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Curious Girls Ch. 28-29


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At first, I thought she was just teasing me, but it seemed like she was starting to get lost in her own feelings. I was transfixed as I watched her finger disappear inside of her, sliding in and out as her moans increased in intensity.

"Just think. That could be your tongue slipping inside of me," Tamara whispered breathily, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged.

I wanted to tell her to stop--that I was not comfortable with this. But I couldn't stop fixating on how wet her finger was becoming. I had not made a conscious effort to rub myself, but somehow my hand was already at work between my own legs. This was new territory for us, but I didn't want to analyze it. I was sick of analyzing everything to death.

Tamara's vaginal lips grew noticeably wetter as her fingers slowly spread her juices around her vaginal lips decreasing the friction as her fingers masaged her lips and clit. Her moans escalated to a fevered pitch as she began sliding her fingers rapidly over her clit. As she climaxed, her entire body tensed. A moment later, all of the tension flooded out of her body and she relaxed into orgasmic bliss, still breathing deeply.

"Oops. I may have gotten a little carried away there," Tamara gasped softly, grinning. "But you can't tell me you didn't enjoy the show."

It was true, I couldn't tell her that."

"You know, you don't have to wait."

I snapped back to attention. "Tamara, you know how important waiting is to me."

"I know, I know. But you could try what we talked about earlier. You don't have to do anything but enjoy yourself." She looked intently at me. "Just say the word. All I have to do is lower myself by a couple of inches and you would have nothing to feel guilty about. You don't even have to say yes. Just a nod is all I need."

I was tempted. I was very tempted. But it felt like it would be letting things go too far.

"Not this time. I need more time to think about it."

"Fiiiine," Tamara rolled her eyes playfully. "But you can still have a sneak peak."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Just a small taste," she grinned, pushing her wet finger through my lips and into my mouth before i knew what was happening. I felt her taste abruptly fill my mouth as her finger slid over my tongue. I felt so many things at once. I felt violated--and wet beyond belief. I started fingering myself furiously, despite my feelings of betrayal.

As my felt my own orgasm erupt moments later, I found myself focusing on the finger pushing deeper into my mouth. I was able to focus a bit more on the taste now, and I found myself finding it increasingly unpleasant.

A second later, I felt nauseated and repulsed. I rolled over and faced downward. Another second later, I began vomiting uncontrollably.


Over the next few days I found myself withdrawing from Tamara. She assured me she wasn't bothered by what happened, but I was having trouble accepting that. She assumed she simply stuck her finger too far into my mouth and triggered my gag reflex. But that wasn't it. Not entirely, anyway.

I'd been so aroused when I initially felt her wet finger touch my tongue. Her taste sent me into near frenzy. But once I'd come down from the high of orgasmic pleasure, she tasted different to me. It had all happened so quickly, but I couldn't get it out of my head. In that final moment before I'd thrown up, she hadn't tasted good at all. It was her taste which had caused me to vomit.

I was perplexed because I wasn't sure what it meant. Did I really enjoy her taste initially? Or was I just so aroused that I let myself get caught up in the moment? She had made it very clear she expected a lot from me once we got married. Initially, I hadn't seen why that would be a problem, but now I was wracked with self-doubt. What if I really couldn't stand the way she tasted and she was expecting me to go down on her on a frequent, even daily, basis? How could I continue with the marriage if I couldn't be confident in my ability to make love to my wife?

I needed to find out the truth, and I was running out of time. Obviously, I needed Tamara's help, but I suspected she would not be hard to convince.

"Tamara?" I asked, swallowing hard as I rubbed her feet. She looked up at me from her spot at the other end of the couch.

"What's up, Babe?" She sat up slightly, noticing my demeanor had changed. How did I tell her what was bothering me without hurting her feelings? I needed to prove my feelings for her beyond the shadow of a doubt. But I couldn't say that to her.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened the other day."

"I already told you, stop worrying about that! It was just a thing that happened. I don't think any less of you. Besides, it was my fault.

"No, it isn't that. It's just that--Well, before I threw up, I came harder than I can remember." That part was certainly true.

"Keep talking," Tamara grinned, prodding me on. I knew what I needed to ask, but I needed a reason she wouldn't question.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and--well, I want--I find myself wanting to--," I was sure I must be a scarlet shade of red. I hadn't expected this to be so hard.

