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Curious Girls Ch. 21-22

Story Info
Sara sees her chances of escape slipping away.
14k words

Part 15 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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Author's Note: You may notice that chapter 20 was skipped. The reason for this is chapters 18-19 have become chapters 18-20. A comment was left on the last chapter stating that they felt I rushed too much in removing the chastity belt from Sara. I did see their point, although they felt the reason was because I didn't know where to go with the story. However, while it's true I'd grown tired off the chastity belt, I certainly could have gone further with it. The truth is, the chastity belt was never really part of my original plan for the story. It was something I added in half-way through, and I was ready to move on with the story and progress Sara's training in other ways. However, I did go back and add some content into the previous chapter in an effort to make it feel slightly less rushed. It's entirely possible it still won't satisfy the individual who left the last comment, but I'm only willing to invest a certain amount of effort at this point in an already published chapter in happy with. That said, none of the changes are material. You won't miss out on any of the story if you don't go back and re-read. I simply added a few more inconsequential scenes to drag out the belt/situation a bit longer. However, the double chapter was already on the longer side and, with the new content, I felt they warranted adding another chapter number to the total.


I tried to pull away from Tamara. With her legs draped over my shoulders, she was able to easily tighten her legs around my head preventing me from from putting any space between us. Taking hold of my head with her hands, Tamara forcefully pulled my face into her slit. And with my nose and mouth now buried fully in her sex, my cries were quite effectively muffled. Not that I had any idea what I could possibly say to fix this. I had to make sure Krista knew this wasn't what it looked like. I grabbed Tamara's thighs and tried to push them apart.

By the time I was able to get so much as an intelligible word out, it was already much too late. I heard the door slam and Krista's footsteps faded rapidly down the hall. Tamara finally released my head and climbed off the bed. I couldn't believe Krista had just seen me with my face between her best friend's legs. I couldn't seem to come up with a remotely rational explanation. What could I say that she would believe? Considering she'd found us both naked in my room after Tamara had supposedly gone home, it was going to be hard enough to explain how Tamara got in my room to say nothing of the more damning things she'd seen. Tamara jumped to her feet as I collapsed to the floor. It was like the carpet had been pulled out from under me; my whole world was spinning.

Tamara was nearly dressed before I even realized what was happening. I was in such severe shock trying to figure out what Krista's discovery meant that I was tuned out to everything else. I needed to get to Krista to explain something, anything. All I could figure was perhaps it was finally time to tell her the truth. As I tried to decide if I should chase after Krista, Tamara had already disappeared through the bedroom door. I realized too late that not only was she was following after Krista, but she had a big head start. I climbed unsteadily to my feet and scrambled to find my clothes. After eventually locating my bra and panties, I pulled them quickly on. I searched briefly for the clothes I'd been wearing, but they were nowhere to be found. In desperation, I grabbed the first t-shirt and pair of jeans I found. I noticed that Tamara's underwear was still on the floor. She hadn't even put them on in her own haste.

I darted out of the room and down the stairs, but neither Tamara nor Krista were anywhere to be found. I frantically pulled out my phone and texted Krista.

"Krista, where are you? We need to talk about this." I put my phone back in my pocket and resumed my frantic search. Back yard, front, storage shed, she was nowhere to be found. When I finally made my way to the garage, I realized immediately her car was gone; she'd even left the garage door open in her haste. I looked in the street and discovered that Tamara's car was also gone. Crap. Where had they gone? Tamara had threatened to give Krista the "Sara Special" if I ever told her what Tamara was doing to me. Now that Krista knew, was there a chance Tamara no longer felt anything holding her back? Damn it. Why wasn't Krista responding?! I shuddered to think that Tamara could be hurting Krista right now. Perhaps forcing herself on her until she promised to keep quiet and not interfere.

