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Dave and the Bear Across the Hall


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"Hey. Want some company?" he asked. His voice was rich and deep.

I nodded and he sat down across from me, putting his jacket on the back of the chair as he sat.

"You're Dave, right?" he asked. "I'm Mitch."

I nodded and shook Mitch's hand. It was warm. He squeezed my hand as he shook it, but not so hard that it hurt. As I looked into his grey eyes and held onto his hand, I felt a shiver go down my spine. I pulled my hand away and smiled shyly at him.

He took a big bite of his double burger and I looked at his bearded face. He was handsome. He caught me looking and I looked back down at my burger and took a bite. He took another bite of his burger and as he was finishing up chewing he noted, "I haven't seen your, uh, friend around lately."

He swallowed and looked at me waiting for my response. As I opened my mouth, I realized it was the first time I spoke since he sat down. "W--"

My voice cracked. I cleared it and started over. "We broke up."

"Good for you. I can tell you're a nice guy. You deserved better than that punk," he said as he took another bite.

"Thanks," I said and gave him another shy smile.

As we ate, I started to feel more comfortable with him and began to open up more. I asked what he did for work.

"I work for the D.O.T. Filling potholes, painting lines. Shit like that. In the winter, I drive a snow plow."

"Really?" I said excitedly. "That sounds really cool."

"Next time I'm up at 3 AM clearing the streets in below freezing weather, I'll wake you up and you can ride with me and see how cool it is."

"Oh god. Never mind, that sounds awful!"

We both laughed. He was definitely flirting with me and I flirted back. I don't know why. I mean, he's not my type. I don't like older guys or hairy guys. As we talked, I realized that he was a really nice, regular guy.

After we finished eating, we walked outside. He lit a smoke and we walked over to my car. His big pickup truck was parked next to my Escort. I recognized it because it was usually parked by my car at our apartment complex.

"Thanks for eating dinner with me, Mitch."

"Anytime, Dave."

I got in my car and waved at him and drove home. He pulled in right after me and we walked up to our apartments.

"Hey, Dave?"

I turned around. "Yeah?"

"You wanna catch a movie this weekend?"

I wasn't sure if I would have enough money to go to the movies by the time I paid my bills. I didn't get paid again until the following Friday. "Um... Well, I'm not sure."

"Come on. It'll be my treat."

"Oh, no, I couldn't let you do that."

"I want to," he said. He moved across the hall to my doorway, leaning closer to me. "Come on, let me take you out. I'll bet you could use a night out."

His voice was deep and husky. He wasn't asking as a friend. He was asking me out on a date. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go out with him, and going to see a movie would be fun. "Yeah... I guess that would be nice."

"I'll come get you around 6, then."

"Okay. Bye, Mitch."


I arranged to work the early shift Saturday so that I could go out with Mitch. I hadn't been out on a real date in a long time and I was a little bit nervous. I got home and showered and cleaned up really nice. I put on a clean pair of jeans, a white Polo shirt and my Chucks. Mitch knocked on the door right before 6. I grabbed my coat and we headed out.

We drove to the movie theater in his pickup truck. I was really nervous at first and didn't talk much, but he did a lot of talking and I eventually warmed up.

We had a great time at the movies. Mitch bought my ticket and even bought me a soda and shared a large bag of popcorn with me.

After the movie, he wanted to grab a bite to eat, so we went to the sub shop near our house. We split an Italian sub and sat in the restaurant and talked while we ate.

He told me he was 34 years old and I was surprised because I thought he looked younger than that. When I told him I was 20, he almost choked on his sandwich.

"Jesus, I thought you were older. You look young, but..."

He seemed to be a little bit embarrassed and we both laughed nervously. He then asked me why Russ and I broke up.

"Well... I guess that's really between Russ and me, but I'll just say it's something I can't ever forgive him for."

He smiled at me and said he understood. He asked about my family. I told him my mom was a single parent and worked a lot and she was never very close to my brother Ronnie and me. I told him how Ronnie had outed me to her one day when he was high. I was 17 at the time. Mom said it was okay, but I could tell it wasn't. After that, it was like she was never comfortable around me. Whatever little communication we shared before seemed to die after. I told him about my strained relationship with Ronnie, and how he ended up in jail. I had tears in my eyes when I looked up at him. He looked at me with such sympathy as he listened, I felt so much better to know that he actually listened and cared about what I was saying.

