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Disrobing Rita Ch. 05

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I take Rita to a naturist camp.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/01/2015
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"I like your cock."

This was a few days after Rita's first taste of outdoor nudity, and all the other things that went with it, and just after my second life modelling session for her art class. The class had disappeared and Rita had her hand over my groin - she was fully dressed and I was still starkers.

"I like the way it grows in my hand.' Just as well, as it was already starting to swell. 'I like making it big and stiff." She was good at that.

There had been quite a lot of communication between me, Rita and my wife Jo, who was watching and even directing some of our activities via Skype from Japan where she was working for a few months.

"I like licking the length of it and feeling it go rigid."

I liked it when she did that too. The running commentary ended there as Rita took the end of my now throbbing member into her lovely mouth and got busy with her tongue. As usual in her art class, she was wearing drawstring trousers and a loose long sleeved top - there's something very erotic about being naked with fully dressed women, especially when a blow job is included. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load, and on this occasion she swallowed every drop.

"It's a long time since I let a man come in my mouth. It's the first time that I've enjoyed it."

"It was mind blowing for me too. I'm always happy to return the favour."

"Another time, I need to lock up now but you owe me one!"

I got dressed again and we were about to go our separate ways when she asked about visiting a naturist camp with me. The weather forecast looked good for the following weekend, so I said we could go along on Saturday afternoon if the weather didn't take a turn for the worse in the meantime.

The next couple of days dragged a bit at work. Jo was a bit surprised that Rita was so keen to try social naturism so soon, and wanted to know every detail. She had been with me to this particular camp before, although I visited it more frequently on my own, and I suggested that she could Skype Rita to explain a bit more about it.

Saturday turned out to be a fine spring day with temperatures set to hit the low 20s in the afternoon, so we were on for our visit. I drove around to Rita's place and she was ready to go. She was wearing a knee length summer dress and had a bag with her towel, sun tan lotion and a few other bits and pieces. She looked great and I told her so, but she admitted to feeling very nervous.

It took about 40 minutes to drive around to the camp, which is just outside London down a country lane on the outskirts of a commuter town.

"I thought it would be more isolated."

"It's very quiet and private once you're in there", I replied, "and it's been here for decades, so the locals must be used to it."

I buzzed the entry phone and the gate opened. I drove in to a very normal looking car park with a small building at the entrance, parked and got out.

"Do I have to strip off now?"

"If you want to, but we can pop in to the reception first. I need to pay for us."

When we went in the woman behind the desk - fully dressed, as usual - recognised me but checked my name and I explained that I was bringing Rita for her first visit. The receptionist chatted briefly to Rita and gave her a leaflet with a map of the site.

Some visitors don't undress until they get into the site itself, but I have always preferred to leave my clothes in the car and Rita was happy to follow my lead. I was pleased to discover that, as I expected, she wasn't wearing anything under her dress, which rapidly wound up in the back of my car with my cargo shorts and t shirt.


"It's a bit nerve wracking, but let's explore this place."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it in no time."

Rita was wearing nothing but a pair of flip flops and sunglasses, and (like me) was carrying a small tote bag with her towel and a few other bits and pieces. Some visitors use a back pack, and many, especially women, either have a towel wrapped around their waist or carry it draped over one arm when walking around. I was pleased that Rita had followed my lead and was fully nude with no easy option to cover up - quite intimidating for a first timer!

The site is quite big and it takes a few minutes to walk to the main area with the club house and the pool. There are lots of holiday homes with well tended gardens, so it almost feels like you're walking through an English village in the nude, and although most people are naked you may well see some who are partially or fully clothed. As luck would have it our first encounter was with a fully dressed bloke of about my age, giving Rita her first experience of being seen in the nude by a fully clothed stranger.

"Good morning!"

"Lovely day!"

We made small talk for a couple of minutes and Rita seemed completely unfazed by the experience. The chap we were talking to recognised me from previous visits, and went out of his way to be welcoming when he found out it was Rita's first visit. He explained that he was about to head into town for a while, but hoped to see us later. As an experienced naturist he didn't drool too obviously, but I was aware of him he discreetly checking Rita out and liking what he saw.

I decided that the best bet would be to head to the club house first, get something to drink and let Rita get used to the place before taking her around the rest of the grounds. We stuck to the main path, which takes you past the pool, toilets and then to the club house. We saw a few other people, all either partly or completely naked, and I was pleased to see that the pool was empty.

When we got to the club house we went in and I made us both a cup of tea - the bar wasn't yet open - and introduced Rita to a few other familiar faces. We took our drinks outside and found a couple of seats on the lawn opposite. Rita put her towel down on the seat - naturist etiquette 101 - and said how much she liked the place so far. We chatted for a while and watched the people going past, mainly couples or single men of a similar age to me. Again, while there was nothing overt, it was obvious that Rita was being discreetly checked out but she was either unaware or not bothered about it.