I paced anxiously, checking my cell phone and trying to call. However, my calls were all going straight to voicemail. I even tried, unsuccessfully, to reach Tamara. I was beginning to fear the worst. I paced until I couldn't take it anymore. I climbed into my car and drove straight to Tamara's house, but neither car was parked outside the house. Tamara might have parked in the garage, but I doubted Krista would. I spent the next few hours driving everywhere Krista could have gone. I checked the local park, the library, and even the mall. I drove up and down each lane in the mall parking lot trying to find her car. I finally accepted the fact that finding her was like finding a needle in a haystack. Despite giving up my search, I decided to swing by Tamara's house one final time. To my surprise, Tamara's car was parked in the driveway. However, there was still no sign of Krista nor her car.

I parked a block away to avoid being noticed and cautiously made my way to Tamara's window, terrified of what I might see. I wasn't sure what I would do if I were to look in and discover Tamara doing God knows what to my little sister. I was loathe to even entertain thoughts in my head of what I might catch them doing.

I peered through Tamara's window to see her sprawled out on her bed, not a care in the world, with fingers between her legs. She was intently watching the video of herself abusing me on the floor of the mall restroom again. It was disturbing enough to watch her pleasure herself but even more so that videos of me were involved in the process. I really needed to get those videos back! She'd been such a shy, quiet girl growing up. As far as most were concerned, she still was. However, a tiger had awoken inside her, and there didn't seem to be any chance of taming it. Once she'd discovered her sexual desires, it was like she'd become an entirely different person. Perhaps it was her anger and frustration toward me that'd given her the strength to break out of her comfort zone. Either way, she'd dove in head first, and she wasn't looking back.

I felt like such a pervert for hiding in the bush outside her window watching her finger herself. But I needed up-to-date information about where she kept her blackmail material in order to steal them when the time was right. It wasn't until that moment it occurred to me that I didn't necessarily need a way into her night table drawer. Michael and I could carry the whole thing out of her room if we needed to. Still, I forced myself to watch as Tamara came several times. Each time, replaying the video of her raping me in the ass. I found myself involuntarily remembering the unexpected pleasure I'd felt; I felt a wave of shame. I knew it wasn't anything I had any control over, but I shouldn't have enjoyed that at any level.

Thankfully, this wasn't one of her long, marathon sessions. After around thirty minutes, she pulled the microSD card out of her tablet and put it back in the drawer. That's when I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. She had locked it with a key, but she'd stuck the key in her back pocket. I wasn't sure if that information was useful or not, but it was good to know; I filed it away for future reference. I wasn't any closer to finding Krista, but I'd gotten some unexpected intel in the process. I was half-tempted to ask Tamara what had happened to Krista, but I knew from experience that option was far too likely to end with me locked in Tamara's room for the next few hours; it was clear she was in a horny mood right now.

I hurried to the car, not wanting to be seen by anyone on the way back. When I arrived home, I stood outside the front door for a moment trying to decide how to spend my evening. Normally, I might have suggested Krista and I catch a movie or watch something on T.V. However, with her not wanting anything to do with me right now, it appeared I was left to my own devices. I wasn't really digging the idea of sitting in front of a movie all by myself. I briefly entertained the notion of inviting Michael or even Amber over, but both seemed like they'd cause more drama. I still owed Amber an explanation for ditching her on our double "date," and I just wasn't in the mood for dealing with that nonsense right now. Michael wasn't drama, per se, but inviting him over could come with expectations. However, I suspected there would still be drama if I had to explain Michael to Krista when she was already upset. I suspected she wouldn't be thrilled to discover that not only was I dating her best friend and secret love behind her back, but I was cheating on her on top of it all. No, I was better off alone tonight. And if I was going mope around all evening, I could just as easily do that from my bedroom.

As I stepped into the entryway, I stopped abruptly. Krista was standing at the base of the staircase, but she also paused when she saw me step through the door. I hesitated. Should I say something to her? Would trying to explain myself just make things worse? What did she know? I wasn't sure what Tamara had told her, but I had to say something. The silence was too awkward to bear.

"Krista-" I started, still trying to figure out what to say despite the fact words were already pouring out. In response, she immediately turned and resumed climbing the stairs. "Krista, wait! Please." She paused, conflicted but still clearly upset. Of course, she had every right to be upset. From her perspective, I had tried to push her onto another woman while simultaneously stealing the woman she liked-her best friend no less. I couldn't even claim ignorance. She knew I was aware of her feelings. And then for her to walk in on us like that with my face between Tamara's legs. God, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how terrible it must look to her. If only she could understand what was really going on.

