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Dreamscape Pt. 02

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Pleasant evening spent with characters out of a dream.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/14/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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Dreamscape Part 2

The six weeks since Sasha and I first met seemed to evaporate into thin air. I went about my business obligations as I normally would but gone was the pointless lingering at work into the evenings and the calls and texts trying to find activities to keep me busy on the weekends. Sasha and I found pleasure in each other, and we gravitated toward similar interests that never seemed contrived or forced in either direction. If anyone had told me that such an ideal lover and companion existed for me, I never would have believed it.

True to his word, her older brother, Emil, gave us plenty of space and never made me feel uncomfortable when we were all together, and Sasha never brought up the evening of sex that Emil and I shared after we met. It is a wonderful relationship all around and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I finally do not feel shame for who I am, nor do I feel self-conscious about how I dress and how I act toward other people. I feel liberated. Sasha is remarkably uninhibited, a true free spirit who has helped me lose my inhibitions as well and I am in her debt.

Normally, I stay at my apartment during the week and Sasha will spend one night with me mid-week and I will stay at the house she shares with her brother on the weekends. It is a comfortable arrangement and has allowed me to relax and look around the old house as we move from room to room, mingling with friends and Emil's business acquaintances. The place is interesting and seems taken from a gothic novel although very warm in its spirit.

Early in our relationship, I told Sasha about my dreams and the striking similarity between her and the exotic lady that featured prominently in them, the house, and her brother as well. She was mildly skeptical of any real connection but having adjusted to her brother's trust in fate and intuition, she would not call my suspicions irrational, saying instead that the connection, if it exists, remains to be demonstrated. I cited examples like her penchant for wearing see-through gowns at evening gatherings and her instinctive understanding of why I would kneel before her to kiss her dick and then submit to sodomy in front of a group of people that I had never seen before. She called me silly and merely laughed off my search for rationality in dreams.

One Sunday afternoon, we were skinny dipping and lounging by the pool when Emil came out to tell Sasha that he had to leave for Europe unexpectedly and would be back later in the week. He said that he regretted having to miss our planned dinner in the evening but looked forward to a raincheck, kissed us both goodbye and then left for the airport.

After the sound of the departing car disappeared, Sasha rolled onto her stomach and asked me to apply fresh suntan lotion to her back. Agreeing to her request, I sat on the edge of her lounge chair and started rubbing the oily lotion on her shoulders and working down her back. When I reached her buttocks she wiggled slightly and moaned and I took this as a signal to be more attentive to this part of her anatomy. I slowly slid my fingers into the crease of her ass and used my palm to rub her buttock which elicited another moan. My index finger slowly made its way into her anus and I massaged the rim, noticing the way that she was clenching the towel beneath her as I did so.

When I withdrew my finger she sighed, "Don't stop," which prompted me to change position to straddle her and use both hands to rub lotion on her back and buttocks, a pretense that she knew quite well. I applied lotion to my erect penis as I rubbed her back and then gently placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her anus. Sasha immediately pushed back allowing the shaft to penetrate her and causing her to moan loudly, and me to push deeper. We worked up a rhythm and within a few minutes, I erupted inside of her, and semen soon dripped out of her ass. She cried out as she felt me cum and I panted, trying to catch my breath. After a couple of minutes, Sasha wriggled around under me and rolled onto her back exposing her erect penis. "Now, you know what I want so don't tease me," she said, grabbing me by the sides of my head and pulling it down onto her stiff cock.

It didn't take long for me to bring Sasha to orgasm, and I savored the feel and taste of her semen in my mouth. She has a lovely smooth penis since she completely removes the hair from her body, so with a little oil she is like a seal and wonderful to hold. This is very stimulating and erotic for me since I always enjoyed the feel of a smooth body, and she used that knowledge to get what she wanted from me whenever she wanted it. Satisfying her carnal desires was not the most unpleasant of obligations and the thought of this wonderful distraction in my life made me smile to myself.

Thursday afternoon brought a text from Sasha asking me to come to the house earlier than normal this week since Emil was returning and she would like to make a welcome home dinner for him and a business acquaintance he invited there to spend a few days. Remembering the visions from my dreams and the nice atmosphere of the dinner parties, made accepting the invitation a simple decision. Now I really had something to look forward to and I was excited by the prospect of seeing Emil again.

