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Destinatum Amare Tecum

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Loyal boyfriend fights his destined bond with a Wolf Girl.
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And here we are again, back with another story in the Merging Universe!

This one is going to be very different from the previous one. In that one the love between the Mated couple was already established from the get-go, regardless of the fact that Nathan was running from it.

And also that it will be split into two different POVS (Point of view).

In this story there is going to be a very rare, very special and very frightening twist to the wonderful gift that is becoming Mated.

Wanna know what?

Read and find out!


Destinatum Amare Tecum


Mating - A magical bond that can occur between a Monster and another Monster, or a Monster and a Human. Allows them to feel the others emotion, see their memories and allows telepathic connection. The process is protected by a multitude of laws and is considered sacred in the Monster community.


Sometimes the world can be needlessly cruel.

All throughout our lives we're shown endless, pointless cruelty. Wars, murder, famine, disease. All of it vile and all of it pointless.

And yet somehow, someway the world, fate, God or whatever you want to call it. Somehow that presence finds a way to make it so much worse. To take your comfortable, calm life and turn it upside down for no other reason than its own twisted, sick amusement.

It happened to me.

I was in love with a girl I'd known for almost all of my life, Julia Hempkin. A small, curvy woman with short brown hair, bright blue eyes and a smile that made my legs feel like jelly.

We'd been together for eight years straight and somehow still managed to keep that spark, that magic that kept our love alive. We went out on dates and had our own Netflix and chill days. We still maintained a passionate sex life and explored new ways to keep it fresh and fun.

We could rely on each other when we were sad. We could step forward with confidence when the other was angry and get them to calm down without so much as a snap directed towards each other.

We were in love...deeply in love. Nobody else so much as crossed my mind, it was that perfect, she was that perfect.

Until one day...it was all threatened.

Threatened by something far more powerful than an argument, far more sinister than just another woman.

It was threatened by something the news showed every day. It was threatened by something we saw every day just looking at the happy couples walking the streets.

It was threatened...by the process of becoming Mated.

I never thought, not once not ever that such a thing would happen to me. Why would it when I was so very happy with my beloved Julia.

But like I said before, sometimes the world can be needlessly cruel. And this brand of cruelty came in the form of a Monster, a Wolf Girl.

Lucy Branning was a Wolf Girl almost as tall as me. And like most Wolf Girls she had ears atop her head, a big bushy tail and sharp claws that at a distance could've been mistaken for fingernails. She had long black hair and her tail was just as dark to match it. Her forearms were also lightly coated in dark fur.

She was very fit, strong and fast and her body displayed it. But it wasn't just her body that drew looks, it was her eyes. Two silver, faintly glowing eyes that seemed to pierce right through you.

Right through...me, as if she could sense what I was thinking...what I...desired.

I need to explain more, to tell more, to tell SOMEONE.

It wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault!

I couldn't stop it, I couldn't stop her, I couldn't stop any of it!

Let me go back to the beginning, where it all happened.

Where a perfectly normal day...turned into a time from my darkest nightmares.

The day I met her.

My name is Remus Jackson and this is my story.




Remus POV

"Babe come on, you've got to get up!"

My vision swam for a moment as a voice drew me from my sleep...before I mentally shrugged and turned onto my back.

"Did you really just do that, babe?" the voice asked, a gentle annoyance slowly twisting into something bemused. "Okay, I see you. I see you and raise it with...THIS!"

Attack, attack, attack!

I was under attack!

A merciless, ruthless, remorseless attack!

"Come on babe, I'ma keep tickling you if you don't move and I know you're ticklish so- AHA, SEE!"

I couldn't help it. Laughter escaped me in ragged gasps as I turned around and blindly reached for the attacker.

"Babe don't you dare!"

My hands grasped an arm and yanked it forwards...and therefore everything else it was attached too onto me.

"Ooof! Babe you little bugger, I swear I'm going to...don't you dare...DON'T YOU DARE-"

Too little, too late. My hands and their dexterous fingers were already repelling the attacker with ease as I targeted her specific weak spots.

