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Drooling Genius

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I try hypnosis with my bright girlfriend.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/04/2017
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This story involves hypnotism, oral, vaginal, and anal sex. All characters are 18 or older. All events and characters are fictional


It's a misconception that dumb people are easily to hypnotize. It takes a lot of brain power to force your body to relax into a powerful meditative state. In fact, the smarter you are more powerful a trance can be.

I'm dating an absolute genius. Ginny entered college early, graduated early, and had entered the doctorate program for clinical psychology at her college of choice by age twenty. She knew every part of the brain and had memorized the diagnostic manual before even starting classes. On top of all that she's a five foot five beauty with red hair cut into a bright brown bob around her face, and breasts almost the size of my head. I had met her on a chance encounter as she passed by my booth on campus.

See, I'd offer free hypnosis sessions. Partly because I had just watched videos and read books on the subject, but had no one to practice on, and partly just for fun. She eyed me with a patronizing grin one day.

"Yes?" I asked as she walked past. It was a slow day, few other people were passing by. She stopped and faced me.

"Hypnotism? Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you can hypnotize me?" She seemed skeptical.

"If you want." I was being completely honest there. I can't make someone do what they don't want. I was also a piss poor hypnotist at the time, and hadn't gotten lucky at all yet.

"Sure." She shrugged. "I'm having problems overeating when I study." It sure didn't look like it. Maybe it all just went to her tits and ass, mostly her tits. "You can do something about that right?"

In hindsight, she was probably trying to show me up. She loves being right, and she usually is. But this time she was out of her element, or in it, in a manner of speaking. She was the first woman I met who was highly susceptible to hypnosis.

"I am going to boop your nose, and when I do you will enter a coma like state." I started. She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Just look at the tip of my finger as it gets closer and loser to your face. As it gets closer, you will become more and more calm, more and more relaxed. Your breaths will become even and more deep," She was already leaning in. Her eyes were transfixed. I uttered the incantation a few more times in different ways until I finally touched her nose and saw her head limp forward and shoulders slump

She didn't just enter a trance; she entered a deep hypnotic coma in less than a minute. I thought she was toying with me at first, but no, she was completely under. So I gave her the command,

"When I tap your head you will be wide awake, feeling rested and better than you've felt in a very long time, and whenever you are studying or doing homework, you will feel great knowing that you don't have to have any snacks, or if you do, you will want healthy and nutritious ones..." I was still new to it, so I wasn't quite sure how to go about the command, but when I tapped her head she seemed well rested, and had a smile on her face.

"Wow" She blinked, "Uh what happened?"

She hadn't remembered anything that I'd done to her. I'd heard of it happening, but she'd been the first that it had happened to. I explained what I did and she rolled her eyes and left. I thought it would be that last I saw of her.

But she was back the next day, wide eyed and amazed at the results. That's when we exchanged info and after a week we were dating. I'm still amazed she would like a guy like me, basically a loser who was more a carnie than a student. But she was obscenely interested in what she called my, but was really her, gift.

She asked for all sorts of other hypnotic wonders. I made her cramps almost disappear, I let her sleep and wake up at reasonable hours, and I even made difficult and complex subjects interesting and fun. She was a marvelous subject, and I envied her ability to be molded in such a way. Even the most skilled of hypnotists probably couldn't make me work hard for more than an hour at a time, let alone make me ignore pain or hunger.

Unfortunately she was not at all interested in sex. She could be flirty at times, but she was never in the mood and never had time in her busy schedule. After a month I decided enough was enough.

"Hey, Ginny," I started, "How about we, um, go a little further in our relationship?"

"You mean," She blushed in understanding, "I'm sorry, I'm still not ready. Well, actually, I guess I'm a little scared. And I'd really rather get back to my classwork."

I wouldn't have suggested this to anyone else, but she was just dorky, curious, and determined enough to try, "How about we do both? I can hypnotize you to be able to concentrate on your work while we are at it." It was a dumb suggestion, and we both laughed at it.

