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Curious Girls Ch. 04

Story Info
Sara and Tamara's camping trip comes to an end.
7.9k words

Part 4 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I opened my eyes and looked around to discover I was lying on the ground. A glance downward revealed, to my confusion, that I was completely naked. I sat up and filed away that bit of information. I was still in my tent, but it seemed that somehow the tent had grown several times its original size. I heard the sound of the tent zipper opening, and I spun to see who it was. I was not at all surprised to see Tamara's head poke through the tent opening. What *did* surprise me was how big it was. Had she grown too? I looked around and realized everything was enormous: shoes, clothing, my backpack, food -- everything. That's when I realized I must have shrunk. How had that happened?

Tamara finished climbing through the tent. The first thing I noticed was her chest. I'd thought it was big before. Each breast was easily several times larger than I was. She loomed over me, naked, as she bent down.

"There you are!" Tamara exclaimed, "I've been looking all over for you."

"What?" I asked, confused. "Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm bored, and it's time to punish you some more."

"Hah!" I laughed, "The joke's on you. I'm too small for you to sit on my face anymore."

"I'm not going to sit on your face," she said simply.

She reached her hands down and wrapped her fingers around my body and lifted me effortlessly into the air. As she turned me upside-down and lowered me toward her breasts, I watched in fascination as the gap between her breasts approached. Her boobs were so big, but even now, her freckles looked incredibly sexy and her skin smooth and supple. I couldn't see her nipples well, but they looked to be as big my head. She shoved my head between her breasts, proceeding to push on my legs until the rest of my body disappeared, completely enveloped. She pressed her hands on either side of her chest, keeping me trapped. Her soft skin molded around my body, making it hard to breathe.

As she separated her breasts, I slipped down and out, sliding over her somewhat sweaty skin. She caught me in the palm of her hand.

"I bet you could still suck my nipples," she laughed, lifting me to one.

"Tamara, there's no way--" I was abruptly cut off as she rubbed her giant nipple against my face.

"Come on, lick it," she laughed again. I hesitantly complied.

"This is a little weird..." I continued licking her nipple. Without breaking stride, she switched to a new topic.

"You know, they say you know you need a bra if you can place a pencil under your breast and have it stay... I wonder if I should try that."

Before I could react, she lifted her enormous breast up and held my body under. She then released her breast, letting it fall into me, rolling over my body as it did. Sure enough, the weight of her breast was adequate to pin me against her torso. In the heat of the day, the underside of her breasts were even more slick with sweat.

She bounced up and down, giggling as her breasts slapped my body. As I slowly slipped out, she caught me again.

"This punishment is nothing compared to having your ass in my face," I said defiantly.

"Oh, this isn't your punishment," she laughed, "This is just me entertaining myself." She held me up in front of her face, her large mouth looming over me.

"I may not be able to sit on your face, but I've got an even better punishment in store for you."

She pursed her lips, and I watched in horror as saliva formed on her lips and began to fall. I struggled, but she had her fingers holding me tightly. Her saliva landed directly on my face. I couldn't breathe. I gasped and sputtered as it washed over my head. I couldn't even open my eyes, nor reach my hands up to assist. She loosened her grip on me and held me in her palm.

"Please," I begged, "this is gross."

She laughed. "If you think that's gross, wait until you see what I have in store for you."

I still couldn't see, but I felt another glob of saliva land on my torso. It washed warmly over my breasts. She began using her fingers to rub my body, spreading her saliva over my back and down my legs.

She picked me up around the legs, and swung me upside down. I couldn't properly open my eyes, and the motion was incredibly disorienting. As she rotated me mostly back upright, I managed to finally open my eyes. As they focused, I saw an enormous ass. I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but I didn't want to find out.

"Please," I begged, "Don't do this."

She didn't even pause. She lifted me up toward her ass crack, my arms still restrained. I felt my head slide into her cheeks, then my torso as she slid her grip around my legs. Using my arms, I managed to separate her ass cheeks enough to give myself some air and give me some light.

It was then I noticed my face was right next to her anus. Dear God. I gripped against skin with my hands as she began to push. It was a losing battle. I felt my head pressing against her sphincter. I also felt it giving way as she pushed harder and a moment later my head began to slide inside her.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed, hoping she could hear me. "This is so wro--mmmmph!"

