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Dark Redemption Ch. 14

Story Info
Anna and Peter have a sex picnic.
5k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/06/2006
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I woke the next morning to sunshine pouring in through the window in my bedroom.

And I was alone. Peter was up. With the kids I hoped.

I actually felt good for the first time in a week. The worst week of my life. I did not know what the future was going to bring yet, but this morning I felt good and it was so great to have that feeling, I did not want any planning or theories or ideas to interrupt it.

I heard the children in the kitchen, with Peter making them food and hushing them to keep quiet for fear of waking Mummy. They were whispering so loud that I could hear them better than if they'd used their normal voices.

The bed was warm and I felt relaxed. So I faked still being asleep for a little tiny while longer, savoring the moment of being nestled and being loved by Peter. Then I heard the espresso coffee machine going, and I knew that Peter and the children were making me breakfast in bed.

Thomas whispered louder than he could yell that he was going to check if I were awake yet. I thought I had better let them know that I was up, so I bunched my pillows up behind me and sat upright just in time for little chubby fingers to curl around the door and his face to follow. It lit up to see that I was awake and sitting up in bed.

"Mummy, mummy, you are awake! Daddy has made you breakfast in bed," suddenly his face fell, "but don't tell daddy that I told you because it is a surprise."

He ran out of the room as soon as he had come in, dying to be the first to announce that I was awake.

Soon Jane holding a mug of hot coffee as if it were a cup of liquid gold came through the door, closely followed by Thomas who had a plate with two pieces of Vegemite toast on it. Peter followed up behind, smiling at me and keeping a close eye on the children. Jane rested my coffee on the bedside table, and Thomas complained that now there was no room for his toast. Jane jumped on to the bed, in one leap. Thomas, wanting to be a part of that fun, carefully put the toast down on the floor next to the bed, and then jumped up as well.

"Mummy, we made you breakfast that you can eat in bed and it is not your birthday or Mother's day. It is just for loving." Jane was keen to explain.

I hugged my kids and looked up at Peter, who smiled at me and said, "Yes, just for loving."

But, I wanted to know what was up for this Sunday as a little family. "What are we going to do today?"

"Grandma!" Shouted the two children together.

I shot Peter a questioning glance.

"Mum is in town. She called an hour ago." He explained. "She wants to take the kids for the day, and the come here for dinner to see all of us tonight. Is all that okay with you?"

"Fine! I don't know about you kids though. Are you going to have a good time with grandma all day?"

"Yay". they said together again. They started to jump harder on the bed.

"Okay you two, that's enough. I guess if grandma is coming you had better think about getting dressed so that you are ready for her."

The two of them leapt off the bed and ran out of the room in the direction of their bedrooms. Peter picked the plate of toast off the floor and came to the edge of the bed, and sat next to me.

"Well lovely lady. That means it is just you and me for the day." He grinned that grin that I love so much. "Any suggestions of what WE might get up to today?"

"What about a picnic? Something romantic. We could head down to the marina again and then go out to the little island in the bay. Neither of us has been before, and it is such a great day. We can be lazy and read books and lay about on each other. Maybe even find a little spot for some slap and tickle. What do you think?"

"Perfect perfect perfect.! The only problem with that plan is that we have to get going. I think the ferry leaves hourly from the marina and it is ten now. You had a nice big sleep in. Mum will be here in thirty minutes. Why don't I see that the kids are ready, while you have your coffee and toast, then we can get ready and be down there by eleven. What do you say? Can we pack a picnic basket that fast?"

"We have leftovers from yesterday. We have to come back by about four to get that huge fish cooked for dinner tonight. Is your Dad here too?"

"Yes. He's speaking at a convention. It was a last minute thing, he is replacing someone who was sick. Mum isn't going, so she wants the kids for the day. But they both want to come here for tea."

"Then fish it will be. Done on the barbie!"

Peter smiled at me again, warming my heart to its very core, then left the room. I grabbed a magazine by my bed and flicked through fashion as I nibbled on my very cold toast and drank my, still warm and just the way I like it, coffee. I could not relax for long however. Once we had established an agenda for the day, I wanted to get into it with my family.

