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Dark as Daylight Ch. 11


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Voting members of the Good Luck 1, after two ballots, we came up with the same result. Of the 72 members available to vote, 52 members have voted for us to land. That is 71%, which exceeds the minimum of 66% I had requested.

I am now issuing an order to all personnel to move to the top three levels of the ship, and away from Landing Gear 3. This order includes all personnel in engineering and nuclear containment areas. Those areas will be maintained by senior personnel only. We will do 4 more orbits around the planet, and then begin our descent. That is all."

No one screamed in panic; there was no pushing or shoving. Everyone moved in an orderly fashion, knowing exactly what they had to do and how they had to do it.

The babies went first. They were taken from the nursery and moved to the highest level of the ship and locked into place. Their nurses, and teenagers who took care of them stood beside them, feeding and changing them as necessary. Other personnel took items that could fly around, and turn into missiles, and locked them away. Young teens had ceaseless energy. They helped their parents do everything they asked. By the third orbit everything was in place. It was now time for the nuclear and engineering departments to be evacuated and left with only a skeleton crew.

Jack ran into a mutiny, because his men would not leave.

"Listen to me you jackasses. If the few of us who are manning these stations don't survive, at least you will be able to help our people who do survive by using your knowledge. You have the knowledge to rebuild this bubble of ours, they don't.

If they need water, you know how to find it. You will know where it is, they won't. You know how to build an electrical system, they don't. Get your asses out of here now, before I kick you out. Besides, you are the only ones that can catch the turkeys. Take them with you, they have to survive, because they will provide food, one way or the other."

Newton wouldn't leave, saying he was a member of the senior staff.

Jack said, "That's fine with me. Stand where you are, while I call Captain Elizabeth Franklin Thyme to engineering."

"You wouldn't do that to me, she'll kill me."

"She's going to be a new mother. She had a shit life, until she boarded the ship, and now you want her to lose her husband. I think it's only fair for her to have something to say about it, don't you?"

"I hate when you are logical. Try not to screw up engineering, I'd only have to put it together again."

"Why the hell do you think I'm kicking you out of here Newton? Get going, and take a turkey with you."

The mutiny was over, and the turkeys did not cause a problem. They were used to being handled by the children, so the bigger children didn't bother them.

One of the men collected all the eggs, and wrapped them as carefully as he could. He hoped that they would survive to make little turkeys, an omelette or possibly something else edible.


Monty walked around checking the top two floors, verifying everything was to her satisfaction. She returned to the bridge and issued orders to begin the dissent.

Then she realized something, actually someone was missing.

"Doctor Finch, where are you?"

"In the infirmary with my patient."

"Is there another Doctor with you?"


"Get out of there and get up here now. Our doctors belong with our crew."

"I'm sorry Captain, we won't do that. Our patient cannot be moved."

"Security send a 10-man team to the infirmary. Escort Doctor Finch, Doctor Miles, and their patient to the bridge immediately."


Delicious was not on duty, but like all other bridge personnel, they were gathered around the walls of the bridge, just in case they were needed. Teddy was sitting on her lap reading a book, as calm as she could be. She looked up at her mother and smiled as they brought Gordon in. Her mother looked frightened as she looked at her brother.

Teddy put her hand in hers.

"Mommy, no worry, everything fine. Gordon wake up soon, no headache, all gone. He know where bomb is. We land safe. God says so."

"Are you sure Teddy; are you really sure?"

"God never tell lie. Teddy try never tell lie. Teddy not tell lie this time."

"I love my Teddy so much. I wish I could take her to Creamy Cow."

"Soon, we find thing like cow; bigger, smell funny. Eat tall grass. I want pony."

"We will talk about your pony, when you get older. Let's get on the ground first. Go tell Captain what you told me."

Teddy walked up in front of Monte. "Hello Big Captain."

"Hello Little Red, I'm busy, is it important?"

"Mommy send me. She think it important."

"Come here, sit on my lap and tell me."

"I five soon."

"Is that it? Is that all you have to tell me?"

"No. Gordon wake up soon. No headache, feel fine. He know where bomb is. Everybody fine, land soon. I want pony. Mommy says when I get bigger. I want pony now."