When we finished our tea I took the cups back and washed them, leaving Rita to her devices for a few minutes. When I got back she was chatting to a couple I recognised from previous visits. Rita said was envious of their all over tans, and seemed to be getting on with them famously. After they headed off I suggested that we went for a swim before the pool got crowded, and she enthusiastically agreed.

"My first time skinny dipping! I'm having a lot of exciting new experiences with you!"

"Hopefully there are plenty more to come!"

The pool is heated and in immaculate condition, so we got straight in. There were a couple of other swimmers by this time, both middle aged men doing a leisurely breast stroke, but it's a good sized pool and there was plenty of space for all of us. Leisurely breast stroke is about my limit, but Rita turned out to be a surprisingly strong swimmer and she spent the next 20 minutes or so zooming up and down one side using a variety of different strokes. When she was doing a back stroke the sight of her magnificent and very firm nipples breaking the service was very diverting to say the least.

Eventually she decided to take a bit of a break and swam over to join me in the shallow end.

"Wow! I never want to swim wearing a costume ever again! Skinny dipping feels so good!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. You should try it in the sea sometime."

"I intend to, don't you doubt it."

She decided to do a few more lengths, and I got out and went for a shower. A bit later Rita did likewise, then we went to the grassy terrace next to the pool and parked ourselves on a couple of sun loungers. There were a few couples there already, and the pool was starting to fill up - it looked like the weather was with us for the afternoon. We both applied factor 50, and took it in turns to do each other's backs.

As is often the case at this particular venue, most of the people around were middle aged at least, and I was pleased that Rita was easily the best looking woman there, in my opinion at least.

After we'd absorbed some rays it was time to get something to eat, so it was back to the club house. The bar was open, so we got sandwiches and cold beer and went back out onto the green. It was quite a lot busier now, and Rita was pleasantly surprised to see the masseuse from the spa there. I knew that she occasionally worked at the resort as well, but hadn't realised that she would be there when we visited, and I was enjoying the vision of her golden tan and pleasingly full breasts in the outdoors for a change.

Rita decided that it would be a good idea to have a massage, and as an added bonus the massage table had been set up outside (which sometimes happens on fine days), so on this occasion I would get to see the action as well. There was already somebody booked in the first slot, so we had a bit of time to kill and after we had eaten I took her for a walk around the grounds.

The site is pretty extensive, and it takes about 20 minutes to walk around the paths that wind through the various holiday homes that surround the central area. Rita seemed to be in her element, and only her relatively pale skin made her look like a newcomer - any traces of embarrassment or self consciousness seemed to have vanished.

Once you're away from the central buildings it's a lot quieter. As we walked along one of the paths Rita slipped her arm around my waist and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, brushing my arm with her stiff nipples at the same time.

"Thanks for bringing me here. I haven't felt this relaxed in ages."

"The pleasure is all mine." It really was.

"One thing I've noticed is that nearly all the women here are completely shaved. Do you think I should do the same?"

"It's really up to you, but it's true that shaving has pretty much been the norm for naturist women for some time now. Maybe try trimming your bush first and see how you like it - or better yet see what Jo recommends."

"Does she shave?"

"She goes through phases, but in the summer she generally gets a full wax and stays smooth."

From here the discussion moved on to tattoos and piercings. Like me, Rita has no ink (Jo has a couple of discreet tattoos) and no body piercings. Jo hadn't seen any piercings and was a bit surprised, and I explained that most mainstream naturist venues preferred it if people didn't walk around with any unusual or extreme body piercings on show. Tattoos were less of an issue, although at this particular venue any ink on display was low key and discreet.

We had pretty much done the full circuit and this time I took us through the greens at the heart of the resort. The first is opposite the pool and often fills with sunbathers, especially if the main green is busy. When we walked through there were a few couples and single men sprawled on the grass looking very relaxed.

The second is where campers usually pitch their tents and there's also a small kids playground - there are a few families who visit regularly, but thankfully (for me at least) there aren't usually many screaming brats running around. There were only a couple of tents pitched there, and not much was happening. The main green was now quite busy, and it was almost time for Rita's massage, so we found a couple of seats and enjoyed the ambience.

At about the time Rita was due to have her massage another familiar face showed up. This particular character is probably a bit older then me, and had turned up with his latest 'housekeeper' - at least the fourth woman no more than half his age that I've seen him with in the last few years. The last one was a stunning Australian girl, but she had been replaced by a dark haired East European girl, a bit on the plump side but with amazing tits. I've always been more of a leg man, but these were the kind of norks that teenage boys dream of. Going by her pale skin I guessed she was as much a newcomer as Rita, but seemed to be comfortable with the naturist environment. She and Rita stood chatting together for a couple of minutes, and the sight of two pairs of very pink, prominent nipples almost rubbing against each other caused definite stirrings.

