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Daddy and Little One Ch. 21

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More trouble for Tina.
7.6k words

Part 22 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/01/2006
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In the room below Daddy and Little One's bedroom, Tina lie on the bed, slowly stroking her matted pubic hair and combing it with her finger nails. She looked at the lightly snoring Michael. He was lying on his chest, cheek pressed into the pillow and his left arm hanging off the bed.

He had been deliciously rough tonight and her jaws ached from the pressure of his thumbs. She softly massaged her neck just under her earlobes and felt a twinge in her belly. There might be a bruise in the morning, but she knew the next few minutes would be worth everything that happened earlier.

Tina always waited until Michael left the apartment or fell asleep before pressing her fingers into her slit and relieving her own tensions. She wondered if he only pretended to be asleep while she laid beside him and rubbed herself vigorously, trying not to make any noise.

Tonight, in a strange bed, something different happened. A strange sound drew her attention to the ceiling and she looked up at the air conditioning vent above the bed. She began to replay the evening in her mind, feeling Michael's fingers twist in her hair when she heard a faint song. The words were not clear, but the tone of a sweet soprano aria was coming from the vent.

The song became louder and she recognized Little One's voice as the pitch climbed higher. Her smooth trill became staccato notes as a lower voice joined her. He's on top of her, she thought. He's holding her down and fucking her. Tina closed her eyes and the scene in her head dissolved to become Michael pushing her down and pulling her knees up to her breasts.

She opened her eyes and Michael's face was inches from her. His face was slack and his eyelids sagged to half cover his blue eyes. Her fingers moved so fast she felt a cramp form in her forearm. She clenched her teeth and pursed her lips to keep from singing with Little One, but Michael opened his mouth and became the bass half of the duet. Her heels hit the bed with a series of rapid kicks and her head flopped back on the pillow, biting her bottom lip to keep from screaming.

She was happy she had finished before her hosts in the room above her. Daddy's last cry came through the vent as her head settled into the pillow.

Michael stirred beside her. He rose up, kissed her cheek and fell back on his pillow.

"Can we go to sleep now," he said.

Little One stood in the door way of her bathroom and tied her hair up with a wide black ribbon as she watched Daddy draw her bath. He knelt by the tub, shirtless and barefoot, wearing only pants and suspenders. The soft morning light from the window above the tub highlighted the muscles of his back as he twisted at the waist and reached across the tub to adjust the faucet. Little One pulled her robe off, hung it up and stepped out of her slippers.

Daddy took her hand as she stepped over the rim of the tub and settled down to soak. She leaned back, closed her eyes for a moment and slid low in the water, raising her knees. Her pussy was tender from the previous night and the hot water soothed her. Daddy rubbed the soap on the cloth and worked up a thick lather. He slid the cloth over her shoulders and down her arms. This was usually a quiet time, sometimes not a word would be spoken until Daddy stood to help her step out of the tub.

Little One enjoyed watching Daddy's face, a slight smile of happy satisfaction, as he gently soaped and scrubbed her body. It never became a routine. He varied the order, sometimes her back first, other times her legs. Her pussy and ass were always last and even then, Little One never knew if Daddy would continue playing with her until he dropped the cloth into the water and she felt his bare hand against her.

Daddy knew something was on Little One's mind. She had a perplexed expression, so he paused after he ran the cloth over her nipples.

"Yes, Little One," he said softly. Little One was surprised and had to collect her thoughts.

"Daddy," she said slowly, "Why does Tina let Michael do those things to her?"

"What things?" he asked in return.

"You know what things," she said with exasperation. "Things like sending her to ask to suck your cock and then being so rough with her."

"Well, now," Daddy said, "That is an interesting question. Why do you let me do the things I do to you?"

"But you do wonderful things to me, Daddy," Little One laughed. "I like the things you do to me."

"Maybe Tina likes what Michael does," Daddy answered and motioned for her to turn around in the tub, so he could wash her back. Little One settled on her knees, holding the rim of the tub.

"Ugh," Little One groaned. "I think it would be good for Tina to see the way you treat me. Maybe she never found a man who treated her nice." Daddy held the cloth over Little One's shoulder blades and squeezed it, watching soapy water run down her back and ass. He pushed the cloth under the water and massaged the bottoms of her feet.

