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David and Becky - Resolution Ch. 07

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An offer I find difficult to refuse.
6.3k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/02/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, the city of Keara, and Casavana Prison, are also fictitious, and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 7

The following morning, Cassie woke up cheerfully and didn't even mention what had happened with regard to caning me the night before. She was going back to her flat after breakfast to look through some offers of college courses, leaving me free to work in the gardens that surrounded the apartments. Although I had enjoyed what we'd done together the previous night, and there being no redress with regard to her caning me, I still felt uneasy. I didn't know if she would suddenly react against doing it again, but it was something I knew had to remain a part of my life. That and some aspect of tease and denial, with or without a cock cage.

Our parting was harmonious, and we even arranged to go for a meal the following evening, a rare Friday night off from the bar for her, after which she would stay the weekend. I got myself dressed in suitable clothes for gardening and ventured outside into the pleasant spring day. The warmth of the morning sun was welcoming, and the thought of a few hours out here working hard was so much more positive than working in the sun at Casavana prison, lugging bricks up and down a barren yard.

I have always found this sort of work therapeutic, allowing me to take my mind off any worries resting on my shoulders. It helped a little today, but not completely, as my thoughts switched between the possibilities of life with Cassie and life with Becky. My feelings for Cassie were strong, and when I imagined a future with her, a warmth overcame me, but always with a tinge of doubt concerning my masochistic nature. As that doubt drifted in, it was Becky who came to the forefront of my mind, and I imagined a rekindled future with her. I still felt anger towards her for what she'd done, but it also felt good reminding myself of the excitement of harsh tease and denial she subjected me to. One thought that was becoming more and more pressing was that I was going to have to make a decision soon as to which direction I was going to take. Should I commit my future to Cassie, or should I return to Becky. I couldn't carry on sitting on the fence.

Lunchtime was approaching and I decided to go upstairs, jump in the shower and then have something to eat. The shower felt good, even after a few weeks of being home, I still appreciated how much better it was than the basic shower I'd suffered in Casavana. Dried and dressed in just my shorts, I entered the kitchen area and began getting stuff out of the fridge. Then, the doorbell sounded.

"Hi, David, only me. Can I come up?" the voice chirped as I pressed the intercom button.


"That's me," she sang, brightly.

What did she want? I pressed the entry button and heard the door open. "Ta," the voice trailed away as she headed for the stairs.

I opened the apartment door as she reached it, and she bounded in happily. She looked around the flat smiling. "All alone."

I wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question.

"I thought I'd pop in and see how you were doing," she said, without giving me time to respond.

I suddenly became a bit self-conscious standing there in my bare feet, topless, wearing only a pair shorts after having come out of the shower minutes earlier. She was dressed in smart jeans and a short leather jacket.

"You came to see how I was doing?" I said, frowning. "What do you really want, Gina?"

"Oh, come on, David, no need to be like that. You were a lot more friendly the last time we met."

"I don't recall our last meeting being friendly," I said.

"You acted very friendly towards me," she replied, rubbing her hand sexily between her legs making a gentle 'oo' sound as she closed her eyes. They popped open with a beaming smile. "You must remember."

I did remember the last time we met; it was in the spa at Casavana several months ago with me wearing a chastity device. Gina and Becky had paid me a visit, and Madam Popescu had allowed them to use me as an oral sex tool for their own gratification and to cause me desperate frustration.

"Again. What do you want?"

"Aren't you going to offer a girl a coffee?"

I sighed knowing I was going to have to let her get to the point in her own time. "I don't have enough milk, you'll have to make do with an instant," I said, not wishing to waste a new carton on her.

"That will do nicely," she said, dropping down onto the sofa. "Have you been working out, David? Nice pecks."

I switched on the kettle and grabbed a T-shirt, quickly putting it over my head. "Why are you here, Gina?" I asked again.

"Ok," she said, settling down. "I'll get to the point, and it is out of concern for you as much as Becky. So ... what's going on with you two?"

"I assume you mean me and Becky?"