As she began to howl with laughter, I cracked open an eye and smirked at the sight of my red faced, panting and gloriously beautiful girlfriend.

"B-B-Babe please st-st-STOP!" she begged, roaring with laughter as she tried and failed to stop my nimble fingers. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for tickling you. I surrender so please STOP!"

Acquiescing, I grinned at her breathless appearance before sitting up and pulling her close. Her eyes met mine and lidded lightly, a small smile on her face as she leaned forward and pecked my lips.

"Nuh uh," she said, smirking at my face. "No full kisses until you get your lazy butt outta bed and into that shower mister."

"You don't love me no more?" I asked sadly, fighting not to smile as her own lips twitched in amusement.

"I love you to bits bubby," she replied, giving my lips a slightly longer kiss this time. "But you've got morning breath and smell like sweat. If you wanna get my engine revving, you've gotta find something more appealing to the nose."

"You sure know how to flatter a guy," I muttered, standing up and reaching into the draw for a towel.

Julia stood up and gave my butt a quick slap, smirking as I jumped in surprise. "Your butt is still damn fine love. Did that make you feel flattered?"

"More like emasculated. How will I ever recover from such a terrible thing?"

She rolled her eyes before looking down and smirking lightly. "If you get showered and dressed in the next ten minutes then I'll suck your dick when you get back from work, how's that sound?"

"Like a plan!" I chirped, smiling at her laughter as I raced into the shower with purpose.

And not seven minutes later I was downstairs, fully dressed in my suit and ready to go!

Julia was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt. Her hair barely reached the end of her neck which meant another hair cut was likely to occur within the next day or so.

But to be honest I was mostly focused on her arse, so the haircut thing was processed and shoved away for some other time.

"I know it's pretty tight bubby," Julia snarked, grinning at my lecherous expression. "But you aint getting this bacon if you don't bring home the bacon, you get me?"

"Such cruel, wanton ways!" I quipped, enjoying the little roll her eyes made. "And what exactly are you going to be doing while I bring home the bacon?"

She smiled and grabbed a slice of toast, handing it over to me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Leona asked if I could babysit Harry until two today," she said, straightening my tie with a practiced ease as I nommed on the toast. "We do owe Steven for helping us move that big ass sofa the other week...so I said yes."

"Uh-huh," I murmured, giving her red face a look. "And I'm sure this has nothing to do with Harry missing his 'Aunty Julia'?"

To her credit she only flushed a little, her eyes looking directly into mine.

"Well...maybe," she mumbled. "I didn't think I'd like it so much, but...well, you know."

"I know," I said, pulling her close and kissing her lightly on the lips. "We've only just started trying for a baby love. Tomorrow is your most fertile day and we've got it off. It'll happen, trust me."

"I know you're right," she said quietly, rubbing her nose against my neck. "I'm just worried is all. We're both almost thirty and I'm a little nervous that maybe my body's...too old."

I shook my head and kissed her soundly this time, enjoying the little moans she made as I slipped my tongue inside. After a few moments I pulled back and held her face in my hands, wiping off a breadcrumb from her lips.

"People have had kids in their forties Julia," I reassured, stroking her cheek lovingly. "We're twenty nine, not fifty nine. It'll happen, I promise."

Her eyes got suspiciously watery for a moment before she blinked it away and gently stroked my cheek. "I suppose we do have...all day to work at it tomorrow don't we?"

"All day and all night," I grinned, enjoying the desire in her expression. "And by the time we're done, I'll have put a baby in you."

"Yeah?" she asked, breathless. "You gonna fuck a baby into me bubby?"

"Damn straight."

We stood there simply looking at each other, until finally my girlfriend moved back and cleared her throat.

"You uh, you better get going," she said, grinning at my expression. "Seriously. If you don't go in the next thirty seconds then I'm not going to let you."


"Go to work bubby!" she giggled, moving around and pushing me gently towards the door.

"So demanding!"

"Just wait until you get back home," she whispered in my ear. "Maybe we'll have a trial run before tomorrow."

I stopped and spun around, kissing her soundly and enjoying her very affectionate reaction as she pressed herself against me.

