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Dead and Horny Ch. 15


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Her eyes shifted over to Ratu's table. What secrets were locked in her own cellular structure? How did magic keep her alive? She tilted the barrel while lifting it. The dark fluid drained, transforming into an opaque spot inside of Opal's light blue coloration.

"Does it taste like anything?" Dana didn't bother signing, since her hands were full.

Opal shrugged, causing a ripple to travel across her bare breasts. "Kind of,'' she replied. "I taste anything that touches me, but not in a way that would make sense to you."

"I get that." Hardly one to comment on the taste of anything, Dana moved to tip the barrel up even further.

This was a mistake. She was strong enough to hold the barrel up at an angle, but the barrel outweighed her and she was leaning too far. The mass of the barrel was more than enough to outweigh her, and she fell forward into the tank with Opal. On her way into the goo, Dana saw Cerulea bolt out of the room, leaving a trail of glitter behind her.

"Blergh!" Dana actually yelled something else, but her voice was muffled by the viscosity of Opal's body. She splashed her way to the surface, which took considerably more strength than expected. Powerful hands grabbed her underneath her armpits and lifted, allowing her face to at least break the surface.

She scooped goop out of her eyes and saw Opal staring at her, those translucent blue cheeks of hers taking on a pink tinge.

"I am so sorry, Opal. Uh, damn, this is awkward." She put her hands on the side of the tub and tried to pull herself out, but the suction was more powerful than expected. If she wanted, she could pull a lot harder, but feared cracking the tank in the process. "A little help?"

Opal had an odd look on her face, the pink glow spreading down her neck and across the top of her chest.

"Are you okay?" Dana asked.

The slime girl moved in slow motion, her hands making words.

"I can taste you," she said.

"Yeah, sorry. I showered this morning, but still..." Dana smacked her lips and frowned. There was a salty taste in her mouth, which meant she had swallowed some of the slime girl.

Opal licked her lips, then signed some more.

"I can taste all of you."

"Of course you can, I...oh. Oh!" It occurred to Dana that Opal was a fluid, which meant every single part of her body was now technically touching Opal's taste buds, whatever that meant. She had essentially dunked her asshole in the slime girl's mouth. "I guess I'm really sorry, then."

Opal's features shifted, and she sank beneath the surface, her torso disappearing.

"Yeah, I'd be mad, too." Well, if Opal even got mad. "So I'm kind of stuck, if you don't mind, I'll just..." A jolt of electricity fired up her spine, causing Dana to grab onto the sides of the tank. It was followed by the flow of heat through her hips and pelvis and her legs spasmed. "What the fuck?"

She licked her lips, then smacked them together again. Beneath the salty taste was something vaguely familiar. "Opal, why do you taste like spunk?"

Dana was sucked under the surface, her body sliding along the bottom. Beneath the surface, she found herself looking at Opal's face as it hovered above her. Dana's thighs were being kneaded by the slime around her, and Dana felt pressure along her nipples and vagina. Another shock ran through her, and she braced her hands against the sides of the tank.

"Has Ratu been feeding you magic spooge?" Dana signed, biting her lip as heat raced through her body.

Opal nodded, her whole face now pink. She licked her lips in anticipation with a very long tongue and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah, now that I'm all worked up, go for--" Dana didn't get to sign anything else as the slime pressed in on her, squeezing her entire body in one big hug. This wasn't what she had expected today, but even if she got out, she was far too horny to make it home and find someone to fuck her.

She felt her pants being pulled off, and held her legs together to make it easier. Her panties were next, and now the pink slime was quivering against her bare pussy. Ripples traveled outward as Opal pressed against Dana, teasing her labia by vibrating.

Dana closed her eyes and leaned back, becoming lost in the sensation. Usually, she was ravenous to please her partner, but had no idea how to even accomplish such a feat with Opal. There was no discernible anatomy to interact with, so Dana decided to relax until something changed.

The teasing pressure became more insistent, and Dana spread her legs then gasped as Opal entered her body. She had expected a finger or even a cock, but it was semi-rigid fluid that forced its way inside, stretching her insides to the limit. This probably shouldn't have shocked her--Opal was technically a Beth clone, after all.

