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Curious Girls Ch. 10-11

Story Info
Sara learns that there are limits to Tamara's patience.
10.5k words

Part 9 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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"Is everything OK in there?" Krista asked as she rounded the corner.

Despite all the times I'd been tempted to tell Krista about the secret, dark side of her best friend, this certainly wasn't how I wanted her to find out. I also wasn't sure how Tamara would respond if Krista discovered the horrible truth. It was entirely possible her ignorance was all that shielded her from Tamara's newly discovered and sociopathically sexual needs.

Tamara apparently felt the same way I did about keeping Krista in the dark. She leapt to her feet faster than I'd ever seen her move before. I practically knocked her down again as I quickly pulled myself up using one of the pantry shelves.

"What happened?" Krista asked.

I could barely focus my thoughts over the deafening pounding of my heart. Adrenaline pumped through my body causing my knees to feel weak, and the rest of the world melted away. Tamara answered before I could form a coherent response.

"Sara tripped over those cans on the floor." She motioned to some large cans of halved peaches we'd stashed on the floor umpteen months ago. "And I fell trying to catch her."

"Oh, God!" Krista responded. "Are you both alright?"

"We're fine. No harm done! Right, Sara?"

My senses were slowly returning to normal. I realized they were both looking to me for confirmation.

"Uh... yeah, I'm good." I forced a smile. How much had Krista seen? It didn't seem possible that she'd seen nothing.

"You guys were gone for a while..."

"Yeah, sorry!" Tamara shrugged. "We were having trouble finding the syrup."

"Isn't that it right over there?" Krista asked, pointing to the shelf behind Tamara.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Tamara laughed. "It's amazing how easily you can miss something right in front of you."

I wondered if Tamara was intentionally poking at Krista's naive ignorance or if the irony in her comment was unintentional. Tamara grabbed the syrup from the shelf and walked past Krista as if everything was perfectly normal.

"Coming?" Krista asked me.

"Yeah... of course." I responded while following closely behind Tamara.

As we arrived back at the table, I knew there was no way I could sit at the table with Tamara right now. Every time I looked at her, all I could think about was her wet mound hovering over my face. It was certainly not very appetizing to say the least.

"You know, I'm not very hungry anymore... and I'm still not feeling well. I think I'm going to go lie down for a bit." I excused myself and quickly made my way upstairs.

Once I was out of sight, I practically ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I fell to the floor and, before I realized it, started sobbing uncontrollably. I was still in shock at what Tamara had done to me. She hadn't shown even the smallest shred of remorse. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Tamara had been unnervingly confident that what happened last night wasn't going to be an isolated event.

I was beginning to understand that Tamara wasn't used to being told 'no'. I felt more trapped and conflicted than ever before. I wanted so badly to tell Krista what was going on behind her back. Even if it didn't change anything, at least I would have her there when I needed the moral support. However, I was far too humiliated and, quite frankly, disgusted by what had happened. It was the ultimate violation, and the longer I went without telling anyone, the more ashamed I felt at the thought of admitting it to anyone what Tamara was doing to me. I was afraid I would be judged for not speaking up earlier. The fact was, I should have seen last night coming from a mile away.

After I had let things go this far, was I the one at fault for unintentionally telling Tamara, through silence, that I was OK with what she was doing to me? Perhaps I'd been sending her mixed messages in some way, asking for what she'd done to me. After all, I had gone over to her house and licked her ass. It was out of desperation, but I'd done it all on my own. Was it so unreasonable that she'd think I was OK with that and more? This all started because I'd been a bitch to Tamara growing up. I wasn't about to deny that a part of me was still worried that maybe I really did deserve all the payback I was receiving.

At the same time, I was afraid to hurt Krista by causing her to think that her own sister was having a sordid love affair with her love interest, or cause her to unwillingly suffer the same fate at Tamara's hands. It would be hard enough to explain to Krista that I'd licked her best friend's ass without having to explain to her that I did so without Tamara even asking. I still couldn't shake that memory. I felt so ashamed of myself for what I had done, despite how necessary it had felt at the time.

In spite of everything, I knew I'd suffer through it all again if only to protect Krista. I broke down a second time as I noticed how awful I looked in the mirror. I realized with disgust that my face was still slightly wet from when Tamara had been on my face moments ago. I turned on the water to the shower and let it warm as I tore my clothes off.