"I'm not interested in any other girls you have ... connections with."

"How is me and Becky any of your business?"

"For one thing, the Becky half of the pair of you is living with me. Secondly, I'm having to put up with her moping around with a face as long as a ... a long faced thing. When are you two going to pull yourselves together and get over the last two years?"

"She's moping around? The last time I saw her, she looked fine to me."

"Brave face! She's not going to show you how miserable she is, is she?"

I felt myself weakening as concern for her wellbeing rose within me. "She only has herself to blame," I forced myself to say. I didn't want to show any weakness.

"Ok, ok, she made a mistake ..." she started to say as if she was tired of hearing it.

"A mistake? She made a lot of mistakes; big mistakes."

"So, are you going to make her pay for the rest of her life? For the rest of both your lives?"

I pondered her questions. They were the same questions I was asking myself, more and more.

"Look, she made some whoppers of mistakes, I'll grant you that, but she's fucking madly in love with you, and if I'm not mistaken, you're fucking madly in love with her, regardless of whatever's going on with that twinky, Cassie. She's not in the same league as Becky ... not on the same planet even. It's you and Becky that this is all about. The pair of you are meant to be together, whatever tease, denial, caning, orgasm control, prison fucking deal you have going on."

"After the way she's treated me over the last year and a half, it doesn't feel like she's that madly in love with me."

"Look, David, me and her have talked and talked about all that crap that went on. For fuck's sake, she ruined the last three days of my holiday with Liam talking about how much she's missing you. She's desperate to get you back ..."

"So why isn't it Becky here instead of you telling me all this?"

"She is so ashamed of the things she did. She knows now how wrong she was. She's gone over ... everything," she said, drawing out the word and rolling her eyes, "Every mistake, every misjudgement ... she knows things went way too far. She really, truly believed you loved every minute of it."

Was this all true? Was she really genuinely sorry for the last eighteen months? "What does she expect of me?"

"Ok, let me put this to you, and this isn't Becky, this is my reasoning, all me. I think, if you were really honest with yourself, you will admit, you are missing Becky being a bitch to you."

I gave a derisory laugh, but she was correct.

"I don't think you hated all that time with me and Liam, and I don't think you hated going to Casavana as much as you say you did. I think the worst thing about Casavana for you was it never seemed to come to an end. It was desperation that you'd never be released that was the biggest thing you hated about it. Am I right? Go on, admit it; am I right?"

"That was the worst thing about it," I agreed, reluctantly. But then I hit back: "But none of it was with my consent. That's what really bugs me about it."

"Ok, take Casavana out of it," she said, pinching her finger and thumb together and picking something up to symbolise her statement. "Did you enjoy those teasing games the four of us played?"

I knew the answer was 'yes', but I couldn't give her the satisfaction of hearing me say it.

"I understand," she said, knowingly. "No answer means 'yes', you just can't admit it. Next question. Do you miss those teasing games the four of us played?"

Again, the answer was 'yes', and again I couldn't answer.

"So, you do miss those games."

The kettle had boiled but I did nothing about it; my eyes were fixed defiantly on Gina's as I sat down at the opposite end of the long sofa.

"Final question: Would you like it if you never got to play those games again ... ever?"

After a pause, I gave an almost inaudible answer: "No."

"So, why are you making yourselves so fucking miserable living on your own here while Becky's making herself, as well as me and Liam, fucking miserable across the other side of town?"

"You don't know what I went through in that place, Gina."

"Probably not, but I've been working as a dominatrix for almost two years, and I know what goes on inside the minds of the men who are into this kind of stuff. Especially as a confirmed sadist myself, I'm tuned in, as much as Becky is."

"Ok, so, what's going on inside my head?"

"You want Becky back, but you want her back on your terms. Despite what it looks like, men who visit Dominatrixes are still in control of the sessions. We only ever do what the men want us to do, and even then, they have a safe word to throw at us so we stop if it gets too much for them. But you lost control with your live-in, domme partner because she stopped considering what you wanted. You're angry you lost control and are pissed off about it."