But a week later she asked if we could try it. She asked with a blush and naughty wiggle. I put her under easily and gave the suggestion, "As you study for your test you will be totally focused. No matter what happens to you. You will rest like so," I put her book on her bed and leaned her over so she could read and rest on her elbows while her backside hung off and her knees rested on the floor. The bed was a bit low, so her back was slightly arched. "Now, as you learn you will be completely engrossed in the subject. So much so that when I take off your pants and start fucking you, you will just keep studying. You will still feel and understand what is going on, and can stop whenever you want, but it will not distract you. Understand?" Her eyes were dull and relaxed. I had gotten used to that lovely expression. She nodded with a bit of drool dripping from her face. "Awake!"

She took up the position with a smile and got to reading, wiping the bit of slobber from her face. I was still a bit nervous. Well, if she didn't want it, she'd tell me. I shrugged and knelt down behind her. She was wearing pajamas and socks. I touched her waistband and pulled down. The curvature of her ass was astounding. Removing her clothes was like watching a sun rise up behind rolling hills in the distance. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Her panties were pink and pleasant, but they would come off too. I pulled them down and inspected her ass and pussy, both hairy and unkempt. Not my favorite, but it would do. I checked on Ginny and saw that she was still turning pages, engrossed in her work.

"Condoms are in my sock drawer." She said casually. I nodded, surprised that I hadn't thought of that. I fished them out, rolled one onto my already rock solid dick and knelt behind her again ready and protected. I mounted up, swallowed hard, and slowly entered her. She squirmed a bit, and I heard her exhale sharply with the first inch, but otherwise she was still reading. I gripped her hips as I drew back and thrust slowly. Then I did so again from behind her.

She turned a page and kept reading. She seemed happy, but was not straining against anything. I pumped up the pace and rocked her against the bed. I heard her coo from the sensation, like she was receiving a massage. "Chill a bit, it's hard for me to read." I slowed my pace and tried not to push her so hard. I kept a slow and steady rhythm. She continued to read and write notes as I made love to her. After several minutes of feeling her up and fucking her gently I came into her with a grunt and wince, trying hard not to shake her. She seemed fine however, and in fact, she was quite pleased with herself. I removed myself from her and cleaned up the condom and myself, bringing up her panties and her pajamas. "That was fun." She smiled, "Lets do it again sometime." She spared me a quick glance, smiled, and then was back to work.

In time she was fine with all sorts of perverse conditioning, so long as we were alone. It got to the point that she told me plainly, "So long as if doesn't interfere with my studies, you can hypnotize me to do whatever."

"What about going down on me?" I asked.

She winced, "Never liked the taste. In fact, in makes me nauseous. And I always get a headache afterward from all the neck work."

"Well, how about I make it taste better, and make the pain go away?" She blinked at that and gave it some thought.

"Sure, okay, I'll try it, just this once."

"Okay," I paused, embarrassed with my next suggestion, "Also, if you don't mind, next time we go out of a date, do you mind if I take a bit of that time to be intimate with you? It's hard to have sex without shaking you when your working."

Ginny blushed, "Oh, yea, of course! I mean, I just love our walks and dinners and stuff, and haven't really been in the mood for anything else. If you want that then, sure."

So after out next romantic evening I had about thirty minutes before the next event in her busy schedule. "Sleep." She obeyed and entered the trance. I had begun to almost prefer her in this drooling, oblivious state. "Strip"

"How much master?" She asked. I paused, wide eyed for a moment. I'd never asked to call me that before. Maybe she'd watched too many movies.

"As much as you are comfortable with." I suggested. Her clothes came off slowly and methodically until her massive breasts escaped their enclosure and her bush was fully revealed. She swayed lazily to an invisible breeze as I admired the view.

