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Dragon Clans Bk. 01 Pt. 20

Story Info
The Adventures of Michael Dane continue.
6.9k words

Part 18 of the 33 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 09/15/2008
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Chapter 20

Michael was startled to hear Aoife in his head after the past few days of silence.

'Are you alright,' Michael thought to her as he drove through the small hamlet.

The town was a buzz of activity, shopkeepers were setting up stalls, teams of men and women were erecting large colorful tents. The air bristled with energy.

'I am fine young one; Sirrush is a name I have not heard for...a very long time. It's mention, coming so unexpectedly, brought back emotions that have lain dormant; I am sorry for scaring you,' Aoife responded, her tone once again taking on it's normal powerful, sensual tenor.

'You begin the end of your current journey Michael, this place holds secrets, history, a unique energy that once you are exposed to it will change you. Your view of the world, those around you, how you walk through your life, all these things will be tested in this place.'

'You may be fearful of the feelings that come forth in the next few days, all I can tell you is that in the end you will be more than you are now.'

'Enjoy your time here Michael, soon your questions will be answered,' Aoife said as her voice and presence faded from his mind.

"Are you alright," Tera asked, her hand coming to rest on his thigh. The contact brought him back to the moment.

Taking her hand in his, Michael brought it to his lips placing a light kiss on the back of her hand.

"I'm fine, how could I not be, you and Valerie are with me," Michael said, giving her a lopsided grin as he returned her hand to his thigh.

The town itself was like walking into a postcard. If you thought English country village this is the image that would be conjured.

Nogardshire proper was laid out in a half circle around the base of an escarpment that rose from the soft undulating hills.

The town had a compactness to its design that Michael found comforting. The black thatch and stone tile roofs provided a wonderful silhouette and scale as they drove down the meandering main street.

Many times Valerie would wave or say hello to someone as they made their way slowly through the town, she was always greeted with a smile and a wave in return.

"I've missed being here. I spent a great deal of my teen years here learning to ride horses, walking through the fields and forests outside of town. It was a wonderful place to grow up. Until the last few weeks it had been months since I had been here, no other place quite feels like Nogardshire," Valerie's obvious happiness about being in a place she loved was catching, both Michael and Tera had smiles on their faces as they listened to Valerie's happy tone.

Turning a corner the escarpment rose before them and once again Michael found his breath taken away.

The formidable battlements rose over the town from this vantage point. Michael was awe struck by the sheer power of the vision. Never had he encountered a place that held such an ability to capture ones feelings.

"Is that it," Michael asked Valerie in a hushed tone as they passed into a shadow cast by the imposing edifice.

"Yes, that's it, take the next left, it will lead us up to the house," Valerie responded. There was a gentle mirth in her voice from his tone, Michael's whispered question was filled with equal parts awe and wonder.

Turning onto the tree-shadowed lane, Michael was caught up in the simple ancient beauty that lay before him. Shifting into second he followed the path slowly, getting lost in the surreal perfection that lay ahead of him.

The lane was wide, bordered on each side by 3ft limestone walls.

Beyond the walls, ancient yews, beech and oaks lifted their branches in majestic arches that completely covered the 40ft expanse of road.

The path they traveled was covered in leaves of every hue and shade of autumn, it laid out like a chaotic quilt of umbers, oranges, reds and browns that shifted, swirled and cracked as the Aston made it's way through the sea of color.

The path wound it's way along the bottom edge of the plateau, the castle looming above.

With a graceful curve it turned upward, still flanked on both sides by the sheltering branches of the ancient trees.

In a series of wide S-turns the lane snaked it's way up the side of the large hill.

Michael understood the defensive nature this lane would have played in the castles design.

The curves only allowed for a specific speed, the width was probably two cart lengths. People coming to the castle would have been easily seen from above, providing defenders ample opportunity to prepare for an assault. It would also keep the flow of travelers and tradesman at an even pace, allowing everyone to be scrutinized before reaching the battlements.

The driveway narrowed after the last turn to the top, the castle wall loomed above them. With the top down they had the same perspective one coming here all those years ago would have. Solid, strong, a place that housed people who meant to keep what was theirs.

