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Dani's Risky Foursome Ch. 01

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A sudden break-up reawakens a hot college girl’s inner slut.
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This story is part of my Pandora's Box series and comes in three chapters. The main sexual themes are roleplay, pregnancy risk, and breeding. Although I believe each story can be read as a standalone, a full list of the entries and the chronological order to read them in can be found in my bio for those interested.

Regular readers of mine will note that I have stopped using the previous title format of Pandora's Box Chapter 1a, 2b, etc. This was a deliberate choice of mine but rest assured that the story and narrative hasn't changed and will continue as planned.

Comments and feedback are welcome as always!

Trouble In Paradise

Dani grunted with effort, her teeth gritted and her forehead glistening with sweat as she descended on her final set of barbell squats. 210lbs were balanced on her upper back, and her abs and legs were screaming at her to stop, but she was so close now. Her entire body was on fire as she tensed her muscles, pushing upwards... and then she stalled.

"Fuck," Dani hissed under her breath, straining to try and complete the motion. Her entire workout had been miserable today, and the college cutie screwed up her face and loosed another pained grunt as she tried desperately to at least complete the rep.

But it wasn't happening. With a groan of defeat, Dani cautiously dropped back down and allowed the barbell to roll backwards off her shoulders and onto the safety bars. She fell hard on her butt, leaning back as her legs shook wildly and she fought frantically to catch her breath. Every muscle in her body burned, pulsing painfully as if to punish her for the lackluster performance.

With a deep sigh, Dani grabbed her phone up from the floor and glanced at the notifications. They were completely blank. She bit her cheek, a pang of distress slithering through her and certainly not making her feel any better. Why wasn't he replying?

Against her better judgement, Dani opened her Instagram and glanced at the last message her boyfriend, Jake, had sent her... nearly six hours ago. She had replied instantly and, since then, there had been nothing.

Four days had passed since Jake's birthday. The day after, a Sunday, had been good fun and laid back, with the exception of the trip to buy the morning-after pill. Jake and Dani had spent the whole day together before going for a fancy dinner in the evening. Jake had been working on the Monday, and Dani had college, but they texted each other relentlessly as usual.

On Tuesday morning, however, Jake's messages had ceased rapidly, and only resumed in the evening with few and far between one-word responses. Now it was Wednesday evening, and her boyfriend's behaviour hadn't changed at all. He had even refused to come to the gym with her, claiming he was "busy". And it was freaking Dani out.

"Hey. Are you done with that?"

Dani glanced up to see a bronzed, muscular guy with short black hair, about her age, gesturing at the frame she had been occupying, while letting his eyes wander brazenly across her tanned and tight body. Dani was wearing her usual, admittedly revealing, gym outfit of a sports bra and athletic booty shorts, specifically her favourite black set that showed off all the curves of her body.

Ordinarily she would have loved teasing this guy a little more but, right now with everything going on, she really wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah, all yours."

"Great. Thanks sexy."

Ignoring the "compliment", Dani rolled over and shakily got to her feet, brushing a lock of glossy brown hair out of her face as she looked back down at her phone, debating whether to double-text Jake.

"I think we go to the same college." Dani glanced up to see the muscular guy still looking at her -- or, rather, checking her out -- with a confident smile on his face. He held out a steady hand. "My name's Adam."

"Oh, right. Hey Adam. I'm Daniella." Dani took the hand briefly before dropping it and looking back at her phone.

"Sooo, do you come here often? I've seen you around a couple of times." Adam shuffled closer, letting his eyes fall over the cute brunette in front of him. He actually saw her at least two or three times a week, serving as a cock-hardening distraction during his workouts. Usually she was here with a tall, muscular blond guy but, today, she appeared to be on her own. And he was a fool if he wasn't going to take advantage of that.

Adam let his eyes wander down Dani's body again, not even trying to hide it. She looked incredible in her little gym outfit. Her tits were some of the best he had ever seen, large and tanned and firm, barely constrained behind the tight sports bra, which looked moulded to their shape. Her slim, tight waist, wide, seductive hips, and long, smooth legs were certainly all massive draws as well, but what he really loved was her ass.