That same pressure found its way to her asshole, but hesitated. Realizing this was the equivalent of asking for consent, Dana grabbed her butt cheeks and pulled them wide. In for a penny, in for a pound, she figured, then giggled. A proper pounding, then.

When Opal entered her ass, the pressure was so intense that Dana's fingers started slipping against the interior of the tank. The sensation was overwhelming, and she half expected the tank to visibly drain as more of Opal forced its way inside of her. It was hard to tell just how much of the slime girl was inside of her now, but Dana noticed that her belly was visibly bulging outward.

Her eyes rolled up in her head as the vibrations moved from her clitoris and labia to inside her body. She tried to fold up her legs, but her body was being held still by Opal. When she attempted to at least move her arms, she couldn't. Opal had her pinned in place.

Her bra was pulled down and tiny sucking mouths started nibbling the sensitive flesh below and around her areola. She hissed in delight, her nipples becoming rigid as they were sucked on by some unseen slime mechanism. The pressure inside her body increased as she was filled to the brim, the internal vibrations now spreading outward.

She moaned, and that's when Opal entered her mouth, the slime girl sliding down the back of her throat. All three of Dana's holes were now full. The vibrations inside of her shifted frequency multiple times, and a small, almost orgasm had Dana dragging her nails on the side of the tank and scratching the material.

Eyes wide, all Dana could do was stare at the ceiling of Ratu's research lab through the pink fluid that surrounded her. The vibrations kept shifting in pitch as more of Opal slid inside of her, her stomach now extended outward as if she was nine months pregnant.

When Dana finally came, Opal locked her in place as the vibrations all picked the same frequency and intensified. Dana was powerless, unable to even scream as her vocal cords were blocked off by the thick fluid in her throat. It was like her entire body had been transformed into one big vibrator.

Her orgasm sent a rush of heat running down to her legs, but there was no accompanying fluid. She felt it being sucked away, and the sucking mouths on her breast now pinched and tugged, triggering a second orgasm. Her whole body clenched up, but she was still unable to move.

She tried to shout "More!" but only managed a long grunt. Her vision was darkening as the slime girl continued compressing her. It reminded her of being strapped to the bed in the cabin as Mike had tried to fuck some sense back into her, and--

Dana came again, the memory now replaying in her head. She could remember the whole experience in its entirety, now reliving that sexual encounter while having a completely separate one. Her body didn't know how to process the information, so she felt it all. Mike's hard cock was inside her as electrical currents ran through both of them, but at the same time, she was getting the airtight treatment from Opal in the present.

Tears of pleasure were sucked away from her eyes, and she cried. The whole world had gone pink, and she had been so distracted that Dana had lost count of her orgasms. They rocketed through her, Opal greedily sucking away all of her sexual fluids as the process started anew

Eventually, all good things come to an end. Dana cried out as Opal slid free of her and pushed the zombie's body up and over the edge of the tank. Raw emotions tumbled free as she fell onto the floor and wept. It was like a dam had burst inside her, and everything just came out at once.

A blanket was draped over her. Dana sniffed back hot tears and looked up to see Ratu smiling down at her with a cup of tea in one hand and Cerulea sitting on her shoulder.

"I blacked out for four hours after she did that to me," Ratu said with a wink. "She gets rather...excited when she can taste someone's genitals."

Dana tried to mumble something about a warning sticker, but still couldn't put words together. She did notice, however, that her body was completely dry.

"Enjoy the catharsis." Ratu moved over to one of the sofas and laid down on it. "I'll still be here once you're ready to talk. As for you." She turned her attention to the fairy. "Shouldn't you be watching the entrance?"

Cerulea stood at attention, then bolted out of the lab. Ratu smirked at the departing fairy, then looked back at Dana.

"She was really hoping there was something leftover she could nibble on." Ratu sipped at her tea with a grin. "I actually let them push me in one time. Zero regrets, personally, but I did lose an afternoon."

Dana turned to look at the tank, which was slowly turning blue once more. Opal's face appeared against the glass, and the slime girl winked.

"If I ever get the chance," Dana muttered, "I'm tossing Lily in you to see who wins." She flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. When the giggles came this time, she simply let them flow.


