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Degenerate Star Ch. 04 - Loyalties


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The bed shifted, and looking back, she saw Zed standing hunched over, working his trousers off. He moved quickly to the foot of the bed, then sat facing away from her as he worked the last bits over his feet and tossed the garment aside.

He turned, still sitting, grabbed her, swept her up easily, and spun her so she was facing him as he lifted her onto him. She threw up a leg and was straddling him, her wet pussy pressed to rock-hard abs. His hands gripped her hips and pushed her whole body down his length. Every glorious ridge touched her like little speed bumps as she left a moist trail down him. She tried to tell him how glorious it felt, but all that came out were a series of tortured moans.

Stars, yes, she thought, as he pushed her ever closer to impalement. She'd already climaxed twice, why not more? She wondered if she'd become a brain-wired rat, pressing a switch for pleasure to the point she'd no longer want food. A lovely way to go, climaxing on an endless series of cocks with no other thoughts.

The thick head of his cock pressed to her pussy lips, and heat flooded through her. As he pressed into her, splitting her apart. She groaned almost in agony. Lifting her head up she saw Vgg-r stroking himself as he watched the two. He was hard again, and his eyes looked into hers, hungry and eager. She was surprised at how thin and bright fleshy red it was, but there was no denying it made her wet at the thought of two men wanting her at once.

Still pressing himself slowly into her Zed told Vgg-r, "I don't think the captain here has ever been sandwiched."

"She's definitely my kind of meat," Vgg-r said crawling off the bed and skipping around to the foot of it.

Riley wondered what they meant, although she had a whole list of scenarios going through her mind. The thought of them endlessly switching off made her feel dirty, slutty, a departure of epic proportions from her upbringing. She was already so full, so complete and whole with Zed buried in her. He churned slowly making her push back against him, wanting to rush to another climax.

Zed tilted his head up looking past Riley behind her. "Go ahead. Take her with me."

"You're offering her ass to me?" Vgg-r said as his claws wrapped around her waist.

Ass? Riley thought in panic. She'd never had anyone fuck her there, let alone ask for such a thing.

"I haven't been in there yet. You'll probably be the first ever." Zed said around her. "Still need to keep her mostly intact for sale."

"A shame and a boon," Vgg-r said as he stepped up pressing himself against her. "She's well worth keeping."

Riley seemed stuck repeating a phrase in her mind, oblivious to the conversation. My ass?

"Reach back and open yourself for him," Zed husked in her ear.

Ass? Her hands obeyed while her mind continued caught in its loop. She reached back awkwardly around two sets of hands and found her cheeks. She spread herself knowing she was indeed offering exactly what her glitching brain struggled with.

Still wet from fucking her earlier Vgg-r pressed the tip to her puckered hole. The only play she'd had so far had been a fingertip from Zed. As Vgg-r coated her opening in her own juices she hitched her breath.

"Easy now," Zed said, she wasn't sure if it was meant for her or the man behind her. "Relax."

One of Zed's hands trailed up her spine, a soothing petting gesture. He pressed against the top of her spine, crushing her breasts to his chest and pinning her in place. His other hand gripped her hip. Vgg'r held the other hip. Three hands were already too many for the overstimulated captain. His other held himself pressing his cock ever so slowly into her.

Riley groaned, a stuttering fearful sound. She could feel the alien pressing into her, tried relaxing as Zed told her, but the cursed implants had her so on fire she squirmed at every touch. Vgg-r pressed gently and firmly into her. She gasped. It was painful, a stabbing that made her spine chill and stomach clench. More than that, it was violating, filthy, and the most shameful thing that happened to her. And yet. And yet. The implants must be working overtime because as he slid into her, it felt so amazingly good she wanted to cry. She felt full with just Zed, but two men inside her was brain-blanking.

Moaning as he slid into her Vgg-r began thrusting slowly. Zed moaned in her ear as he pushed her hips down slowly onto him. Riley groaned as she was filled like never before. The pain was still there, a ghost under the feeling of being so owned, so dominated, so utterly stuffed. As Vgg-r pushed in Riley would groan and try to move away from him. Only to impale herself further on Zed. No matter what she did she was overbearingly filled. Hands were on her everywhere.