"Sara!" Tamara scolded jokingly, "Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

"That depends what you think I'm asking," I replied, my lips suddenly dry.

"Have you changed your mind about waiting? Do you want to go down on me?" She asked playfully, the last question in a teasing tone.

If I wasn't red before, I certainly was now.

"Yes," I managed to say, feeling light-headed as I did.

"Oh. My. God." Tamara exclaimed. "I can't believe it. What changed?"

Tamara didn't need to know my real reasons. "I was just thinking about it, and you were right. I can't wait anymore."

"You don't have to ask me twice," she laughed, starting to pull up her skirt.

"Wait," I exclaimed without thinking. This was happening too fast. "Not like this. Our first time should be special."

I actually did like the idea of it being special, but it was more important right now to figure out my feelings for Tamara. This would just give me a little more time to mentally prepare myself.

"Trust me, it will be special," Tamara winked.

"Tamara, this is important to me," I protested. I didn't find her joke very funny.

"Okay, Okay! Why don't we go away for the weekend? A nice hotel?"

"Yes! That will be perfect." It was hard to object to the idea of nice getaway no matter the reason.

"I can't wait," Tamara smiled.

"Well, you're going to have to," I laughed back, trying not to let Tamara see my apprehension. I had to do this. I should have been excited, yet all I felt was dread.


Tamara dropped to bags on the floor. "We're here!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"You act like we drove all day to get here," I grinned.

"I'm just excited to have a nice weekend with my fiancée," she smiled.

"You're not nervous?"

"Nervous? Why would I be?"

"Because of what this weekend means?"

"There is nothing to be nervous about," Tamara exclaimed. "But there's no need to rush right into it either. Why don't we we relax for a bit and just see how things go? That jacuzzi looks pretty tempting."

I had to admit, relaxing in a jacuzzi did sound nice. It would be good way to ease into tonight. Was it supposed to be this hard? I had resigned myself to going through with this no matter what. It was the only way I would ever be certain of my feelings. I suppose at some level, I knew this should not be something I had to force. Yet, I found myself in the frustrating position of being unable to trust my often confusing and conflicting emotions.

"Let's do it!" I responded, turning the handle. As the basin filled, I let the the hot water run through my fingers. I couldn't wait to slip into the warm embrace of the water. "I guess we should get undressed?" I asked, suddenly feeling shy. The intimacy of the situation caused my cheeks to flush. We had been so intimate with each other, yet I was suddenly blushing like a schoolgirl.

"Who needs to get undressed," Tamara laughed as she stepped into the water, still fully clothed.

"Tamara! You're getting wet."

"You're definitely not wrong on that, but I thought you wanted to save that kind of talk for later," she winked suggestively as she slid the rest of the way into the water. "Come on in, it feels amazing."

"I'm not getting in with my clothes on," I protested, my face turning an even darker shade of red as I noticed the way Tamara's clothes were clinging to her body.

Tamara stood up and grabbed my arm. "Are you sure about that," she asked mischievously.

"Don't even think about it," I squealed trying to pull away from her grip. Despite my efforts to avoid the distraction, I could not stop my eyes from drifting down to Tamara's chest. Her breasts bulged erotically through the tight, clingy fabric. Her nipples were clearly visible through the white, off the shoulder shirt she may as well have not been wearing. There was little left to the imagination, but yet somehow it was intoxicatingly mysterious. It clung in all the right places.

I was a captive audience, trapped in my own head as my thoughts fixated on the erotic fantasies Tamara's wet shirt evoked. My mouth watered at the thought of my lips on those luscious, supple breasts. Tamara yanked abruptly, pulling me off balance and back into reality. As I tumbled into the water, Tamara caught me in her arms. Her body was warm and wet.

"Tamara," I gasped, laughing.

"Oops, now I've gotten you all wet too."

I was already feeling a bit better. "What are you going to do about it," I teased back.

"The first order of business is getting you out of those wet clothes."

"Promises, promises," I replied coyly.

"Just try and stop me." Tamara waded over to me and straddled my lap.

"No--stop," I pretended to resist her as she pulled my arms between her legs and day on my hands. Her hands expertly worked my buttons, pulling my blouse open.