Whenever she did squats or deadlifts he had to pretty much stop what he was doing to watch. It was so round and so plump, the most perfect bubble butt he had ever seen, and he was eternally grateful that she apparently chose to cover it with the tiniest shorts imaginable. They seemed almost painted on, with the lower part of her pert buttocks always peeking out below the stretched leg holes.

Feeling his cock start to stiffen all over again, Adam drew his gaze back up to Dani's face. As if her body wasn't fantastic enough, she was incredibly beautiful as well, possessing big, smouldering hazel eyes with gorgeous lashes, full and sultry lips, a cute button nose, and thick, wavy chestnut-coloured hair that flowed down her neck and shoulders, all the way to her mid-back.

"Fairly often, I guess," Dani answered, taking a step back and doing her best not to make her irritation obvious. She had noticed this guy staring at her plenty of times before. Usually she enjoyed the attention, but that was also when Jake was present to actively discourage the gym rats from talking to her. Adam wasn't the first guy to take advantage of her boyfriend's absence today.

"I thought so. You don't get a body like that by sitting around at home, am I right?"

"I guess not."

A brief silence passed between them as Dani looked back at her phone.

"So, are you busy later?"

"What?" Dani looked back up, her expression laced with exasperation. It was like she was having the same conversation every ten minutes with different boys.

"After the gym? I was thinking we could- "

"I'm busy."

"Oh." Adam looked put out for a second, but then a cocky grin slipped back across his face. "Busy doing what? We could always- "

"I'm going home to fuck my boyfriend, that's what I'm gonna be busy doing." Dani stared long and hard at Adam, who gazed back with his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Oh... I.... I didn't realise you had- "

"Yes, you did," Dani sighed. She bent down and picked up her water bottle. "You can stare at my ass some more if you want. As I walk away. Because it's the closest you'll ever get." She didn't even wait for a reply before turning on her heel and hurrying away, as fast as she could, to the women's changing rooms. She could feel anger stirring inside her, boiling hotter and hotter as she gripped her phone and bottle harder.

Her workout had taken almost twice as long because of all the guys she had to bat away today. Not to mention how she had utterly failed to beat all her targets. Where the hell was Jake? Why hadn't he come with her? This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't acting so... so...

"UGH!" Frustrated, Dani swung open her locker door, letting it crash loudly against the wall. Everyone in the general vicinity turned to look at the source of the sudden disruption.

"Are you okay, dear?" A middle-aged woman with kindly eyes leaned over, smiling at Dani.

"I'm fine," Dani said, gulping down a small lump in her throat. "Thank you." She didn't bother showering; yanking her bag hurriedly out of the locker, Dani rushed out of the changing room with her eyes glued to the floor.

"Excuse me!" The raised voice was clearly aimed in her direction, but Dani ignored it as she made for the exit, swinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Hey! Slow down!" A hand grabbed Dani's shoulder, and she whirled around to see the woman from before, holding something out towards her. "You forgot this."

"Oh." Dani finally allowed a small smile to creep onto her face as she recognised her phone. "Thank you." Her stomach twisted with unease as she took it back -- her whole life was on that little device. It wasn't like her to just forget it.

Dani emerged into the fresh evening air, enjoying as best she could the soft breeze that blew across her heated and sweaty frame. The sun was starting to set, setting the twilight sky ablaze with a fiery orange glow. She looked back at her phone, hoping and praying with every glance that she would see Jake's name pop up. All she wanted was an explanation, something, anything. A "sorry babe", or a "come over babe". But there was still nothing.

Dani reached her car, chucking her bag into the back and sliding into the driver's seat. Beyond Jake's lack of contact, there was another element to her frustrations too. Between the physical exertion, tight clothing, and the attention she received, Dani was almost always insatiably horny by the end of her workouts. Typically, with Jake around, this wasn't an issue. Once they were finished, they would simply go home and fuck like rabbits.

But today? With Jake acting so distant, Dani was seriously wanting for a way to alleviate the pressure. She bit her lip as she ran her hand down the inside of her thigh, inches from her pussy, and clamped her legs shut. God, was it always this bad? Her desperate kitty was already starting to leak, threatening to mark her tight shorts with a damp and dark patch of arousal.

Dani held her phone up, running her thumb absent-mindedly around the edge, trying to work out what she wanted to do. But she knew what she wanted to do. She didn't even want an explanation or an apology or even the sex. She just wanted to hear his voice. Ever since their first date, she had never gone this long without hearing it.

