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Drifting Away Pt. 01

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Cheating second husband almost destroys wife.
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Drifting Away Part one.

Catcher78 all rights reserved

These is my story and cannot be copied

I am thirty six years old. I am Callie Owens. I have red hair and freckles, I'm five foot six and weigh one hundred and thirty five pounds, borderline voluptuous. I've been married twice, widowed due to Afghanistan and my current husband. After I lost Dave, I got some insurance money and went to school and went back and lived with my parents and went to college at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. I was twenty five and had two girls. Mom and dad helped me buy a distressed home for a song and it's paid off now.

My dad Thomas was in his late forties and mom Mary was forty four. He is a dentist and mom works in his office which is on our property and the home is back a hundred feet or so. I have a younger sister who was Julie twenty two and brother Tommy, who was eighteen, when I lost Dave.

My girls were four and identical twins. They are fifteen now. I remarried after I finished my degree at Central. Bachelor's in history, I had got teacher's certificate.

Tim taught geology at Central, while I taught history at the high school and was assistant girl's tennis coach. Both girl's were playing tennis and were entering their sophomore year. Tina was left handed and Angie was right handed and were three inches taller than me at five foot nine. They had good court coverage because of their height and their stride more than speed helped with that. I could still beat them at forty yards, four hundred meters, not so much.

I wanted to have some more kids with Tim, but he said two was perfect and Angie and Tina adored him. Geology at Central was the big deal and Tim attended symposiums and did lots of field work. This summer he was part of a team doing field work in Eastern Oregon and into Idaho, looking at the historical flow of the Snake River. When they presented it filled the auditorium and there were YouTube videos, a seriously big deal.

He also taught night school during the year. We had not fucked since May and there were some phone calls and typical family chats during the summer dig, I realized last night he was having an affair. I could not remember when he had last said that he loved me. It was ten at night and I was watching this stupid rom com on Netflix called Dash and Lilly in our bedroom. Dash's dad was a serial cheater. The demeanor of the actor was just like Tim. I got up and started rummaging in his chest of drawers looking for clues. In the bottom drawer I found a box of condoms, the package said they were old, but it was within the time of our marriage and I was on the pill. It was buried under some hunting clothes.

My brother Tommy worked for the Washington State Patrol and I texted him and asked if he was still up. He was and I asked if I could come see him now. He was living in a cabin at the back of our parent's property. His brief marriage ended when had been shot, not seriously, but she said she could not live that fear and though she loved him, she was gone.

I drove an old rebuilt 1990 Isuzu Trooper, SUV four by four, auto locking hubs, five speed, tuned exhaust and AC.

I knocked on the door and he opened the door. He gave me a hug and asked after the girls and immediately wanted to know what was wrong. I told him that I was pretty sure Tim was cheating on me, the condom stuff and our dead sex life and he never expressed his love for me.

He said, "Do you still love him?"

I said, "I do, but it feels as if we've drifted apart mostly, because he's gone. Even when he's here he teaches nigh classes. He never goes to Mass. I have to call him.

"Is there a private investigator I could hire?"

Tommy said, "There are two down in Yakima."

"Can you set a meeting for me?"

He nodded yes and said, "I will let you know. Can I make you a drink?"

He made us each a double whiskey sour and halfway through the drink, I started sobbing and he picked me up and held me. I finally stopped and said, "I know it's true, I can feel it in my core."

I stopped calling or texting Tim, to test whether he noticed that I had stopped and if he did he did neither in return.

Tommy apparently not only set up the meeting with the investigator, but paid for it.

He called and said, "Hey can you call in sick and meet me here tomorrow, the investigator will be here."

I said, "Oh good I want him to get started!"

Tommy said, "He's done and has the report."

"What, I mean, how?"

Tommy said, "I owed you a favor or two for being the best big sister a guy could have."

I said, "Sure, I can do that, but I won't be able to sleep now, fuck! Do you know?

Tommy for the love of God, tell me."

"Callie I don't know, they would not transmit anything electronically, for fear it would be hacked. Come over early I'll have some stuff from Vinman's."

I said, "By the end of the day I'll be heart broken and fat. Wonderful."

I did sleep a little bit and was at Tommy's at eight thirty in the morning. He had chocolate eclairs and apple fritters. He used an old wood fired stove with six burners and he had a steel percolator, with one of the glass bubbles on top.

