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Daddy and Little One Ch. 18

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Her first experience with jealousy.
5.6k words

Part 19 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/01/2006
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Little One watched herself in the full length mirror as she walked slowly across her room, naked except for high heels. She turned to face the mirror, carefully studying herself. She tried to imagine standing on the runway at Daddy's dress shop, with a room full of people looking at her.

It would have to be easier, wearing clothes, even just a bra and panties. Little One pulled sat at her vanity and opened a drawer to reveal a rainbow of bras and panties. She loved the different colors, all shades of soft warm pastels and cool shiny colors. Little One ran her fingers through the drawer, feeling the different textures, soft and smooth, and pulled out her favorite bra and panties, a satin green set with lace trim.

This was also Daddy's favorite. He said the green made her eyes flash. Little One pulled the panties on without removing her heels, careful not to snag the delicate cloth. She stood up and bent over to let her breasts fall into the bra cups and stood to adjust the straps.

Little One again imagined the mirror was her audience and turned to one side and then the other. She thought of being watched as she walked down the run way. This excited her and she felt a familiar quiver between her legs and it brought her out of her reverie. How, she wondered, did lingerie models prevent a wet spot from showing when they strutted with all those eyes on them? She tugged at the waist band of her panties, pulling them tight over her mound.

The thin fabric creased through the lips, pressing against her clitoris, making muscles in her stomach ripple. Little One's finger tips caressed her stomach and slipped inside the waist band. She could see the outline of her red fingernails through the sheer fabric, and watched them cup over her mound as her middle finger pressed into the lips. Little One's eye lids began to close slowly as the delicious feeling between her legs began to spread. Models only walk in front of people, she thought, they don't play with their pussy on the runway. What would Daddy think if she rubbed herself like this, with a hundred people watching her? Little One pressed her hand tighter against herself and her eyes opened wide. She felt a few raspy short hairs close to her thigh. The sexy feeling quickly drained away. Daddy would have to do something about this.

Little One gathered her thoughts and slipped on her silk robe. Daddy seemed amused, the first time Little One asked if she could be a model in one of the fashion shows at his dress shop, but she was persistent and he agreed to let her do it. The Spring show was a small one. It was lingerie only. The audience would only be a few dozen people, mostly owners of other exclusive dress stores, who sold Daddy's line of clothes and lingerie. There would only be three models and Little One intended to be one of them.

Today would be the fitting day, where she would try on the pieces she would wear in the show, and perhaps practice her walk on a real runway.

Little One pulled her hair off her shoulders with a band and composed herself for a moment. She took a deep breath, pulled the robe open, so it lay to each side of her breasts and practiced her runway walk across the hall to Daddy's bedroom.

Daddy was standing naked in front of the bathroom sink, shaving lather still covering one side of his neck as he pulled his long razor down the underside of his chin to his collar line. Little One stood in the doorway, waiting for him to notice her. Daddy made a few more slow strokes, lay the razor down and wiped his neck clean. He turned to see Little One watching him, smiled and raised his chin to her.

"Did I miss any spots, Little One?" he asked. Little One returned his smile and stepped close to him. Her heels made her tall enough to kiss his neck with only a slight stretch. She rubbed her cheek against Daddy's neck and sighed. When her hand brushed his cock, it stiffened against her and she felt the quiver in her pussy again, which reminded her why she was there.

"Daddy," she said quietly, nuzzling her nose against his neck, "I wish my pussy was this smooth. I think I need a touch up." Daddy pushed his cock against her hip, feeling the satin fabric rub the head and down the shaft, as he folded a towel and laid it on the vanity top. Little One curled her bottom lip and slid her panties down her thighs. Daddy picked her up by the waist and sat her on the towel. She pulled her feet up and held her knees together so Daddy could pull her panties off past her heels. Little One took a deep breath when she looked though her thighs and saw his cock standing out straight. Daddy looked down to see Little One's pussy lips barely parted to expose a coral pink sliver coated with the glistening of her cream. He paused for a minute, mentally counting the minutes and deciding there was not enough time to carry her back bed and still be at the shop in time for their appointment.

