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Daddy's Modest Girl Ch. 02


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Jack's mouth was agape as he realized that his dirty secret was out. He backed toward the door and glared at the two of them. "This is bullshit. It's not over. I'm going to have her one of these days and you're not going to be there to protect her, hell if you get lucky though, I might let you watch." Jack backed out of the door then ran all the way back to his car.

Lucas almost ran after the bastard, but Josephine's sobs kept him from leaving her. It took him a while to notice, but he now knoew that she had been crying ever since he'd come in and now as he looked at her, sitting on the floor and covering her eyes, that Jack had gone way too far this time but he wasn't sure that it could be actually considered rape. Scooping her into his arms, Lucas knew that he had to do something about Jack, and fast. Eventually, after some consoling by her loving father, Josephine stopped crying.

"Daddy...are you ashamed of me...?" She looked so sad and alone that he almost couldn't help himself from scooping her up into his arms and telling her he loved her more than anything in the world.

Lucas shook he head. "No baby girl, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself there, but you should have done it sooner..." He kissed her forehead and wiped away the last of the tears on her cheeks.

Nodding, her voice in a whisper and a small smile playing at her lips she replied easily. "But then you would have come in saving me naked and then you'd be in big trouble..."

The corner of Lucas' mouth raised in amusement. "Listen honey, if I would have come in naked earlier, he wouldn't have lived to get me into trouble."

She hugged and kissed him as he lifted her up off the floor and onto the table. Unbeknownst to them, Jack was telling the truth about the papers and was about to put them against the back door, knock and run away again, when he looked through the window and caught an eye full of something that was so taboo and naughty he couldn't help but think of all the ways he could use it to his advantage. He stood there and watched Josephine and her daddy kiss for a long while...

Lucas kissed Josephine hard and didn't ever want to stop, but with some begging for him to touch her where Jack did so she didn't feel dirty anymore, he'd stripped her of all her clothing and was pumping his middle finger in and out of her as the heel of his hand rubbed her clit and excited her to dripping wetness. Jack was watching all of this and even recording some of it on his phone as he masturbated. He'd tried to watch Josephine before when she was in the hot tub out back or swimming at one of the company cook outs. He'd even seen her half naked as she changed into a bathing suit before, but nothing like this. As soon as Jack grunted and came on a nearby rose bush, he saved the video and headed home.

By the time Jack was already driving back home, Josephine was orgasming on the kitchen table with her father's tongue lapping up her juices as she came. His cock hard and wanting, Lucas was just about to push into his sweet little girl's tight cunt when his cell phone rang. "What the hell is with people cock blocking me today...!?"

"Hello?" Lucas was more annoyed than ever at being interrupted and his fuse was already cut short. Now, as he heard Jack's voice he was infuriated and his temper had risen to the killing edge. "Jack you son of a bitch, what the hell do you want now!? I swear I'm going to kill you if I ever see you again!"

In an instant, Lucas' face went from red to white. " what? ...No, no, no, you must be mistaken, I'd never-... Y-you have a video? ...shit..."

As he set the phone down on the table next to Josephine's hip, he was shaking and limp. Josephine sat up and put her hands on the sides of her father's face, worry evident in her eyes. "Daddy, what's wrong? Is someone hurt?"

Lucas shook his head and put his hands over hers. "No. Jack stopped by again to drop off paperwork then leave but when he looked through the window... He saw us. Now we can't call the police or even try to get him fired at the company without there being one hell of a scandal."

Josephine's eyes grew wide. "'re telling me that he basically could black mail"

Lucas nodded and rests her forehead on her shoulder. "We're fucked... but not completely, I guess, he still molested you so it's a double edged sword."

Josephine nodded and sighed. "So, what do we do now? We can't let this ruin our summer..."

He nodded and looked into her eyes. "Well, he said that if I didn't say anything or do anything about today or the other times... That he wouldn't bother us again..."

She smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "See...not all bad..."

Nodding, he kissed her forehead and smiled. "So, what was it you want to do this summer?"

Josephine shrugged and hugged him. "I like the vacation idea, when could we go? I say, the sooner the better."