My prediction was right. I ate two fritters and one éclair, with two cups of super dark coffee and a bit of cream. It was nine thirty and he had some old jazz fusion playing, Pat Metheny.

I said, "If there is nothing, I'm going I'm going to see a shrink. Maybe there is some PTSD from Dave's death or something and it's coming out."

"But not if there is something," asked Tommy.

"What's the point? Our marriage has been dead for a very long time. I probably won't say a thing to him that I know. Angie and Tina deserve that. I'll let them finish high school and I think both of them might get athletic scholarships to somewhere warm, which would be good for them, especially to open the pool for potential husbands. Once that's all put together, I'll file and move on. Right now, it's more important to me that I'm not nuts."

He said, "You've thought this out?"

"It's my home, I had it before we got, you know, he has not been to Mass since I don't know when. He used to be regular as clock work."

There was a knock on the door. Tommy got up and walked to the door and opened it.

A tall Hispanic man came in and Tommy and he hugged and slapped each other's back. I was wringing my hands, Tommy said, "Callie this is Dennis Martinez, we used to work together and he was wounded and had to leave WSP. Dennis this is my sister Callie."

He came over and shook my hand. He had a big manilla envelope. I felt like I was going to throw up, there'd be no envelope if he wasn't fucking around. I turned and stumbled but was able to sit down.

"Dennis, can I give you some coffee?"

He was looking at me and looked sad, but he said, "Sure Tom."

They both sat down and he took a sip from his coffee and put it down. He handed the envelope to Tommy and said, "Mrs. Owens, there is a report in there and pictures and a DVD. Do not watch them or look at them or even read the report unless Tommy's with you, maybe ever. Your husband is very active sexually. We see no affairs, but he is a bi-sexual and fucks student's mostly, boys and girls. Your entire marriage."

I pitched forward and vomited. Out came the fritters, coffee, last night's dinner of a Swanson turkey pot pie and other stuff, that was not recognizable. It was all over me, my clothes, shoes, hands. Somehow I was in the shower being hosed off,

Tommy took my clothes off and I collapsed on the floor of the shower.

My sister Julie was in the shower with me took my clothes off and pulled me up standing and scrubbed me with dial soap. Mom and her dried me off and put some of Tommy's sweatpants on me and a Wildcat tee shirt. Julie was a nurse and gave me an Ambien and they carried me to Tommy's bed and I laid down on my side. She came back and laid down behind me and put my head on her arm and we snuggled.

"What's wrong with me, I'm not that ugly am I? Do you think I have AIDS? I won't be able to find anyone if I'm dying, oh God, who will care of Angie and Tina after I die? Why is God so mad at me? Dave was such a good man and now I've got AIDS?"

Julie was rocking me and saying, "I got you baby, " and I fell asleep.

I'm not sure what time it was, but I woke up and she was still spooning me. It was not weird, but I knew one way or another, I'd get through this, there were even treatments for HIV. I went back to sleep.

I woke up again and she was gone and there were some of my clothes on the bed, yoga pants, underwear and a high school tennis coach tee shirt and flip flops.

I pulled myself together and got dressed and went out to the great room. Mom was there reading a book. I said, "What's the book?"

She looked at me and smiled, sadly and said, "Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck."

She was sitting on a love seat and I walked over to her and sat down next to her and leaned into her and sighed. I said, "Boy I really fucked up, marrying him."

She said, "Can you stand to eat something?"

I nodded and said, "Soup and sandwich, toasted cheese if possible?"

Apparently, mom knew how to use a wood fired stove and I had the sandwich and chicken noodle soup. In fact we both did. We ate quietly and I asked if she could make me another sandwich. Tommy had well water and it was so sweet.

I helped with wiping out the cast iron fry pan and then I washed the soup pan.

"I need to see a lawyer and get tested for STD. I'm at risk for HIV. I need to tell Angie and Tina."

"You told Tommy that you were going to wait until the twins were graduated?"

"Mom, if I have HIV, I might be dead or incapacitated before then. He needs to be punished."

"You don't need to tell the twins, they know."

"How the fuck they know?"

"Tim told everyone at Central that you guys were in an open marriage that he was too much for you, and it got back to them, your Dad and I knew too."