Daddy took his shaving mug and brush in hand, whipped the shaving soap and delicately painted Little One's pussy white with the stiff lather. Little One closed her eyes and leaned against the mirror. She loved the feeling of Daddy's fingers, pulling her tight so the razor could slide across her with slow easy strokes. Little One listened to the razor wisk down the strap a dozen times and then Daddy's strong hands pushed her thighs apart. She was soon smooth and slick again. Little One squirmed as Daddy rubbed the towel through her thighs and patted her dry. Daddy heard a soft sound that was something between a whimper and a sigh. He looked to see Little One, biting her lip again.

"Daddy," she pleaded, "Touch me like that again. Please." Daddy smiled and thought again of the time. We can be a little late, he thought, took his shaving brush from the cup and held it under the hot water until it rinsed clean. Little One's fingers stoked her newly slick pussy. She pulled her hand away to watch Daddy run the warm brush over her clitoris. It was like a hot tongue, but hotter and softer. Little One put her hands flat against the insides of her thighs to keep them from trembling as Daddy kept dancing the brush over her button. She pushed her thighs farther apart, trying to press her clitoris against the brush.

Little One began to feel light. It was a familiar feeling. She closed her eyes and began to rise off the vanity, Daddy's brush raising her in the air with no effort. The brush carried her to Daddy's mouth and left her suspended in mid air, floating as his lips closed over her pussy, pulling her clitoris between his teeth and rolling his tongue over it. His strong hands curled over her ass and she felt like a cup pouring into his mouth. Daddy's right hand kept the brush stoking in slow circles over her clitoris while he pressed his left hand into the hollow of her thigh, his thumb against her brown anus, pushing gently and rubbing the wrinkles of her pucker. Little One felt a spasm somewhere deep inside. She tried to resist and postpone the inevitable end. She opened her eyes to see Daddy looking down on her and took short quick breaths, still wanting to hold back and prolong his touch.

"Do it," she heard him say. It was the firm, but gentle, tone of voice, which always pushed her over the edge. "Show me, Little One. Show me how good it feels." Little One's fingers curled, pinching into her thigh, her nails digging into the skin and then extended straight, trying to bend backwards. She felt a whistle in her ears, like a wind that carried Daddy's voice to her and then silence as she closed her eyes for a moment and all sensation except the contractions between her legs vanished.

"Little One," she heard Daddy say, "You need to get dressed. We will be a little late." Little One opened her eyes. Daddy was still standing there, his cock still rigid, maybe even harder than before.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied through short breathes. "I'll be dressed right away."

SalesLady met Daddy and Little One at the front door of the shop.

Good morning, Sir." she said politely. She smiled at Little One. "Good morning Little One. It is very nice to see you again." Little One smiled back at her and looked around the large front room of the shop. The day she had spent here, trying on dresses for Daddy seemed like a long time ago. Little One pinched her skirt in her fingers and instinctively made the slight curtsy she learned at the Home.

"Thank you, SalesLady. It is nice to see you, too." Little One replied. A tall man, who resembled Daddy, stepped into the room. He studied Little One carefully and she felt uncomfortable under his gaze. She looked to Daddy, who had a cross expression on his face.

"Sir," SalesLady said, "I was about to say, your cousin is waiting to see you." Daddy took a deep breath.

"Hello, Michael. What do you need today?" Daddy said. The strain in his voice was obvious to Little One. She looked back to Michael. He had Daddy's blue eyes, but was younger and no beard.

"Robert," Michael said, with forced cheer, "Why would I need something? And, where are your manners?" Little One was startled. She had never thought of Daddy having a name other than Sir.

"Forgive me," Daddy replied with the same forced cheer, "Little One, this is my cousin, Michael. Michael, this is Little One." Little One waited, hoping to hear Daddy give more explanation of who she was. If Michael was a cousin, she ought to have some sort of label as well.

"Ah, Little One," Michael said. His smile was suddenly very charming. Michael extended his hand to her. Little One held her hand out to him, half expecting him to kiss it, but he only squeezed it gently. Little One smiled back and wondered why Daddy seemed so displeased to see his cousin. "It is very nice to meet you, Little One. SalesLady tells me, you are going be a model in Robert's next show." Little One started to curtsy again, but Daddy's thinly veiled displeasure stopped her.

"Thank you," she replied. "It is very nice to meet you. I am excited about the show."