When I arrived at the house later that day, I heard the chatter of conversation and laughter as I entered the kitchen. Sasha greeted me warmly with a kiss on the lips and Emil walked over to give me his usual double kiss hello, "Welcome stranger," said Emil in a hearty voice, "I have missed you. Regis, this is Craig, I mean Karine, whom I have told you about." The handsome stranger that Emil introduced as Regis greeted me with a friendly handshake followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Karine," said Regis with a smile. Everyone seemed to be in an upbeat, jovial mood, no doubt aided by the pitcher of martinis that was dripping condensation onto the tray.

"Come dear, have a drink," said Sasha as she filled a glass and handed it to me with a big smile. "I've missed my sweet Karine as well. It has been a long week, n'est pas?"

"Oui, mon chére, very long," I replied.

As we talked and drank, Regis spent a good amount of time close to me and occasionally put his arm around my waist, with his hand on my hip. Sasha merely smiled at this attention, and I good-naturedly went along, seeing that Emil was smiling and clearly glad that his guest was enjoying himself. As the evening progressed, I became more aware that my alter ego, Karine, was taking control and I enjoyed letting her presence become more pronounced. Sasha obviously welcomed the change and discreetly encouraged the other "girl" in the room to mingle and flirt more.

Sasha organized a lovely dinner with delicious wine to accompany it, and the bright conversation and humor of Emil and Regis made for an enjoyable evening. We were obviously headed for a late night, but no one seemed to mind. Soon we went into the large salon and everyone's focus, attention and comments shifted more directly toward Sasha and her selected outfit, a sheer lavender long-sleeved blouse and sheer black harem pants, both worn without undergarments as usual. There was teasing back and forth between Sasha and Emil as you would expect with siblings and occasionally Regis chimed in with double-entendre remarks aimed at me and a sly glance now and then that clearly indicated his fascination with Sasha. It was all clever risqué fun from my point of view and quite reminiscent of the scenes I witnessed in my dreams, all pleasant and now all understandable.

At one point, Emil rose from his chair and took Sasha by the hand to lead her to the chaise lounge in the small salon. She smiled at me as she left as if to convey a hidden message although she never broke her stride and walked easily with her brother. Regis was mesmerized by the way Sasha moved and I could tell that he was getting aroused watching her body under the near-transparent garments. "Lovely, isn't she?" I said quietly.

"Breathtaking," came the response very casually. After a few minutes of silence, Regis turned to me and continued, "I would imagine that in an outfit like that, you would be quite beautiful as well."

"Perhaps, but I don't think that I could pull it off like she does," I confessed with a smile.

"Oh, don't be so modest, Karine. I think that you must have a magnificent body under those clothes and with the right outfit people would be mesmerized," he said.

"You flatter me, Regis, but I appreciate the comment nonetheless," I admitted. "It's not every day that a handsome gentleman says something so complimentary to me."

"Look who's being flattering now," Regis joked.

"Fair's fair," I said.

"Tell me, Karine, do you ever wear similar clothes? Maybe when you stay here with Sasha?" he said in a voice so sweet it was dripping honey. "Or are you more proper in your attire?"

"I am when I go to a dinner party, but I am not shy if that is what you're asking," I replied, "I enjoy being comfortable among friends."

"We are friends now, are we not?" Regis said with a sly smile.

I smiled back but before I could answer the sound of very heavy breathing and stifled moaning drifted in from the small salon. Glancing into the dimly lit room, I saw Sasha reclining on the chaise lounge without her blouse and Emil standing close by with his erect penis thrusting in and out of her mouth, eyes focused on the movement of her head. Emil was moaning, obviously nearing orgasm while Sasha was intently working to make it happen.

"They are not wasting time," Regis commented. "I knew Emil missed being here, but I did not realize how important you two are in his life."

"You two?" I replied.

"Yes, was I not supposed to mention that? I thought you knew," he queried. "If I made a mistake, please forgive me and do not mention my indiscretion to Emil."

"It's all right, Regis, I understand, but please tell me what he said and how it came up?" I asked.

