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Daydream Believer: The End

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His catches wife cheating with his best friend.
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After reading all 3 Daydream Believer stories by Chargrined, I felt the need to write the 3rd story from my perspective. This is my first attempt at writing; I'm still trying to figure out why!

As much as I hate to write, I felt compelled to write this story. Boy, would my English teachers be surprised to find me writing for fun.

I recommend you read the first 2 Daydream Believer stories in this series by Chargrined before you read this story.

If you read the 3rd story, you will notice I used some of his words and phases. I kept them in because I didn't see any reason to change them plus I agreed with him.

Since this is my first attempt, I look forward to your positive feedback.

Thank you, JACUZZIGAL for your insightful comments and editing skills.


My name is Eldon MacDonald. Everyone just calls me 'Mac'. When last time I relayed how I came home to find my loving wife of 15 years locking loins with my best friend, Steve. I learned how this had been transpiring for some years with me languishing in ignorance. Compounding the problem was the revelation that my youngest son wasn't mine, biologically, but Steve's. Without thought, I reacted in what seemed to be the most appropriate manner I applied the "board of education" to my best friend's "seat of higher learning". After the resulting arrest and incarceration, I decided to do some self examination and investigation It is here I continue the story.

The next few days were busy with Larry Cushman preparing the legal documents and sorting through our financial records. The children were with Kelli and Paul, Jeanne was to be released from the hospital, and I had to go back to work. There was a lot to get done in a short period. First I had some deep thinking to do. I spent several hours each day thinking and sorting through my feelings. I was betrayed by two of the most important people in my life. I felt anger, hurt and a huge loss. I wanted the divorce; there was absolutely no doubt. My heart told me I would not be able to trust Jeanne again. Asshole Steve was history. I would have my closure with him!

There were the children to consider. Diane brought up the fact no matter what happened between us, the children had to be considered in my decision. Diane, like so many others, believes you should stay married for the children. Others believe children are better off with parents trying to make their marriage work because they want it to survive for themselves. I believe children need to know their parents will always love them no matter what. They were not responsible for our breakup. In my case, the children were old enough to understand the difference between love and acting.

Gradually, over time I reached my decision. It was time to talk with Stephen, Rachel and Zachary and see how they felt. I was so proud of our children and was not prepared for what they had to say. Rachel figured out quickly what was going on between her mother and "Uncle Steve", and she had already discussed it with her brothers. To say they were hurt is an understatement. They weremad as hell with their mother. Based on conversations with the children, I had to change my plans. Children know more about what's going on than we give them credit for.

The children helped me move my things into the guest room. I could not bring myself to stay in our old bedroom much less sleep in the bed where my slut wife Jeanne fucked my best friend Steve.

The next day I went and picked Jeanne up from the hospital. Steve would be in for another week. This gave Larry and me the time we needed. When I arrived, Jeanne leaned up expecting a kiss. Obviously she thought being allowed back in the house she was forgiven. No, I did not kiss the slut! I did thank the nurses for taking care of her as I wheeled her out to the car. She got in the passenger side as I held the door. Jeanne said her good-byes and thanked them for their kindness during her stay, we drove home. It was the first time we had been alone in over a week.

"Mac, we are going to have to talk about this sooner or later", she began.

I turned onto K Street. "Yes, we are but not yet. Wait until we get home and I will explain things."

Jeanne turned in her seat "So, are you filing for a divorce? I don't want you to."

I looked over at her, irritated. "Are you having trouble hearing? I said I would explain things when we get home."

Jeanne bit her lower lip. I could tell she was fighting back tears. "Mac, I love you. I have loved you ever since we met. I...."

I cut her off. "Jeanne, one last time shut....the....fuck....up!"

But the bitch wouldn't listen. "Do the children know? Do they hate me?"

I took a deep breath. "Jeanne shut the fuck up! Yes, they know their mother is a slut!"

The slut stopped talking and started crying. Finally I pulled into the garage, got out with her small case and went into our townhouse. I didn't help her into the townhouse. I told her the children were staying with Kelli and Paul for now. I took Jeanne's case up to the master bedroom. I was putting her case on the bed when she walked in.

"Mac, what happened to our wedding picture over the mantle?" she asked looking around the room.