"Little One," Saleslady interrupted, "Evangeline and Clothilde are in the fitting room. Let's go meet them and leave gentlemen alone, shall we." Little One was more than a bit relieved to leave the tension of the front room.

"Daddy doesn't seem very happy with his cousin, does he?" she said to Saleslady as they entered the long hallway to the back of the store. "He seems very nice."

"You will need to ask Sir about that, Little One." Saleslady said curtly. "Michael only comes around when he is in trouble or needs money." Little sensed from Saleslady's voice, she was not fond of Michael either.

"Who are Evangeline and Clothilde?" Little One asked.

"They are models. They have worked in Sir's shows many times. If you want to be a model, you should pay attention and learn as much as you can."

Evangeline and Clothilde were standing with their backs to the door when Little One and Saleslady entered the fitting room. Little One was struck by how tall each woman was, even in flat shoes. Both seemed very casually dressed, for models. Little One had imagined they would both appear in fine dresses, but each was wearing cut-off shorts and a tight t-shirts. Evangeline's blonde hair was styled in curls that held it off her shoulders and neck. Clothilde's hair was straight and red, hanging halfway down her back.

"Ladies," Saleslady said, "This is Little One. She will be working the show with you." They turned together and seemed surprised to see Little One. Little One smiled at them, but they looked at each other before smiling back, as if checking the others reaction before deciding if they liked her. Little One could see her own face in the mirror behind them. Their make up was perfect. She suddenly felt quite plain, wishing she had spent more time on her face, earlier that morning.

"I'm Vangie," the tall blonde said. Little One kept smiling as she took her time looking Vangie over. Her breasts seemed large for her very narrow waist and slim hips.

"I'm Cloey," said the red haired woman. Little One thought Cloey was better proportioned than Vangie, with a thin figure more like she imagined a model to have. Both women seemed very confident and comfortable. Little One began to feel a little uneasy with the way they looked at her.

Saleslady pointed to three clear plastic tubs that sat against the wall. Little One was pleased to see her name on the middle tub between the ones with labels for Evangeline and Clothilde.

"Try on all the pieces in your tub," She ordered. "If anything doesn't fit, don't put it back in the tub. Leave it on the counter and I'll deal with it later." Saleslady turned and walked out of the room. Little One assumed Saleslady would stay and supervise the fitting. Now she was alone with Vangie and Cloey, uncertain what to do.

"Honey, I can't call you Little One. What's your real name?" Clothilde asked.

"It is my name," Little One answered. Clothilde and Evangeline traded glances. Little One wondered if they could hear each other think.

"Oh," Clothilde responded, "I thought it was a stage name. I mean it fits. You are so little and cute. How long have you been working? I've never seen you before."

Little One had to replay Clothilde's words through her mind twice.

"Working?" she asked, "I've never modeled before. I asked Daddy if I could be in this show." Evangeline and Clothilde looked at each other again.

"Your Daddy is a friend of Robert's, I suppose," Evangeline said. Little One smiled slightly. These women acted like they knew everything in the world, she thought, but there were some things they didn't know.

"Daddy is Robert," Little One said, with great satisfaction. The name was strange on her tongue. Both women's mouths opened slightly, but neither spoke. Little One could see each one carefully considering what they had just heard.

"I never knew Robert had any chil-," Evangeline said, but broke off in mid sentence. She pointed at Little One and blurted, "Cloey, she's Robert's new toy."

"On my God," Clothilde exclaimed. "I'm going to call you Lucky One. I heard somebody was keeping him busy, but I had no idea it was a," Clothilde paused, searching for a word. "a little one." Little One felt her face get hot. She had not expected this reaction. She was not sure what to say now.

"Well, you are a lucky one, that's for sure," Evangeline sang. "Where is he keeping you? I bet he put you in condo in the Towers, and a car too, right?" Little One swallowed and tried keep her voice calm.

"I don't drive. I live in Daddy's house," she said tersely and added, "With him." Evangeline and Clothilde were silent again, each trying to keep their smile from becoming a smirk.

"Vangie," Clothilde sighed, "I never thought I would live long enough to hear a woman say those words." Evangeline was lost in thought for a moment. She seemed about to say something, but thought better of it. Her attention turned to the tubs of lingerie.

