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Daughter's Helper

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Mother helps daughter satisfy boyfriend.
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Well, Johnny, you look like quite the gentleman in your tuxedo.

Thank you, Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones was sitting on her living room sofa. Johnny had just arrived to take her daughter Amy to their prom Washington Community College.

Come here Johnny, and let me get you ready for the evening.

"I'm all set, Mrs. Jones. Where's Amy?"

"Amy is upstairs finishing dressing. I want to finish getting you ready."

Johnny obediently walked over to Mrs. Jones. "I think I'm all set. Did I miss something?"

"Yes, Johnny. I don't want you getting fresh with Amy and mussing up her clothes. I'm going to fix your penis so you don't get too aggressive. Take your penis out for me."

"What's a penis?"

"Your dick, silly. Didn't your parents ever tell you the proper name for it?

"No, they didn't. What do you want with that?"

"I can help you and Amy enjoy the evening better if you let me handle it. I can use it to calm you down."

"Okay, Mrs. Jones, if you say so." Johnny walked to Mrs. Jones and stood before her."

"Take your penis out for me, Johnny. I need to see it."

"Are you sure, Mrs. Jones. My father says I should keep my dick in my pants.'

"Well, usually your father would be right. Sometimes you should make an exception. This is one of those times."

Johnny unzipped his pants and took his penis out.

Mrs. Jones opened the top button to Johnny's trousers and explained, "I need your balls, too."

"Now, I don't want you getting fresh with my daughter and mussing up her gown. So, I'm going to help you cum before you go to the prom with her. You know what I mean when I say cum don't you?"

"Yes, M'am. Cum is that white stuff I get when I jerk off."

"Masturbate is the correct phrase for jerking off. It seems that I will have to give you a vocabulary lesson tonight as well. Didn't your parents teach you about sex?"

"No, Ma'm. I learned about it from the neighborhood boys. They use nicknames for everything."

Now eager to learn the sex lessons he never got from his own parents, Johnny asked, "Is "cum" the right word for that white stuff?"

"That white stuff is sperm or ejaculate but for now, you and I will call it "cum.""

Mrs. Jones felt they had talked long enough. She took Johnny's balls in her left hand and started massaging his penis with her right hand. She bent forward and inserted the tip of his penis into her mouth.

Johnny stood bewildered and happy. He quickly gave out a sudden "Aagh" as his cum exploded into Mrs. Jones mouth. Mrs. Jones gave a surprised "Mmmm" as Johnny shot a load of cum deep into her throat. She clamped her lips tightly over Johnny's penis so that not a drop of his fluid would stain his clothes. She swallowed quickly and obviously.

"That was quite a load Johnny. You must have been saving it for a long while. I bet that my husband hasn't given me a load like that for fifteen years."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones, I couldn't help it.."

"Oh, don't apologize, Johnny. I enjoyed every drop of it and enjoyed every moment of working it out of you. Actually, I am a little disappointed that you came so quickly. I am not used to my husband cumming that fast."

"Now remember, we did that so you wouldn't have to get too aggressive with Amy. Go have a good time." And, with a wink, she added, "Come again."

Amy had been watching from the top of the stairs as her mother gave Johnny his blowjob. Witnessing a blowjob was not a new event for Amy. On several occasions, when her parents thought she was asleep, Amy watched her parents make love on the living room couch. When Amy told her mother that she saw her and Daddy doing "things," Mrs. Jones explained what they were doing; perhaps in more detail than Amy needed to know.

Now that Mom was finished giving Johnny a blowjob, and Johnny had adjusted his trousers, Amy made her presence known.

The young couple held hands, posed for photographs, kissed perfunctorily, said goodbye to Mrs. Jones and went to the prom.

Johnny and Amy danced the evening away. They went with two other couples downtown, to an all night restaurant, and arrived back at the Jones home at two AM. Not until kissing Amy goodnight at her doorway, did Johnny make a sexual advance towards Amy.

As they kissed, Johnny's hand stretched down to Amy's buttocks.

"Wait," exclaimed Amy. "You'll muss up my gown. Let me go inside and hang it up."

The young couple went into the house. Amy seated Johnny in the living room and tuned the TV to a late night movie for him. Then she went upstairs to her bedroom, hung up her prom gown, peed in the toilet, and put a bathrobe over her panties and bra. She returned to the living room only to find Johnny fast asleep. She covered Johnny with a homemade afghan before she went upstairs to her bedroom, undressed completely, and went to bed.