The hot water stung my skin. The pain seemed worse now that I remembered the cause. My nose probably hurt the worst. I knew now it was not, in fact, from a developing cold but from the hours of aggressive humping I had to endure where my nose had been Tamara's primary plaything. I'd probably spent more than an hour over the evening just with Tamara's clitoris rubbing against my nose. She'd also not had any reservations about fucking it like a tiny dildo. I couldn't help but recall the sensations of my nose sliding in and out of her. She'd been unbelievably wet. And it was impossible to purge my mind of the squishing sound of her mound mashing against my face, or her strong, musky scent. However, the worst part was not being able to get away from any of it. I'd been completely at her mercy. It's hard to describe the way it feels to realize that no matter what you say or do, your face is about to be covered with another woman's cum. And then on top of that, to think you're finally about to be free only to have her proceed to smear her thick, sticky cum over your entire face as the entire process begins all over again. I was shaking with anger as I let myself get pulled into memories of last night. I needed to pull myself together.

My breasts were nearly as sore, but that was no surprise after the abuse they'd suffered. I would not have felt so scared if Tamara was just getting payback, and she was being sadistic in the process. No, what terrified me to know it was how she was getting her rocks off doing it. I remembered something else she'd told me last night. She'd had her very first orgasm while riding my face. I found that more than a little hard to believe. I was still a virgin myself, and I'd never even been kissed. Yet, despite my own naivety, I was no stranger to the occasional "self-indulgence." If that was genuinely her first time, I definitely didn't want to see what she would be like once she really got comfortable with her sexuality.

I let the water pour over my face, washing Tamara's juices off my skin and out of my hair. I scrubbed my entire body, letting the suds cover my skin. I rubbed my breasts softly, squeezing them as I let myself get lost in the comforting warmth of the water. Despite how sensitive they were, the warm water felt nice. I bit my lip as I continued to caress my small, but perky breasts. I found myself wondering what it would be like to have a chest like Tamara. Despite everything, she was right about one thing; I was more than a little jealous of her chest.

I pushed thoughts of her ample bosom from my mind as I continued to massage my own breasts. My right hand drifted down my stomach and between my legs. Perhaps I'd feel better after relieving some tension. My fingers slid over my lips, teasing them. As I rubbed my chest, thoughts of Tamara's breasts popped unwillingly back into my head. Fuck. I couldn't get turned on thinking about those things. I forced my thoughts to Daniel, a guy I'd worked with until my recent "suspension" from my job, on whom I'd had a major crush. That did the trick. As I let my mind wander, I enjoyed the sensations my fingers were giving me. I was just glad I'd found a way to stop thinking about Tamara's chest.

I wondered what they'd look like covered in sudsy water. 'Damn it!' I swore to myself. The more I tried to focus on not thinking about them, the more I couldn't get them to stop popping into my head. I'd lost any sense of arousal I'd had, and it wasn't coming back as long as I couldn't control my own thoughts.

I remembered that I'd had no trouble whatsoever getting turned on in my dream last night, which was very bizarre. There was literally nothing about that dream that should have turned me on. I thought it over again in my mind. I'd been utterly powerless as Tamara told me what to do. Granted, I generally felt powerless around her these days, but I didn't even have the ability to say no. Not only that, but I remembered a desperate desire to taste her. The very thought now repulsed me. I was just glad that, in my dream, Tamara had stopped me.

'Damn it.' I swore under my breath as I gave up. I just couldn't enjoy myself when Tamara kept popping back into my mind. And even if I managed to focus my thoughts, I could still smell her scent on my face. That wasn't something I could tune out. I finally gave up trying to scrub her scent away and turned off the water. As I dried myself, I felt somewhat better, but I was extra tense after failing to achieve my own release. It just didn't seem fair that Tamara was able to have a million orgasms while simultaneously keeping me from having any, especially when she was nowhere to be found.

I dressed and put on some basic makeup. I looked a lot less disheveled now, but I still felt terrible. I just hoped no one else could smell Tamara's musky scent still on me as well as I could. I peeked out into the hallway. The coast was clear, so I darted into my bedroom. Despite the fact it was Christmas, I didn't want any more human contact today than necessary.