My ass? Still caught in the loop, she realized her ass was no longer virgin. That thought alone drove her to near climax. She pushed against Zed, trying to force him to hit her just right, to make everything melt into oblivion. But she couldn't quite find the right spot.

A small distant part of her knew she had to say words to cum. But between the fullness, the pain, and the hands everywhere, she couldn't quite remember them. She cried out instead a series of guttural noises as the two men grunted and moaned inside her.

Tightening his arm around her Zed whisper, "Cum."

And she floated away. Light, blinding white light engulfed everything. There was a hint of color, red pain buried down in her core, but it made the light taste better, more pure somehow.

She was conscious only long enough to hear the two fucking her exchange words, "Permission to fill your slut... Permission granted... Aye captain... Cum!" And she climaxed again. Her body writhed feeling the light burn through her. "Cum." And she did again screaming. The rest was a maelstrom of her body tortured beyond her ken. Screaming vulgarities and thrashing endlessly as she was burned at every nerve ending for eternity. Like never before, she felt a deep understanding of the infinite, and then everything faded into darkness.

Shaking and senseless she found herself still lying on Zed's chest. She was exhausted, numb to all sensations. She was no longer filled but felt an aching soreness that seemed to extend from her core to her entire body. She could feel the remains of both of them trickling down her thighs, and there was a fullness in her gut, a viscousness that felt queasy. It was all so worth the absolute mind-numbing feel of a bliss so intense it made the act of thinking difficult. She didn't want to move, didn't want to do anything but ride the wake of her orgasms.

The men were laughing about something, talking with words that Riley didn't care to understand. Zed said something to Vgg-r then he shifted lifting an arm. Riley watched as the two slapped palms together. In another life, she'd have been horrified to know that two men high-fived each other over her naked and thoroughly fucked body.

Riley wanted nothing more than to slip into an unthinking slumber. Escape was a dream.

When a ring echoed through the room Riley woke with a start. She found herself alone in Zed's bed, still naked, and a mess from the evening before. The sheets were horribly stained, and she knew she'd need to clean them before the work shifts were done for the day.

Zed stood at the entrance to the head, slipping a shirt on and watching her. "A proper slave girl would wake before her owner."

Panic, "I'm sorry, Zed."

"Zed? Are we on a first name relation, slave girl?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. No, Sir. Won't happen again."

"No worries. I know it won't. We'll make sure to reinforce that, though, after the work shifts." Zed leaned against the wall.

Zed seemed to be waiting for something. Unsure what to say Riley ventured a hesitant, "Thank you, Sir?"

He smirked, "Are you forgetting your little work detail? You've only got a few minutes to the start of first shift. Your crew should all be waiting for you.

"Oh stars!" Riley leapt out of bed rushing for the head. Zed blocked her passage just with his bulk still leaning in the doorway. She looked up at him knowing better than to try squeezing around or pushing past him like she might have done with Academy bunk-mates, "Excuse me, Sir."

His gaze was icy, "Is that how a slave girl should greet her owner in the morning? Swearing and trying to push through him?"

"No, Sir." Riley was irritated at this ridiculous request, and how easily the conciliatory words slipped from her mouth without thought. "How would you like me to greet you for first shift?"

He stroked his chin and leered, "First off, you'll wake before I do."

"Yes, Sir."

"You'll stroke and suck me until I wake up."

"Of course, Sir."

"Once I'm awake, I'll choose whether to finish in you or not."

A rush of heat, she exhaled, "Yes, Sir."

"When released, you'll get the fresher ready for me. With scalding water, not that piffle-posh sonic rubbish."

"Yes, Sir." She wondered if she would be expected to shower with him. Of course, she would. He'd need someone to wash those broad shoulder blades... and abs... and cock.

"Well?" he said, snapping her out of her diversionary daydream.

"Stars! Yes, Sir." She dropped to her knees, hands going right to the belt.

Zed swatted them away, "Too late for the ole in and out love. You can make it up after shift with your spanking."

Spanking? Oh void. "Yes, Sir."

He patted her head as he walked past, went through the hatch, and she was alone.

Void be damned, her crew needed clothing. She raced out to the passageway. Zed was just entering the bridge. She dashed down the corridor and called, "Sir!"

He turned, saw her, but still stepped into the bridge. With a wave, he urged her to follow. Riley entered the bridge, naked as always.