Mitch told me that after he graduated from high school, he joined the Army for eight years and tried to be straight. It wasn't until he got out that he came to terms with being gay. His dad hated that he was gay and his mom pretended like he wasn't, so his relationship with his parents was pretty strained. Mitch had a brother and a sister. Both of them lived out of state and he didn't see them very often, nor did they talk much.

I told him that my mom wanted me to join the Army or the Navy. She said it would make a man out of me. I really wanted to go to college, but we just didn't have the money. Instead, I ended up getting the job I had and moving out on my own shortly after.

As I talked to Mitch, I realized that I was very much attracted to the older man. He seemed to hang on my every word, listening to everything I had to say like it was the most important thing in the world. I also realized how incredibly handsome he was. His gray eyes stared into mine and I couldn't help but stare back.

When we got back to our apartment building, I waited for Mitch to get out of truck. He took the last drag of his smoke and stomped it out on the pavement and we walked inside. When we got upstairs, he invited me inside his apartment for a drink. He was looking at me with lust in his eyes and I couldn't resist. I followed him into his apartment. It was similar to my own apartment, but the mirror image. It was decorated very spartan and looked very much like a bachelor pad.

Mitch adjusted the thermostat to turn the heat up, then grabbed a couple of bottles of beer from the fridge. He turned on the TV and we sat down together on the couch. We slowly sipped our beer and he moved his hand to the back of the couch. I turned to face him, sitting cross-legged on the couch.

I gave him a shy smile. I really liked the older man and I so wanted him to like me back. He was so masculine and so different than my previous sexual partners, not that there were many. I could count them all on one hand.

"Fuck. You are a cute little guy," he said quietly.

I blushed hard. "Thanks," I muttered. "You're really handsome, Mitch."

Mitch moved his hand from the couch to the back of my head. He lightly stroked the nape of my nape. My heart was beating really fast and my breathing shallowed. I looked into his gray eyes and swallowed loudly. He moved closer to me. I shifted slightly closer to him. I could smell his cologne, mixed with a little bit of cigarette smoke. He kissed me. It was a gentle kiss. His lips were warm and soft.

Mitch set his beer on the coffee table and took mine and did the same.

I closed my eyes as he moved towards me and we kissed again. We wrapped our arms around each other. He opened his mouth and kissed me slowly and sensually. I had never kissed anyone with a full beard and moustache before. It was different... but in a good way. I really liked the feeling of the prickly whiskers tickling my sensitive skin. His tongue flicked into my mouth and licked at my own tongue. I whimpered and grabbed at his back and pulled myself closer to him and melted into him as we kissed passionately.

Mitch finally broke the kiss and gave me several small kisses. "Mmm... that's nice, Davey."

"You're a good kisser," I whispered.

I thought Russ was a good kisser. Russ was an amateur compared to Mitch. I wondered what else Mitch was good at and I blushed at the dirty thoughts going through my head.

Mitch peppered me with several more kisses. "Can I call you Davey?"

"Yes," I said. I normally hated to be called Davey, but I didn't mind it at all from Mitch.

Mitch stood up and pulled me up by the hand. He held my hand and led me to his bedroom. He turned on the lamp on the nightstand and wrapped his beefy arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and hugged him back. I could feel his nose and lips in my hair, sniffing and then kissing the top of my head.

"You're so tall... so big," I whispered. "I've never been with someone like you..."

"Are you okay with this?"


I looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed me. His kiss became passionate, open mouthed, with lots of tongue. I could feel what felt like a large lead pipe pressing into my stomach. He broke the kiss long enough to pull my shirt over my head. He ran his rough hands up and down my smooth body and I shuddered. He covered my mouth with his and I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled it off and he helped me by shrugging it off his shoulders. I grabbed the bottom of his wife beater and untucked it from his jeans. He grabbed it and pulled over his head and dropped it onto the pile of clothes.

I looked his chest and stomach up and down. It was covered with dark curly hair from the collarbones to his waist. He had strong looking chest muscles. His belly was slightly rounded and he had love handles on the side. I was surprised that I wasn't immediately turned off. In fact, my dick twitched and I felt pre-come oozing into my underwear. He had a large eagle tattooed on his right upper arm. The other arm had an armband tattoo that looked like intertwined barbed wires. His third tattoo was a bear paw on his left pec. I could barely see it under the nest of fur.

