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Dani's New Life Ch. 07

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Dani, Tami and Alan play when the others have left.
6.2k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 03/01/2007
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(If you haven't already, please read Dani's New Life -- Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, and 6. This will make much more sense if you do...)


The beautiful, blonde lawyer was floating somewhere above her used and abused body. It was a useful trick that she had begun perfecting several nights before during the cocktail party for her father's highly secretive "lawyers only" fraternity. That first time, she'd realized afterward, it was a combination of her highly aroused condition in general and the sudden shock and complete humiliation of finding her father watching her act the half-naked slut in front of his friends and colleagues that sent her consciousness aloft. When the oddness passed, she found she quite liked the unique perspective it offered along with a brief respite from the pain inflicted on her abused body.

Daniella Evans, one of the brightest stars in the Harvard Law and Wall Street galaxy, married (but soon to end that part of her life) and only months away from the product launch that would make her financially set for the rest of her life, looked down at herself and her companions. She sighed and her phantom flesh sizzled as she let the rapture from her perfect Girl Next Door centerfold body bathe her soul.

If someone had told her she would ever...EVER...allow herself to be put into the position she was in now she would have simply stopped speaking to someone who could be that terribly wrong. Yet there she was. Go figure.

The Corporate Counsel and Vice-President of one of the most successful software companies in the world was laying on her back on the mattress in the hotel room of a man she'd met only a few days earlier. As it turned out, they were colleagues who hadn't met before but were scheduled to be working very closely together over the coming year as their company's new product was rolled out both in the US and to the international marked at the same time. Alan Jacobs was hired as the new Sales Director specifically because of this launch and was expected to be voted on to the Board as soon as he made huge piles of money for all the executives with large stock option accounts. It was expected because he was that good. What made him that good was also the foundation of the dominant personality that attracted the beautiful blonde lawyer to him immediately...and completely.

Alan had known for a long time that Daniella Evans was an extraordinary young woman. He was a business associate of her father before long he started specializing in software marketing. After their second or third meeting, the older, successful attorney recognized the younger man's natural dominance and invited the handsome, single, Marketing Director to his home for dinner. The young girl had joined in the conversation at the dining room table and held her own against the three adults until it was time for her to finish her homework before bed. She left pleasantly and graciously further impressing their dinner guest.

Hours later, laying spent on the king-size bed in the master bedroom, Alan Jacobs was kissing and fondling the beautiful, naked MILF, Theresa Spinetti. First his beautiful hostess for drinks and dinner and after her daughter left them, Dani's mother became his submissive slut for the rest of the evening. She was glowing with après-orgasm joy and the wonderfully painful throbbing was a gift she would accept any time he wanted a return invitation.

Her handsome, silver-haired husband, thought by some to be the lawyer to many New England Mob clients and companies, was enjoying himself equally as he licked the juices from the softening but still thick and dominating cock that just fucked his wife until it was perfectly clean. After Alan then told the lawyer to move his sharp tongue into his asshole, he announced to the proud parents of the very bright girl at dinner that someday he would be together with her. He wasn't sure how, exactly, but he knew it would be meaningful. Dani's mother came again when she heard him say that one day he would fuck her daughter until she screamed for mercy. That day was coming fast.

Floating in her own personal bliss, Dani looked down to see what her Master was doing to her captive body. The vision was almost enough to make the new Corporate Whore climax again.

Alan had placed her on her back, perpendicular to the long side of the bed. She was arranged in such a way as her head was hanging off the mattress and her tight, firm ass pointed towards the middle. He had instructed Tami, his newest staffer -- in training to be his newest little girl -- to collect and bring several bunches of soft red rope cut in various lengths from his closet. Using an ancient Japanese erotic bondage technique known as Shibari, Alan coiled the red ropes around Dani's firm, round breasts and then around her elbows to hold her arms tight against her body. With Tami's help, he bound her knees together before bringing her legs straight back and tying her ankles to a circle of red rope around her throat. Pulling her torso down, Alan could bend the beautiful blonde almost in half at her waist. This left her cunt very close to resting on her chin -- in fact, it put all three of Dani's fuck holes in very close proximity.