Jo went off for her massage and the housekeeper went off for drinks, and we exchanged a few pleasantries. He always says the girls he employs are purely housekeepers, but I've never quite believed that. When I briefly explained a bit about how I was with Rita but Jo knew about it and approved I could see he believed me as much as I believed him. One thing we did agree on was that at least we brought along some new female naturists, unlike a lot of the apparently unattached blokes who wander round trying to cop a discreet or not so discreet eyeful.

Speaking of which, there was a certain amount of attention focused on the massage table, hardly surprising as it wasn't too far removed from a soft core girl on girl video. The massage was being carried out in a completely professional manner, but the dreamy look on both of their faces suggested there was a highly sensual element to it as well. Watching the masseuse run her hands all over Rita's body was a real bonus to what was already a great day, and I could see that quite a few other people were enjoying it as well.

When Rita came over after it finished she had that familiar glow about her that I had seen after the first massage. We decided to have a last cup of tea before heading off, so I went back into the clubhouse and brewed up. We enjoyed our naked afternoon tea, chatted to a few more people and then it was time to head off.

We took a last walk around the grounds, and got to see a game of mixed doubles on the tennis court as we made our leisurely way back to the car. Rita told me again how much she had enjoyed the visit, and it was obvious that the experiences of the afternoon had also left her a bit turned on.

We got into the car and I drove through the automatic gate, but stopped before we reached the road.

"Now that we've left you should probably put something on." Rita had got into the car without bothering to put her dress back on, and I could have said something sooner but I was curious as to whether she was doing it deliberately.

"I suppose so, but I'm feeling a bit naughty for some reason."

"I'd love you to stay as you are, but we have to drive back along the M25 and we'll be driving past loads of trucks. I'm sure the drivers would appreciate the view, but you don't want to cause a pile up."

"I've got my towel - I'll cover up with that once we're on the main road."

Despite my misgivings Rita stayed nude in the passenger seat, only covering up with her towel when I overtook trucks and once when a police car whizzed past, although they probably had something more important to worry about.

When we got back to her place she yanked my shorts down as soon as we were out of the car and my t shirt quickly followed. She took my hand and dragged me into the back garden, where she put her towel down.

"You owe me one from the other night, remember?" She placed my hand on her pussy and she was warm and moist. I teased her clitoris for a couple of minutes before she lay down and I put my head between her legs and got busy with my tongue. It didn't take long for the spasms to run through her body.

"I know it's not supposed to be about sex, but naturism seems to make me really horny."

"It's similar for me. I don't wander round with a hard on, but naturism definitely has a sensual element. Jo always says that it seems to improve my performance, which is why she doesn't mind me going without her."

"You've certainly got an impressive stiffy now. There's something I'd like you to do for me - can you wank yourself off and come on my body?"

Well what can a gentleman do? I knelt up and stared tugging, while Rita propped herself up on her elbows to watch what I was doing.

"Are you thinking about Jo? Or maybe you're thinking about a horny threesome with both of us?"

As a matter of fact I was thinking about the east European girl's amazing tits, but the thought of a threesome soon displaced that. I knew Jo was probably up for it, and now it seemed like Rita was as well. Could it happen?

A couple of minutes later my spunk was over Rita's belly and between her boobs.

"I like seeing you ejaculate, and I like the idea of men wanking over me."

"I'm sure several men have been thinking of your naked body while playing with themselves recently."

"Really? I'd have thought that they'd be looking at beautiful young models online."

"You must have noticed guys checking you out today, and at the spa."

"I suppose so, I just don't think of myself as being the stuff of wank fantasies."

"You are. Trust me on this."

We cleaned ourselves up and then I headed home. Later that evening I gave Jo a full update on how the day went.

"You really are bringing her out of herself. I'd like to see you come all over her tits, and as for a threesome - you'll be lucky!"

Something about the glint in her eye and the huskiness of her voice made me think that I could be very lucky indeed.

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lazy_readerlazy_readeralmost 6 years ago
Interesting crossover

Upon rereading this story, I was interested to note Ewa and her employer from the story "Dear Goszia". Nice to see that Ewa is getting on.

I like the continuing exploration of nudism, and the low-level sex keeps the pot boiling.

mammoetmammoetabout 7 years ago
great story

i hope ch.06 is comming soon, had to reread a few chapters to get in the story again,

which wasn't a bad thing. Keep writing love your work.

bucknaked5664bucknaked5664about 7 years ago
Lovely Rita

I just read all the chapters to this story. I am a dedicated nudist with a spouse who will not participate. I would love to find an open minded woman like Rita to bring along in adventures. Naturally, I will look forward to the next installment. Perhaps Rita will consent to being shaved.

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