Groaning, Lucas turned and smacked the heel of his hand against his forehead. "Not until late July, your cousins, Annabelle and Elizabeth are staying for a month. Then there is the company ball...!" He quickly ran out of the room then returned with two tickets, grinning like a little kid, some of his color already returning. "I bought two tickets for it, it's a masquerade ball!"

Grinning broadly, Josephine squeaked then jumped up and hugged her father. "Brilliant! I can't wait! I've always wanted to go to a masquerade!" Suddenly the dream she had the other night flashed before her mind's eyes and she remembered the sexy, powerful and fearsome man she'd dreamed of in the mask. Would he be there and who was he? If she were afraid of him it could be Jack and if she were in love with him it could be her father. All that she knew is that what happened that night would spell out the rest of her love life forever.

Later that Same Day, Josephine knocked on the door to her father's room. "If that's you Josie, you can come in without knocking..." Her father's voice made her smile. She walked into the room and leaned against the wall. When he looked up to see her standing in front of him with damp hair, a fresh face and nothing on but one of his larger shirts, he knew he was in love. Leaning back, Lucas patted his lap and smiled.

Once she was situated on his lap and comfortable as ever, Josephine finally asked what she'd been wanting to since that morning. "Alright, so there are two things I need to know. Number one; when are Anna and Liz coming? And number two; when can we go shopping for the ball? Oh, I guess there are actually three things. Also, where do you want to go for vacation?"

Lucas smiled and leaned back in his chair. "Well, baby girl, the last two are up to you. I'll be picking your cousins up on Monday morning so if you want to fool around a bit we only have tonight and tomorrow..."

She grinned and pushed him playfully. "Right, and what do you suppose we ought to do to enjoy ourselves tonight?"

"Hmm..." Resting his back against the chair, Lucas suddenly remembered that yesterday Josephine bought a new swimsuit and he touched her rapidly drying hair and curled a damp lock around his finger. "How about we go out to the hot tub and you show me that new sexy little swimsuit you bought yesterday? Oh, and put your hair up so that I can see your gorgeous neck..."

Josephine's cheeks turned pink with flattery as she nodded and scampered off to slip on her new swim suit. The suit was jet black and covered just enough to stave of public indecency. The bikini was a wide black piece of fabric with tiny little straps arching up to surround her neck, the bottoms were the same style, with the straps coming to a tie at the sides of her hips. She pulled her hair up loosely and pinned it with a large clip.

When she stepped out into the backyard she noticed the wet black shorts at the edge of the hot tub and giggled. Sitting in the hot tub, sipping from a long neck bottle. When her father noticed her, she could tell that he definitely approved of her swimsuit. "Oh sugar, you are beautiful and..." He bit his lip and smiled. "Get over here and sit on Daddy's lap."

With a nod of her head, she walked over to the hot tub and slipped into the hot bubbling water. It felt fantastic. Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her too him. His lips kissed along her shoulder and up her neck then back down to the place where her neck and shoulder met. As his teeth bit hard into that one sweet spot, a loud sweet gasp escaped her plump pink parted lips. Josephine couldn't resist the way that that made her feel.

His hard cock bobbed up between her thighs and she rubbed against it. She now craved her Daddy's cock and as she looked back at him, knew that he could tell just how desperately she wanted it. He moved his lips to her ear as one hand untied her top and his other did the same to her bottoms. "Go on baby girl, if you want it then take it."

She felt simultaneously nervous and hot at the thought of taking control like this. "W-...Will you tell me what to do Daddy?"

"Of course darling." He pulled off the swim suit and tossed it onto the deck where his swim trunks were already beginning to dry. "Put my cock in your pussy."

Her tight cunt tingled as he ordered her explicitly what to do, not used to hearing such things. She pushed herself up and aligned his cock with her opening and rubbed against the tip-teasing him with her opening by slowly pushing her hips down then lifting back up before he could thrust into her. He clamped a hand down on her hip and growled in her ear. "Sheath yourself on my prick unless you want spanked like the bad girl you're being."

While that got her attention, it only spurred Josephine to act a little more daring. She moved over to the edge of the tub across from her father and bent over, displaying her ass and pretty pink pussy to him. "You will?" She didn't know why, but the thought of her Daddy punishing her made her incredibly wet. "What will you do to me?"