I fell back into my bed. I just lay there, unable to focus on anything. I tried to relax, but I didn't feel safe here. Not only that, but I didn't feel safe anywhere. Tamara had turned into a sex-crazed monster with an appetite for--me! I tried to remember how this had happened, but I wasn't sure anymore where the defining moment had been. I was startled by a knock at the door.

"Sara?" A voice asked through the door. It was Krista. I'd been terrified for a brief moment that Tamara was back. It occurred to me, I probably should have locked my door. Then again, it wasn't like it had ever kept out Tamara. The door opened slightly. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I said reluctantly. "Where's Tamara?"

"She had to run to the store for a toothbrush. She apparently lost hers."

"Wait," I asked in alarm, "Why does she need a new toothbrush?"

"Oh, sorry. I guess I should have run it by you, but she's staying again tonight."

Fuck! Why was Krista doing this to me?

"Why is she staying again?" I asked as calmly as I could. "I was hoping it'd just be us tonight."

"Well, I was going to send her home, but her parents are still out of town. She practically begged to stay over again. I didn't figure you'd mind."

"Can't you just tell her to suck it up and go home?" I begged.

"Sorry. I know I should've asked, but I can't send her home now. She was so excited."

I'll bet she was excited. I was very wary of Tamara's motives. She'd been interrupted in the pantry and, if I knew Tamara, she wouldn't rest until she'd finished what she started.

"Fine. Whatever. It's no problem." I responded casually. Inwardly, I was terrified.

"Hey... can I talk to you about something?" Krista asked somewhat awkwardly.

"Uh..." I hesitated. I was already worried what she was going to say. "Yeah... sure. You know you can talk to me about anything." I forced a smile.

"Is there something going on between you and Tamara?"

"Wha-?" I panicked. What did she know? "W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"I know we already talked about it, but I can't help feeling like things have been weird between you and Tamara. And earlier when I walked in on you two in the pantry..."

"What are you talking about?" My mouth was dry.

"Well, I only caught a glimpse, but it looked like Tamara was sitting on your... um..." She turned beet red. Damn. She'd seen more than I would have liked. How did I play this?

"My what?" I asked, buying time. Also, I wanted to confirm what she'd seen before I admitted anything to her.

"Your... head." She finally managed to say. Fuck. She'd seen after all. I thought as quickly as I could.

"Oh, um...yeah. Honestly? I tripped just like she said, and she stumbled trying to catch me and fell onto my head. It was so embarrassing and awkward that we both just wanted to pretend it didn't happen, I guess. That's all."

"So... there's nothing going on between the two of you?"

"Like what?" I forced a laugh.

"You'd... you'd tell me if you were into girls too, right?"

"Krista!" I said in shock. "Of course I would, and there's no way I'd ever be into *Tamara*." I realized I should be careful how I phrased things around Krista. "I mean, not that there'd be anything wrong with liking her, I just wouldn't ever want to steal anyone you liked." Damn. I was sure I was just making things worse. I tried again. "...Not that I could ever steal anyone from you, but I wouldn't want to even try and compete." Krista raised her eyebrow in response to my flustered explanations.

"Relax." she laughed "I'm not mad or anything."

"I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea. That's all." I said, relieved.

"Well," she said, getting serious again, "I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything going on between you two, because I was thinking about what we talked about the other day... and I think I'm going to ask Tamara if she'll practice kissing with me."

"Y-you are?" I was floored. I know I'd suggested to her that it was a good idea, but I was starting to re-think that stance. Tamara was out of control, and I wasn't entirely convinced she was straight. Even if Krista was willing or able to accommodate Tamara's monstrous sexual needs, the last thing I needed was Tamara having an excuse to hang around more often. Plus, the thought of them making out with each other... of Krista's lips touching Tamara's--it was nauseating. However, I didn't know what to say. What could I?

"That's... great." I hoped I was convincing.

"Anyway, wish me luck!" She smiled as she left my room.

I locked the door behind her and collapsed onto the bed. One more thing on my mind that I already didn't have the time or desire to think about. I pushed it out of my mind. I had more important things to ponder. If I'd let Tamara have her way with me in the pantry, perhaps she'd have been satiated. However, I knew that if she ended up in my room again tonight, it was going to be another long night. I lay there considering my options. I could potentially take the car out and either sleep in it, or I could wait until they'd both gone to sleep before returning to my room. I might have to explain myself to Krista if she caught me coming back in the morning, but that shouldn't be too hard. I could just say I'd gone out for some early morning errands. However, I couldn't help wondering if there was a better option--if only I could think of it.