"Kneel." I felt powerful as she did so, her breasts bounced with the change. I unzipped my pants and walked to her. She stared at me with attentive, but relaxed grace. "Suck it." I commanded. She did so without hesitation. Her mouth was relaxed and wet. I let her salivate on it for a time, simply watching my girlfriend take my cock in her mouth. "Like you mean it, like it's delicious." Her head bounced back and forth, she began to slurp hungrily. The pleasure was intense. "When I tell you to wake up you will be happy, anxious to please me, and my cock will taste like candy. My cum will be sweet and make you hungry for more. Now, wake up!"

She paused for a moment, and seemed confused about the cock in her mouth and her state of dress. I feared for a moment she would be scared or angry. But instead she started giggling around my cock, grabbing my leg for support. If felt strangely good until she removed her mouth from it and began to hold it in her other hand, "Oh my god!" She laughed openly, her breasts bouncing, "I'm naked! And your dick, it's like licorice or something!" She licked and tasted it again, she shook with delight, "It's so sweet! How did you do that? How-"

"Sleep." I commanded. Her humor faded as her body slumped. "Suck it again." She did so obediently, her face like a machine at work. I loved her of course, but now was not the time for talking. Especially when I had one thing on my mind. Still, her reaction had been a big turn on. "Faster." The slurping became louder. I was close. "When I cum, you will wake up and suck out every last drop." I commanded between breaths, "And you will want more, and it will turn you on, and you'll feel great, and better than you've felt all day, and-"

I came. As soon as I did I saw the dead eyes wake up in surprise, and then light up in hungry desire. She grunted and moaned into me as I came into her and she lapped up every drop. Even when my twitching cock was empty she licked it clean and pumped me dry. "That was amazing!" She smiled and spoke before licking the last from the tip of his dick. "I don't remember anything though. Nothing except-" She smiled and chuckled, "Wow, I never thought I could feel like this just from getting you off."

"What can I say? I'm a miracle worker." I shrugged.

"Well what else can you do?" She asked with a naughty grin. I raised an eyebrow. "I was going to finish my coursework early tonight, but you've got me in the mood."

Finally, I thought. "Well," I decided to press my luck. "What about, Anal?" I asked.

She squirmed a bit at that. "Seems unsanitary. And gross. I mean, I see it more as an exit than an entrance. Never tried it." Her face showed distaste.

"I can make it feel better than anything else in the world." I suggested.

She was still hesitant. "Fine. I trusted you with this, so I guess I can try it out once."

I smiled, "Sleep." She did so. I walked behind her and leaned her forward to her hands and knees. She was a little turned on, but I could do better. "You are getting incredibly horny." I commanded as I entered her room a rummaged for the lube. "More and more horny every second." By the time I had come back she was dripping. I gave her a little more time so i could get myself back up, "When I put myself inside you, it will feel better than when it's in your pussy, and it will feel better than touching your clit. You will find yourself relaxed and in control of yourself, especially your asshole. And it will turn you on more and more with every thrust, each time making you twice as horny." My dick was wet and ready, it had been a few minutes of hypnosis, allowing me to get hard again. "When I put it inside you will wake up and feel it enter you, you will want it deeper and deeper, and faster and faster, and it will feel better and better. Any pain you feel will just make the pleasure feel better." I angled myself and slowly pressed on her.