My head slipped all the way inside her. She began pushing harder, twisting my body as she forced my shoulders past her opening. My arms began to be forced toward my side until I could no longer get my arms up enough to resist. My body slid in easier after that point. I was in complete darkness for the most part, and it was difficult to breathe. The few breaths I could manage to get smelled absolutely awful. I cringed as the warmth of her ass hole covered my body -- first my breasts slid through, then my torso.

As I felt my own ass slide into hers, Tamara's finger pushed against my feet to assist as I felt her body trying to force me out. As I felt her muscles contract, I realized she was tightening them on purpose, pushing me out slightly, just to push me right back in. Just as my feet were almost in, I felt her fingers grip them tightly. She slowly pulled me out of her tight ass, the cool air rushing around me. I waited anxiously for a breath of air. However, once she'd pulled my body halfway out of her ass hole, she began to push back in.

I kicked frantically, but she simply caught my feet and continued pushing. As her comfort level increased, she began increasing the speed at which she forced my body in and out of her ass hole. Her muscles tightening against my body in response to the sensations. A couple of the times my head neared her sphincter, I could swear I heard her moaning.

I struggled for air, but I just wasn't getting enough and being forced in and out of her ass was extremely disorienting. She slowed and started pushing me deeper into her again. She pushed my feet a little bit too far, and I felt her muscles contracting and pulling me in as she tried to grip my feet. Her sphincter closed, forcing me deeper inside of her now that nothing was stopping me.

"Oops," I heard her giggle, "I guess I got carried away."

I continued to struggle the best I could but couldn't get a grip on anything and her muscles were holding me tightly inside of her.

"I'm sure you'll come back out eventually..." She laughed, "But in the meantime, that wiggling you're doing inside my ass is really doing a number on me. I guess I'll just have to entertain myself another way."

I heard her moaning again. Her body fell into a semi-prone position. Was she sitting up against a wall? Her moans picked up intensity as I continued struggling for air. I was blacking out.

"Oh, God, yes! FUUUUCK!" She screamed loudly, her body tensing in orgasm. And then there was nothing.


I awoke in a cold sweat, momentarily confused. What a fucked up dream. It felt so real -- the feeling of violation persisted.

I shivered. It was completely dark, and the temperature had dropped significantly. Tamara hadn't bothered to cover me with my sleeping bag, and I was freezing. I was actually worried I might develop frostbite, but I wasn't sure what to do. I could yell and wake up Tamara, but it wasn't exactly my first option. There was no guarantee she'd even cover me; it might just make her angry.

Suddenly, I heard rustling and the tent opened. Tamara's head poked in as she blinded me with her flashlight.

"Oh, good! You're awake," she exclaimed. "It's frickin' cold tonight."

"God, I know, right," I commiserated. "Can you please cover me with my sleeping bag?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here."

"It is?" I tried to hide my surprise. I hadn't seen her show much empathy toward me lately.

She grabbed my sleeping bag and stretched it out, unzipping it as she did. She walked around and helped me roll over into it. My bikini top came untied and fell off in the process, but I didn't say anything.She either didn't notice or didn't care. I was just glad she was helping me.

"There you go. This should be much warmer." Tamara zipped up the sleeping bag. I was somewhat awkwardly positioned in the sleeping bag, but I could certainly make do.

"So much better! Thank you," I said genuinely.

It was nice to not feel so exposed again. I'd been naked, or mostly so, for over a day now. That's when I noticed Tamara stripping out of her clothes.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a mixture of confusion and panic.

"Well, my sleeping bag isn't keeping me warm. It's not as nice as yours is. So, I figured we'd share."

"What?! There's no way we can both fit in here comfortably. And, why are you undressing?!"

"I heard that in survival situations, it's the best way to share body heat," She explained as she got on the ground and slid her legs into my bag. As she slid further in, her ass was getting uncomfortably close to my face. I pulled myself deeper into the bag the best I could, trying to avoid contact.

"I don't think that's really proven," I protested. "Besides, that's for when it's much colder--mmmmmph!"