Standing at the side of the bed, Alan had Tami guide his hard, thick erection first between Dani's sweet lips. Her hanging head aligned her mouth and esophagus perfectly and the Master was able to slide his cock smoothly down her throat until his balls smacked her face. He pulled back and Tami re-gripped his shaft, this time pushing him into the lawyer's tiny pink vaginal opening. The twenty-three year-old redhead with the Playmate body was amazed that her new boss' big, thick prick was able to penetrate her mentor's tiny, pink cunt with such ease. Once again he pulled back after a single stroke until his thick, dark, plum-shaped cockhead popped out of his slave's pussy. This time he didn't wait for the redhead's tiny hand.

The iconic, dominant Sales Director pressed the head of his dick directly into Dani's dusky pink ringed muscle and with no hesitation at all, he fucked his thick meat into her ass as far as he could...until his swollen sac slapped against her bare naked mound and puffy pussy lips. Dani remembered hearing a scream, but she wasn't sure who it came from. All she knew was that Alan filling her shit-hole sent her consciousness directly out of her body until she was resting several feet above herself. Only then could she take the full pleasure and enjoyment of Tami using Alan's cock and her hands to fuck Dani's three holes in turn, over and over again. And as she enjoyed the ravishment and defiling of her body by both her mentor and her protégé, she thought about what had happened earlier in the afternoon.


After Juwan left, a hot Mexican waiter wandered into the suite and put on a real "boys' town" sex show with Rosalie, the outrageously hot Puerto Rican teenage room maid. Dani and Tami, her protégé and new personal slut-in-training, were used to keep Alan, James and the Sales Managers hard and wet while they all waited to fuck the little eighteen year-old Latina angel. Cocks of all shapes, colors and sizes moved from her mouth to cunt to ass and back to her mouth again for what seemed like hours. All three of Dani's holes were red and raw -- Juwan's earlier damage forgotten as they all took her deep down her throat. As their compensation/slut, Dani felt compelled to give them her best regardless of her own discomfort.

Tami, on the other hand, was the lucky recipient of soft stroking hands and tender, pliable fingers kneading and pulling the pale, freckled flesh all over her fantastic twenty-three year-old body. Lips and tongues trailed over her naked, tingling skin shooting bolts of electric sexual energy deep into her core. She was giving the thirty-something Sales Managers the college girlfriend sexy make-out experience and she was about ready to boil over the top. If it wasn't for the vague, distant fire somewhere between her thighs that kept flaming clearer and brighter, she would have been happy to keep making out with the group as long as they wanted her.

The finale came when Rosalie's fiancé returned with an engagement ring for his sweet bride-to-be. He was let into the suite as Dani was lubricating Tony Renaldi's thick, meaty fuck-pole with her pretty pink tongue. The tall, handsome Sales Manager, a powerfully-built ex-Marine, had already cunt- fucked the golden-skin Puerto Rican beauty to orgasm -- his girth exceeding even Juwan's massive organ -- by stretching her tiny eighteen year-old pussy more than anyone ever had, Now, as he'd promised the striking young beauty earlier, he was preparing to take her anal cherry.

Sasha and Rosalie were making out on the couch; the young girl was leaning back against the cushion with her heels up by her hips and her thighs spread wide. Sasha's experienced fingers and lips were driving the blossoming young flower crazy with lust and desire while feeding her need for revenge -- her fiancé had not been treating her fairly and she needed to even things out. Tina was kneeling in front of Rosalie's exposed crotch, her tongue and small fingers busy with her new friend's pussy and anus.

Old habits die struggling. When Juwan saw the three naked women together on the couch, he couldn't help but make a comment not appropriate to his new place in his relationship with his darling Rosalie. He could tell it wasn't the proper thing to say, referring to the three as bitches, by the collective gasp coming from the couch.

Locking an arm around Sasha and a leg around the back of Tami's freckled neck, the caramel-colored island beauty let her gaze drop on Juwan like a Queen regarding her lowliest slave. "Only real men call beautiful women like us bitches. You a real man, Juwan? Did you bring me my ring, baby?"

The young, once proud black man nodded his head and reached into his coat pocket for the small, black velvet box he had just put in there. He started to walk towards the couch and was stopped mid-stride.