She saw Vgg-r standing with two humans, their eyes all locked onto her. Vgg-r gave a toothy grin letting his tongue loll out. The two humans glanced at her, then at Zed and Vgg-r, they sported leering smirks. Their eyes were all over her, she knew they must be imagining all the things done to her last night. Would Vgg-r talk about such things? She was a slave, and her opinion, dignity, and pride didn't matter. Of course, he would tell the crew he was a good boy and got rewarded from the captain's own booty. She felt her face go crimson just thinking about the chain of events.

"You need something slave girl?" Zed said and smacked her ass with enough force to make her jump forward. She could tell by his grin he was being playful. Her ass wasn't so amused.

"Clothing." She said, "My crew is going to need clothing."

"Hmm, I don't know about that. You boys think the slaves should wear clothing?" Zed asked the bridge crew.

They laughed and returned a chorus of no's in unison.

"Democracy in action, no clothing."

Flustered and still flushing she explained, "Sir. I respect the culture you've cultivated among your crew, all for one etc. But we will be working with abrasives, caustics. You wouldn't want rashes to spoil the crew's fun would you?"

Zed's playful look melted away into something very serious. The crew went silent. Oh void, she thought. She'd cornered him verbally, and now he either looked like a chump or a pushover.

"I apolo..." Riley started, a thick hand lashed out and grabbed her by the throat.

Zed lifted her by the neck with one hand, choking her as he did so. Her hands went to his wrist, trying to lift herself for any fraction of a small breath. Her toes dangled freely, frantically seeking hard deck beneath her that was no longer there. The crew watched blank-faced.

"I don't think that's the proper tone a girl, especially a slave girl should be using." He released her dropping Riley to the deck.

Coughing she scrambled up to her knees and choked out, "I apologize, Sir."

"Oh? Have you learned a lesson here?"

"Yes, Sir." She gasped.


"A slave-girl should mind her tone when speaking to her owner." As she talked about herself in third person, there were little buzzes of pleasure shooting through her body.

"Good girl," he said as ghostly fireworks of pleasure were set off inside her. He set a booted foot down in front of her, "Show me how sorry you are."

She looked at his boot, then up at him. Wide chest, even through the shirt she could see those ridiculous abs, thick biceps that could pin her down or lift her up. "Sir?"

"Polish my boots as an apology."

"Yes, Sir." She started to rise looking around.

Zed grabbed her by the back of the neck and held her down. He asked, "Where do you think you are going?"

"To find a rag and polish, Sir." She squeaked out.

"No. Show me how sorry you are. Polish my boots with that drippy little cunt of yours."

She stared up at him. In the corner of her eyes, she could see the bridge crew snickering. Even Vgg-r seemed to enjoy the impromptu show. "Sir?"

His grip tightened on her head, and he slipped his foot forward between her thighs. "I told you to polish my fucking boots slave. Are you too good for that?"

"No, Sir. It's just that..."

Zed tipped his foot back, grinding the toes up into her. She gasped and tried not to think how this must look to the others. The ask was ludicrous. If she did as he commanded, she would dull his boots, not shine them.

"Don't just sit there. Grind that sopping hole on my foot. Get my boots, nice and soaked, slave."

Her body moved as she still struggled to understand, to join the thoughts of polishing his boots by using her juices and pussy to do so. She felt herself rotating her hips, sliding over the leathrine footwear. Heat radiated from the contact. She grabbed his knee with both hands and began grinding hard against him. As she worked his boot with herself, she heard tiny sighs escaping. She wanted more.

The thought of the bridge crew watching made her both squirm and want to cover herself. It was then that she realized. Zed didn't need his boots shined. He needed to show his crew that he was willing to punish an uppity slave. This made it even worse. Zed was purposefully humiliating her. The knowledge of this made her blush crimson.

As she pushed her needy cunt to him, she could feel another orgasm building in intensity. Her clit felt like it was stinging. She'd had so much stimulation in the last day, that it was agony to do as she'd been told. And yet, the looming orgasm said otherwise.

In no time, she was in agony with the need for release, "I'm only a slave. My opinion doesn't matter."

"No. keep working." Zed said as she shoved herself down on him harder. She clutched at his knee, hoping the intensity of her grip and the force of her pussy against him would convey just how badly she needed a climax.