It was not till I was in the shower that I thought again of the situation that had been plaguing me for the last seven days. The thing that I was waiting for now was to speak to Peter about what I knew, or to wait for him to speak to me. I also wanted evidence that he wasn't going out the following Friday.

So much had changed between Peter and I over the last twenty-four hours, I felt sure that It would make a difference to his situation, but I had to remind myself that officially I knew nothing about that and that everything depended on how Peter was going to act. I could imagine what he was going to do and I could wonder about it, but in the end, I had to wait and see.

I didn't spend long in the shower, because of the big day that we had planned. I was out and getting dressed when Peter popped his head around the door and told me that his Mother had left with the kids already.

"We're alone." He smiled.

"Well mister, you'll have to wait for any fun from me if we are going to catch the ferry. Have your shower and I'll start work on the picnic basket."

I packed in a hurry while Peter was in the shower. I glanced over at his phone while I was packing and noticed that it was turned off. At first I smiled a sly little half smile. "If she thought she'd get in touch with him today, she'll be surprised." I thought.

Then my heart started to race. Unless it was just to keep me from his phone. No. There was no way. Not after what was going on between us. I had to banish these thoughts from my mind. Peter was not going to cheat on me, not next Friday or any other day. I am not sure where his head had been in the past few weeks, but one thing is for sure, I knew where it is now.

I knew then that we would have to discuss this in some way and try to get past it. I was still really hurt. As soon as anything reminded me of what was going on behind my back made me feel so sick, and it was a taint on our relationship. It was better that I knew he was not unfaithful to me, but I still hated the thought of that shared intimacy with the other woman that I had seen that day.

And I needed to revert just a little to my plan again. I did not want Peter to suffer, but I did want him to have the experience of fear that losing me would inflict. I wanted him to know how bad it felt, so that there was no chance of it ever happening again in any way. And an essential part of this plan was to unleash my darker side.

I glanced down quickly at the sweet little shirt and shorts that I had on, and decided that I needed to change. I ran to the bedroom as I heard the shower turn off. We would have to leave very soon.

I took the clothes that I was wearing off, and wrapped a sarong over the top of my skimpy bikini. It was an entire matching set, and even though I would have preferred the 'baby sags" to have not been there and my breasts proving that gravity is our master, I still looked really good in it. Peter loved this outfit. That was what was important. I would just have to be brave. I put on some very nice sandals in the same color and put my hair high up in a ponytail.

"Phew!" I heard a low whistle behind me, and turned to see my husbands approving stares. "God you are a beautiful woman." He said.

I wanted to cry out "What about my sags? What about my wrinkles?" but I knew that my courage and my confidence were essential now. I had to get this man to belong to me entirely again. And insecure mates are not attractive.

I walked toward Peter who was naked, his penis looking thick between his legs. I grabbed his penis with my left hand and gave it a nice stroke. As I did, I stood on tiptoe and leaned into his ear, whispering, "None of this naughty man till we get there. Hold that thought, and keep your eyes glued to my ass." And I let go of his penis and walked past him out of the room.

Mmmm... that felt great!

I grabbed just another couple of things from the kitchen and was holding it ready to go when Peter came out of the bedroom in his t-shirt and shorts. My heart still leapt every time I saw him. He was so good-looking. He leaned in to kiss me, and then in unison we walked to the door of our apartment, ready for a day in the wild together.

Peter drove his car to the marina and he took the top down. I took advantage and let my hair fly loose and I undid the sarong, so that I was only wearing my bikini. We did not have far to go, so I wanted to act fast. I wanted Peter turned on, so that he could not wait to have me. I spread my legs and with my head back, and my hair wild in the breeze, I reached down between my legs and started to rub my vagina. Just slowly at first, and over the top of my bikini bottoms. I had my eyes closed, but I knew that Peter was watching me. I felt the car slow down and so I took my hand away and wrapped the sarong about me again. By the time we were stopped at the lights, I looked as respectable as a middle class housewife.

I looked over at Peter as his gaze sunk into mine with that intense lust that I knew so well. No one around us at the lights suspected a thing, which is exactly how Peter would like it. It was our little secret.