"I think," Daddy said and then paused to put more soap on the cloth. "First, I am the one who found you, and second, you just want to show off for Tina." Little One looked back over her shoulder and grinned.

"Of course I want to show off," Little One said, "but after Vangie and Cloey, Tina is not a problem for me."

Little One heard the faint sound of feet on the stairs. The door to Michael and Tina's room has been closed when she made Daddy's coffee and there had not been any noise downstairs.

"Hello," a tentative voice said from the hall. Little One looked back at Daddy again and waited for his signal. He gave her a wry smile and nodded.

"Tina," she called, "We're in here." It was more than a few seconds before Tina appeared in the doorway, wearing the same silk robe as last night. Her mouth fell open at the sight of Little One, kneeling naked in the tub and bare chested Daddy, kneeling on the floor beside her.

"Oh my God," Tina blurted. "I didn't, I mean, I'll come back." Her words tapered off as Daddy wrung the cloth out and laid it over the rim of the tub.

"Please, Tina," Daddy said with a slight smile. "Don't be uneasy. I always bathe Little One when time allows. It's a peaceful moment in the day, but we don't mind company." Daddy's hand was circling Little One's back and she was trying not to close her eyes. Tina took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. The look on Little One's face was very distracting. She seemed to be drifting off to some other place.

"I want to apologize," Tina started, "for what I did last night."

Daddy watched Tina with an amused smile, but kept his hand on Little One's lower back.

"An apology is not necessary, Tina." Daddy replied. "I knew it was Michael's doing." Tina looked stricken, as if she had let a secret escape.

"You did?" she asked. Her eyebrows almost touched over her nose. Daddy's blue eyes held her. She wanted to look away in embarrassment, but could not.

"Yes," he said calmly, "I have known Michael all his life. It is exactly the kind of thing he would do." Tina finally managed to break his gaze and look down. She had not been sure what she was going to say past her apology and now was completely without words.

"Well, anyway, I felt real stupid when I did it and I'm sorry," Tina said plaintively.

Daddy rolled his finger tips over Little One's hips and into the water, cupping her right cheek in his hand and losing interest in whatever Tina had to say.

"Tina," he said softly, "the matter is over." Little One rose on her knees a bit to give Daddy's hand better access and wrapped her fingers over the rim of the tub. She tried to keep her composure, unsure what Daddy was going to do. Little One had been waiting for a pause in the conversation.

"Tina," Little One said, "What would you like to do today?" Tina popped her head up. The question surprised her. She tried to think what she would do on any other week end.

"Michael wants me to pick up some things for him," Tina responded. "Would you like to go shopping?" Now it was Little One's turn to be surprised. She had not thought about leaving the house. Daddy's hand slipped between her thighs, which made it difficult to think about anything.

"I think a shopping trip is a good idea," he said as he pressed his hand against her pussy. Little One inhaled sharply.

"Yes," Little One said, trying not to gasp, "I like that. I mean I would like that." Tina was lost in her thoughts for a moment and did not realize what was happening. Little One's mouth was open as if she was about to speak more, but no words came out. Tina leaned back against the door and slowly absorbed the scene before her.

Daddy had one hand on Little One's soft round shoulder and the other behind her, hidden below the rim of the tub. Little One smiled at Tina's blank expression. Daddy slipped a finger in her vagina and pressed his thumb to her anus. She moaned quietly as it sank slowly inside, as pleasantly warm as the bathwater. His finger and thumb pressed together inside her, a sensation Little One loved and she resisted the urge to thrust her ass back on Daddy's hand.

Tina's knees began to weaken and she slid slowly down the door until her ass was on the floor and her robe pulled apart, over her raised knees. Little One's mind had been fixed on Daddy's hand and imagining the feeling of his hairy chest pressed to her back, but the sight of Tina's exposed pussy brought back memories of the Home and Edith.

Little One was in her dormitory room, where she laid in bed, softly stroking herself until Madame made her last bed check. There was the sound of shuffling bed covers in the dark as a few of the girls slid beside a friend and soon, the light snores of those still asleep would be covered by stifled moans and whimpers. Little One pulled her nightgown up over her breasts waiting for Edith, who was so daring she left her gown on her bed and pressed her naked body to Little One.