Panting she begged, "Please, Sir. I've learned my lesson. I will only be sweet and demure from now on."

"Not the right words." He said. She almost cried out in frustration.

"My opinion doesn't matter. I'm just a slave." She begged.


"My dumb slut opinion doesn't matter. This ass fucked whore is only a slave."

"Cum for me. Right now."

She gave the crew the show they wanted. She clung to Zed's leg riding her body out as she lost all control. Worse than that, being watched by the crew as she did something so humiliating and unnecessary made the orgasm even more intense. To add to her humiliation, she felt a sudden urge to empty herself, and then she squirted on his foot while dry-humping his boot. She was indeed a toy to these men and nothing more. The shame was monolithic.

"Nicely done captain. Now the other."

In a trance, unable to look up at any of the men in the room, Riley lifted herself from one foot and then climbed onto the other. She started mechanically, her body just going through the motions as she still quivered inside. Soon enough, though, the fires started again. Her clit was on fire, the pain so intense it felt like it was playing equals to the pleasure. She begged, pleaded, and growled in frustration. Zed refused to let her climax.

He shook his foot and told her to stop. Riley knelt there in the puddle she made, desperate and aching, willing to do anything to roll into another climax.

"You made a mess on that first boot."

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Show me. Clean it up."

Riley looked at Zed's boots. One was covered in her fluids. The other had frothy streaks.

"What would you like me to clean them with, Sir?"

"Why don't you use the same tongue that gave me so much attitude a minute ago?"

"Yes, Sir." She leaned down, tongue out, and lapped at her own juices. With each lick, she was tickled by the implants. Squirming desperately, it became hard to focus on the task at hand.

"I'm just a slave, nothing more," she said between licks, "my opinion is meaningless."


She groaned in frustration, "This little slave cunt, opinion is just a whore."

"No." he pulled his foot away and pushed the other to her.

Riley was just riding this out. The passenger took over, lapping hungrily at her own ejaculate.

She begged more, and was ignored. Finally Zed lifted his foot and pushed her face away with it.

"Learned your place slave?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You will remain naked all day. No cleaning for you. You will only supervise."

Riley thought instantly of the ramifications. On her ship, she helped out with everything. It was expected that officers and crew alike did work together. She was now forbidden to help out. Her crew would think she was making them do all the dirty work. "Yes, Sir."

"And no shower. Your crew should be able to see that you are just like them, a filthy used cunt."

Her humiliation was now complete. She knew it was exactly what her crew would think of her.

When she arrived at the utility room the rest of her crew was there waiting. All naked, all with piercings. Even Maxwell, the only man on her crew, had hoops through his nipples and earlobes. She saw that all of them were bruised and looked exhausted.

Two of her crew rushed over to embrace her. She returned the hug glad that some of her crew were happy to see her. It was only after a few awkward moments that she realized three naked women in a group hug would have certainly raised some eyebrows at Naval Command. Kimura, her human pilot, and Terellia, the meteorologist, broke the embrace, both asking if she was okay, and what had happened to her, what was happening, if rescue was coming, and a million other questions.

"I'm okay. I'm as well as any of us can hope for. We're going to get through this." She explained, making her way to the blue-skinned K'rra who stood arms behind her back in parade rest, looking every bit as regal naked as she did in her science division uniform.

"Captain." K'rra said. While Gythians were generally stoic and aloof, Riley could see there were dark circles under the scientist's purple eyes.

"How are you holding up?" She asked.

K'rra swallowed, a rare show of emotion. "As an officer of the Federated Systems should. I'm trying to manage by the book, but..."

Riley touched her shoulder, "I know. The implants." They both nodded.

In one corner sat the last two members of her crew, both human. Maxwell, her soil expert, and Geller, her botanist, had always worked closely together. Now, they shared misery in each other's company. Geller glanced up and looked away quickly, perhaps still hurt that the captain hadn't helped her when she'd been tormented by raiders in the galley. Maxwell seemed lost in his own world.

Riley surveyed the utility room and decided the raiders were using it as garbage storage. Shelves were packed with bits and bobs, with equipment and gear, all thrown haphazardly around the room.

"I've gotten all of us together to help get some control back in our lives," Riley announced to everyone. All eyes in the room were on her, some hopeful, some fearful, and others barely interested. "I've volunteered all of us as a cleaning crew."

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