It didn't take long for Lucas to catch on that maybe his little girl was a little bit more adventurous than he had originally thought. He stood directly behind her. "I will spank your ass so hard the only thing you'll want to sit on for the next week will be my cock. Now, push my dick into you and stop giving me sass." His voice was harsh but his facial expression was that of hesitant curiosity.

She reached a hand between her legs and stroked his cock then spread her pussy for him and once again teased the head of his prick with her slick opening. Then she stopped, pulled away and looked back at him. Then, in a bratty tone, said something that made his years of parenting kick in and give him a jolt of hot anger. She said, "No."

He pulled her head up by a fistful of hair and pressed his cock into the cleft of her ass, she could feel the head rubbing against her tight asshole and she pushed forward, not wanting this to be her first experience with anal sex. This made him smile. "Oh, you just want to be punished, don't you?" He let go of her hair and ran his hand up and down he back gently before pushed between her shoulder blades and forcing her down. His other hand moved his cock into position as he slammed into her, going from tip to hilt instantly. Her gasp and wiggling only excited him more.

She was panting and squirmed around his cock and wiggled her hips, clearly enjoying the feel of him inside her. "What an awful punishment." Her sarcastic tone once again hit a nerve.

He once again pulled her up by the hair and forced her to look him in the eye as he began thrusting in and out of her. Her face was unable to lie to him about how much she was enjoying this. "Do you want a spanking?" His gruff voice sounded almost quizzical. She just winked at him and smiled. Lucas' hand came down on his daughter's ass and he instantly felt her tight cunt contract around his cock. His smack was met with a pleased gasp and he did it again. His hand kept coming down on her ass and soon she we bouncing back against him, ramming his cock into her pussy. Josephine moaned and he could feel her juices dripping down his balls. Lucas grabbed her by the hips and continued ramming her hard from behind, delighting in her gasps and moans of pleasure.

His hand came down once more on her ass only to stay there and grip at the soft young flesh beneath his hand. His thumb brushed against the cleft of her ass and he felt her shift slightly. Curiously, he moved his thumb closer to her tight rosebud of an asshole and felt her once again shift her hips. He rubbed the tight but with his thumb and felt her once again squirm on his cock. He let out a low moan. "Seems I found something else you may like."

He felt her tighten around him and he grunted with approval. With his daughter's tight cunt milked his cock as he verged on orgasm, fighting to stay just on the verge as long as to drive her to her own orgasm. He thrust harder into her and felt the slap of her wet skin against his own. She dug her nails into her palms and pressed back against him, breath catching in her throat as she felt the shuddering pleasure of orgasm. He let himself loose and came inside of his little girl as she lowly muttered "Daddy."

He pulled her up and carried her out of the tub and into the shower where he gave her a quick rinse, dried her skin, and put her in his bed. As Lucas pulled her close to him and felt her nuzzle his neck, he couldn't help reflecting on how lucky he was to have this wonderful sexy woman in his life. They both fell in a deep blissful sleep, fully unaware of the chaos the twins would be bringing into their lives come Monday.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Oh my

No twins. He can't have sex with them he is hers. Only hers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
a start

You have a great idea,expand upon it and do something totally nasty to jack!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Hurry Up.

Why is it taking so long for the next chapter to come out? I know, I know, I`m being selfish and inconsiderate of the author`s time and talent. But come on, can`t leave us hanging. I see some coercion and humiliation coming into play here with those pictures he took.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Great story so far. Maybe get the nieces involved and then let jack have his way with his daughter or offer him to take advantage of one of his nieces instead of his daughter

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
No problem

She should let Jack molest her and insist on fucking her and then tell him she has AIDS or, if he wants a blowjob she should bite his cockhead really hard and then knee him in the balls and tell him that's just a sample of what's to come.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Late night visit with Jack.

No one should get away with what he has been doing. Some gloves, some tape and some trash bags... Problem solved. The sooner the better before he uploads that video somewhere. If that is too harsh, severe damage to the guy's testes is very justified.

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