"Just toss me the box, baby. You wanna get closer, you got to show all of us you are a real man." It wasn't the way he'd though it would happen, but he tossed the box towards the couch. Sasha caught it and handed it to the little golden doll she was rapidly becoming enamored with. Rosalie ignored the box and brought the Russian's full lips close to hers. Looking straight into Sasha's deep, almost Asian eyes, she spoke to her fiancé. "Take off your clothes, Juwan. I want everybody to see if you're a real man or just my new bitch boy." She pecked Sasha on the lips. "I think a real man would get a big hard-on watching his fiancée kiss the most beautiful woman in Boston, no?" This time it was more than a peck -- Juwan was sure there was tongue. "Now, bitch! Or do you want your precious little doll to kick your cojones some more?" She waved her foot towards him and everyone in the room laughed. He could hardly have been more humiliated. Sure.

He stripped slowly, his attention, like everyone else's, on the kiss between Sasha and Rosalie. They were sucking the oxygen out of the air, leaving everyone else gasping in super-heated lust. As he revealed himself part by part, his eyes drifted around the room. The first jolt came when he saw James, his boss and now virtual owner, stroking his cock -- the same cock that had been in Juwan's mouth only a few hours earlier. The initial shock and disgust was replaced quickly by pain as his steel cock-cage prevented the erection his mind and body were fighting to produce.

The former stud ripped his eyes away only to have them find the golden California cocks of the Duncan brothers. They were fisting each other's thick, meaty cocks as they watched the two women they had both fucked earlier pleasure themselves. Juwan gasped again from the pain of the chastity device on his constricted cock. He wondered briefly why that would excite him -- until he remembered the last thing he saw before he'd left the room before were those same hard cocks fucking his fiancée's mouth and tiny cunt at the same time. Shamed again, he turned his eyes in the other direction, only to see the blonde lawyer bitch who had started all his problems. Sliding in and out of her mouth was the largest white cock he had ever seen outside of a porn movie.

Once again he felt the pain of the hard, unyielding steel preventing him from erecting his frustrated organ. Once again he wondered why yet another cock was affecting him that way.

"Look at me -- not at his hard-on, faggot." Rosalie was getting more and more excited as she looked at Dani and Tony while talking to Juwan. "Do you have a hard-on? Are you a real man or a bitch, baby? Turn around and show everyone." It took all of Juwan's self-control not to throw up or run away, the first two options that crossed his mind. Instead, he stood as tall as he could at that moment and accepting his fate, exposed his soft, trapped penis to everyone in the room. He just knew what was coming. This time he expected the pain in his groin. The tiny, golden Hispanic angel crooked her finger at her fiancé and beckoned him towards the couch.

Standing before Rosalie and Sasha, Juwan's knees almost buckled when the eighteen year-olds fingers grabbed around the steel device trapping his penis, her long, polished nails digging into his exposed scrotal sac. The women kissed passionately before Rosalie started talking. "Sasha, did you see this beautiful black man's cock this morning...all hard and thick?" Sasha moaned into Rosalie's mouth and nodded her head as they kissed again. "I always thought he was so big..." Rosalie started giggling, "but in this room I can see at least four that are bigger. And don't tell him," her giggle changed to a stage whisper, "but three of the four are white!"

Sasha, Dani and Tami all started giggling along with the sexy young beauty. Juwan not only felt the shame and embarrassment of the moment, but he just knew both James and Rosalie would repeat the story over and over until everyone he knew had heard.

"Tony? Uhm, Mr. Renaldi? Could you please come over here for a minute, please?" She giggled again as Sasha kissed her swollen nipples. "Do you think you could do me a little favor?" Rosalie nudged Tami out from between her spread thighs and sent her back to Dani to make room for the approaching muy macho dios so Tony could occupy that golden space.

The thirty-something ex-Marine strode over to the couch and stood in front of the sweet, almost innocent looking Puerto Rican girl. It had been a long time since he'd had a teenage pussy -- as cute as some of the girls were, he had decided years before that the end result wasn't worth the bother. This girl, however, was something special. Certainly, she was worth an evening whenever he was in town so he wanted to do everything necessary to make their time together memorable. And he thought her little forays into Female Dominance were adorable. "Anything you want, my little firecracker pussy." The handsome, rugged Italian laughed when he heard Juwan gasp. He stepped closer to the nubile eighteen year-old girl with the perfect golden flesh and the little girl's naked pussy mound and tiny cunt lips.