Her ass slid into my face stifling my protests. Unfortunately, she didn't stop there. She gripped the sides of the sleeping bag and used them to force herself deeper into my sleeping bag. I couldn't breathe. I struggled to pull away, but it only made it easier for her to push me deeper into the bag. My neck was bent at an awkward and uncomfortable angle as she continued forcing her way in. I wanted to protest, or suggest she try to slip in next to me, but instead I was getting forced to the bottom of the sleeping bag--and into her bottom as well.

My legs were compressed and bent upward at awkward angles, my face still pressed tightly between her cold ass cheeks. Her legs were tangled in mine, but she was mostly in a neutral position by the time she managed to slide all the way into my sleeping bag. I could pull away enough to get a breath of air or two, but my face was stuck in her ass yet again.

"Mmmmmmmph!" I tried to protest.

"You don't have to thank me," Tamara smiled, "I couldn't leave you out alone in the cold."

She drifted quickly off to sleep. However, it took conscious effort for me to keep breathing. If I relaxed, my face inevitably ended up nestled between Tamara's cheeks. I had to actively concentrate on pulling my head away in order to keep breathing. I could already tell this was going to be a long night.

I finally managed to turn my head at just the right angle so I could breathe a little through my mouth without too much effort. I wasn't sure how I'd ever fall asleep at this rate.


Suddenly I couldn't breathe and jolted awake. In her sleep, Tamara had shifted slightly cutting off my air again. I had no idea how long I'd slept nor what time it was. I was in complete darkness, both from being squished into the bottom of my sleeping bag and from having my face perpetually buried in Tamara's ass. Not only that, but I wasn't cold anymore. I was, in fact, quite the opposite. The body heat had built up inside the bag to insufferable levels. I was covered in sweat and, even worse, so was Tamara.

Even if my face hadn't been buried in the ass of my sister's best friend, it was so stuffy and hot it would have been difficult to breathe anyway. My lips were covered in sweat, at least half of which was probably from Tamara. I resisted my instinct to lick them. As it was, I could already taste her sweat, but I wasn't sure I could lick my lips without my tongue touching her ass. Without warning, she suddenly passed gas.

"Mmmmmph!!" I cried out in protest.

My protests were met with more flatulence. I realized she was actually still asleep. Oh, God. I struggled to pull my face from between her cheeks, but I had no more wiggle room at the bottom of the sleeping back, and my head was wedged tightly between her ass and the side of the sleeping bag. Once I finally managed to pull somewhat free again, I found that the smell of her flatulence was being thoroughly contained by the sleeping bag.

Another round of gas soon followed hitting me directly in the face. I had no idea what was causing her to be so gassy, but I certainly could have done without. I thought back to that first time she'd accidentally farted in my face with my nose wedged into her asshole. I wasn't sure anything could be worse than that. Still, being trapped in a sleeping bag with my face stuck in her sweaty ass as she continually passed gas in her sleep came pretty close.

She shifted slightly, forcing my nose back between her cheeks as she let out a prolonged fart. Despite the fact she was sound asleep, I couldn't help wonder if she'd subconsciously done that on purpose.

Every 10 to 15 minutes, I was met with more of Tamara's flatulence. Even while sleeping, she shifted backward without fail every time forcing my face between her ass cheeks as she passed her gas. Not only did it make sleeping nearly impossible, but it was getting really smelly inside the sleeping bag. Eventually, I managed to drift back off to sleep.


I was once again awoken as Tamara shifted in the sleeping bag. She twisted around, her feet getting all tangled in a mess of arms and legs. One of her legs ended up sliding between mine, the other sprawled over my torso. Her ass was no longer in my face, but I found myself staring at something much, much worse. I'd been avoiding looking between her legs any time I'd had the opportunity, but now I was staring straight at her crotch. There was little I could do to avoid looking, except to close my eyes. Quite frankly, I was afraid to do that. With my head against the side of the sleeping bag, it would have been awkward for her to scoot forward, but I wasn't about to put it past her, even while asleep. I couldn't even say anything because the last thing I wanted to do was call out to her another way to torture me. I just about gagged at thought as memories of my dream came flooding back. The thought of her pleasuring herself at my expense wasn't something I would put past her.

It was hard to even make out much of her body in the darkness, but enough light was now coming through to follow the outline of her white legs up to a hairy mound.

I was so sleepy, but I struggled to stay awake harder than I'd ever struggled before. It was no use.