"You're mine. And there's nothing you can do about it." Tamara leaned over and kissed my lips softly, pulling my top down my shoulders and letting it drop into the water. She continued kissing me tenderly as she worked at my bra, unfastening it and tossing it over my shoulder.

Tamara's breasts squeezed tightly against me as her lips worked their way to my chin and down my neck, her lips were so soft and warm. As her lips worked their way down my upper chest, I gasped as I suddenly felt her breath against my left breast. I leaned backward, giving her room to work her magic. Tamara's tongue flicked my nipple a few times before her lips closed softly around my nipple. As she suckled gently, tingles shot down my spine. She had never done this for me before, and it was quite enjoyable. A moment later, she pulled away and reached for a bottle of body wash. I watched intently to see what she would do next.

Squeezing the bottle into her hands, she began by firmly caressing my small breasts and gradually working her way down my abdomen, spreading the soap suds everywhere. Rather than have me turn around, she held me close as her hands reached around and glided over my back. Despite the somewhat innocent nature of Tamara washing my back, the intimacy and eroticism was really starting to turn me on.

I wasn't used to receiving this sort of attention, but I was loving every minute of it. We had been sexual together a number of times, and Tamara always made certain I was sexually satisfied. It was the day-to-day that sometimes felt a little one-sided--not that I minded; I liked making her happy. But Tamara had never been so tender before in her attention toward me. I barely knew how to respond.

"Are you feeling more relaxed yet?" Tamara asked, rubbed my neck and shoulders, nibbling my ear ever so gently.

"A little. You're definitely moving in the right direction." My smile was that of genuine bliss. I could hardly remember why I had been so stressed in the first place. Tamara grabbed the bottle of shampoo and began working the the suds into my scalp. Her hands felt amazing as they thoroughly massaged in the shampoo. I found myself melting into her body.

"I do feel a little weird being covered with suds from the waist up while still wearing my shorts though," I laughed.

"You look dang sexy," Tamara grinned. "But I'm happy to fix it if it'll make you more at ease."

She reached into the water and unfastened my shorts. Her fingers slid down my lower back and into my panties. As her hands glided over my ass, she took the shorts and panties along with them. I stood up breathlessly, allowing her to slide them off the rest of the way. "Hold on a second, let me finish you up," Tamara instructed.

She lathered up more body wash in her hands and began spreading the suds up my legs, starting at my calves before moving to my thighs and finally my ass. I almost jumped when her fingers slid ever so slightly into my ass cheeks.

"Alright. You're nice and clean now," she said after a few minutes of sudsing up my butt cheeks.

"Really? I still feel a little bit dirty."

"Oh? Is there anything I can do to help with that?"

"I'll let you know," I grinned as I began to focus my attention on her. She was still entirely clothed--a problem I planned to rectify immediately.

My lips traveled down Tamara's neck along her exposed shoulder. As I reached down and tried to pull off her the tightly fitting top, the fabric clung as if it had a mind of its own. I could hardly blame it; Tamara had a stunning body. As the stubborn fabric finally pulled free, I could not help but stare.

Her breasts were always impressive, but being slippery and wet brought things to a whole new level. My fingers caressed her skin tenderly. The supple, wet flesh beneath my hands was warm and inviting. Her nipples were soft against my fingers but quickly hardened in response to my touch. There was only one thing I could think of that could possibly make her chest look sexier than it did at that moment.

I grabbed the body wash and covered her torso with a thick layer of soap, proceeding to squeeze, rub, and massage the viscous liquid over every inch of her perky breasts. She was incredibly sexy under normal conditions, but a sudsy Tamara was almost too much for me to handle. By the time I was ready to move on from her torso, I suspected her breasts had never been cleaner. Tamara had no objections. She was enjoying the attention on her chest almost as much as she loved sitting on my face. And that was saying something considering just much she enjoyed sitting on my face.

I wrapped my arms around Tamara's body as I massaged shampoo into her hair. I felt light-headed at the sensation of her slippery breasts against mine. This had been a good idea after all. I was not only feeling relaxed, but I was feeling incredibly aroused.

Tamara stood, allowing me to finish washing her legs. My lips were dry as I unfastened her skirt and let the weight of the water pull it from her body. I continued rubbing the body wash up and down the length of her legs. Her skin was so pale and smooth. It never ceased to surprise me how devoid of freckles she was under her clothes.