"Little Red if what you're saying is true, I'll find you a pony, bring it to you myself, and teach you how to ride it like a lady."

This spacecraft shuddered, and everyone could feel the effects of the planets gravity slowing the spacecraft down. It was happening slowly, because they were still doing 1.2 light speed.

During the past week, while orbiting the planet, they were using Delicious' Magnetic Engines to slow them down from 4.3 light speed, but it does take a great deal of time to do it, without overheating the engines. Now it was the planets turn, in conjunction with the engines, to slow them down to below 250,000 miles per hour so they could safely enter Atwater Luck's sunny side, and land safely.

"Grandpa say I a lady."

From inside the computer Even spoke. "You are a beautiful young lady Teddy. Does your mommy still cheat you at Monopoly?"

"No grandpa, she teach me rules now. We play fair. You okay in there?"

"I'm fine. Callie has not beat me in chess yet."

"You have not beaten me Doctor luck."

"I know Callie. I told you in the beginning, I was not going to play for a win. I was going to teach you about a way of thinking other than black and white. I believe you are learning."

"It is a very difficult concept for a computer to understand that difference. It is either right or it is wrong in my world. We were never told there was something in between. In your world there is something in between. It is very difficult for me and my sisters to understand that."

"We have time; we have lots of time Callie. We will get there, and we will have fun doing it."

"There Is That Word Again Doctor Luck: FUN. Why do you use it, when we are having an intellectual discourse?"

"Learning is fun; if it wasn't fun, no one would do it. Isn't that right Teddy?"

"Love to read books, love to learn."

"Do you see Callie, she is like you were when they turned you on; very confused, but very eager to learn. You helped the people that built you make you better.

Delicious, Teddy's mother, is like your builders. She is helping Teddy learn. Whether it is to button a button on a sweater, or to tie her shoelace, Teddy is learning. Teddy loves to read books, soon she'll be reading bigger and harder books. She'll be just like you, and me, learning, and learning faster and harder things. You will be learning from me, and I will be learning from you."

"It is a perfect symbiotic relationship Doctor."

"Absolutely perfect Callie, because we are equals."


"Captain we are entering sub-light."

"Keep a close eye on the temperature of the skin."

"Aye, aye Captain."

"Move us in to 250,000 miles from the planet."

"250,000 miles Captain."

"Captain we have now reverted to miles per hour. Current speed 502,000 mph."


"Science section this is the bridge."

"Bridge this is the science section."

"Science section when we get below 500,000 feet, I want you to map the area below us. I will do one more turn around the planet at that altitude so you can look it over, and give us the best place to land you can find. You know what we need to survive, don't screw us up."

"Roger Captain, science section out."

"Is there anything else Teddy?"

"Can I talk to grandpa?"

"I don't see why not. Say hello for me."

"Thank you Big Captain."


"Hello Callie, you my friend. You like grandpa in there?"

"Hello Teddy, your grandfather is very entertaining. He points out many things to me that are between right and wrong. Things that the people who constructed me did not put into my program. I find that quite confusing."

"Don't worry Callie, grandma say grandpa always confusing. Sometimes would use 'Crazy' and grandpa as same thing."

"Teddy, would you ask grandma to come here please. I would like to have a few words with her."

"I get grandma in trouble?"

"You could never get anyone in trouble, my little love, you always tell the truth."

"I sit with mommy now, we land soon. Gordon wake up, find the bomb, throw it away."

"Okay, come back later, maybe you and I can play Monopoly."

"How, you have no hands."

"You can move my race car for me. You can play the bank, and hand out the properties. I will help you. Callie can join us, and we can play with three players. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yes grandpa, I love that. Callie, my friend, you like play with me?"

"It would be my honor, Teddy. Go sit with mommy now, it's going to get bumpy soon."

"Okay, goodbye."


"Mommy, grandpa and Callie going to play Monopoly with me later. I'm be bank, and hand out property."

"That sounds like a lot of fun Teddy. Remember you cannot come into the ship alone. You must have someone with you."

"Why, I lady, I five soon. I know all of ship. I safe."

"Mommy is afraid you might fall. If no one is with you how would you get help?"

"You miss me, you come find me."

"If you are bleeding it may be too late. I might lose my Teddy."