I was well aware that he was watching me. I slowly brought my hands up to his chest. As I made contact with his hairy pecs, my body shivered. My hands tingled as I slowly stroked the hair on his chest. As I touched the soft hair, I realized how wrong I was to think that a hairy man was not sexy. Mitch let out a slow breath and quietly moaned. My hands moved down to his belly. It was soft, but underneath that soft layer, it was hard with muscle. I moved my hands up his sides and then across his arms. I traced my fingers across the tattoos and looked up into his eyes. I smiled warmly at him.

Mitch's hands moved to my face and he kissed me hard. His tongue invaded my mouth and explored every inch. He pulled my tongue into his mouth and sucked it. As his arms moved down around me, he kissed my chin, pushing my head back with his as he moved down the front of my neck, kissing along the way. His tongue licked around to the side of my neck, where his mouth clamped down. He sucked in the sensitive skin at the base of my neck, licking and nibbling. I whimpered and my knees buckled and his grip on me tightened, holding me up against him.

"Oh god... Mitch..."

Mitch's hands moved to my pants. He unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans and they fell to the floor. I grabbed his waistband and belt for support as I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my pants. I pushed my pants to the side and stood up straight in front of him. I was wearing only socks and a pair of black briefs, which were wet and tented by my small but throbbing bone.

Mitch's hands moved to my shoulders and he looked me up and down. I suddenly felt embarrassed and self-conscious standing in front of the giant older man and I blushed and covered myself with my hands and my eyes welled up with tears.

Mitch lifted my chin up and I looked into his eyes.

"Don't be shy, Davey," he said. "You're fucking beautiful."

No one had ever told me I was beautiful before. As I looked into his eyes, I could see he really meant it. A tear fell down my cheek and I tried to smile at him. His rough, calloused hand moved to my cheek. He held it gently and wiped the tear away with his thumb. I was so touched by his gesture of affection, I almost burst into tears.

As Mitch kissed me slowly and sensually, I moved my hands to his soft waist. I moved around to the front and fumbled with his leather belt before finally unbuckling it. I unsnapped his jeans and unzipped them.

"Help me with my boots," he asked.

I knelt down and he held steady on my shoulders as I took each one off. Kneeling in front of him, I pulled his jeans down and he stepped out of them and I laid them on our pile of clothes. He was wearing gray boxer briefs and his dick was clearly huge and clearly hard, point upwards towards his left side, stretching the material and butting up against the waistband. The material was stained wet at the head from his leaking fluid. I looked up at him and he was staring down at me with lust in his eyes. One of his hands moved from my shoulder to the back of my head. He ran his fingers through my hair.

Still locked onto his eyes, I moved my hands up to his waistband. He nodded his approval and I returned my gaze to his shorts as I slowly pulled them down. I drew in a sharp breath as his penis bobbed up in front of my face, pointing straight up, almost parallel to his body. It was the biggest erection I ever saw. He had to be well over eight inches long. He was uncircumcised and his foreskin covered half of the head, which was swollen dark red and wet and sticky with pre-come. He had large testicles and they hung heavily from his body. His crotch was covered in dark curly hair.

I looked into his eyes for approval.

"Go ahead, boy," he whispered. "You know what you want."

I slowly brought my hands up to him. I wrapped my right hand around the shaft. It felt like a jolt of electricity went through my arm down into my crotch. My dick jerked in my underwear and more pre-come dripped out. His cock felt so hot in my hand. It was so thick that I couldn't encircle it with my thumb and fingers. I slowly slid my hand up and down. The foreskin felt so soft, but underneath it was hard as steel. A musky, sweaty smell compelled me to move closer and to take it in.

I brought my left hand up to his balls and gently rolled them in my hand. I pulled his dick down towards my mouth. I could feel his eyes staring down into me, but I didn't dare look up. I kissed the tip and then licked the underside of the head. The taste was strong and salty, like nothing I ever tasted before. I moaned and closed my mouth around the head. I slowly stroked and twisted my hand up and down the shaft as I began sucking. I slowly bobbed my head up and down in rhythm with my hand. Mitch's hand tightened in my hair and he groaned loudly.

"Aw, fuck, Davey, that's so fucking good..."