Wordlessly, I turned from what I was doing and just looked at her.

She nodded and said, "Is it in the basement?"

"No, it's the ashes you saw in the fireplace," I said.

"Mac, that picture was priceless to us! It was the best picture from our wedding. I loved that picture! Not to mention what it cost Steve to have it done."

I just turned and looked at her and said, "It's not worthshit to me and I don't give adamn what Steve paid for it. He's lucky I didn't shove it up his ass!" She looked around with a puzzled expression. "Mac, where is your alarm clock?"

I turned and said, "Okay, this is the way it is going to be. First, this is your room." Jeanne started to speak. "Shut up and listen. I have not slept in this room or bed since I caught you fucking Steve in it!" I barked. She looked down and nodded.

I went on. "For the next few days we are going to go through the motions of living. When Steve gets out of the hospital next week, we are all going to have a little meeting."

Jeanne shook her head. "No, I was a fool. I know he was your friend and what we did was wrong. I love you. I was stupid but Steve pushed things and I let it get out of hand. I don't want to have anything to do with Steve ever again."

"Well, that's just too damn bad. You should have done something about it 10 years ago, don't you think? Yes, I know about Zachary!"

I had often read about it, had never really believed the color could leave a person's face; I was wrong. With this revelation, Jeanne's face had actually turned white.

"Mac, I don't know what to say."

"Good, don't say anything! Not until we have Steve here. In the meantime, I suggest you start making some decisions about who you are, what you want in your life." I turned and left the room hearing her sobs.

I won't go into all the posturing, pleadings and door slamming which followed for the next week.

She mended quickly, even expressing an interest in our getting together for a little "make up loving." I remember looking at her and shaking my head no. I knew she figured if she could get me into bed she could assume all was forgiven. The next day she came again playfully trying to kiss my neck. I pushed her away and told her to stay away from me.

On Saturday she brought out her big guns. She came to the den wearing the short red teddy that had always given me an instant hard on in the past. To her surprise, I had no reaction. Upon seeing my ambivalence she began to cry and ran up to her room slamming the door. I, on the other hand, laughed and went back to reading my book.

I talked Steve into coming over for a meeting on the following Wednesday.

The day finally arrived and we met in the living room. Steve was sheepish and if he noticed the picture missing from over the mantle, he made no mention of it. Being a good host, I ushered them to their seats, asked them to sit, and offered them some coffee. There was no reason to be totally uncivilized.

We were interrupted by the doorbell. I opened the door for my attorney. Larry had told me not to talk with them alone. So, I decided to follow his advice.

I introduced everyone and explained that Larry was here to monitor our meeting and make sure I did not beat the shit out of Steve.

We sat and stared at one another for about thirty seconds before Steve said, "Mac, bro. I am so sorry. I know how it must have looked. But I want you to know this was the only time anything like this has ever happened. Jeanne loves you. I love you. You're like my brother!"

I held up my hand. "How many times have you fucked Tom's wife, Steve?" I asked.

Steve frowned. "What?"

"You said I was like your brother. The only brother you have I know of is Tom. I just wanted to know how many times you fucked Liz."

"Never," Steve sputtered.

"Then I am not like your brother, am I?" I reached down beside me and pulled out the cricket bat. Steve flinched. Jeanne gasped and moved back. "Steve, you are a cunt hair from having me use this on your balls. So use what little sense you have for the rest of the time you are here. Unless I ask you for an answer, shut...the...fuck...up!"

Jeanne started to say something. I cut her off with a look. "Let's first get something straight. Some men would want to know when this started. Some want to know why it started, how long it lasted, where it was going. I thought long about this and you know what? I don't care! I don't give a rat's ass if it started ten years ago, thirteen or on my wedding day. Little Zack is evidence of how far it went. I don't care if it started because of an accident, a moment's unbridled passion, my absence at some critical juncture of our marriage, or just plain treachery. All evidence indicates while it may not have been leading to wedding bells, it certainly wasn't going to stop if I hadn't come home unexpectedly one day in fifteen years." I tapped the bat on the floor to emphasize my point.

I paused and let my words sink in. Jeanne had her arms wrapped around herself. Steve was trying to sink into the love seat.