"She always had control."

"No, she didn't. Before Casavana, you were equally in control, but the big mistake was when she allowed Casavana to happen. That's when you really lost control of everything, and even she lost any control she had. From your point of view, you had lost all your freedom and couldn't see the overall picture. You blamed Becky for everything when in actual fact, she had only made individual errors, just like you, but you only saw the massive repercussions for you."

"So, this is my fault, and you think I should go to her and beg forgiveness for blaming her?" I said angrily. Part of my anger was because she was getting through to me and I didn't like it.

"I'm not saying anything like that. What I am saying is, I think if you don't get past this, you'll both lose something pretty big and pretty special that you share."

"I'll make that coffee," I said, standing up.

"Don't bother," she said. "I've a different suggestion to make."

I looked down at her, quizzically.

"I'm going out on a limb here," she gave a short, even nervous, laugh. "You can take it or leave it, your choice. I don't have any appointments this afternoon, but the dungeon where I work is still open."

"What are you talking about?"

"You've not received a good hard caning since leaving Casavana, and I think the best thing for you right now is to be reminded how good it made you feel."

I opened my mouth but no words came out, but I felt a stirring in my pants. I'd been caned twice since Casavana; six of the best on each occasion from Cassie, given reluctantly and without any great force; one of them only last night.

"To clear your mind and help you see what you really want," she continued, "you need to be strapped down to a caning bench and made to feel some hard cane strokes on that arse of yours."

Saying it out loud, I knew she was right; I was aching for a proper caning from a woman who knew what she was doing and would enjoy it. My penis was growing to full erection and Gina noticed.

"I take it the answer is, yes?"

As well as the bulge in my shorts giving her the answer she wanted, my face must have also been a strong indicator. She whipped out her mobile phone and began texting.

"Just letting Paula know I'm coming into the office," she said, with a cheeky wink to me. She jumped to her feet. "Come on, get dressed and we can go in my car. If I jump a red light and cause a crash, you can get revenge and snitch on me to the police."

This girl knew how to wind me up. It reminded me what she'd done to me almost two years ago which resulted in me spending four weeks in regular prison and losing my licence as a driving instructor. But that reminder was only going to make receiving a caning from her more humiliating, just as it always did from her.

I had spent eighteen months in the biggest female domination facility in Europe, possibly even the world, and yet, entering the innocuous building where Gina worked, my heart was pounding. It was an old building in a mixed row of small businesses in a quieter, more industrial part of town. There were no signs above the door to indicate the nature of business that went on inside, just a cctv camera high above, looking down at the entrance.

Using her key, Gina opened the heavy wooden door, and we entered the dark lobby. Everywhere was painted black, and the dimly lit bulb gave just enough light to show the stairs in front of us. Gina went first and I followed, our feet stomping loudly as we climbed the wooden steps.

"Hi, anyone," Gina called as we reached a turn in the stairs and were confronted with a landing with a number of doors, some open, some closed.

A head popped out of a doorway and a young, raven headed woman smiled. "Didn't know you were in today," she said. "The more the merrier."

"Just doing a favour for a friend," she replied.

"A friend, you say." The woman looked me up and down. "Need a hand?"

"Thanks, Paula, this is a private arrangement. Just me and him," Gina replied.

"Suit yourself," Paula said, intimating I would be missing out on her input.

Gina took me into a large room stacked with domination equipment. Most of the walls had all kinds of whips, restraints, canes and fetish clothing hanging on frames and hooks. Where the walls had no equipment, there were floor to ceiling mirrors. In the middle of the floor stood a long, soft padded bench, and alongside that, a caning bench similar to the one I was strapped onto for my punishments in Casavana. I noticed also an upright frame in a corner which would have secured anyone who was to be restrained for a back whipping.

"Welcome to my world, David," Gina said brightly, spinning around with one arm stretched wide to present her array of equipment.

"Wow!" I said, my eyes fixing on a stand, probably an umbrella stand, that was jam packed with canes of various lengths and thicknesses.