"See you later love," I murmured, enjoying her slightly swollen lips.

She smiled and watched happily as I got into my car, opened my window and turned on the ignition.

"I love you bubby!" she said, bouncing on her toes. "Have a good day!"

"Love you too hun," I said, giving her a little wave before pulling out of our drive and making my way to work.

It was looking to be a very good day!




Lucy POV

I sighed tiredly as I rubbed my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time.

'Today fucking sucks!'

"Lucy, Luuuucy!"

I winced at the high pitched voice before squinting my eyes at the perpetrator and frowning.

"Did you want something Caroline?" I asked, trying not to snap at my childhood friend...who also happened to be my boss.

She was a Human with a slim physique and large bust barely contained by her smart clothes. Her brown hair was tied neatly into a bun which allowed her lovely green eyes to look at me with evident concern.

"Yeah, your full attention," she replied, quirking an eyebrow at me curiously. "What's with you today? You're usually bouncing all over the place like a hamster on caffeine. Are you still not feeling well?"

"I'm fine," I said, growling unintentionally as she pressed a hand against my forehead. "Please don't do that, my skin still feels really sensitive."

"Sweetie you're still burning up," she said, ignoring me as she turned her hand around and pressed it against me again. "Didn't you go to the doctors yesterday?"



I sighed. "And nothing. They can't find anything wrong with me. It's just a fever Carol, leave it alone."

"A fever that you've had for two weeks," she said, her voice sceptical. "Honey this isn't normal. If you refuse to go to A&E then maybe you should go and see a Blue Fairy."

I fought back a snarl at the mention of it. Blue Fairies were our doctors, but unlike Human ones they were rarely as pleasant and always required payment in the form of something other than money.

"No way Carol," I declined. "Not happening. Those Tinkerbelle's are never worth it. The last time I used one I had to sign a contract that made my tail turn every colour of the rainbow...for a month!"

"It did make work more interesting," she giggled, clearly amused at my plight. "But really hon, I think it's worth it. You've looked awful for ages and we've got some important meetings with Sparrow LTD this month. You can't come to them looking like this, they'll think we force our employees to work themselves to death."

"You do force us to work to death."

"Ha ha, very funny."

She began to say something else when her phone rang, the volume forcing my ears back as my head began to swim with pain.

"Caroline Green speaking," she said, her eyes widening for a moment. "Today? Of course we can sir, I'll get a room set up right now."

She put the phone down and glanced at me worriedly.

"That was Mr Saxon," she said, my own eyes widening. "They've got a man coming down from Sparrow today to discuss that merging opportunity and they need a room set up."

I fought back a groan as I forced myself to stand up straight, my height of six foot easily towering over Carols five and a half foot frame.

"I'll get it done, how long do we have?" I asked.

"A little under an hour," she said apologetically. "Sorry Lucy, but you know what Saxon is like with stuff like this."

"I know, I know."

Mr Henry Saxon was the big boss, the one in charge of everything at my place of work. His word was law and as a Wolf Girl it was ingrained to follow the chain of command.

We were loyal to the Alpha and at my job Mr Saxon was the Alpha, Human or not.

Though that didn't mean I had to like him, and I didn't. There were enough whispers of his under dealings and many, many secretaries that he'd gone through to ever make me like a man like him.

Still though, he was the boss and so there I was not a few minutes later sorting out a room for a potential merging that could make the company millions of pounds.

"It looks good Lucy," Carol said, walking into the room forty minutes later. She looked at my flushed face with concern. "Do you want to take five minutes, we've got time."

"Okay," I whispered, my ears flat against my skull as I tried to ignore the pounding in my head.

I shakily made my way to a chair out of the way and sat down, my eyes closing despite my struggles as my head continued to steadily pound painfully.

'What is wrong with me? I know this isn't just a damn fever, but everyone else I've asked doesn't have a clue. Do I really need to see a bloody Fairy?'

I sighed and took a deep breath...and then another...and then another...and then...

My eyes snapped open as I suddenly caught a whiff of something...really damn nice.

Like really fucking damn nice.

Blinking once, twice...I sniffed the air searchingly and gasped as my nose took in the most amazing scent I'd ever smelt in my life.