"EEP!" She yelped as she awoke to the strange feeling. "Hey! Did you put me under ag-AHH!" I felt her rumble and arch as the tip slipped in, like pulling on a glove. "What the hell? Why does it feel-MHH" I thrust deeper, slowly. She gasped, "Christ almighty!" I sank until her ass cheeks slowly pressed me to a stop. Then I slowly brought mysself in and out. She moaned and gripped the carpet. "It feels even better!" She gasped, "Oh my god it feels great!" I sank as deep as I could and then drew back for another. Her words were slurred this time, but loud and goading me on. "Faster!" She demanded. I obeyed. She screamed and tried to cover her own mouth. "God!" she yelled at the top of her lungs through her fingers and bellowed, her back arching and her face bending back and to the side to look at me. She was panting, her eyes going wide with every thrust. I reached forward to grab a clump of her hair and pulled as I thrust. She went wild bucked back, her tits flying below her. She looked like a completely different person again. She wasn't dead eyed and obedient, or studious and thoughtful, she was being fucked silly and was lost to the pleasure. This is the version i preferred to look at most of all, i thought. She then went solid and began to shake and I continued fucking her tight round rear. "Fuck my ass! Fuck it, Fuck it!" She screamed so loudly the entire building must have heard her. I felt her seize on me and felt myself about to blow, but she beat me to it and cried out like beast being branded, her flesh shaking and her toes curling. Then I came into her and felt her clench it all inside her. It was too much, and I leaned over her, grabbing on her hanging, round tits and shooting waves of cum into her asshole as her volume slowly crashed down with every thrust. "I love you, I love you," She cooed as she came down and rested her body onto the floor. Every twitch of my cock was enough send another spasm up her body.

We had some noise complaints after that one, but Ginny still had more than enough time for schoolwork the day, and then another session of assfucking before bed. She was addicted now, all I had to do was hypnotize her to be a bit more silent. Making her prefer anal sex was not my intent, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a huge turn on to have so much control over her. I was also able to convince her that my dick was better than ordering dessert, which saved me a lot of money int he future at least, and is probably better for her health.

The more I hypnotized her, the stronger the suggestions became, and the more she trusted me. It soon became noticeable that she needed less time to understand subjects and finish coursework due to her increased motivation and concentration. And that gave us more free time for other pursuits. She was about up for anything so long as I let her enjoy it, or at least ignore it.

I would push her limits even more soon after that, but that is a story for another time.


I'm taking suggestions as to what the main character should do next, if this storyline interests anyone.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

manipulating her to prefer anal to pussy everytime is a dream come true for all assmen

also having his cum as a dessert is good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Drooling Genius

Loved your story. Was a good start, would love to see you get her to do some public flashing, and work it into exhibitionism. Really enjoy what I've read so far. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nice start

It is a nice start of a mind control story, very erotic and intense without being gross or succumbing to the cliche of almighty masters. Please keep it up. I believe I'm not alone when I say I'm eagerly waiting for sequels/continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I think you hit a key aspect of hypnosis here. That under a trace they will do as you say but a personality is an ART that can't be created in a moment. You have her slowly learning to be a new person and bring out something within her. I think you should keep your charecture in the next story. Let's not change your guy, keep him generally respectful and not too invasive given how personally interested she was in the practice. However, your girl has now dramatically changed, she has an addiction, a wildly new experience on the order of drugs and probably more profound. Have her begin asking for more and more, make her more and more clingy and interested. While she still does well in her studies due to the high of hypnotismher base personality changes and it's hot but in an ugly way.

Then next chapter you can really go to town with your guys. Our girl has become a whore. Lost all knowledge and interest in the outside world. The only thing keeping her in class are her past orders and she doesn't even want them there anymore, her grades slip despite the fact she's programed to succeed. Now she wants more and more of him. By the end she has something special planned and maybe it involves other people. Friends who noticed her change. Said your dude was bad for her... Well maybe she wants to change their mind. Does something drastic and to keep the situation from escilating has to hypnotise her. But it works. And it works amazing. Your girl does all the programming and hands over a complete you to her master.

Chapter 4 and things start getting dark. After getting one more it's not enough for him or his girls. He starts hunting down more who might want to join. They get a house. Things start attracting other people's attention. Charectures outside the harem come up. Conflicts and hypnotismher and lots of crazy sex.

Chapter 5 someone who can't be hypnotised.

SORRY I STARTED RAMBLING. my point being I think you have a wonderful grasp of how to handle the genra and I hope that you continue your work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
5 stars

Absolutely loved this hope you have more to cum

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