"I don't know if I should say anything further," Regis replied, "Emil might be upset if he found out as I sense that what he said was said in confidence after several drinks and a couple of long days. I would be embarrassed if it came out, so it is best that I say nothing further."

I thought for a few minutes and decided that I could not let this go and I should press my advantage. I faced Regis, looked him directly in the eyes, and quietly said, "Earlier you asked if I ever wore clothes like Sasha's and I will now clarify my answer. Yes, I do, and they look very good on me if I say so myself. As a matter of fact, Sasha gave me a couple of outfits that I keep upstairs for when I get the urge to be 'comfortable'."

"Are you getting in the mood to be comfortable or am I too presumptuous?" he said. "Or does it depend upon how willing I am to continue our discussion?"

"That almost sounds like blackmail," I responded with a laugh.

"Yes, it does but you have me hooked," came the reply.

Sasha walked into the room and smiled at us while Emil announced that he was going to the kitchen to get fresh drinks. Sasha was leisurely buttoning her blouse, clearly in no hurry to cover her pretty breasts with any sort of fabric, no matter how light. "I hope we didn't disturb you," said Sasha with a grin.

"Not at all," I said. "Those were very pleasant sounds and actually made me jealous. I was just thinking that maybe I would get into something more comfortable to relax, and Regis was offering encouragement."

"I'll bet he was," said Sasha with a laugh. "You should change, my dear. You know where everything is, and Emil and I will keep Regis company while you're gone."

"Okay, I'll be right back," I replied and headed for the stairs.

"You're not going to bed already, are you?" said Emil from the kitchen as I was walking passed.

"No, just a quick change of clothes," I replied.

"Oh, I do hope it is the dark blue lace nightdress," he said, "it looks stunning on you."

"Is that a request?" I answered while stopping to look at him in the kitchen.

"If I may be so bold as to make such a request, yes," he replied with a sly grin.

I smiled and said while continuing my journey upstairs, "We'll see."

"I've been away, you know," came the response.

"That was your choice," I said quietly.

"Bitch," he replied with a laugh.

I got out of my regular clothes and washed up quickly before putting on the dark blue nightdress. Emil was right, it did look fantastic, and I was excited to wear it, hoping to get the same reaction from Regis and Sasha that I knew I would get from Emil. The feel of the fine lace on my smooth, bare skin was electric and I could feel the beginning of an erection which I hoped would not spoil the effect of the nightdress, but will be will be.

When I entered the salon there was a palpable silence followed by soft whispering. Regis' mouth hung open for several seconds and then he said with a big smile, "Karine, you beautiful creature, I'm in love."

"Not so fast, buddy," said Sasha, "I may have something to say about that."

"Oldest first, sister," replied Emil, walking over to hand me a cold glass of champagne and giving me a long kiss on the lips in the process.

Sasha came over to me and pushed Emil out of the way, saying "She's more my type, brother," before kissing me deeply on the mouth, the residual taste of Emil's semen on her lips.

Regis joined the group but was more polite. He pressed his erect penis against my hip while trying to conceal its existence, hugged me, and whispered, "I hope you will remember our agreement as I am glad to answer your question. In fact, let me feel your soft, wet lips around my cock and I will tell you anything you want to know."

"You naughty boy," I said, "that's obscene," and everyone laughed and sipped their drinks, while mine bubbled as it went down my very dry throat.

I managed to attract a lot of attention and I will admit that I enjoyed it. Sasha walked up behind me and hugged me, pressing her lovely breasts onto my back. Regis tried a frontal attack, standing close while rubbing my erect penis with the palm of his hand and kissing me as well. Emil could not find a spot to slip into, so he stood behind Sasha with his cock against her ass, kissing the back of her neck.

It was Sasha who spoke first, "God, I'm so hot right now I'm ready to explode."

Regis backed away while reiterating the sentiment. "You ladies are wearing next to nothing while Emil and I are sweltering while trying to behave like gentlemen," he said.

"The night is still warm, and the pool is heated so why not cool down with an evening swim?" said Emil.

"Oh yes, let's" replied Sasha as she started unbuttoning her blouse while heading to the door to the patio.