Edith pushed her arm under Little One's neck as they rubbed their bellies together with just enough room for their hands to slip between them and find the other's wet slit. Edith and Little One had played this game so many times, each knew the others rhythm and pace, beginning very slow, but increasing the speed and pressure of fingers against clitoris until both knew the other was close to orgasm.

Daddy possessed the same ability to read her body with his hands, always knowing the perfect touch. It did not surprise her when his finger slid across her clitoris from below and began a slow soft stroke, just as she was feeling Edith's hand press into her lips. Tina was frozen in place, her breasts rising under the robe with her deepening breath and her tongue pressed against her bottom lip.

Edith slipped from her mind, replaced by Tina, who knelt by the tub, her lips close to Little One's open mouth. She wanted to press her hand between Tina's thighs, run her fingers through the curly hair, and share the sensation Daddy was giving her. In her old bed, Edith would press her mouth to Little One's lips because neither could keep from crying out when the feelings peaked and now she wanted Tina's kiss more than anything she could imagine as the heat grew in her belly.

Tina watched Daddy's face change from a gentle smile to intense concentration. She had never seen this expression on Michael's face. It took Tina back to the previous night and she was again on her knees, looking up at him, "Please, Sir, may I suck your cock," she said under her breath. Neither Daddy nor Little One heard her or noticed as her eyelids slowly relaxed. She could see their profile against the light as she replayed the memory of her humiliating refusal, but this time Daddy was silent.

He rose from his chair and stood before her, his feet at either side of her knees. Tina raised her hands to his belt buckle and opened his pants in a motion smoother than she could manage in real life. Daddy's hard cock was at her lips and she looked up, to see his eyes not on her, but looking behind her. She opened her mouth and put her tongue to the head of his cock, running over the slit. Daddy groaned and she felt Little One's hand in her hair, twisting tight for grip. Little One's breath was hot on her ear.

"You want to suck my Daddy's cock?" she growled. "I'll show you how he likes it." Tina's chin dropped and her head tilted back as Little One's imaginary hand shoved her forward. Tina's throat was still bruised from Michael's rough handling and when she swallowed, she felt Daddy's cock forced against her throat. "You want my Daddy's cock?" the voice in her mind continued. "Make sure you get all of it." Daddy stood rigid as concrete while the phantom hand in her hair pushed with more force, holding her head against his stomach cutting off her air.

She gasped and coughed, opening her eyes to see Little One's eyes closed and Daddy looking down into the tub. Tina took a deep breath and realized her hand was between her legs, her fingers webbed with her cream.

Daddy held Little One firmly by the shoulder as she trembled under his touch. Her thighs were drawn up and her round ass, just out of the water, gave her the lines of a perfect feminine cello. The curve of her breasts gave way to her waist, which cut back out to form the globe of her ass. His lips tightened into a sly smile as his fingers played her body with delicate bow action, softly sliding through the cleft of her ass and over her clitoris. Daddy looked down at his thumb, pressing against Little One's light brown anus.

He pushed lightly, squeezing small soap bubbles from the puckers. This part of Little One delighted him more than any other. He loved the feel, the smell, and the taste of her anus. It is fortunate, he thought, she likes it so much, because I don't do this for her pleasure. He pressed again and his thumb sank inside her asshole. Little One gasped and Daddy's cock pushed hard against his pants. The head of his cock was hot with the feeling of Little One's bottom opening for him.

In his mind she was laying face down in their bed, her hands over her head, her legs spread, pulling her cheeks apart, exposing her sweet puckered hole to him as he held himself up on his arms, and pressed his cock against her. He felt his weight sink down and watched her fingers curl in the sheet as his cock slipped inside her. Daddy settled down, pressing his face into her hair and breathing deeply as Little One arched her pale white back and began to squeeze her anus, around his cock, flexing every muscle from her stomach to her thighs, in time to his thrusts.

Little One squealed and Daddy realized he had pressed his thumb and fingers together, a bit too tight, clamping her clitoris against her pubic bone. It brought him back to present and he felt Little One's anus contract around his thumb, in quick pulses as her whole body quivered.