"What?" Krista asked dryly, interrupting my thoughts. "I'm in a hurry."

She was unusually terse, but I was just happy she was giving me a chance to explain.

"We have to talk about what happened-what you saw."

"Oh, I know what I saw." Her teeth were clenched.

"It wasn't what it looked like."

"Oh? Then what was it? Because it sure looked a hell of a lot like you were going down on my best friend."

"It was-" I hesitated. That was exactly what it looked like because that was exactly what was happening. I couldn't think of a way to explain that situation away. Tamara and I were both naked in my room, on my bed, with my face between Tamara's legs. What could possibly explain that away? What if I admitted to part of the truth-just the part she saw?

"It was what it looked like, I guess... but it's more complicated than that!"

"You told me you weren't into women."

"I-I-I'm not! I mean-I wasn't. I'm still not."

"Right. If you're not going to be honest with me, I have other things to be doing." She turned back toward the staircase.

"Wait! Stop!" She didn't turn, but she didn't take a step either. "It just happened. I was... taking a shower. And Tamara walked in-"

"Tamara had already left. What did you do, sneak her in your window?"

"Wha-no! I'm not sure how she got back in if you didn't let her in. She must have come back in through the front door after you'd left. She had to use the restroom... she walked in on me naked, because... I forgot to lock the door."

"And somehow she ended up naked on your bed? Let me guess... you tripped and fell between her legs?"

"No! She... she told me how sexy I was, and she... she kissed me." I knew I couldn't get out of this without taking some of the heat, but at least I could try to push most of it onto Tamara. "One thing just led to another. She said she was curious to try it with another woman, and... I guess I was curious too. Knowing you're into women, I started to wonder if it was possible I could also be a lesbian... bisexual, I mean." I continued, figuring that putting a little of the blame on Krista couldn't hurt. "Tamara took control, and I just let it happen. I admit I was curious, and it was easier than saying no. I never meant for it to happen. But, after all of that, nothing even happened between us!"

Krista stared at me intensely, as if trying to decide whether or not to believe me.

"Really? Because Tamara caught up to me after it happened and told me a very different story.

Crap. I hadn't realized Tamara had already gotten to her. Surely she'd believe her sister over her friend, right?

"O-Oh?" I stuttered.

"She told me the two of you are dating."

"D-Dating?!" I exclaimed, incredulous.

"Not only that, but she told me the two of you have been together for the last six months and have been sneaking around behind my back."

"It wasn't like that," I replied with a mix of shock and anger.

"So you admit it's true?"

"Wha-no! We're not dating, I promise. I wouldn't do that to you."

She looked conflicted, but I could tell she was wavering."

"Why would Tamara say that you were?"

"I don't know why Tamara says half of the shit she does. Maybe she thought it would be funny."

"You're really not dating?"

"I'm really not," I confirmed.

"But you're bisexual?"

"No, I don't think so," I laughed. "Being in that situation with Tamara and seeing her up close like that was more than enough to convince me that I'm 100% straight."

"But Tamara's into women?"

I hesitated. I'd been working on steering her away from Tamara. Telling her Tamara was even bi-curious could complicate things unnecessarily.

"No! I think we both realized we're straight," I laughed awkwardly.

"And you're sure you're not into girls?"

"If at some point I realize I am, you'll be the first to know!" I exclaimed, crossing my heart.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Krista darted past me, looking significantly happier. Unfortunately, her happiness didn't last. As she opened the door, her smile vanished. Her eyes narrowed in obvious anger.

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

Krista threw open the door to reveal Tamara standing on the doorstep. She was dressed up slightly more than usual and wearing a low-cut shirt that displayed a significant amount of cleavage. Not enough to appear slutty but too much to be classy. Her clothing alone wouldn't have stood out so much on it's own. However, her hair was curly and full of volume and she sported black eye shadow that made her eyes pop. But they were nothing compared to the way her red lipstick accented her mouth. The clincher was the big bouquet of roses in her hand.