"Lets get to work. I don't want to be here all day, trying on panties," she said and placed the tub on the long dressing counter.

Clothilde pulled her shirt off, tossed it and then unsnapped her shorts, to let them drop down her legs and kicked them onto the counter beside her shirt. Evangeline stripped just as fast. Little One turned her back and pulled her dress over her head and hung in on the hook above her tub. She tried to seem disinterested in the two women. She was used to dressing in front of others, but she had never been so close to such beautiful women and now they were stripping naked as if they were unaware of her.

Little One pulled her bra off and slipped her panties down and off her feet. Little One turned around to see Evangeline's and Clothilde's backs to her. Each woman's ass was lean and muscular. Clothilde's skin was milky white, even paler than Little One, but Evangeline was light brown from head to toe, no tan lines anywhere. They turned together to face Little One. The pubic hair of each woman was trimmed the same, a vertical strip about an inch wide rose from the slit and was cut off square at the top. Evangeline's fine blonde down stood out against her tanned belly just as Clothilde's thick red fur contrasted with her white skin. It was as if she were back at the Home, sharing her space with naked girls, most of who were prettier and had little time for her.

"My God!" Clothilde exclaimed, "He does like them young." Evangeline snorted, trying to stifle a giggle. Little One reflexively covered her smooth mound with her hand, feeling a strange modesty come over her. She wanted to say something, but Evangeline and Clothilde had both turned their attention to the garments in the tubs, pulling out bras and panties, lining them up on the counter.

Little One determined to not let them bother her. She had grown up in this kind of atmosphere, and she was going to ignore them, just as she had then. Still, she wished Saleslady had stayed to help so she would have someone to talk to as well. Saleslady had told her she should pay attention to the two women, but she wasn't sure now, what they might teach her.

Little One looked pulled the first piece out of her tub and held it up, a fleecy bra and panty set. It felt like lamb's wool, very soft and smooth. She stepped into the panties and pulled them up

"You know who she reminds me of?" Evangeline said, "Pearl girl."

"Who?" Clothilde asked. Little One tried to act as if she hadn't heard, but she wanted to know about 'pearl girl' also.

"Let me tell you," Evangeline sang. "It was a couple years ago at Mardi Gras. You were in Milan, that year."

"I remember the pictures you sent. It looked like fun." Clothilde said wistfully.

"Robert had the entire eighth floor for the company and an entire suite just for our group," Evangeline continued. "That was the year those big plastic pearl strands hit town. Of course, Robert had a case of them. Women were stripping in the streets for those things. Forget flashing your tits. It was bare ass and pussy, or no pearls. I couldn't believe it, but its Mardi Gras, so what can you say?"

Little One was adjusting her breasts in the fleecy bra, still trying to appear uninterested, but she had seen a strand of the pearls, Evangeline was describing. There was a long strand in Daddy's closet. She could not imagine why anyone would want to wear a forty eight inch strand of plastic beads, but now it made sense. One of her roommates at the Home had actually been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. She told them about the parades and the beads that were thrown from the parade floats. The men on the floats kept the prettiest beads to the side, and if a woman pulled her shirt up and showed her breasts, she would be rewarded with the fancy plastic beads. At the time, it all seemed very strange to Little One.

"Robert brought an arm full to the party and he put a strand on all the women, with all kinds of kisses and rubbing all over him. You know how those women get when they've had a few drinks, and then they put on a mask. Robert and I were sitting at his table, he still had a half dozen strands left on his arm when this girl walked up. I knew she was trouble. She wasn't masked. I don't know how she got in, well yeah, I know, but still, she stood out. I think she was a college girl. God, she was hot. Not a straight line on this girl's body. Nice boobs, not too big, round ass and thighs so sweet and thick, I wanted to bite them." Evangeline lowered her voice a bit, but Little One could still hear. "You know how he likes them," just barely raising her brow towards Little One.

Little One felt her ears get a little warmer and realized she was grinding her teeth.

"She was wearing a Maribou outfit. Pink and white feathered bra, she was nearly falling out it, of course, the same feathers on her g-string. White fishnet stockings and heels, I'm telling you, this girl was Tabasco on fire." Little One could see the girl in her mind. Daddy would like an outfit like that.


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