had caught his eye. "Where did you get this?" She looked at the photo, a family group.

"From my mother. It was the only picture she had of my father. When she married my step father, she decided to get rid of it and gave it to me."

"Your father?"

"Yes, he was in the Marines. He was one of the few killed in Grenada. He died saving the life of his Captain, who became my step father. He was the officer who came to tell us how he died."

"Were your mother and father married when he died?"

"No, they were to be married when he got back f rom Grenada. Why all the questions?" She looked at Gabe quizzically.

He got up and went out to get his dinner jacket. In the bedroom, he took out his wallet and extracted a snapshot and handed it to Sue. It was a Marine, in fatigues. She looked at it, then at the framed photograph Gabe held, a pretty young woman, a toddler, and a Marine in his dress blues. There was no doubt it was the same Marine in both pictures.

"I was twelve when he died. He wrote me just before he shipped out, saying he was coming home as soon as he got back, and was bringing me a new mom and a baby sister."

They were interrupted by a knocking at the door. Sue found her cover-up and went to answer the door. It was Deb, who, more or less, pushed her way in. "You must have your phone turned off," she stated. "I tried calling, then remembered about the Ball. How was it, the Ball, I mean?" she asked, with a knowing smile.

"We had our own ball here," Sue confessed, with her own smile. "What brings you out on this chilly morning?"

"Morning? Girl, it's two o'clock! Where have you been?"

"Omigod!" Sue blushed. "We were, uh, busy for quite a while last night, and, uh, must have lost track of time." She smiled broadly

"Uh huh. That's the same shit eating grin Karen used to have when I dropped in right after Gabe left for class." Deb laughed. "Gabe, get your ass out here!" she shouted. "I have a question for the two of you. Don't bother dressing. I've been married for eighteen years and have a horny sixteen year old son. Nothing you have is going to shock me. I've seen your O Henry." She looked at Sue. "The four of us used to go skinny dipping before they got married. Actually, until he went into the Army. Those were good days. Damn! Some days I still miss her. Gabe!"

He came out of the hallway, wearing his boxer briefs. "Morning, Deb," he greeted her, taking a place next to Sue.

Deb caught her breath, looking at the new lovers, awe struck by how right they looked together. "Damn!" she exclaimed, "You two look like you've been together for years, not just a few, what, hours? It's like you belong together. Gabe, you need to marry this girl, soon, before someone else snatches her away from you."

Sue blushed. Gabe coughed, then said, "We were just getting around to discussing our future when you knocked, Deb. Was there something you needed?"

"Damn, I almost forgot. That troupe of women from Ireland, that everybody's been talking about? They're going to be in Milwaukee next weekend. Jack and I were wondering if you wanted to go with us. We need to know today because we only have until nine o'clock tonight to exercise our option to get the discounted tickets."

Sue answered, "That'll be lovely, Deb. Thank's for thinking of us. Let me know what we owe you for the tickets. Will you be making the motel reservations?" Deb nodded. "Now, I'm sure you'll understand, we have something important to get back to."

Deb grinned and reached for the door. She turned back and embraced Gabe. "Listen to me," she hissed in his ear. "Karen would approve." Then she turned and hugged Sue. "I meant it," she whispered. "You'll be so good for each other."

As the door closed behind Deb, Gabe reached over and locked it. Then, slipping his arm around Sue's waist, he led them back to the bed room. "I know that I should be shocked, dismayed, even disgusted, by what we did last night." he stopped and looked at her, then started walking again. "But I don't feel that way at all. In fact, right now, my strongest desire is to take you back to bed and do it all over again. I can't explain it, Sue, but, even knowing you're my sister, half sister, I think I'm in love with you.

Sue stopped and turned him so they were facing each other. She reached up to engage him in a passionate kiss, tongues vying for position. When they separated, she led him to the bed and pushed him on to it, so he was lying in the center.

When she was settled, astraddle him, she stated, "If there are children, disabled children, we'll deal with it. That is the only issue which counts. As far as societal mores, laws, regulations, whatever, trying to keep us apart, fuck them. Deb convinced me. We belong together.

"I knew the night you came to dinner we were going to wind up here, and the only thing, as far as I'm concerned, that will keep you out of my bed is your unwillingness to return." She bent down to kiss him. "I know I'm in love with you, Gabe Richards, and nothing but you will ever change that."

She reached down and found his burgeoning cock, and while she positioned it, she recited, so Gabe could hear, "Cupid, Cupid, this man, my brother, no other, mi amor," and together they shouted, "forevermore!" as Cupid's arrow penetrated to her core, once again.

"And so shall it be." came the response.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a lovely story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent. Loved the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


As others point out, Susan's mother and stepfather, the retired Army captain, might make the connection because of Gabe's appearance and shared surname of the deceased marine. So that's a future landmine. Jack and Deb shouldn't figure it out unless Gabe and Sue tell them. Whatever family Gabe has, having never met Sue or her mother will also likely never discover their relationship without being told.

Some have complained about Karen's actions just before she died. Aneurysms are usually accompanied by intense headaches, but the author said they had all been drinking, and alcohol numbs pain receptors. Gabe said he knew she was acting strangely, and giving Lou the lap dance would certainly count; between the alcohol (impaired judgment) combined with the fact that she had begun dying for several minutes beforehand, would likely have been appalled by her own behavior. Having had epilepsy, my short term memory can be suspect, and after a major episode (partial, not tonic clonic) there have been instances where I have seemed normal and answered questions that later could not recall (and still don't). To me, Karen realized she was dying and didn't want Lou to feel guilty for what had happened. Alcohol, mixed with whatever her blood pressure meds were, and the artery having burst and flooding her brain with blood -- this sequence was both believable and tragic. Again, he said he knew she was acting strange, and a normally devoted wife to suddenly act loose?

Yeah, the draft was ended in the 1970s; replaced be Selective Service registration. Definitely an author gaff. Still, all in all, a charming story.

For maliceon_wonderland, psychology of perception doesn't seem to be a discrete field, but one that is easily focused on; it partially is concerned with how sensory stimuli are organized within our minds, but also with some cognitive disabilities and schizophrenia and how such people perceive differently than the norm. I googled it and got a lot of hits but also a lot near misses as well as some obvious false posers; Google is only as smart as its coders, and it's main purpose is to produce advertisements with the search results.

Julybear7 hasn't written anything since 2013 and said he was 70+ when he made his profile; there's a real possibility that he's no longer alive. If so, I am grateful for the legacy of stories he left us and wish him well.

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté


(from my tablet, having another day when I can't sit upright for very long; old age can be a certified bitch sometimes)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Wonderful story, but the lap dance that Karen was doing for Lou when she died was really unnecessary. The storyline really needed to continue as it really wasn't a happily ever after finish and needs a chapter or two more. 5 stars

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