I took Regis by the hand and led him to the patio door while Emil put glasses and a cold bottle of champagne on a tray before joining us. Sasha was naked and walking down the steps into the water by the time we got there. I quickly slipped out of my nightdress and ran to join her while Regis and Emil watched as we jumped into the pool holding each other.

Sasha held me close in the water and said, "I've missed you."

"And I, you," I replied. "I can't wait to lay next to you tonight and feel your naked body against mine."

"Let's hope that Regis isn't too horny or we may have to postpone our alone time," she whispered. "From what I can see, I think he may want a little taste of your pussy tonight my dear."

I glanced over toward Emil and Regis, and Sasha was right. Regis had a firm body with a military bearing, plus a rock-hard erection that was pointing to the sky. Emil's cock, while clearly stiff, was not like Regis' marble pole since the blowjob earlier had taken the immediacy away from his desires. "I see what you mean," I said, "but how do you know that he wants me?"

"Silly bitch," she said, "I know him, and I saw the way he looked at you. He wants you and he is like Emil, he doesn't stop until he gets what he wants. I will see you in the morning regardless," she joked and gave me a knowing wink before kissing my lips.

There was a loud splash as Regis and Emil leaped into the water. Sasha and I struggled to fend off what seemed like a dozen arms and hands moving everywhere at once but ultimately I was pinned to the side of the pool by Emil whose strong arms held mine to my sides while his stiff dick pushed between my legs. "Someone's in a good mood," I said with a laugh.

"Always with you," Emil replied.

Looking over, I saw that Regis had Sasha from behind and he was holding her close using her breasts as handles so she couldn't try to swim away, but that was the farthest thing from her mind. I could see her pushing back against him, understanding that she must now be impaled by that wonderful cock that I saw so recently. "Oh, he wanted me. Right!" I thought to myself while smiling at Emil.

"I thought about you the entire time I was away," Emil confided. "I couldn't wait to get home and hoped that we would have some time together so I could tell you how much I missed you."

I leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth before resting my head on his neck, whispering, "I missed you too and I have a difficult time when I think about our evening together. But please understand that I am falling in love with Sasha, and I will not hurt her for anyone, not even you."

"I could tell how you feel, it's obvious," he said. "But you should know that Regis definitely wants to fuck you tonight so you may have a decision to make."

I looked over at the pair on the steps of the pool where Sasha was getting mounted doggy style and laughed out loud, responding, "I've heard that about him, but he seems preoccupied at the moment and may have forgotten."

"You know that she cares about you tremendously, no matter what, right?" he said.

"I know that, and I also know that she may have sex with other people but she will always be true to me," I replied.

"And you to her?" he said.

"Yes," I whispered, "even if I have sex with other people."

He flashed a mischievous grin and asked, "Would you like to have a quiet drink in my bedroom?"

"I would like that very much," I said moving to the steps of the pool, trying not to interrupt the activity taking place. "You're such a slut," I whispered.

"Be careful dear, he may not be gentle every time," came Sasha's response accompanied by a laugh.

"I'm always gentle with Karine," Emil said. "She's not like you."

We forgot about the drinks when we got to Emil's bedroom and hungrily jumped onto the bed. While I lay on my back, he grabbed my head in his hands and kissed me hard on the mouth, probing with his tongue. I could not think of anything but having his monstrous cock deep in my ass and him pumping away so I quickly raised my knees allowing him to slip his arms underneath so he could place them on his shoulders. Before getting me in position, he grabbed some lube from the night table, applied it quickly onto his dick and my ass, and leaned forward to place the head of his cock at the rim of my anus. I moaned with excitement and almost screamed with joy as he slowly entered me while I clawed his back. He went deeper with each stroke, stretching my ass and pushing against my prostate while gently whispering to me until he had the full length of his dick inside me and his balls resting on my buttocks.

This time was so much easier than last time and so much more pleasurable. Emil thrusted gently into me, and I had tears of joy running down my cheeks as he began to quicken his pace and pant into my ear. I felt my climax building and when I came I cried out like a wild woman in the jungle. Emil screamed as he reached orgasm, and we were both breathless as he collapsed onto me and my body went limp. I had never felt anything so intense and exhausting before, and I savored the moments of afterglow.


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