'What is that smell...it smells...wonderful!'

I sat up and sniffed around some more, barely noticing my headache fading away with each glorious whiff I greedily inhaled.

"Uh Lucy, are you okay?"

I yelped like a pup before taking in the puzzled expression on Carols face.

"I'm fine!" I yipped, blinking rapidly.

"Are you sure?" she asked, concern on her face. "You were breathing really heavily there."

I frowned, confused. "Well yeah, can't you smell that?"

She blinked and took a sniff before looking at me and shrugging her shoulders.

"Smells like ink and despair to me hun," she joked, her eyes twinkling lightly.

I frowned again, even more confused than before.

'Can only I smell that? Is it the fever, is something wrong with me?'

I took another sniff, my eyes almost rolling back into my head as I smelt it again. But it was stronger this time, more...there.

A bell snapped me out of my trance as Carol jumped before moving swiftly over to the entrance of our building. I quickly caught up and smoothed any wrinkles in my clothes, adopting a professional look with practiced ease as Carol entered the code and opened the door.

The man behind it was quite frankly extremely attractive. His hair was short but styled in an appealing yet still professional manner. His attire was very smart and on the whole he appeared to be very well groomed. His eyes were a light blue and his smile gave me a warm friendly vibe.

'He looks like a catch...'

And then I took a sniff and almost lost my composure completely.

'Holy fuck...'

It took all I had not to stand there drooling as that scent, that delicious, wonderful aroma filled my lungs with a pleasurable, burning heat.

It was him. The scent was coming from him.

"You must be Mr Jackson," Carol greeted, shaking his hand. "Welcome to Saxon Enterprises Mr Jackson. My name is Caroline Green, it's very good to meet you."

"Likewise ma'am," he said, his voice reverberating in the air, vibrating against me, filling my head with a low pounding that felt anything but unpleasant.

He turned to face me and held out his hand, a warm smile on his face as I took it. The pleasure that shot through my body nearly made me lose my composure completely.

"I don't believe I caught your name miss."

Forcing every last bit of what remained professional, I composed my face into a smile and shook his head firmly.

"I'm Lucy Branning, Mr Jackson," I said, silently cheering at my relatively calm voice. "I've set up a room for discussion. If you'd follow me please."

Without giving so much as a second for pause, I spun around and made my way to the room, Carol and Mr Jackson following behind me.

Outwardly I was calm, collected. Inwardly...

'Holy mother of all that is holy. He smells incredible! He looks incredible! I have GOT to get his number somehow. There is no way on this earth that I'm letting him get away from me.'

The talks were boring, commonplace and predictable.

But they were only introductory and only the first of many steps towards a potential merging of our respective companies.

To be completely honest I was paying attention to all of it. It's just...well, the majority of it I was finding it hard to find anywhere to stay with all the thoughts rampaging through my head.

The entire room was filled with Mr Jackson's scent by the time discussions were over. It was taking all I had not to climb on the table and rip his clothes off. I had never wanted someone so fucking badly in my life. It wasn't just how attractive he was or how great he smelled.

It was more...something almost...primal. Like my body wanted to claim him, to be with him, to belong to him.

Truth be told it was maddening.

"I do believe that concludes today Mr Jackson," Carol said, smiling tiredly at the similarly worn-out man. "We can continue this at a later date, perhaps next Tuesday?"

"That works for me Miss Green," he accepted, his eyes glancing at me for a moment. "If that will be all, I'll take my leave."

"I'll show him out," I said, smiling at Carol. "If you'd come with me Mr Jackson."

He blinked but nodded and gave Carol a final goodbye before following me to the entrance.

"Thank you Miss Branning," he said, smiling warmly at me. "I must admit that I uh...I didn't expect to see a Wolf Girl in one of Mr Saxon's buildings. He's never been known to advocate for your kind."

I frowned slightly but nodded regardless. "True enough, but Carol had some pull and we've known each other since we were kids so I managed to secure a spot as her assistant."

My frown deepened for a moment, suddenly worried. "You are not put off by me I hope?"


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