As soon as the car started again, I waited till all the other cars were well away from us, and I leaned my face into Peter's lap and bit around the huge bulge in his shorts. I would have taken his penis out there and then and given it a good suck except that we were too close to the marina. So I had to be content with this kind of a promise.

We shuffled out of the car and Peter put the top on, so that we could lock it up for the day. We had to scuttle, but we did make the ferry in time, Peter reaching out for my ass the whole way down the boardwalk. When we were standing in line to get on to the ferry, Peter leaned his bugling erection into my backside, and whispered into my ear "You are one damn fine piece of woman."

On the boat, Peter and I sat outside on a small wooden bench that was made just for two. We looked directly over the side of the boat to the beautiful calm ocean. We both put our bags on our laps and conveniently this meant that we were almost covered over by our bags. People could walk around us on their way to their seats, but no one could really see anything from any angle.

Which was good, because while he was pretending to stare out to sea, Peter had an arm around my shoulders and just one long finger sliding in and out of my bikini bra, feeling my breast and my very erect nipple. I looked out the opposite direction to the ocean, my hand in Peters lap squeezing and kneading his penis over the top of his shorts. We were very careful. It was not the idea of this game to get caught.

When we got to the small island in the middle of the bay with all the other families and couples, we searched immediately for a small part of the park that we could call our own. Peter found a beautiful big tree over the other side of the very small island that looked over the ocean and had a small beach. There was a family picnicking on the beach, but the tree was up the hill away from them and very secluded.

"Perfect!" Peter declared.

I smiled and set out the little pic nic rug. I say down on it noticing that as I did so, I could no linger been seen by the little family having their picnic.

"No, THAT"S perfect!" I thought.

As soon as Peter lay down and realized he was out of view of everyone, he turned and kissed me hard. He lay me down on my back, kissing me all the while, and lay on his side, almost on top of me. In one deft movement, he slid his hand up the inside of my right leg, and cupped my vagina on the outside of my bikini bottoms.

"These will have to go." He growled into my mouth. Then he pulled his mouth away and held his face close to me, so that I could feel his breath. His fingers were sliding in the crease between my vaginal lips. "But I think we should have something to eat first."

I smiled up and him, and he lifted himself up on to his elbow. He looked down at the ocean. "What a view!"

"Yeah." I signed starting straight at him.

He looked back and smiled softly at me. "I have brought a little wine in my pack. Let me pour you a glass of an excellent white."

Peter sat up and rummaged about in his bag while I looked out at the ocean. We were nicely under the shade of the tree but it was still hot, and I casually undid my sarong, and let it fall to the sides of me. I let one leg fall to the side and bent the other so that my foot was flat against the slope of the grass. From where he sat, Peter could see right up between my legs. He glanced up, almost shyly looking between my legs, as he fumbled about with a corkscrew and the bottle of wine.

"Mmm, it's so warm!" I said stretching back on the blanket. "Oh, it makes me feel so sexy." I brought my hands to my breasts and overtly began to massage them. It was sort of wild being in the park. No one was near, but I guess in theory someone could happen upon us at any minute. It was a little confronting, but also rather untamed.

Suddenly I felt cool glass against my right breast. "How does that feel?" said Peter hoarsely. He had the glass full of chilled white wine against the fleshy part of my breast that was falling out of the side of my bikini.

"It feels good. I want more." I said. I took the material of my bikini and slid it toward the center of my chest, so that the entire right breast fell softly to the right of my chest as I lay down. Peter brought the glass up higher and rubbed it over the nipple. He could not do it properly for fear of spilling the wine, so he rubbed the base of the glass against my nipple, and the cool swell of the bowl against the fleshy side of my breast.

I arched my back so that I thrust my breasts up into the air, one covered and one bare. Peter leaned over me and took my exposed nipple in his mouth and sucked hard on it. Soon it was standing up straight and I was getting very turned on.

He lifted his mouth, and said "have some wine sexy woman". I lay back down and then rolled to my side to face Peter. I took the glass that he offered me and we both took a sip as we stared into each other eyes.