Amy awoke at ten the nest morning. She quickly put on a fresh pair of panties, a bra, and covered herself in a bathrobe. When she reached the top of the stairwell, she could hear her mother humping on the couch. Johnny was between her legs fucking her. Amy watched silently until a gasp from Johnny and an exasperated sigh from Mrs. Jones indicated he had spilled his cum.

Mrs. Jones exclaimed, "Oh, Johnny! You're so excitable. You shouldn't come inside me. You don't want to knock me up."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones. I'll try not to do it again."

"Don't worry about it. I'm on the pill for my husband. But, you know, sometimes, things happen. You're young and vigorous."

It was then that Amy spoke. "What are you two up to?"

Mrs. Jones replied, "Oh, Amy. We didn't know you were there. I was just helping Johnny relax while we waited for you to wake up. The patio is all set up for you and Johnny to have brunch together."

With a questioning look, Amy replied, "Thank you, Mother.

Johnny said nothing. He adjusted his clothing and went to the patio. Mrs. Jones retrieved her underpants from the living room floor and went upstairs.

After brunch, Amy and Johnny went to the kitchen to clear away the breakfast dishes. When they finished. Amy said, "Excuse me. I have to go pee."

"Aah," Johnny interjected. "I have never seen a girl pee. Can I come watch you?"

"Of course not," Amy snapped back and left the room. She soon returned.


It was the following Saturday at two PM that Johnny next rang the doorbell at the Jones' residence. Mrs. Jones was dressed in her bathrobe when she responded.

"Hi, Mrs. Jones. Amy said that I should wear my work clothes. You have a yard project that you want me to help you with."

"Yes, I do but I want my husband to help with it too. He and Amy won't be home till supper time at five. Come in and we can resume your vocabulary lessons," she said with a wink.

With a puzzled expression on his face and lust in his heart, Johnny stepped into the house. Mrs. Jones closed and locked the door behind him.

Mrs. Jones started the conversation. "I heard you tell Amy that you had never seen a girl pee. Would you like to watch me pee?"

"Yes, I would but you don't have to do that for me, Mrs. Jones."

"Well, I don't mind and I think it would be better that you had the experience if you and Amy are going to become serious. Let's go upstairs and use the bathtub so I don't have to clean up a mess down here. Besides, upstairs, I can stand on the tub over you and you can see the pee coming out. Mr. Jones and I do it that way every time we take a shower together."

Johnny got an erection just listening to Mrs. Jones talk.

The couple adjourned to the upstairs bathroom, stripped naked, and Johnny climbed into the tub. Mrs. Jones got the three-step stepladder that her husband stored in the bathroom just for this type of occasion. She placed it beside the tub, and climbed to its top. She stretched her left leg to the edge of the tub where it met the wall, bracing herself against a fall and exposing her entire genital region. She spread her labia as she told Johnny their correct name. She pointed out her vaginal opening, her urethra, and her clitoris.

Then she said, "For you and me, Johnny, they are my 'pussy,' my 'hole,' my 'pee-hole,' and my 'clit.' Can you handle all those names?''

"Yes, Ma'm," the happily bewildered boy responded. Of course, he was lying. He was not going to say anything that slowed the action.

"Good. You can refer to the whole thing as my 'pussy.' Is that okay by you?"

"Yes." In Johnny's state of arousal, anything would have been okay by him.

"I've been waiting all morning for this opportunity to pee on you. May I pee on you? We can take a shower when I'm finished."

"Okay,' the boy said. Just the thought of the promiscuity to come exhilarated the boy. At this point, he would agree to anything.

No sooner said than done. A stream of yellow fluid gushed out of Mrs. Jones pee-hole squarely onto Johnny's chest. Johnny opened his mouth in astonishment. A little wriggling of her hips and the jet of liquid spilled into Johnny's astonished mouth. He shook his head, blinked his eyes, and opened his mouth again. This time, he willingly accepted a mouthful of Mrs. Jones pee.

When Mrs. Jones exhausted her supply of pee, she climbed down from her ladder and entered the tub with her daughter's suitor. She settled on her knees in front of her student.

Softly, she said, "You can pee on me if you want to, Johnny."