The men and women who built this place took pride in it, from its high thick walls that glowed in the late afternoon sunlight with a yellowish gold tone, to the delicate yet powerful gables and turrets which presented a vision of their strength and ingenuity.

Passing under the ancient portcullis, becoming wrapped in the place's energy and feel, Michael was a bit light headed as he pulled the car to a stop. His breathing was deep; he felt the weight and history of this place pulling at him.

"Hey, move it, I need to stretch my legs," Valerie said, her playful tone bringing Michael out of his reverie.

Stepping out of the car Michael held the door and moved the seat so Valerie could get out.

He watched as a bit of her calf was revealed from beneath her light beige leather skirt as she exited, taking his proffered hand.

Michael pulled her out of the car gently but with purpose. She moved easily into his arms as they entwined around her waist. He bent slightly and their lips met, softly at first and then the passion flared, their tongues dueling for a moment before the kiss concluded.

Valerie was a little surprised by Michael's display, there was something a bit different in it's feel, there was nothing tentative, it conveyed a sense of deep passion that left Valerie breathing a bit heavier as Michael released her from his arms and moved away.

Michael felt alive. It was as if this place had a special energy, that it stripped away any questions or doubt. Michael did not walk around the car to retrieve Tera; his stride was purposeful, like a man on his home turf, who knows he has no equal.

Opening the door, looking down at the wide-eyed mirth in Tera's eyes, his eyes held hers for a moment. They pierced her, the depth of strength and feeling that one look imparted sent shivers down Tera's spine as she slid her hand into Michaels waiting palm.

Michael pulled Tera from the car fast, a strong meaningful yank that brought her from her seat and into his arms in one fluid motion. He held her there next to him, eyes roaming over her features, she felt his hardness between them as his lips took hers.

The kiss was lush and passionate, a contest of wills that swept both of them up in its power and volume. As the kiss broke, Michael slipped his arm around Tera's waist, stepped around the front of the car, pulling her along with him.

His other arm found Valerie's waist, he pulled the women close to him, his body tingling from the energy they provided. Looking from one to the other he was pleased to see the look of joy on the women's faces, happier in this moment than he had ever been.

"I love you," he said to both, pulling them closer, never wanting to let them go.

Michael, with his women sharing an intimate embrace, each with their heads buried in his neck, was the scene Millie and Ian found as they came out the door of the castle.

Millie and Ian's simultaneous laughter broke the three out of their embrace, but not each other's grasp.

As Millie and Ian walked towards the trio both noted that Michael kept the ladies close, his arm remaining around Tera's waist, Valerie's hand held in his.

Ian and Mille came to a stop in front of them, with a light squeeze of Michael's hand, Valerie moved forward and hugged Millie.

"It's good to see you," Valerie said, her aunt's strong embrace imparting both love and acceptance.

"They suit you," Millie whispered in Valerie's ear as the young woman pulled away from her with a slight blush to embrace her uncle.

"I've missed you, I'm so glad we are here, I love you Ian," Valerie's calm voice belied a bit of trepidation in it's delivery.

Ian smiled at Valerie, understanding the moment he saw the three entwined that something unique and powerful was being wrought between them.

"I love you Valerie, I am so very pleased you have finally found some happiness," Ian's tender tone touched Valerie and she hugged him a bit tighter in response.

Finally stepping back and turning towards Tera, she proceeded with the introductions.

"Tera Cole, I would like you to meet my uncle Ian. Ian, I am pleased to introduce you to Tera, my very dear friend," Valerie smiled through out the introduction, bringing forth grins from both Tera and Ian.

Stepping away from Michael she held out her hand towards Ian, who promptly ignored it and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"It is my pleasure Tera, thank you for everything you have done for both Val and Michael, it means more to me than I will ever be able to tell you," Ian said to her as he held her in a generous, giving hug.

"I will always be there for both of them, never worry on that," Tera responded, immediately feeling a kinship for the obviously powerful but kind-hearted man.

Tera turned to Millie and hugged her.

"It is good to see you again Millie."