The next thing I knew, I was back in my old high school. I walked down the hallway, trying to figure out what was going on. I saw Tamara further down the hallway at a locker. She was completely naked. I'm talking head-to-toe exposed. As I looked more closely at her, I noticed her hair and makeup were done like she had known she would be going out in public. Her full breasts bounced slightly as she walked down the hall, oblivious to my presence. Suddenly, two girls I had gone to school with grabbed my arms from behind. I wasn't surprised when I saw who it was. They had disliked me for as long as I could remember, but what did they want with me now?

"Tamara," one of them called out, "We found a new pet for you to play with."

Tamara turned around. "Oh, good! Put her on the floor."

Tamara ran over excitedly as the two girls forced me to my knees, and then onto my back. Other students were starting to gather around in a circle, but none of them made an effort to help me.

As I looked around, I spotted a teacher in the crowd. Finally, someone to help me. Tamara was already lowering her ass into my face.

The students started chanting, "Grind! Grind! Grind!"

"What are you doing?" I heard the teacher ask loudly. Finally. About time someone stepped in and stopped this.

The teacher continued, "Turn around. It'll feel so much better that way."

"Sure thing, Ms. Tannenbaum." Tamara immediately turned around, continuing to lower herself toward my face.

I found myself starting up at Tamara's crotch as her knees lowered to either side of my head, bringing her uncomfortably close to my face.

"Now, remember your lessons," Mrs. Tannenbaum urged, "It's all about the hip work."

"Can you show me?" Tamara asked.

"Absolutely! But make sure to pay close attention because I expect to see you do it after I'm done demonstrating."

Tamara scooted back, holding my legs down. The other two girls who'd grabbed me before continued holding my arms.

"OK, I'm ready to learn." Tamara replied.

I looked over at Mrs. Tannenbaum. She was busy sliding her panties down her legs. She'd already removed her skirt.

"Mrs. Tannenbaum," I said in shock, "How can you do this? You're an educator!"

"Which is why I have to teach skills that will be useful out in the real world." She turned to Tamara. "Now remember, It's not about the orgasm. It's about the journey. Take your time, enjoy yourself. The orgasm will come on its own."

"What if she can't breathe?" Tamara inquired.

Mrs. Tannenbaum laughed. "Trust me, once her face is between your legs, you'll realize what a silly question that is."

I watched in horror as my teacher lowered herself toward my face.

"Wait!" Tamara stopped her. "I think I get it now. I don't think I can wait."

"Alright, give it a try then."

They switched positions and next thing I knew, I was now watching Tamara's pussy instead descending toward my face.


I felt a heavy weight on my head and I couldn't breath. I struggled desperately. What was going on? As I felt legs tighten against my head, I realized where my face was.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Tamara laughed, sitting up.

Man, talk about fucked up. That dream felt so real. How had I even ended up in this position? I'd fallen asleep at the bottom of my sleeping bag. I was still unbelievably stiff from the position I'd been forced to sleep in. I didn't have any more time to collect my thoughts before Tamara's ass settled heavily on my face.

"I hope you don't mind. I got bored this morning, so I decided to start without you." Tamara said grinning.

"Mrmmpf--mrrmm--," was all I could get out.

"What was that?" Tamara asked, sitting up.

"Starting without me doesn't really work particularly well," I grumbled.

"Yeeeah... good point." She laughed again. I was already in a bad mood that I'd spent most of the night with my face trapped in her ass, not to mention dreams of being literally in her ass... and that last dream... where did that come from? My dreams were becoming disturbingly sexualized.

Waking up to Tamara's ass in my face was a mixed blessing to what I'd almost faced in my dream. It still felt like I'd spent the entire night dreaming about Tamara's ass, only to awake under her ass. Even in my dreams, there was no escape.

"You know what I kinda want to try again?" Tamara asked. "I really liked the way I felt last night with your nose up my ass. I couldn't stop thinking about it."

She was definitely starting to enjoy this too much for my taste.

"Tamara... aren't you tired of this yet?"

"Tired? Oh, God no. Not only has this been extremely satisfying, but this is the most fun I've had in... well, maybe forever--and I'm learning a lot about myself."

As she turned around and leaned down, I knew what was coming next.

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