Johnny stood and sprayed Mrs. Jones from the top of her head to her knees.

After the couple shared their urine, they turned on the shower and washed one another. Mrs. Jones paid careful attention to Johnny's balls and penis. Johnny in turn washed Mrs. Jones buttocks and crack. While there, he gently stuck his finger in her asshole. She rewarded him with a short "mmm" and an extra squirt of urine.

The couple dried themselves and adjourned to the outdoors where they gathered some yard waste into barrels. Mr. Jones and Amy returned at four PM and while Johnny and Mrs. Jones showered in separate bathrooms, Mr. Jones and his daughter prepared supper for the two couples.

After a game of Parcheesi and some socializing over tea and cookies, Mr. and Mrs. Jones retired for the evening leaving the young lovers alone to watch television. When Johnny went to put his arms around Amy, she got up, went to the kitchen, and returned with a large bowl of potato chips.

Then Amy sat next to Johnny on the couch. The couple finished the potato chips before the TV show they were watching ended. The salty, greasy bowl sat at the far end of the couch.

It didn't take Johnny long to reach for Amy's breasts. She kissed him gently and said, "You have to wash the potato chips off your hands before you do that. I have to wash my hands too."

When they returned from the washing their hands, they tuned in a late-late movie. Ignoring the TV, Johnny once more reached for Amy's breasts. She turned her head and kissed him gently. He kissed her more vigorously. She responded by extending her tongue to his lips.

When Johnny tried clumsily to unbutton Amy's blouse she said, "Stop. I'll do it. You'll muss up the entire blouse."

They resumed their kissing and fondling. He reached behind Amy and deftly undid her bra fastenings. She shrugged her shoulders and the bra fell to her lap. Johnny left her lips and bent to lick on Amy's nipples. Amy kept herself busy by massaging Johnny's dungarees where a bulge indicated his arousal.

While sucking on her breasts Johnny reached under the waistline of her skirt and felt her pubic hair. His finger found its way to her vagina. Two fingers entered it. A little shuffling around and her skirt and underpants landed on the floor.

In a matter of seconds, he had a third finger in her vagina and his thumb rubbing her clit. Her hips started to fluctuate back and forth.

She murmured, "I want to pee for you."

"So pee."

"It'll damage the couch. Get the potato chip bowl."

Amy squatted over the bowl, spread her knees so Johnny could see what he wanted to see, and then poured a steady stream of urine into the bowl. Johnny smiled as he watched.

When she finished peeing, Amy panted. "Take your dick out for me, please, please."

Johnny obliged and Amy quickly wrapped her mouth around Johnny's dick. The pressure inside Johnny's penis was building in intensity. "I have to fuck you," he blurted out.

"You can't. I'll get pregnant."

"I have too. My dick is bursting."

"I'll give you a hand job."

"I want to come inside you."

"Use my asshole," she said as pushed Johnny off her and rolled over.

Johnny only hesitated a moment before his hand was in her crack. A finger soon was in her asshole preparing it for his dick.

"Ow. Go easy." Amy yelled. "Use Mom's cream. It's in the end table drawer."

Johnny found the cream with no difficulty. He used it to lubricate his dick and he used it as an excuse to put his finger up Amy's ass again. This time he got two fingers up her ass.

Again, he pressed his penis against her asshole. This time, he felt a pop when the head of the penis passed the sphincter muscle. Then he pushed in as deeply as he could. Only two thrusts and his cum burst into Amy's bowels.

The love-making over, the couple sat on the couch and embraced. Amy smiled lovingly at Johnny as he fell asleep.

"He's just like your father." Mrs. Jones voice startled Amy. "I've been watching from the stairway."

"Mom, that isn't right."

"Oh, it's all right. Don't forget, you watch Dad and me when you can. I didn't interfere and I enjoyed watching. You handled him well. Now, let him sleep and you go to bed yourself. I'll wash the potato chip bowl."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Learn to write

While you're working on your spelling, you might want to give some time, thought and study to the question "What makes an interesting, compelling and engaging story? One good but simple way to do it is to read authors' stories that meet those criteria. Oh, yes: the believe-ability factor is usually important, unless you're attempting satire. Which is a difficult form to master.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
learn to spell

The word is "ma'am" not how it was done in the story, guess another grade school dropout for an author.

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