"Likewise, and as with Ian thank you for standing beside both of them," Millie responded with a slight gesture towards Michael and Valerie.

"My pleasure," Tera answered with a predatory grin that was not lost on Millie.

Stepping forward Michael reached out his hand towards Ian. The older man seemed so familiar, the thought nagged at the back of Michael's head as Ian regarded him for a moment before offering his own hand.

Their hands met and the moment seemed to freeze, both men regarding the other, taking in the contact of their palms.

This was not a macho show of who blinks first. It was a meeting of equals, beings of the same heritage that even if they were strangers before, it would never be the case again.

"Hello Michael," the emotion in Ian's voice struck everyone, as his other hand covered the top of Michaels.

"It is a pleasure to have you here, Valerie speaks very passionately of you, I bid you welcome to Nogardshire castle," this last bit said with a formality and strength that both surprised and comforted Michael.

"Thank you for the welcome, Valerie has told me much about you and Millie," gesturing towards her as he continues, "Your home is...amazing, I don't think I have ever encountered a place that feels so uniquely complete. I look forward to the opportunity of looking around it and getting to know both you and Millie much better," Michael finished as he turned from Ian to wrap Millie in a warm congenial hug.

"I look forward to giving you the tour," Ian said as he moved between Valerie and Tera, leading them into the castle as Millie twined her arm around Michael before following them in.

Michael felt another subtle shift as he crossed the threshold and entered the castle.

As quickly as his energies had been enlivened when they had crossed the border into Nogardshire now it seemed the flow had reversed. It was not exactly a gentle change.

The feeling was one of having...tension placed on every inch of your body, like some unseen magnetic force was trying to gently pull the energy from his cells.

The feeling was so odd that he paused just inside the door, leaning a bit on Millie for a moment before he became accustomed to this new feeling that now nagged at him.

"Are you alright," Millie asked as she felt his weight shift towards her. Looking up at him it seemed as if he had gone pale.

"I'm ok, I guess the day is just starting to catch up with me," he said with a weak smile.

"Let's get you something to eat, we have an early dinner planned," Millie said, hoping that Michael was up for what was to come.

He had been through so much in the last few months. Millie knew that the next few days would be a time of great change for him, she trusted that he was capable of taking the changes in stride.

"That sounds wonderful," Michael said, his voice a bit stronger as he became more accustomed to this new sensation.

The meal was simple, roast beef cooked to perfection, so tender it melted in your mouth, seasoned potatoes and fresh carrots rounding out the offerings. It was a simple hardy meal that felt perfectly right for the setting.

The dining room was a two-story affair, large oak beams exposed at the ceiling, rich dark wood paneling covering the walls. The large leaded glass windows obscured the scene beyond them just enough to provide views that took on a surreal tone.

"How are you finding living in Oxford," Ian asked Michael as he stood and walked over to the large sideboard pouring each of them a glass of Port.

"I feel more and more at home there every day," Michael said, standing and walking over to the window, his hand reaching out, fingertips playing over the lead frame which held the glass.

"It has been an interesting transition, I don't know if Valerie has told you but my wife was killed a few months ago. Her loss left me...damaged. I am very grateful to Valerie for offering me the teaching position, coming here, finding new...friends has done a lot to help me let go of the pain," Michael said as he turned and took the glass from Ian's hand.

Taking a deep drink he continued.

"I have found Oxford to be very familiar, though I have never been there, or any where in England before, I find that I am always turning a corner and seeing something new but with an overwhelming sense of familiarity. I love it here, it has quickly become home," Michael finished, draining his glass.

"We are aware of your loss, I can't imagine that kind of pain," Ian said placing his hand on Michael's shoulder, he continued.

"England is an interesting place full of history and a bit of magic, I'm glad that you are finding it to be a place that provides some solace," Ian finished as he refilled Michael's glass.

"Would you like a brief tour, I'm sure with your background you would like to get a look at the old place," Millie asked.

"That would be wonderful," Michael said looking over to Valerie and Tera.

"Millie, why don't you show Michael and Tera around a bit, I'll steal Valerie for a few moments. We can meet you on the back terrace in about a half hour," Ian asked in a smooth and comforting voice.