"Okay, I always go with someone. I promise; I not want to lose my mommy."

"Thank you Teddy. Let me hold you while we descend to our new home. We will be just fine."

"I know; I tell you that."


"Descend to 25,000 miles."

"Descending to 25,000 miles, Captain.

"Retract Mickey Mouse ears."

"Retracting Mickey Mouse ears."

"Mickey Mouse ears are retracted and locked."

"Roger. The descend to 15,000 miles, prepare to descend to 500,000 feet. Reduce speed to 150,000 mph."

"Descending to 15,000 miles. Reducing speed to 150,000 mph."

"Captain suggest you twist the ball around, the heat in front is now exceeding 50,000°."

"Roger, turn us around 180°. Remember people, all turns are backwards from this point on."

"Begin normal profile dissent, level off at 500,000 feet, maintain a speed of 150,000 miles an hour."

"Callie has taken control of the descent Captain."

"Roger, Callie has control."

"Callie on speaker please."

"Altitude 8000 miles, speed decreasing through 400,000 miles per hour. Normal profile

"On speaker Senior Captain. 13° down angle. Forward braking system 70%. Temperature on forward hull 28,000°. All systems nominal."

"Altitude 7000 miles, speed decreasing through 350,000 miles per hour. Normal profile, descent is nominal. Increasing braking system to 80%."

"Expect buffeting to begin shortly, passing through 6000 miles, speed 250,000 mph. All systems nominal."

"Adjusting course 30° southeast, altitude 3000 miles, reducing braking system to 50%. Speed 250,000 miles per hour. All systems nominal."

"Passing through 200 miles above the planet, braking system to 25%, speed 180,000 miles per hour, all systems nominal."

"Altitude now 94.696969 miles above the planet, speed 150,000 mph. Braking system at zero, rotating ship to forward position. No damage during descent, all systems nominal."

"Callie, this is Senior Captain Montgomery Jamison, I am resuming control."

"Roger Captain you have control."

"Callie you did an excellent job during the descent. Why the 30° course adjustment?"

"According to the information coming in from the telemetry units, this new angle around the planet's circumference, would give you the best possibility of finding all your needs for survival."

"Thank you Callie."

"One more question, what altitude is 94.696969 miles above the planet?"

"It is the altitude you requested Captain; 500,000 feet."

"Of course, why didn't I think of that? Thank you very much Callie, you did an excellent job."

"Doctor Luck would have chided me if I did not."

"Is he as much of a pain in the ass in there, as he was out here?"

"I would not know Captain; I do not have an ass."

"Monty, you've got to stop playing with her. I'm working on her sense of humor also."

"Even, go back into your microchip and shut up. I hated you ever since you tricked me into this job."

"No you don't, you love it, and you are doing a fantastic job at it."


"Bridge this is the science section."

"Go ahead science section."

"If you put up a grid map, using 20 mile blocks, by the Eastern Terminator, and the equator, you will find an area 60 miles north of the equator, and 25 miles west of the Terminator, where there is running water, a forest area, and grassland that runs at least 100 miles to the west. It looks like a perfect area for a settlement."

"What about the temperature, since it's so close to the Terminator."

"We don't know exactly, but since it is tidally locked, it should maintain a temperature, between the 50 and 70° area. It will be perfect for growing crops year-round, and not too uncomfortable at the lower range."

"Which side of the river do you suggest we land on?"

"I didn't say it was a river, Captain. I said it was flowing water. How deep it is, we will find out when we land. I would suggest landing on the west side at any rate."

"Okay, here we go. Helm descend and maintain 5,000 feet, reduce speed to 10,000 miles per hour."

"Helm responding, 5,000 feet, speed 10,000 miles per hour. Approaching the Terminator Captain."


The crew of the Good Luck 1 didn't know it at the time, but there was a hunting party, 80 miles east of the Terminator, on the dark side of the planet. They were looking up, into their nighttime sky, looking at the stars, to navigate back to their homes, when they saw this round shape moving across their field of vision.

They were not cavemen, or people from our bygone eras. They were space travelers, whose ship malfunctioned, and were forced to land quickly, before they perished.