"Mmm," I moaned and worked him faster and deeper. His breathing grew louder and faster and he suddenly gripped my shoulders and stepped back. He gripped the base of his cock and hissed. "I don't want to come yet."

He pulled me up to my feet and pulled my briefs off. He pulled me to his bed and we laid down on our sides facing each other. We ran our hands all over each other as we made out. He rolled me onto my back and then rolled on top of me. I loved the feeling of his hairy body on my smooth body, the feeling of his weight on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his back and ran them down to his bubble butt.

"Mitch... You're so big and hairy," I whispered as he licked my ear lobe. His warm breath sent shivers down my spine.

"I got a real man's body, boy," he whispered back, his voice low and husky.

"I like it. I like it a lot."

Mitch moved down my body, kissing his way down my neck to my chest. He licked and sucked at my nipple. He nipped it a little to hard with his teeth and I yelped.

He looked up at me, "Too rough?"

I nodded. "They're sensitive."

He flicked his tongue gently over it and I fell back onto his pillow and moaned. He moved to the other one and gave it some attention before sliding further down. I gasped when I felt his warm wet mouth engulf my dick. He gently sucked it as he bobbed up and down. Oh, god, it was so good. I never felt anything like it before. Mitch knew what he was doing. My hands moved to the top of his head to encourage him to continue.

"Mitch... Oh, Mitch... Please...," I begged as my head thrashed back and forth on his pillow.

He moaned as he continued his steady rhythm.

"Oh god, I'm gonna come... Please, Mitch... make me... Oh! Mitch!"

My body bucked and tensed up and my insides contracted violently and I exploded into his mouth. I fired jet after jet of my semen into his sucking mouth until I had no more to give him. I cried out and pulled him off me. He lifted his head and looked up at me and I looked back down at him. I opened my mouth, but couldn't speak. I tried to tell him with my eyes how wonderful he made me feel.

He moved up and laid down on his side next to me and he kissed me gently. I looked down and his dick was purple and swollen. It needed me to take care of it. I pushed him onto his back and moved my head down to his crotch.

I drew in a ragged breath. "You're so big..."

"Suck my cock, Davey," he whispered as he nudged the back of my head.

I took him into my mouth and worked him like a pro. I used every trick I knew. I wanted to make him feel good, as good as he made me feel. I wanted him to feel so good he'd never forget it. I wanted him to feel so good that he'd want to see me again and again. His hard shaft felt so hot and so smooth on my tongue. I slowly took him all the way into my mouth until my nose was buried in his furry pubic bush.

"Oh, fucking Christ!" Mitch groaned loudly.

I quickly pulled back so that I didn't choke and I repeated the move several more times. His breathing was rapidly quickening and he was grunting and groaning loudly. He was quickly approaching his climax. I felt his cock harden even further and the head swelled in my mouth and I pulled back. I used my hand to stroke the shaft in a twisting motion as I bobbed up and down on the upper half.

"Oh, baby, I'm gonna come in your mouth! Aw, fuck!!"

I thought I was prepared for it, but I wasn't. He came with such force and volume, I actually thought I might choke and die with his dick in my mouth. I eagerly swallowed as much as I could and what leaked out I cleaned up with my tongue. I let him slip out of my mouth as it softened. I looked at it laying on his thigh, looking spent and wet with my saliva, jutting out of the furry bush, the head hidden away inside the thick foreskin. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked up at him.

"C'mere, boy," he growled. Mitch pulled me up to him and kissed me. I laid with him for a few seconds until the pressure in my groin became too much.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked.

He chuckled and smacked my butt. I got up and used the bathroom and washed my hands. When I returned, he was on his back with his arm over his eyes, the blankets up over his waist, and he was snoring softly.

I wasn't sure what to do. He didn't make any indication that he wanted me to stay, so I figured I would head back to my apartment. I walked to the pile of clothes and found my briefs.

"Whatcha doin'?" Mitch asked groggily. "Come back to bed, baby."

I looked over at him. He was holding the blankets open for me. I smiled and dropped my briefs and climbed into bed. He pulled the covers over the top of us. He pulled me to his chest and I laid my head down on him. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and he held me tight to his body. I gently stroked the fur on his belly. He felt so warm and I snuggled into his body. I felt him kiss the top of my head and then he started to snore.


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