"Excellent, lets be off then," Millie said as she moved between Michael and Tera leading them from the room.

"How is he doing Valerie," Ian asked as the threesome left the dinning room.

"He seems to be doing all right," Valerie began.

"The last few days he has seemed tense, there have been things going on between the three of us and that may be the reason, but I think there is something more."

"Today he has been in a great mood, but again, it shifts hot and cold, as if he is wrestling with something. When we got to Nogardshire he seemed deeply affected by the town," she finished, concern evident in her voice.

Ian considered this; it was not unexpected that Michael would have a reaction to the place. He smiled and took Valerie's hand.

"He will be fine Val, Nogardshire has an impact on people, you know that first hand from your friends who have come out over the years. I am sure Michael will be fine once he adjusts. Lets go over a few final details of the festival and then we will track Michael and Tera down," Ian finished as Valerie stood up and walked towards the stairs heading for Ian's office. ...............

The highlight of the tour for Michael was the battlements. Stepping out of the heavy oak door, its ancient hinges not making a sound, Michael felt as if he was stepping into another age.

With the sun starting to dip below the horizon the three of them walked slowly around the rooftop battlements.

Images of battles and festivals, feasts and famines, ages of history played through his mind as the individual snapshots slid over the backdrop of the rolling English countryside.

"How big is this plateau," Michael asked as they stopped, looking out over the town below them.

From this vantage point he could pick out the different buildings they had passed on their way in, some by their black thatch roofs, others because they were rare 3-story structures which stood out in stark contrast to their one and two story neighbors.

"The plateau itself is about 30 acres, the castle and protected grounds take up about ten of those," Millie answered.

Michael stood silently, simply taking in the vista, trying to know the place, to settle into its rhythms.

Walking back down the stairs towards the terrace Michael felt his energy ebb, the feeling upon crossing the threshold came over him again only this time it was stronger.

Michael slumped against Tera and she caught his weight quickly.

"What's wrong," she asked him, worry playing across her eyes as she looked at his now pale face.

"Not sure, maybe just tired, perhaps it would be best if I laid down," Michael said weakly.

Millie had stopped and watched the little scene play out.

"Your rooms are just around the corner, follow me," she said moving off down the wood floored hallway; Tera and Michael following slowly behind her.

"I'll go get Valerie," Millie said as she backed out of the room once Tera had Michael inside.

Michael took a deep breath, trying to clear his head. He noticed the bathroom off to the side of the room. Slipping from Tera's grip he moved slowly towards it.

"Be back in a sec," he said weakly closing the door behind him.

Tera sat on the bed, Michael was obviously ill, seeing him in such a vulnerable state caused her protective instincts to kick in.

'I'll watch over you,' she thought to herself as the umber hues of the sunset filtered through the window.

Millie walked through the high French door and out onto the terrace where Ian and Valerie were talking.

Ian had told her that Michael may be affected by coming here but she was not prepared to see him get ill so quickly.

"Hello my dear, where are your charges," Ian asked as he saw Millie coming towards them.

"Michael seems to have taken ill, I took him and Tera to their rooms. Valerie they are in the west bedroom, you may want to check on them," Millie said moving close to Ian, wrapping her arm around his waist, huddling against the rapidly dropping temperature.

A look of concern crossed Valerie's face as she glanced at the two of them and then said, "yes I'll head up there now, I'll call if we need anything, thank you for taking care of him Millie."

As Valerie disappeared behind the slowly closing door to the terrace Millie turned to Ian.

"He didn't look good at all Ian, I'm worried for him," there was a depth of feeling in Millie's voice that came from both her honest care for the man she had watched grow up from afar and her concern that if Michael was not up to the challenge ahead, Ian would have to remain in his position and their own lives would become much more complex.

With a sigh Ian pulled Millie closer to him, enfolding her in a tight loving embrace.

"He is the one Millie, and more than up to the challenge, never fear, he will be fine, Valerie and Tera won't allow for anything else," he said with a chuckle that instantly calmed Millie as she returned his embrace. ............


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