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Dominology 101: Be Yourself

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Letters of encouragement to fellow doms.
1.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/16/2015
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The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's always been the case in BDSM circles that those who lean towards submissive tendencies have been the ones who really put in the effort of creating and holding together the communities. Dominants tend to be more aloof. It's a truism, sure, and of course there are exceptions. All you need to do in order to notice these trends is look at the blogs and message boards. The vast majority are managed by submissives. When you do see a dominant commenting you really can't help but get the feeling that either a submissive is putting him up to it, or maybe he's fishing around to find one.

For whatever reason, it just seems to be something in our natures. I remember debating the possible reasons for this tendency going back well over a decade, and it hasn't changed. Whatever the cause, it's always been a lot easier to find insights from a submissive's perspective than from a dominant's.

Now, I won't be the first to observe that this is inconvenient. Being a new dominant has as many if not more challenges compared to being a submissive. And on top of that, well, you know, a dominant is supposed to be in charge. He kinda needs to have an idea of what he's doing, doesn't he? There's a little bit of pressure involved here.

So one of the things that I really wanted to do, in addition to the broader, more systematic 'how-to' methodology, was to address this. That's what these articles will be aimed at. Think of them as a bit of a grab bag of personal messages to my fellow dominants. These will be addressed specifically at their concerns, and in them I'll include ideas, reflections, tips, tricks; just a miscellany of things that I wish someone had suggested to me before several years of trial and error and finding my way out of pitfalls caused them to suggest themselves.

And in addition to sort of being a clearing house for all the various bits of advice that I'm too lazy to fit into the more structured methodology of the 'how-to', I want to offer something that I think is all too lacking for dominants. That is quite simply encouragement. Starting out and practicing as a dominant is a daunting thing, and in a way the more responsible and informed about it you are the more stressful it can be.

With all this in mind, I'd like to get to my first piece of advice to my fellows. It's probably going to sound a bit lame to many, like I'm being a bit Hallmark card feel-good. But the truth is it's the most solid advice I can give and sort of at the core of where I see the most dominants screw up.

That advice is simply be yourself. Never, ever, feel pressured to behave in a way that you don't feel inclined to. Never try to 'learn to be dominant' by emulating anyone else.

Learning to be a good dominant is like a craft that every single practitioner has to reinvent for themselves. Another can try to give pointers in developing that craft. But in the end, that can only really provide inspiration to help you draw this capacity from your own self. When done properly, this can be a very personal, esoteric thing, full of introspection, soul searching, and personal development and evolution.

It's natural, when we start any endeavor, enter any social group or activity, that we tend to model our behavior on the things that we've seen other people do that attracted us to it in the first place. We pick out 'Master Joe' and want to be like him and so deeply crave a relationship like he has with his submissives. All too often I see more 'experienced' member of the lifestyle tripping over themselves to validate themselves by persuading newcomers that 'This is how you do it,' and 'This is how a true submissive acts' or 'My kung-fu is best'. And, especially when you're learning from experienced people or in a group (which is in many ways ideal) to an extent, you have no choice but to begin by experimenting with their protocols and ways of doing things.

But it's important to keep in mind that these are just that; your initial experiments and experiences, and those protocols are like training wheels. You're supposed to grow out of them. Maybe the ways you find for yourself over time will look a lot like those, or maybe they'll be totally different. That doesn't matter. The measure of success of a mentor in BDSM is not how closely his protégées mimic his methods. It's how healthy and happy and how positive the effects of his protégées' practices look when they become experienced, themselves.

Another aspect of this is especially true of people who don't have mentors, who are self taught. They generally form their ideas, maybe through some conversation, but largely through reading BDSM stories or watching videos. The problem with that is that the people who make stories and videos for any topic tend to want those to be exciting and gravitate towards more extreme or intense events and activities. And that's exactly the opposite of how you want to start the practice.

Let me make this perfectly clear: there is only one measure of how well you're doing as a dominant, and that is how positively it's impacting you and your submissive, and the quality of the intimacy that is resulting. It has nothing to do with how extreme you can be or how cool you can look or how far you can push a submissive to behave. In fact the best dominants can accomplish more with a look or well chosen words than they could with handcuffs or floggers.

The end result of any D/s oriented activity or session should be deepened intimacy between the participants. That is the only measure of success. Everything else is window dressing.

And that's why this advice is so important. When you're starting out with a submissive, no matter how experienced either of you are, you figure where and how to begin by weighing two things: your nature and hers. You are basing this on you, not whatever videos you found hottest or how 'Master Joe says slaves should act' or 'How true dominants act'.

That is quite tricky to do starting out, until experience slowly builds for you a sense of context and proportion. So, how do you do it?

You start slow. Very slow. Never underestimate the potency of small, simple acts or gestures. Instead of imagining the most extreme ways to act out upon an urge or feeling, think about the smallest and easiest. It will be easier to observe the effects of those acts on you and your partner that way, as well, when you aren't tripping over each other to get as far outside your comfort zones as possible.

If you're experimenting with impact play, start with a little bit of sting and see what happens. If you're working with bondage, see what having her wrists held for a moment does rather than trying to squeeze her into some manacles. If you're playing with exposure try hiking her skirt a bit instead of trying to strip her naked. If you're working with obedience, direct the conversation and have her respond to your questions rather than trying to make her get on her knees. Brush at boundaries with a feather rather than stomping all over them like you see in the stories.