"Wha-?" I was speechless.

"I missed you, Baby," she smiled as she handed me the flowers. I took them from her, still confused what was happening. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, her breasts pressing noticeably against mine. Before I could react, she kissed my cheek. "Ready for our date?"

"Uh... w-what?" I stammered. Everything was surreal. What in the world was going on?

"Not dating," Krista muttered sarcastically, "Right. Nice, Sara." She turned and stomped quickly up the stairs. "I hope you guys have a wonderful time together."

"Krista, wait! This isn't what it looks like."

"Sara, just... don't, OK?" And with that, she was gone. I tried to follow, but Tamara blocked me.

"Let her go."


"And I hope you aren't trying to tell Krista lies about us."

"No, I-"

"Good. Remember, I could just as well be having fun with her instead." That shut me up. "Now, how about our date?"

"What date?! We don't have a date!"

"We do now. Let's go."

I set the flowers down on a small table near me.

"Do I have to?" I sighed, reluctantly following close behind her. We both knew it was a rhetorical question.


I was surprised to see a sporty convertible in the driveway. It was apparent Tamara was really playing up the whole "dating" thing for Krista's benefit.

"I told my dad that I had a date tonight, and he insisted I take his car."

"It's really nice," I replied, still in momentary awe.

"Get in," she said sternly, holding the passenger side door, holding the door for me.

I climbed into the seat, watching in apprehension as she climbed into the driver's seat next to me. I was in unfamiliar territory. What was she thinking? And more importantly, where was she taking me?"

I cleared my throat. "So... are we going to your house?"

She laughed. "Dang! You're eager, aren't you?"

"What? No!" I defended.

"Don't worry! This is going to be a real date, not a booty call."

"A-A real date?"

"We want it to be believable, don't we?"

"I-I don't want to date you! I don't want it to be believable!"

"I know you're scared. This is a big step for the two of us, but if you try to relax, I think you'll enjoy yourself."

We drove in silence. A real date? What did that even mean? And where were we headed?


I found myself some time later in a quaint little Italian restaurant sitting across from my sworn nemesis. Conversation was awkward, but the food was good. I ordered a cosmopolitan figuring I may as well try to enjoy, well, whatever this was. If she was willing to pay for drinks, I certainly wasn't going to turn them down.

The cocktails made the whole situation seem not so terrible. They were going down a little too easily though. Tamara had stopped after her third drink. I was on what I thought was my fifth drink before it occurred to me that I might want to slow it down. Tamara looked over at me.

"Fuck, I think there's something wrong with me," she giggled. "I just can't even look at your nose or chin without thinking what I'd like to do with them." Tamara must have seen the panicked look on my face. "Sorry, that's not what people say on dates, is it?" She laughed. "Then again, most people who start dating don't have our history. But don't worry. I'll be a perfect lady tonight. We'll have plenty of time for fun after we establish ourselves as a legitimate couple."

All I heard was the 'I'll be good tonight.' The rest was too hard to focus on. I hadn't realized I was quite so tipsy. However, it was enough to reassure me somewhat. Tamara paid for the meal, and as we stood to leave, I stumbled. Tamara caught me.

"Whoa, there. You may have drank a little too much," she giggled again, obviously a bit tipsy herself.

"Well, I don't think I drank nearly enough," I laughed with a mixture of jest and truth.

She held my hand as we walked to the car. It felt weird to walk with her fingers intertwining mine, but I needed her for support as I was having a little difficulty walking. I held onto her arm as we walked, appreciative of her help yet slightly resentful at the same time.

"OK, onto the second part of our date!"

"Wait, there's more? Are you sure you should be driving?"

"Of course there's more! And don't worry, I'm fine. And it's not far."

I probably should have protested more, but I was too busy falling asleep.


Tamara squeezed my leg.

"Wake up, we're here."

I looked around dizzily. We were parked in a parking lot? No, there was a movie screen set up on one side. It was a drive-in theater. I didn't know any of these still existed.

"We're watching a movie? Which one?"

"I don't remember the name. I just picked one that looked interesting. The list of movies is behind you in the floor by the door if you want to check."

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