I awoke to a noise at my window. Damn it! I'd drifted off. I hadn't realized just how exhausted I'd been. I stumbled clumsily to my feet. Was Tamara trying to climb through the window? I lay in bed and quietly prayed that Tamara wasn't about to appear in my room. I knew I wouldn't be able to escape through the door without being seen. I debated trying to hide somewhere when the noise suddenly stopped. I waited in silence for a few moments before working up the courage to check the window.

There was no one there. It must have been the wind; I was sure I must be overreacting. Just then, I heard the sound of footsteps walking slowly up the stairs. I didn't know why anyone would be going up the stairs this late, but I didn't want to risk Tamara bursting in on me. I hurried over to the window and attempted to pull it open, but it was stuck. It opened a few inches and then just stopped. What the hell? The window used to open just fine. I jumped in fear when I heard someone trying to open my door. Shit! I swore silently. Krista would have knocked. That meant it was likely Tamara outside my door.

At least the door was locked. Seeing how it wasn't possible to open either the door or the window at the moment, I should be safe. "Should" being the operative word. I stood motionless by the window. I decided to simply wait until Tamara gave up before risking making any noise by moving. Just then, I heard what sounded like a key sliding into the lock.

I scrambled to my closet as quickly and quietly as possible and climbed inside. I pulled the door almost all the way shut and pulled a blanket over myself just as the door silently opened. A bare leg slid through the open door, followed shortly by Tamara's surprisingly graceful form. How had she gotten a hold of a key to my door? Was that how she'd snuck in before when my door had been locked?

I watched as she moved silently toward my bed. I couldn't believe how lucky I'd been for once. Perhaps my luck was finally turning. I could have easily still been asleep. If I'd slept only a few seconds more, I would have been waking up in a most unpleasant way at this very moment. Not only that, but I'd potentially escaped an entire night of Tamara's sadistic torture.

Tamara stared at the bed for a while before cautiously pulling back the covers. Once she'd convinced herself I wasn't in the bed, she slowly turned and inspected the room. I stayed as quiet as I could while she looked around. I silently prayed she would give up soon and leave. Instead, she climbed quietly into my bed. What was she thinking? Was she going to wait there for me? I watched in confusion as she crawled over to my pillow on her knees and pulled it between her legs. She was still wearing her dress from earlier, and I suspected her bare mound was now nestled against my pillow.

I watched in horror as she began slowly, but deliberately, rubbing her crotch against my pillow. Oh, God. What was she doing? I hoped to God this the first time she'd done this. I was just thankful right now it was my pillow instead of my face between her legs. I could hear her slight moaning as I watched her thrusting against my pillow. It was a strange relief to be watching her gyrating from my closet instead of experiencing it up close and personal. Her breasts bounced in a hypnotically circular fashion as she humped my pillow.

After abusing the poor thing for what I guessed was about ten or fifteen minutes, she reached between her legs and began rubbing herself furiously. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips, and she bit her lower lip as she arched back. Her legs tightened on my pillow and she gripped it tightly. After a few moments, her legs relaxed, and she proceeded to rub herself deliberately back and forth over my pillow. She finally pulled the pillow out from between her legs and tossed it to the head of the bed.

Just when I thought I was in the clear, I felt a sneeze coming. I clamped my hands over my mouth for my dear life. I didn't care if I blew out an eardrum, I was determined not to make a sound. I nearly lost it several times, but eventually the tickle went away. I sighed in relief and looked back through the crack in the door. Tamara was gone. I'd missed her leaving. I cautiously opened the door, looking around to make sure she was truly gone.

Either way, at least I now knew for certain now how she was getting into my room. I wondered if I was safe for the night. I could still leave the house, but I doubted she'd come back. Still, I'd hate to be proven wrong. I contemplated sleeping in my closet as a compromise. It wouldn't be the most comfortable by a long shot, but it was a better option than being caught unawares by Tamara. I made my way over to the bed to survey the "damage" when something caught my eye glistening in the moonlight. There was a silver, metallic object reflecting the light just on the other side of the window.

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