I stood up and said, "How long have you and Angie and Tina known?"

"We've known most of your marriage and the twins about four months ago."

"But nobody told me? I'm your fucking daughter?"

She looked down and said, "Your dad and I swing. We thought you were like us."

I looked at her like she had just sprouted horns and shook my head. "Julie and Tommy?"

She said, "Nope. We kept it from you."

"How many of my friends have you been fucking? Are you a Hot Wife?"

"None of your friends and yes I am a Hot Wife and belong to four bulls, all in Tacoma."

She was smirking at me for fuck's sake.

"Get the fuck away from me. You've fucked Tim haven't you?"

She looked down, the classic lie-look. I walked over to her and slapped the shit out of her twice, forward and back handed. I picked her up and drug her to the front door and threw her out just as Tommy drove up. I said, "Get the fuck out of here you fucking skank."

She wouldn't look at Tommy and ran to her little BMW coupe and drove off.

Tommy jumped out of his pickup and ran to me and said, "Why did you do that?"

"Her and dad are swingers and she's a fucking Hot Wife, with four bulls in Tacoma and she's been fucking Tim."

We went inside and he went to his laptop and apparently, he had cameras and a security system and listened to the conversation and finally he said, "Holy fucking shit that is fucking bizarre and sick."

"The twins know. I have to get a lawyer and to a doctor. Julie works for a doctor at the hospital clinic, I need to get tested and a lawyer and divorce the fuck."

I called Julie and she picked up, "Hey can I come and get some blood work and do the STD tests?"

She said, "Sure come in."

"Do you know a local divorce attorney?"

"Cathey Busha, she goes to Church."

"Okay thanks. I'm headed your way now."

"Tommy can you email that shit from mom to both me and Julie? She needs to know. Can you pick up the girls please and order some Dominos, they and I love the Hawaiian pizza."

It took me five minutes to get to the hospital, the clinic was attached and the tests included a blood draw and peeing in a cup.

She said, "I've always thought mom was fucked up. I came home early from high school and she was bent over a couch being fucked by this big black guy. I took a pic and went outside for a walk. I was fifteen for fuck's sake. I showed it to dad and he was upset and said he'd take care of it. Do you think, she might be lying about him knowing?"

"Maybe, we, the three of us should ask him this weekend with the tape."

She said, "Cathy's office is two blocks away and she's expecting you."

I had the vanilla envelope plus the tape and I was there in five minutes and asked if I could see Cathy.

She walked out and I immediately recognized her from Church, just didn't know her.

"I said, I recognize you from Church, Julie said you went."

She said, "I'm sorry for the circumstances, how can I help?"

I handed her the envelope and said, "I lost my first husband in Afghanistan and I have two twin girls from my marriage with Dave. I want to divorce Tim. He's been active sexually during our entire marriage with men and women, including my mom.

I can text you the conversation I had with her a couple of hours ago."

She said, "Julie sent it to me."

"I got tested at the clinic, I'm at risk for every STD including HIV. I won't know about HIV for six months or so. My twins are fifteen, I want alimony, we've been married six years. The fuck told the whole college we had an open marriage and he fucked all those kids and I'd like to sue the university. Is that possible?"

She nodded yes. As she pulled shit out, pictures were lose and the second one was him fucking my mom. I said, "The second one is him and my mom, " I paused and then said, "I want you to do everything possible to hurt him, maybe one of those kids is underage, fucking destroy him."

She said, "Give me a check for one hundred dollars."

I immediately did so. She said, "Callie, stay away from him. I will be able to serve him, the university next week including a restraining order. I'm not sure if the alienation of affections will work in this state, but him fucking students in complete and openness will be even better from our point of view. I will name your mom in the divorce."

I stood up and hugged her and left for Tommy's. Everyone, Angie, Tina, Tommy and Julie were there..

I came in the door and they ran to me and hugged me and we had a good cry. We sat down on the loveseat and both were on my lap and doing twin speak (that is to say, saying the exact same thing at the same time) they told Grammy and she said she'd tell you, we wanted to talk to you, she said not to, Sandy at tennis camp knew about it, her mom was fuck, I mean sleeping with him."

"We hate him, he knew we knew, which was massively weird, then the fuck wanted us. Did we mess up mommy, we love you, you're everything."