Dialling Jake's number hastily, Dani held her breath as she put the phone to her ear. It rang and rang. She nervously slid her hand up and down her bare thigh as she waited for an eternity, tensed and ready for the voicemail message to kick in.

Then there was a click.


"Jake?" Dani pressed the phone to her ear, waiting for him to respond. There was nothing but silence. "Baby? Are you there?"

"...Yeah. I'm here."

Despite everything, a huge smile broke across Dani's face. "Finally! Where have you been?! I've just been to the gym. I missed you."

"That's sweet."

"All these guys kept hitting on me. I need my bodyguard back," she giggled, waiting for Jake's reply. A quip or a funny remark about how she only uses him for protection, or something like that.

"Yeah, I guess."

Dani's smile faltered. A coil of anxiety twisted deep in her belly as her entire body tensed up. Even his voice sounded different. Her breathing deepened. What the hell was going on?

"Jake?" Dani said, swallowing hard. "Is everything okay?"

"I... yeah. Everything's fine." Dani clenched her free fist, digging her nails into the palm of her hand, at his intonation. Everything sure as shit didn't sound fine.

"So, I'm in the car. I don't have any lectures tomorrow. I was thinking of coming over?" Her consternation was tempered somewhat by a second flash of arousal, the heat rising between her legs in anticipation of what Jake could do to her to relieve her pent-up tension.

"Sorry, Dani, I have work tomorrow." Dani's arousal dissipated as quickly as it had manifested, replaced with a low sinking feeling that tipped through her stomach. That had never been a reason for her not to come over. Jake was usually happy for her to just chill at his until he finished.

"Oh. Well... it could be for just a few hours? We'll have dinner, and- "

"No, Dani. Not tonight."

Another silence passed through the phone and into the car, enveloping Dani like a blanket. Not a single sound seemed to permeate the quiet that had settled over the car, even from outside.

"Jakey... I wanna see you. Don't you wanna see me?" Dani asked in a low, soft voice, hugging her phone against her cheek.

"I do. Just not tonight."

"But why?" Dani asked, her tone rising slightly. "Why not tonight?"

"I told you, I have work tomorrow."

"So? Am I that much of a distraction?"

"Dani, just..." Jake's voice trailed off.

"Hmm? Just what?"

Another silence. Then...

"Look, Dani, I've gotta go. We'll speak soon."

Agitation bubbled away inside Dani. "Don't you dare!" she cried indignantly, pressing the phone into her skin with both hands. "Jake! Don't go!" But a low droning noise indicated that Jake had already hung up.

"What the hell!" Dani shouted, slapping the headboard with frustration. She slumped back against her car seat. Her fingers loosened around her phone, which fell into her lap with a soft thump. What the hell was wrong with him?

It took mere seconds for Dani's thoughts to leap to all sorts of dark places and horrid conclusions. He wasn't bored of her, was he? Surely he wasn't cheating on her? Paralysed by dread, Dani gulped down the lump that had suddenly taken root in her throat. More than anything, she was disturbed by how quickly Jake's attitude had changed. Barely 36 hours ago, everything had been normal.

Dani sat in her car for almost twenty minutes, her chest heaving as thick waves of unease washed through it. The uncertainty was the worst part, gnawing away at her like a cloud of insects. If Jake had just given her a reason... told her something, anything! But she knew the longer she sat there, the worse it would get.

Gritting her teeth, Dani reached out and grasped the wheel. She had to get to the bottom of this. It was all she was going to be thinking about. There was no way in hell she could go home now and pretend not to care. She twisted her key in the ignition as the old car rumbled to life underneath her.

She was going to see her boyfriend, whether he liked it or not.

The drive didn't take long. Ten minutes later, Dani rolled up outside Jake's apartment building, slamming the soles of her gym trainers against the brakes. Turning off the car, she glanced up at his window, her breathing getting heavier and heavier.

The living room light was on. He was definitely up there. Was this the smart thing to do? Dani shuddered as she imagined walking in to find her boyfriend with another girl -- making her dinner, watching tv with her, possibly even fucking her. There was no way... he wouldn't.

Would he?