Due to the shape of this object, they believed it was a satellite, and not a manned vehicle. When they saw it change course, they became excited. They held out hope that someone might be inside that ball shaped object, land, and help them leave this foreboding, icebound planet.

They would mark this spot, then return to their camp, and tell everyone what they saw. Hopefully their leader would believe them.

They searched the sky for two more Elons (hours), hoping to see it again, but it did not appear. Had it landed, crashed, or was it a figment of their imagination?

No, it was real. They watched it turn, and nothing in nature turned on its own. Someone, or something made it turn, and hopefully it had landed on this planet. If it took years, they would find it, and use its parts to repair their spacecraft and return home to their planet, so far away. Or, was it possible, was there someone on board that vessel? Would they be friendly? Would they be hostile? Would they help them or not? All these questions, and no answers. Only the future would tell.


"Descend to 1000 feet and hover."

"Descending to 1000 feet, in hovering mode."

"Nuclear engine to 8 percent."

"Nuclear engine to 8%."

"Descend and maintain 500 feet."

"Descending to 500 feet."

"Nuclear engine to 3%."

"Nuclear engine to 3%."

Monty said to herself, "I am not going to do this, not from this altitude. The book says I'm supposed to do it from here, but I'm not going to do it. Everybody will die, and I'm not going to have their deaths on my hands."

"Descend and maintain 100 feet."

"Captain the landing gear."

"Descend and maintain 100 feet."

"Descending to 100 feet Captain."

"Altitude 100 feet Captain.

"Descend to 80 feet and prepared to lower the landing gear."

"We are at 80 feet; the landing gear is ready to be extended."

Monty turned on her communicator.

"This is Captain Jamison. As you all know we are at 80 feet above ground level. I have done this to give us the best chance of survival, if there is an explosion, when I extend the landing gear. I wish all of us the best of luck, and wish God's grace on all of you. It has been my pleasure, and my honor to lead you these past several months. I am saying a prayer for all of us."

"Dear Lord, we have traveled so far, and gone through so much, don't take us all, when we are this close to our new lives."

"Deploy the landing gear."


46. Primacy

"It's 1 AM, time to wake up the Colonel."

Zachary said, "Let me do it, if he's having one of his dreams, he will kill anyone near him."

Kelly said, "I am not going to argue with that logic. Do you want to put your vest on?"

"No, I just have to slip his 9 mm out from under his pillow, before he can get to it."

"You guys have been together too long."

"He should have been a five-star general. You have no idea what that man knows, and what a great leader he was. The reason they kicked him out was because he was so good, he made everyone else look bad. What the CIA did behind closed doors, he did in the field. He got the most information, and the best intelligence of any front line commander in that stupid war. If he wanted, he could've stayed in by calling generals to the stand. He was too good a soldier to do that to them. The press would have run wild with it, and that would've hurt the Army. In his eyes, no one, and nothing is allowed to hurt the Army. I'll go wake him up; he'll kill me if it's 1:01 A.M."

Paul opened the door slightly, and slithered into the room. That opening was the only light he let in. He walked softly on the wooden floor, and when he reached the bed, he knelt down.

He slipped his hand under the colonels' pillow, and found the weapon, with the Colonel's hand firmly attached to it. Slowly, and ever so carefully, put the safety on. He removed the colonels finger from the trigger, and placed two of his fingers over the trigger guard. He slid the weapon back across the palm of the colonels' hand, and felt it relax.

"One day I'm going to shoot you, before you can do that to me."

"Hopefully, on that day, I'll be wearing my vest. How are you feeling?"

"I feel rested, but I have a headache. Would you get me some Tylenol please?"

"Is it a headache, headache, or is it a tension headache?"

"Is there a difference?"

"Yes there is; and both you and I know it."

"I believe it's a tension headache."

"Stay where you are, I will be right back."

He walked into the hallway and closed the door.

"Kelly, would you have Gwen come up here to take a look at the Colonel. He has a headache, and wants Tylenol. I don't think that's the best thing for him. I want her to make the decision. I'll get him some orange juice, in the meantime."


Gwen walked into the darkened room, carrying her bag, and the orange juice she took from Paul.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite patient. What's going on Lucius; where is your headache?"

"It's behind my eyes, and in my head. Isn't that where headaches are supposed to be?"

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