Tasia rubbed her eyes and yawned, then sat up in the back of the Expedition and looked out the window. They were in a parking lot that had been cordoned off with police tape, and a pair of squad cars sat guard at the entrances of the lot.

She checked her phone to see how long she'd been asleep. It was almost two hours since the mission brief had ended and they had headed to the scene.

"Hungry?" Lynn leaned around the passenger seat. She held up a pair of paper sacks.

"Yes, thank you." Tasia reached across the empty middle seat. Esteban and his team had taken the other Suburban, and were already parked next to them. Brother Julian was speaking with one of the officers, both of them holding cups of coffee. Typically, the Order just pretended to be feds, but there were rare occasions where the local law enforcement knew exactly who they were, or at least enough to not ask questions.

"You snore, by the way." Lynn smirked and turned her attention forward. "I've never seen anyone pass out so fast in a car."

"Yeah, it's kind of a thing now." Tasia opened up the bag and was happy to see a large sub sandwich inside. It was stuffed with different kinds of meat. "I don't suppose you got me--"

Lynn was already leaning over the seat with a large bottle of water.

"Thanks." Tasia took a minute to open the other bag. In all, she had a bag of chips and two 12-inch subs. It didn't take her long to eat them and she definitely wouldn't have to worry about the calories. Her new metabolism would take care of that.

Lynn got out of the car and met up with the others. Tasia looked at the building and scowled. Flowers, stuffed bears, and cards had been stacked up along the stop sign at the corner, and a couple of people stood outside the tape, their haunted eyes on the building.

The Sunset Lounge was covered in scorch marks, but Tasia knew those had been put in by the Order as a cosmetic smoke screen. To the local authorities and anyone watching the news, a kitchen fire had gotten out of control and people had trampled each other trying to escape. Over twenty people had lost their lives in what had been described as a tragic accident. Anyone with actual memories of the event had been immediately visited by the Order, interviewed, and their memories scrubbed after.

Finished with her meal, Tasia set the bags aside and climbed out of the Expedition. The others watched her with feigned disinterest, but she could feel a mild tension in the air. Though everyone pretended to accept her, she knew there was still a matter of trust. It was annoying, but she could hardly blame them for it.

She sniffed at the air, pulling in the smell of grease, gasoline, and fresh poured asphalt from a couple of blocks over.

"Shall we?" Lynn gestured to the front door of the Sunset Lounge. Tasia nodded and followed her inside. Esteban and Julian followed them in while Luis and Courtney stayed outside.

"This way." Lynn led Tasia across the dance floor of the Sunset Lounge. Abandoned purses, shoes, and cellphones littered the area, and Tasia caught various scents in transit, like blood, urine, and fear. It was hard to describe what fear smelled like to someone else. The closest approximation was rancid black licorice.

They walked up a flight of short stairs in the back to the VIP room. A sturdy set of glass doors was held shut by a red ribbon that had been wrapped around the handles. This had been put there by the Order, and would knock out anyone attempting to cut it apart. Lynn dismissed the spell holding the ribbon in place, then untied it and stuck it in her pocket. Once the ribbon was gone, the calm scene through the window of tables and chairs transformed into the grim reality.

Blood was everywhere. Handprints adorned the inner glass, and arterial spray had coated all four walls. In the back of the secluded lounge, comfy booths had been set up. This room looked like it was primarily geared toward shady business dealings.

"Looks nasty," Tasia said, grabbing the handle of the door.

"Forensics is playing around with numbers, but..." Esteban shrugged. "We just aren't sure what happened."

"When I worked for Master Cyrus, he had this magic stopwatch that could reverse time. Anybody have one of those?"

"If we did, you wouldn't be here." Esteban's eyelid twitched.

Tasia smirked and pointed up at the sign. "Well, it says VIP, so you all can stay out here. Be right back."

She walked inside and let the door shut behind her. Her sharp hearing picked up Julian muttering to Esteban, and none of it was nice. If Lynn heard, she was ignoring it.

"Perfect," Tasia muttered, careful to step around the pools of blood. The carpet was tacky in places, causing her shoes to stick. The whole room was a mess, so it was inevitable that she would touch some.