"Don't forget to wash my ass," Tamara admonished--like I could forget that.

I slid my sudsy hands over her ass, taking my time as I washed around her skinny, black thong. My pussy was suddenly on fire as my fingers inched under the fabric and ever so slightly into her ass cheeks. My mind was immediately awash with desire to bury my face between her glistening ass cheeks. I struggled to push the thoughts from my mind. After all, wasn't the purpose of this weekend to feel something else wet on my face? That thought snapped me back to reality. I was starting to feel anxious all over again.

In my distraction, I had not realized my finger had been gently caressing her asshole. I found my finger had been caressing her asshole. My thoughts were again overtaken by an intense need to feel my nose pushing into her asshole. Fuck, what was wrong with me?

I felt dizzy. Perhaps it was from staying too long in the hot water, but I suspected it was more likely all the blood rushing from my head. I reached to slide off Tamara's panties, but before I could she turned to me.

"Fuck, I can't any longer. I need you now." Tamara slid her arm under my knees, her other arm catching me from behind as I lost my balance.

"Tamara," I gasped with surprise as she lifted me out of the water.

I had not had enough time to mentally prepare myself. As we neared the bed, I found it increasingly difficult to breathe. I had never felt this way before despite how many times we had been intimate. My world was spinning out of control. Everything was happening too quickly, and there seemed to be nothing I could do. But maybe this was the push I needed. I had figure out my feelings eventually. Shaking my head gently, I brought myself back to attention. What was the point of debating everything to death? This was happening--and it was happening now.

Tamara tossed me eagerly onto the plush California King. She wasted no time in following me onto the spacious mattress, immediately straddling my waist. We were still drenched and soapy, her wet hair hung down around her head in a matted mess. Soap suds still speckled Tamara's firm, glistening breasts.

"I didn't even get to finish undressing you," I protested.

"Oh? Is this what you wanted?" She grinned as she climbed forward until her crotch was directly over my mouth.

"Well, I--" was all I managed to get it before I was abruptly cut off as she pushed her mound against my face. Her panties were drenched, but I couldn't tell if was more than just water.

"Tamara! Stop that," I laughed uncomfortably as she mashed her mound against my face a second time. However, instead of pulling away, she began rubbing her pantied mound firmly against my face.

"Tamara," I exclaimed, slightly annoyed by this point.

Again, her crotch thrust firmly into my mouth Each time she mashed her crotch into my mouth, she did so just a little bit harder and left it there just a little bit longer.

"I'm only teasing," she protested.

"I am supposed to be the one teasing you," I teased, forcing a grin as I tried to regain some control.

"Ooh, eager. I like that," Tamara bit her lip suggestively. For a brief moment, I found myself wanting to be the one biting her lip instead.

"Why don't you lie down and make yourself comfortable," I motioned toward the open spot next to me on the bed. For a brief moment, I saw a flash of hesitation in her eyes. Just as quickly, it disappeared. Or was I projecting my own uncertainty? After all, she had never shown any hesitation in the past--about anything.

She rolled off me, tumbling sideways into the bed and leaving a damp trail as the water from her hair and body soaked into the sheets. Turning to my side, I found myself looking into her beautiful emerald eyes. I wasn't used to seeing her so exposed--so vulnerable. She was wet, her hair was a mess, and her mascara and eye shadow were gone. Yet, she had never looked more beautiful. Her lips were a light pink--not one of her usual darker colors, but they looked no less supple--no less kissable.

I ran my fingers carefully through her hair, avoiding tangles the best I could. Glancing into her eyes once more, I kissed her upper lip--and then her lower. Her lips were so exposed, inviting, and completely bare I almost expected the kisses to be different somehow. Yet they were just as soft and tasted just as good. Our mouths merged in a soft mishmash of passion. Our lips never parted for more than a moment as I climbed on top. I couldn't shake how badly I needed her. Where were all these feelings coming from? A minute ago, I had been wracked with self-doubt and confusion but, as my arousal grew, it was becoming hard to think about anything other than my face between her legs--or her ass. God help me, I wanted her so badly. It didn't feel natural to me how much I should suddenly crave Tamara. But God did I crave her.

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