I went on. "You hurt me beyond all comprehension. You made me do something I thought myself incapable of until just a few days ago; you made me despise the two people I loved most in the world."

I turned to Steve. "You and I have been 'like brothers' as you put it for over twenty-five years. We went to junior high, high school and college together. No one celebrated your success more than I when you went to the majors. And when you had to leave I wept right alongside of you.

"As repayment, you fucked my wife, had a child by her and left me in the dark about the whole thing. You destroyed your own marriage because of your affair with Jeanne."

He looked up. "Where did you hear that?" he hissed.

I nodded to confirm his fears. "Oh, yes, I spoke to Diane. She told me enough, I could guess the rest if I cared that much to try. But, that isn't what we are talking about. We are talking about cold-blooded deliberate betrayal. Betrayal of friendship, betrayal of your own vows and betrayal of a promise you made to me once, remember?"

Steve looked at me puzzled. "What promise?"

"The one you made on my wedding day, where you promised to remember just whose wife Jeanne is." To my side I could hear Jeanne begin to sob. I ignored her.

I reached down next to me and pulled out a folded sheet of legal paper and tossed it to Steve. He picked it up and opened it.

"What is this?" he asked.

"A request for a court ordered paternity test," I explained.

"A what? Are you crazy?" he stammered.

"Steve, I know about Zachary. I know you think he is your son at least biologically. Well, we are going to have a DNA test done and find out for sure. If it turns out you are, then you and my devoted wife here are going to tell Zachary," I said.

Almost on cue, they both leapt to their feet. Jeanne was the first one to speak.

"Mac, what are you thinking? We can't tell a small boy that! He won't understand. Think of the damage you could do!" she gasped.

"On the contrary, think of the damage not telling him could do," I countered. I turned back to Steve. "If what I heard the other evening is any indication, you trotted him out and waved him around whenever it suited you. But that is over. There is no designated hitter rule here. It is time to stand up to the plate."

Steve looked pained. "Why, Mac? Why drag Zack into this?"

"Yes, what good can come from ruining Zack's life?" Jeanne piped in.

"More like saving Zack's life, Jeanne. I didn't start this. I certainly didn't want this, but I will finish it. He will be told and you two will do it! Let's not forget you two dragged him into it when you forgot a few things. Like you were my wife, and you were my best friend. Zack needs to live a life built on more than lies. Steve, there are sound reasons for this, not the least is evidenced in your own life. Why did you leave baseball??" I inquired.

Steve looked uneasy. "Medical reasons, you know that."

"What medical reasons? Never mind, I'll tell you; high blood pressure and neurological disorders. But Diane told me something else. You were diagnosed with the initial staged of MS, weren't you, Steve?"

Steve was stunned. It is the first time I can honestly say he was at a total loss for words. I reveled in it. Vainly, I looked for a way to make the feeling last longer, stay fresher. Presently he asked, "Did Diane tell you?"

"Yes. Isn't there a hereditary aspect to high blood pressure, Steve?"

"Yes, there is," he answered sheepishly.

Jeanne came to her feet. "You son of a bitch! You knew and never said anything?" I stepped between her and Steve, more to protect her from following my lead and doing something foolish. "You knew," she said to me. "Is MS hereditary, too?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. We need to find out. Anyway that's not the issue, Jeanne. But it illustrates why Zack has to know, if it is true Steve is Zack's biological father." Here I looked him in the face, my eyes boring into his. "Sharing genetic content does not make you his father, Steve. I am his father. When he had the measles, I stayed up all night with him. When he was afraid of the monsters in the closet, I chased them away. Parenthood is not genetic."

I took out a second sheet of paper and handed each a copy. "This is letter from the lab that performed the DNA tests on the children and me. Yes, I had all three children tested. It states I am the father of Stephen and Rachel, and Zachary is their brother. However, I am not Zachary's biological father. Unless my slut wife was fucking someone other than you, asshole, my guess is your DNA results will prove you are Zack's sperm donor. We were also tested for all STD's and HIV. So far our results have been negative."

I took out another sheet of paper and handed it over to him. "This is a restraining order. This keeps you from coming within 100 yards of me, my children or my home. If you do, I will have you thrown in jail. Actually, it protects you too because if, after you leave here, I see you again too soon, I don't know what I would do."