"Madam Popescu really stocks her dungeons well, doesn't she?"

It hadn't clicked with me straight away who the owner of the dungeon was. "That woman ..."

"I know, incredible, isn't she?" Gina said, cutting me off before I managed to say something insulting about her.

I toned down what I was about to say: "She loves inflicting pain and suffering on men, and if she's not able to do it herself, she certainly provides the means for others to do it on her behalf."

"Oh, you'd be surprised how many female customers we get, too."


"Ok," she said. "Enough about that. I've brought you here to remind you of what I strongly suspect you're missing, so, strip off your clothes and let's get you onto this bench."

I couldn't believe I was about to do this. But there was something about all the stuff she'd said in the apartment and her whole demeanour in the way she was controlling me that compelled me to do as I was told. Just looking at the caning bench and the stack of canes was turning me on; I had missed it, and stripping naked before her felt good and right. A feeling of freedom and a release of stress came over me as I stood before the girl who annoyed me so much with her bratty selfish attitude. My penis was rock hard and desperate for a female hand to stroke it. When Gina reached out and wrapped her hand around it, a surge of pleasure went through me.

"Wouldn't you just love it if I gave this poor needy cock a nice wank?" she asked with a giggle. "But you're here for something else, so get yourself onto the bench, you know what to do, and I'll get you nice and tightly strapped in."

I groaned when she let go of my penis, but I eagerly climbed onto the caning bench, knowing exactly where to put my legs, knees and arms. I was becoming desperate to feel the cane whipping across my backside again and I was wishing Gina would move quicker in strapping me down. It wasn't long before I was completely fastened tightly on the frame; leather straps holding my calves, thighs, lower back, upper back, arms and wrists secure so I could barely move. My penis was still throbbing with anticipation.

"Looks like someone's been having a little go at whipping your arse. They look quite fresh, but not very deep."

I didn't answer her as it was none of her business.

"Ooh, more silence. That means you must be asking that little twinky, Cassie, to try her hand, or her cane. Looking at the result, I can't believe you got satisfaction from her tame effort."

"Just carry on, Gina," I said.

Her phone pinged just at that moment, and she picked it up and silently read the message before keying something back in. She put her phone down and walked in front of me to where the canes were stacked in the umbrella stand. "I'm not going to go overboard on you today, David, I'm thinking twenty five strokes."

"Ok," I replied. I was just desperate for her to get on with it.

"I'm going to use a senior cane, and the strokes will be full force. They will hurt. No warm up."

"I never had a warm up in Casavana."

Gina picked out a long, fairly thick cane with a black handle. The length and thickness looked similar to the one Madam Popescu used for the Judicial canings she gave me. I was becoming very excited. She bent down in front of me so our faces were on the same level and looked into my eyes; she was such a pretty girl with lovely blue eyes, but there was an immaturity there that showed cruelty in her expression. Her face had also reddened a little, indicating to me she was aroused and looking forward to what she was about to do. She bent the cane in front of my eyes to show its strength and flexibility; that alone told me how much it was going to hurt.

"Twenty five strokes, David, not as punishment, but to remind you what you've been missing and what you've been yearning for. Let's call it a maintenance caning." She giggled again and gave my face a couple of light, playful slaps.

She stood up and moved behind me getting herself into a good caning position. She tapped my bottom a couple of times to get her position just right before unleashing the first stroke. The whole action seemed to move in slow motion as I savoured every element of it. The intake of breath from Gina as she raised the cane above and behind her. The swish of the cane as it cut through the air. The unique crack as it struck my soft bare flesh. That microsecond moment of feeling nothing at all, then the unbridled pain that ripped through my buttocks, through my groin, all my lower quarters and then the increase of pain as it totally enveloped my being and caused that hopeless struggle for me to escape my bonds. Only after going through each stage, did the pain slowly recede leaving a single burning sensation across the landing area; a bitter stabbing heat that lingered as a cruel reminder of that single stroke.


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