Dani released a low whine into the silence of her car, her face twisting with a pained grimace as she tipped her head back against the headrest. Her tummy bubbled with nerves. Her fingernails dug into the supple skin of her tanned thigh. A part of her didn't even want to confront the truth. What was she going to find up there?

Dani's hand was shaking as she opened the door, stepping gingerly onto the pavement. The sun had set even lower now, and the biting evening chill brushed across her scantily clad form. Her shoulders, arms, cleavage, midriff, thighs, and calves, all exposed, erupted with fields of goosebumps. The brunette college girl wrapped her arms around her torso, beneath her protruding breasts, as she paced quickly up to the front door of the building and slipped through.

Jake's flat was on the third floor, and Dani crept up the stairs towards it. Her heart hammered in her chest like a beating drum, getting louder and faster with every step, and she tried her best to gulp down her nerves as she emerged into the brown carpeted hallway. Low lighting laced the corridor with a pallid grey glow, surrounding Dani like a fog as she stopped in front of Jake's door.

Only the dim rattle of the television could be heard as Dani pressed her ear against the pale wood, trying to discern what could possibly be happening inside, as if to figure out what was going on inside Jake's mind without having to confront him. Her fingers curled tightly around the door handle, turning her knuckles white as she swallowed heavily. Her entire body was tensed up as Dani willed herself to open the door, to discover the truth about what Jake was up to.

"One." Dani whispered the single word under her breath, drawing her ear away from the door.

"Two." Her body trembled with nerves, and Dani tightened her grip on the door handle, the cool metal pressing into her warm and sweaty palm.

"Three!" Yanking the handle down, Dani flinched as a loud clicking sound signalled her arrival, followed by the long, slow creaking of hinges in need of oiling. She shrunk back around the corner, not expecting to make so much noise. For several seconds she crept there, breathing heavily, before poking her head around the door frame.

The living room was empty -- a low, comforting orange glow lay across it from a tall lamp in the corner. Aside from the buzz of the evening news from the TV, not a single sound could be heard.

Cautiously pottering into the room and closing the door behind her, Dani cocked her head to the side as she heard something else. It was like the droning of muffled static, ceaseless and invasive, and it took her more than a second to realise what it actually was.

Dani gulped again as she walked into Jake's room, the noise getting louder and louder. Her suspicions were quickly confirmed: the splash of running water and the rush of steaming heat. Jake was in the shower. Or, at least, someone was.

Thoughts of Jake cheating on her poured into her mind yet again. What if some other girl was in there? Worse yet, what if he was in there with her? Dani pushed her ear against the door, straining to hear anything on the other side. She couldn't hear anybody speaking, although the endless cascading din of the shower made it tricky.

Almost unintentionally, Dani felt again a metallic grazing against her skin, and realised she had already wrapped her hand around the handle.

She wanted to go in. She had to.

Then Dani flinched back, releasing her hold on the door and taking a couple of rapid steps back. The backs of her legs hit the bed and she nearly tumbled backwards onto it. Dani's eyes flashed towards the exit, and it took all her willpower to prevent herself from darting back to the car.

He was right through there. All the answers, everything she wanted to know, lay on the other side of that wooden door.

Dani steadied her breathing and smoothed down her gym clothes, moulded as they were to her tight, slim frame. She strode forwards, gritting her teeth with determination, seizing the door handle a second time. With exaggerated slowness, she pulled it down. Her heart flipped as she heard the latch unlock. And then, with her breath juddering in her throat, she gave the door a soft push and poked her head into the en-suite.

Dani's chestnut curls fell around her face as she leant in, immediately struck by the humidity. Her eyes focused upon the shower cubicle, and the bulky outline of the shrouded figure behind the misted glass. She hadn't even realised that she was holding her breath, and Dani released it with relief -- there was definitely only one person inside, and it sure as shit wasn't a girl.

The college girl's eyes held their gaze upon the shadow behind the cubicle door. Even through the fog, she could make out Jake's muscular form. His biceps bulged as he rubbed shampoo into his scalp, the slight and almost nimble movements of his V-shaped torso belying its mass.

Dani bit her lip, suddenly imagining being in the shower with him. Now that her boyfriend was barely a couple of metres away, her anxieties and frustrations about his lack of contact had dissipated as quickly as the rising steam that drifted from the heated en-suite and into the bedroom.

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