Rosalie's heart almost stopped when her fingers grasped Tony's thick, hard, blood-swelled cock. After squeezing his immense girth, reminding herself again how wonderfully he'd stretched her pussy, she started stroking up and down his curved shaft, her fingertips feathering the soft, velvet skin around his sensitive corona.

"Did I tell you before, Mr. Renaldi, sir, that several times I've asked my fiancé to fuck my ass? Each time, that foolish boy said no. Can you believe it?" Tony looked at Juwan with pity and scorn and sniggered at the trussed-up black waiter. Rosalie brought his face back to hers and kissed him with all the cinematic romantic flair the eighteen year-old firecracker could muster. She moaned and groaned and rubbed her perfect, firm teenage tits into his massive chest and her fiancé died a little inside as he realized what was coming. "You wouldn't say no if I asked you, would you, Sir?"


Still floating closer to the ceiling of the hotel bedroom than her own body, Dani let the waves of alternating pain and pleasure wash over her electrified flesh. Alan had settled into a steady rhythm, his cock seemingly growing thicker and longer with each stroke deep into his protégé/slave's stretched out anus, his heavy, swollen balls smacking against her ass in an almost hypnotic beat. At the same time, the Sales Director and Master to the women in his room, he placed Tina on Dani's mouth facing him. And in counter time to his strong, deeply filling ass-fucking, he guided the naked, twenty-three year-old redhead's fingers to Dani's slick, shaved cunt and started inserting them -- one by one and then her thumb -- until he'd worked Tami's fist all the way inside her mentor's pussy hole.

Dani could hardly breathe, her face glued to Tina's bottom as the most perfect ass she had ever seen rolled over her mouth. She was slowly losing her mind to the ungodly perfection of the syncopated beat of her cock-fist DP fucking. She was moving closer and closer to her Dark Space where she could convert the pain to extraordinary pleasure when she heard Alan whisper something to the young redhead but she couldn't make out the words. Instead she let her mind wander back to earlier that afternoon.


The Corporate Counsel, naked and on her knees between the two California brothers, watched the beautiful, young and naked room maid successfully manipulate everyone around her. And though her techniques were raw and immature, the Sales Managers, along with Dani, had noticed her talent for control and supported her where they could. Dani was thinking that she should have the corporate HR personnel look into her background and see if she qualified for any scholarship awards. Properly trained and educated, this girl would be an asset to any company. "And FUCK!!!" thought the VP-lawyer-slave, "she's sooo fucking hot!"

Tony had confirmed he wouldn't pass on the chance to have her ass. The voyeurs around the room silently applauded Rosalie's first request. "Some things are just so unfair, you know? How can a girl like your pretty blonde slave..." Dani's cunt started to moisten again when she heard Rosalie, "ever get back at a pig like my fiancé? I mean, there's no tooth for a tooth or eye for an eye here, right?"

It was the combination of her words, her expression, and her attitude that sent chills through the suite's occupants. She sounded as mature and in control as anyone in the room had all day. "So that's gonna be the first favor I ask you, Mr. Renaldi. I want you to use this magnificent piece of manhood," she stroked his hard, thick shaft with her fingertips right in front of Juwan's face, "and show my fiancé exactly how he hurt that very sexy lady." Tony's slight grin was all the answer she needed and she turned towards her whimpering, caged, cuckold fiancé. "You know you brought this on yourself, baby. You are going to see what if feels be be hurt by someone and you can't do anything about it."

At the large Italian's command, Juwan moved to hands and knees, his head tilted forward and his mouth open. Tony gave no sign, no warning before fucking his thick, hard cock into Juwan's mouth and through to his throat. He gripped the top of the waiter's head with his right hand and he cradled the young black man's throat as his left hand gripped his lower jaw. He spoke in the flat, low monotone that Dani remembered from her childhood when some of her father's business associates came to the house.


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