She moved to the corner and looked out across the room. According to the briefing, several people including the owner, Emanuel Oscario, had been in this room when they had been hit. The only survivors were a couple of scantily clad servers who had been bringing drinks in when everything started. Between all the screaming and spraying of blood, they had very little to offer in terms of information.

Which was why Tasia had been brought in. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply through her nose, the information filtering itself across her brain. Each person's scent was different, their blood even more so. Before they had left headquarters, Tasia had been given a sample of blood and clothing from each of the victims. It was strange how her mind could hold so much information now from a quick sniff. When she opened her eyes, it was vividly clear which stain belonged to each victim.

She moved around the room, careful to breathe through her mouth. Once she was positioned along the other corner, she sniffed again. Looking at the floor, she could tell where people had been standing now, tracing their blood spray back to its point of origin.

"Interesting." Oscario had been sitting with his bodyguards and some female escorts when the attack had occurred. Tasia knelt down by the table and took a whiff. It smelled of booze, sex, and cocaine. It also smelled strongly of the seven people that had been sitting there.

She didn't recognize one of the scents. Narrowing in, she crouched down and sniffed the seat of the booth. Still new to the world of scents, the only information she received was that it was a female. Was it a survivor they had missed?

Discarded knives and guns lay on the floor, and she took another step back to ponder the room. Her sense of smell was getting overwhelmed, so she moved out of the VIP room to see that Lynn was down on the dance floor talking to someone on her cell. Esteban and Julian looked at Tasia with interest.

"Well?" Esteban asked.

"May have something," she replied, then tapped her nose. "Taking a break is all. There's a lot of information in there."

Julian nodded and looked at Esteban. "That's fair."

"Can you two scoot down the hall a bit?" She sniffed at the air. "Want to check something here as well."

They obliged, moving down to the dance floor with Lynn. This part of the lounge was pretty clean, mostly due to the fact that nobody had been hanging around the doors. Tasia did a quick circuit, quickly locating the very faint scent of the servers who had survived and given testimony. There was no other smell. Whoever Jane Doe was, she hadn't left through the doorway.

Tasia stepped back inside and sniffed around some more. With her sense renewed and most of the information parsed into her brain, she picked up a couple more scents. One was fragrant like patchouli and the other was sour. She moved around the room, tracking down the patchouli smell. It was a small patch of fabric that looked like it had been cut from a jacket. She gave it a sniff and then bagged it up. That was worth looking into.

The sour smell took her much longer to track, and she had to take a break again. By now, Lynn was pacing on the dance floor, clearly agitated by her call, but Tasia ignored it. Back inside the VIP lounge, she tracked the odor to a knife that had fallen between the cushions of the booth. Carefully sliding it out, she saw a smear of black on the edge.

That was the sour smell. It burned her nostrils when sniffed this close, and she bagged up the blade for further analysis. When she stepped out of the VIP room, Lynn stood with Esteban. She didn't know where Julian was.

"Well?" Lynn cocked an eyebrow.

"We have at least one person unaccounted for." Tasia jerked her thumb over one shoulder. "And she didn't leave through the door. So either she got eaten by whatever tore these people apart, or she's the one who did the eating."

"Hmm." Lynn scratched at her chin. "Anything else?"

"Yeah." Tasia handed over the knife. "I think someone stabbed our attacker. No idea what that substance is, so it's worth looking at. I also have this." She handed over the fabric.

"Great. That's more than we had this morning." Lynn took the fabric and handed it to Esteban. "But still no idea how our target got in or out?"

"Could have walked in, honestly." Tasia looked at the VIP lounge. "There really isn't a way to get in there, unless you go through the vents."

"They're pretty small vents." Esteban looked up at the corners of the VIP room. The vents had been installed near the ceiling. "I don't know what could have come through there and done all of this. Not without being seen, anyway."

"Speaking of." Lynn looked at Tasia. "I just got word that another facility got hit."

"Damn. Casualties?"

"None, but..." Lynn sighed. "They were busted chatting with the Oracle. Sounds like they broke in using some sort of portal magic, the researchers are already looking into it. There isn't much to go on, I'm afraid. There were two attackers, one who could change shapes and the other one may be one of ours."

"One of us?" It was extremely rare for someone to leave the Order, but even more so for them to be dumb enough to come back. "Any ideas?"

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