As I took a second sip, Peter stretched out on the blanket as well, and lay on his left side so that each of us were facing each other as we enjoyed our wine. Peter reached out with his right hand, reached behind me and tugged on the bow of my bikini top at the neck. It came undone in one move, and the weight of my breast pulled it down so that both of my breasts were exposed in the park. Moving only to drink from my wine I lay there smiling at him.

I started to tell him about the book that I was reading. I went into some detail about the woman in the book, and all the lovers she took. How she loved to fuck outside and often had her lover set her up with many different men who would just shove their penis' into her and cum hard in her then leave her ready fro the next man. As I told Peter about the book, he played with my expose breasts, and drank his wine.

Soon we had both finished our wine and I could feel it going to my head in the heat of the day. I suggested to Peter that we head down to the secluded part of the beach for a quick swim. He agreed. We semi packed away our things into our backpacks and then stood up. By now there were two more families on the beach, but to our right, were some rocks and I was sure there was no one around there.

I put my bikini back on and we headed down the gentle slope, away from the tree to the rocks. The water was very still and blue, and almost warm as we made our way past the first large rocks that were right at the waters edge, till we were almost waist deep in the water. The gentle little waves lapped around my very wet vagina, and I felt so good I did not want to go in any deeper.

Glancing over at the families, Peter took me back to the rock, and patted the top of it, suggesting that I sit up there. I did that, with my back the people on the beach. The rock was quite tall, and although I was plainly visible from the back by everyone, there was no way that they could see Peter who was standing in front of me.

He took my legs and parted them. Bending each in it s turn at the knee, he placed my feet firmly on solid parts of the rock so that my feet had a firm foothold to keep my balance but my knees were bent and my legs spread wide. From the back it just looked as though I were sunning myself on the rock. But from the front, Peter's face was exactly at the height of my vagina.

Keeping himself hidden from view, he reached up and slid the wet bikini panties to the side of my very wet vagina. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue down the salty slit, and back up again, causing me to throw my head back and thrust my bikini covered breasts toward the sun. Pressing his chest hard into the rock, he pushed his face further into me, so that his tongue now dug deep into the soppy folds of my hole and kissed me and kissed me keeping his tongue swirling around the inside of my opening. I was far enough away that I could moan without being heard, but I knew that everyone on the beach could see me from the back.

Peter pulled his tongue out and moved his deep wet fleshy kiss to my clitoris. He sucked gently on it, almost making me cum then and there. He pulled his head back slightly and stuck the longest finger of his right hand into his own mouth, no doubt to suck any sand off it, then slid it into my vagina, and put his hot mouth over my clitoris again. With my head thrown back and my legs lewdly spread on that rock in the sun, I came hard in Peter's mouth.

When I had gained some sense, Peter stepped back and I hopped off the rock and splashed into the knee-deep water next to him. He immediately turned me to face the rock, and sliding my bikini bottoms to one side again, ran the same finger up into my now very slippery tunnel. I put my folded arms at my forehead so that I could lean against the rock, and heard Peter pull apart the Velcro of his board shorts as he pumped that finger in and out of me. Leaning in, and pulling his finger out with one hard movement, he thrust his rock hard penis into my vagina in one move. He moved his hands to either side of my head on the rock, and shoved harder and harder into me.

We were both so hot that Peter came almost as fast as I did. Then we both stood there, leaning into the rock, panting in the hot sun, the cool water lapping around our knees.

When I could sense that Peter was ready to move, I turned and suggested we have a little swim to "freshen up" and he smiled. Holding my hand, he escorted me into the water where it was waist deep again and we both squatted in the ocean and chatted happily about how pretty the island is. Soon Peter declared that he was hungry, and so we both hopped out and headed up the small slope to the little blanket that was our space for the afternoon.

"God. I am exhausted," laughed Peter. "What on earth have I been up to?" We laughed and I suggested he have a little rest as I put something together for us to eat. He agreed, took his board shorts off and laid them in the sun so that he was only in his Speedos and lay down on his back in the shade of the tree. Within a few minutes he was fast asleep.


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