Steve gazed at the paper in his hand like it was a snake ready to strike.

I consulted my watch. "It goes into effect in about 5 minutes so if you have anything to say make it quick. After we have the test results back, we can decide when and how to tell Zack. As far I'm concerned, you are dead to me. I never want to see you, hear from you or talk to you again. Do you understand?"

For once he displayed wisdom. He walked over to the door to open it. On his way past me I said his name low and sweet. He turned to face me and never saw it coming. My fist came from down low and swept up in a narrow arc. His head snapped back and his body hit the floor with a loud thud. His eyes glassed over as he shook his head. I stood over the asshole massaging my knuckles.

His eyesight cleared and he struggled to his feet. He looked at me again with genuinely sad eyes. I heard a hushed, "I am so sorry" and then he left.

He walked out of my home for the last time leaving Jeanne and I to face our own demons. Jeanne got up, went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Would you like some?" she asked. I shook my head so she walked back into the living room and sat down on the love seat. She took a sip of her coffee and looked about the room as if it was for the last time. Good. I wanted her to realize the severity of what she had done.

I walked into the kitchen, pulled a tumbler from the cabinet and filled it half way with Gentleman Jack, and tossed in two ice cubes. Fortified, I returned to the living room. Jeanne's eyes never left me.

I took a short swallow. "Jeanne, this marriage is over and I want a divorce." She opened her mouth covered her eyes and cried.

Then I continued "Jeanne, I do want to know one thing though. Why, Jeanne? No psycho babble, no justifications, just a simple why? Why do it? Why with Steve?"

She sat for a moment, thinking, and looked up. "Because I could," she simply replied.

Then she continues, "That time you missed our anniversary, when the three of us were all supposed to go out together. I was angry. Steve was here that night and we went out to dinner together. Steve was always here. He was like a member of the family. Well, we got a little drunk. He came on to me. I was drunk and angry enough I took him up on it. The sex was great."

I held up my hand to cut her off. "I didn't ask for a review or a blow by blow. I want a reason."

She took a sip of coffee. "Does there have to be a reason, Mac? Sometimes people do things just because. I realize it was wrong. I'm sorry I hurt you. I've had all those hours in hospital to think about this and the only reason I can come up with is: I liked it. He had been here so often it was almost like having two husbands. After a while that was the way I felt about it only it was even better. He was here when I wanted him and gone the rest of the time. I never loved him. I enjoyed the break every few months from our sex life. You were always a good lover. I never had any complaints but every once in a while I wanted someone different. Steve was always here. It was just sex. You never missed it. He never had my heart."

I nodded. "I can understand part of that. Most people do things because they can, truth told. Thank you for being honest about it. Why did it have to be him, my best friend? Couldn't you have gone out on some pretext and had a one night stand? Why let this go on for over 10 years?"

"Like I said, he was available and very willing. By keeping it 'in the family' so to speak, I didn't feel like such a whore or that I was really cheating on you. Haven't you ever wanted a different woman, Mac? One night of just sex with someone else? Nothing permanent—just a night with someone different?"

"Sure. Most people do. I never acted on it, nor has any other woman had my child," I reminded her. She winced.

"So where do we go from here? I love you. I love you with all my heart. I don't want the divorce."

"What is a marriage to you, Jeanne?" I asked.

The question took her by surprise. She seemed perplexed for a short time, thinking. "Well, it is a commitment, I suppose, between two people who love each other; a promise to always be faithful and be there for one another." Her voice trailed off with her last couple of words as she realized the gravity of what she had just said.

I grinned. "Yes. And where was I in all this? Where were the children? Where was everything we worked so hard to build? Let me tell you what marriage is to me. It is a union, a joining of two peoples' lives. You said it was just sex with Steve. Maybe it was to you. But the sexual union is part of that union. When you try to separate it out you can't help it but it only weakens the union. Marriage is like a body made up of all kinds of parts: trust, love, honor, sex, and respect. When you separate any one of the parts you separate all parts of the marriage. When you have sex with someone other than your spouse you can not be trusted, you're not honoring or respecting your spouse much less loving your spouse. How could you believe you could have sex without damaging the marriage?"


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