Tina watched Little One's skin, already pink from the hot bath water, turn redder as a blush crept up her breasts and over her throat. She squealed and her eyes popped open. Little One's breath became a sharp and rapid pant, her mouth opening wider with each gasp. One great shudder wracked her and she flipped her head back, fanning her hair in the air. Tina sat on the floor, her right hand slightly raised, where it stayed when she realized she was about to touch herself again, barely aware of where she was and lost in the moment.

A sly look from Daddy brought her quickly back. Little One gently laid her cheek on the backs of her hands, her visible eye looking at Tina and a pleased smile on her face.

Daddy pulled a towel from the bar behind him and dried his hands. Little One sat up and turned in the tub to face him. She put her arms around his neck, and still feeling the memory of Edith's lips on hers, kissed him softly.

"Thank you for my bath, Daddy," she said.

Tina and Little One sat in Tina's car, waiting for the iron gate at the end of the drive way to open for them. Little One held her small purse in her lap, thinking it felt oddly heavy. The purse normally held only her lipstick and compact, but today there was a phone, a wallet holding five crisp twenty dollar bills and a shiny black credit card.

Little One had never seen a card, which looked like this one, but it had a credit card number and below that, raised letters spelled Robert A. Pater. She had expected the cash, but not the card. Daddy was so calm and business like, as if this happened everyday, she did not think to ask about how much she could spend. Daddy reminded her to bring back the sales receipts and she was getting in Tina's car before it occurred to her, this was her first trip away from the house without Daddy. Little One smiled and gave the purse a gentle squeeze, feeling as if Daddy were in it.

Little One studied Tina, trying to fit her school friend Edith into her profile. They were about the same size and shape, but did not really look like one another. Her mind wandered, thinking about Edith and the Home, until she realized the car had stopped in traffic and Tina was looking back at her.

"You're really sweet not to hate me," Tina said. This caught Little One by surprise.

"Why would I hate you?" she asked.

"Well, I did ask your man if I could suck his cock," Tina replied. "That's the kind of thing that pisses most women off." Little One's forehead wrinkled.

"Then why did you do it?" Tina paused before answering.

"I feel really stupid now, but Michael said it was the best way to thank Robert," Tina voice caught on the name. "Uh, I mean, Sir. It's just the way he talked about it sounded so hot, me sucking him while you watched." A horn sounded behind them and Tina's car took off with a jerk. Little One wondered where this awkward conversation was going and did not respond. "He said Rob-, I mean, Sir, liked that."

"What!" Little One exclaimed. "He told you what!" Tina flinched at the tone of her voice.

"Okay, okay. I said I was sorry," Tina said. "I won't do it again."

"You better believe you won't do it again," Little One continued in the same commanding voice. "You're lucky I didn't drag you down the stairs by your hair and throw you out the door. Daddy saved your ass last night, because I was about to knock you out."

"Would you do that?" Tina asked meekly.

"I'll do that and worse," Little One continued. "I grew up in the Home and I can snatch you bald and slap you silly."

"Wow," Tina answered quietly. She was not sure what the Home was, but Little One made it sound like some kind of women's prison. A vision came to her mind. She was lying on a concrete floor. Little One was naked and sitting astride her stomach, one hand clenched in her hair and the other ready for an open handed slap. "That would be hot."

Little One leaned back against the car door. Her eyebrows nearly touched in the middle.

"What?" she asked, incredulously. "What are you talking about?"

"Its hot, just hearing you say it, but thinking about it, you grab my hair and slap me, while I beg you to stop and promise to be good, swearing, I'll do anything you want," Tina said, all in one breath.

Little One leaned forward to get a better look at her face, wondering if this was a joke. A pink blush was fading from Tina's cheek bones as traffic distracted her from her fantasy. Now the same image flashed through Little One's mind, but she had Tina on her knees, squealing and squirming as she pulled at the dark roots of her hair. Little One's anger fizzled as she tried to stifle a laugh, but it burst out as a giggle. Little One stuck her hand out at Tina and fanned the air like a fish tail, holding the other hand to her side, laughing hysterically, until she gasped for air.

The car stopped in front of a sign, which read Gallery Tower Parking. It had an arrow pointing to the left and another pointing ahead. Tina looked around, unsure of which way to go.

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