And while you're doing these things, you're not just observing the effects on the submissive, but on yourself. You're learning yourself; what you like and are comfortable with. Believe me, a submissive will respond to a little thing that you know you want far more potently than she will to some grandiose act you think you ought to want.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
so helpful

I've been trying to bring out my dominant side more with my husband. And I didn't know where to even start. Reading erotic stories and forums were getting me nowhere but this is truly great. I have a dominant personality that I've had to keep in check and been submissive my whole life In and out of the bedroom. so when I met. Man who was submissive I was at a loss. It's not like you can flip a switch on a decade of conditioning. He's helped me some but nothing like thsee how to things you've written. I've never been truly in the bdsm scene though I would like to and just done know where to start.

amazingrace69amazingrace69over 9 years ago
This is just great!

I've been interested in getting into the BDSM scene and experimenting with these things for some time now but I am completely new to this. I really enjoyed this article and what you spoke about. I don't think I would ever be the Domme in a D/s relationship but either way, this is a great article for anyone looking to get into this. So thank you, Ivan!

craigoolcraigoolover 9 years ago
Thank you Ivan!

No one talks about starting small, like you do.

No one talks about what is good for the sub, like you do.

Narcisscists never do.

Let her be your guide. Let her orgasms be your measure of pleasure. Make her writhe, but not in pain, in pleasure. Yes, it can get so intense it is painful. Try to get her ALMOST there. Learn about her. Keep her white hot, on that edge.

Then give her the release she deserves. Women don't worship you because you beat them, if they do, you're a sadist, not a dominant. B&D is about basic skills in mastering relationships, and the most basic skill is compassion for the other person.

Ivan, your post should be put on a gold plaque at the entrance to every club.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Deeper Intimacy . . .

Ivan, you've reflected some great thoughts. When you say that the end product a Dom should aspire to is a deeper connection, I believe you are right on the money. To me, connection is where it starts and stops. If whips or chains get involved, then they do. But it's never about the chains.


fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
my limited experience

About thirty-odd years ago, when my wife and I were experimenting. We briefly explored BDSM groups where we lived at that time and soon realized this was not to our personal tastes.

While discussing limits and rules, we were told about a recent occurrence. When an in-experienced, wanna-be dom tried to master an young, in-experienced wanna-be submissive. Causing her severe injuries and trauma.

Then the idiot booted her out, ordering her to return in a couple of weeks when she healed up.

 In shock, she tried to pretend that she was okay and returned to her job.

Her boss noticed her discomfort and saw the wrist markings left by stupid's use of handcuffs. There is a reason police still use metal handcuffs as the markings left are a quick way to tell that someone had been recently arrested.

The girl's boss turned out to be a militant feminist and she dragged the girl to the nearest Women's Clinic. Where the Doctor's quickly determined that the girl was suffering serious internal injuries.

Then the boss went ballistic and with her political influence, she got the police involved and toot-sweet, stupid was on his way to jail. 

Between vindictive Boss Lady and the outraged members of the local BDSM club, who did not appreciate the attentions of the authorities on their activities, the asshole was whipsawed.

He had to pay a huge indemnity to the girl. He lost his professional accreditation. Did some jail time and all in all, his life was rendered utterly miserable.

On and off over the years, my wife and I as a special treat. Would do some mild vanilla B&D. For instance spanking using only our bare hands.

We would switch roles back and forth as the mood struck us (rimshot). The few times a year we did this, was simply about enjoying giving one another pleasure. We did NOT put our egos on the line!

Several years ago, as a widower, I decided to explore the local community's BDSM scene and again my expectations were disappointed .

The only rule that matter is that money got you any and every perversion you demanded to indulge yourself. Without any responsibility for the damage caused by too much wealth and not enough common sense.

All the self-proclaimed doms and masters I met are narcissist driven perpetual adolescents.

All the submissives/slaves are prostitutes of varying gender. Desperate to earn enough to maintain their drug addictions.

I cannot speak about the practices in other communities but out here on the south-left orange coast the BDSM society is just a front for criminal activities. 

Also, I must disagree with the term SSC as Safe, Sane, Consensual. I am of the opinion it should better be Safe, Sober, Consensual.

Sane is universally defined as what WE do as compared to what THEY do. 

Drug addicts are invariably contending with a number of mental health issues. Which adds prescribed drugs to the sewer of chemicals they already are ingesting.

And the consumption of alcohol with recreational drugs does NOT improve the competency of those abusers of the impoverished, who boast of being doms and masters.

- fanfare -

poetgirl2222poetgirl2222over 9 years ago

This is truly a gem. In the times I have researched and tried to learn about the lifestyle; never have I come across something like this..


Looking forward to learning and reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Amazing, simply amazing!!!

I have always wondered the mind of a dominant.. I feel like you are showing a little bit into how dominants think, and how it also affects submissives. I am definitely a sub. I once thought of joining a dating site specifically for sub/doms but realized it probably wouldn't be the best avenue to go looking..

Bravo. Keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
im amazed in the detail and understanding

Ive always looked for something of this nature, not a this is how you do it!, but more of a how do you feel about doing this? What reaction did you get? I'm amazed and i hope you continue.

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