I pulled their faces to me and said, "You did nothing wrong and are practically perfect in every possible way (Mary Poppins was my favorite)."

Tommy had bought four pizzas. I swear they ate one each and Julie and I each had three pieces and Tommy and the girls ate the rest.

I said to everyone, "I love all of you with all my heart. Girls? Uncle Tommy and Aunt Julie saved my life this weekend. I am divorcing Tim and suing a bunch of people.

Please for the time being stay away from Gramps and Grammie and if they call you don't take the call. When you're in the house if they or Tim show up, go to your rooms and lock the door and pretend to be asleep, until he's served. Which will be next week."

The looked at me and asked, "Grammie?"

I rolled my eyes and they both said, "Eeew!"

Saturday morning Daddy came over to Tommy's and Julie and I were there with Tommy. I told him that I was divorcing Tim. His immediate response was to say,

"There's something wrong with him, I've never felt right about him."

Julie and I went and sat next to Daddy and I nodded at Tommy. He said, "This is going to be hard for you to watch Dad."

There she was on his television saying dad and her were swingers and she was a Hot Wife and she had four Bulls in Tacoma, Julie's picture of her fucking the black guy and then the picture of Tim fucking her followed.

"You didn't know did you Daddy?"

Tears were falling off his face. He said, "I knew about one affair and caught her and she said, she was lonely, that's why she started working in my practice. I suppose you guys might want to get a DNA test too? I think she needs to move away from me. We have a cabin up in the Okanogan area, Methow valley. Get a separation to start with. Go see that attorney for now. Fire her immediately and get a new receptionist and accountant, she's probably been stealing money from my business too."

Julie said, "We had Callie's blood work and Tommy and I did swabs, we should know next week."

The world caught fire in the middle of next week, Mom left, she was mentioned in the divorce. Tim and the university were served, Tim was fired immediately and working with Cathy, the Ellensburg police department found ten boys, girls and now men and women from the earlier years, even before my marriage and he was detained, arraigned and charged with being a pedophile.

He pled guilty on the pedophilia stuff and signed the divorce papers. The university gave me a check for two million dollars. Cathy explained that was the limits of their insurance policy.

Daddy divorced mom and she did not fight it and moved to Tacoma.

I netted one and a half million dollars before taxes and I ended up with just over one million dollars after taxes and Cathy got hers. I resigned from the high school at Christmas time, the direct questions and the gossip was ugly. Nobody messed with my girls though.

Mom ended up on the internet on the Canadian pornography channel, with her bulls and ultimately was arrested for pedophilia for fucking a fourteen year old boy and was sentenced to a ten to twenty stretch the women's prison in Purdy over in Western Washington. I got an anonymous text with Tim's picture. He had breast implants his ass was bigger and there were tats on his ass saying Bubba's cunt. There was a dick in his ass and mouth, bareback and very, very thick, long and black.

I spent most of my time around town, watching the girls, they were on the varsity as sophomores. Daddy, Julia and Tommy watched too.

Julia married a doctor, he was in his thirties and had been in the army in Afghanistan and Iraq both. I was the maid of honor and Tommy was the best man, Angie and Tina were bridesmaids. It was at St. Andrew's in Ellensburg. They went on a cruise from Seattle to Alaska and loved it, they said, I'm not sure how much time they saw outside of their cabin, because Julie was pregnant within a month of the wedding day!

At the end of their sophomore year, Angie and Tina went to a tennis camp at Pepperdine University in Malibu, during the camp, which I was at with them, the coach and the girls came up into the stands and introduced himself to me and asked if I minded getting a tour of the school. I was wearing a cute yellow sun dress with some strappy wedges, lots of cleavage, a very tan back and my ass was quite visible. Oh the red haired ponytail, hoop earrings and a nose ring.

Malibu, California and the campus of Pepperdine is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I had not been fucked in a long god damned time, Tommy was going to be married and I wanted to do the bachelor party with a blind fold on, or just fuck this coach into next week.

The campus and the tennis workout area, both covered and uncovered were spectacular. He said, "We're a Christian school, the Church of Christ."

I said, "We are Roman Catholic, is that okay?"

He said, "Totally fine."

I thought he must be impressed with the girls, but I'm not going to get laid.


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