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Dumpster Diving


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She grabbed her phone and called his number. Voicemail. "Liam. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'm... I've just been so scared and now I've hurt you and pushed you away. Please...I'll never do it again." She ran out of time.

She texted:

She called again. And again. Nothing.

She felt an arm on her shoulder. Ayla guided her back inside. "I closed the shop. Messed up big time, didn't you, Sis?"

"I have to find him! I have to make him stay! I have to explain, but I don't even know where he lives. How can we have spent so much time together and I don't even know where he lives! How could I have been so stupid?"

Ayla thought for a moment. "He's spent an awful lot of time with Dad. Maybe he knows. Let's walk, no let's drive over there."

The car stopped and Willow ran inside. "Dad! Dad!"

"What is it, Willow."

"I need to find Liam. Do you know where he lives?"

"Screw everything up, Baby Girl?" She nodded. "He's renting a place at 390 Sycamore. Kind of a dive, but he says it's got fiber optic cable, whatever the hell that is, so it's great for what he needs.

"You know, he wants to buy that house we're working on. I told him I'd let it go at cost, but he said if I didn't take fair market value or more he didn't want it. I think he's better off than we think, Willow. You're never going to find anyone who cares for you as much as he does you know." She nodded. "Ran that poor boy ragged, you did. Good luck.

They drove to his apartment and knocked. No answer. Again and again. "Liam, please, I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you." No answer.

Ayla finally drove home and Willow sat on the steps of the front porch hoping, praying he would come home. He couldn't have packed and left that quickly, could he? Periodically she'd call and leave another voicemail. "Liam! I'm sorry. I messed everything up and hurt you. Please don't leave. Please give me another chance."

Finally, in the middle of the night she walked home. Berating herself for doing the things she'd done. She thought back to Thanksgiving and actually laughed about all the things he had said to her father. Maybe his phone's dead. Maybe he's pissed. But maybe he's gone. She broke down again.

She trudged up the back stairs to her apartment above the store. Barely had the energy to make it up. She got out her key, placed it in the slot...the door was unlocked! Had she left it open by mistake? She never did that. She was always so careful since someone broke in across the way last year. Should she call the police, her father? No. She could handle it.

She quietly turned the knob and slowly, ever so slowly opened the door. She yelled at herself for not oiling the hinge. The stairs opened into the kitchen. She listened. All was quiet. She tip toed very slowly to a drawer, opened it, and pulled out her heavy wooden rolling pin.

Now armed, she listened again, trying to hear beyond her own breathing and pounding heart. There was a noise. A rough, grating noise coming from the bedroom. The door was open and she stepped towards it carefully placing each step. As she passed through the doorway, more noise was made.

Someone was in her bed! In her bed, in her apartment! She raised the rolling pin in her right hand, reached across with her left, flipped the switch to the ceiling light and, THUMP! Brought the wooden roller down on their chest, cocked her arm for a second blow...

Raising an arm to block a second blow, "What the hell! I think you broke my sternum."


"I got your calls, all one thousand of them and you told me to come home and give you another chance. I waited outside a long time, got tired and came in here. Damn! It hurts every time a take a breath."

"Quit your whining. You deserve worse for running away and leaving me. Why didn't you call me back?

"Talking to you face to face seemed like a better idea, at least at the time."

"Right. It was a stupid idea. You made me worry all night. How the hell did you get into my apartment by the way?"

"I took a course online."

"You and your damn videos. Liam, you make me such a mess. I can't think, I can't eat, you're in my thoughts all the time...I'm so stressed I can't stand it."

Looking at her with a grin on his face, "Well, you know, stressed spelled backwards is desserts."

"What? And asshole spelled backwards is elohssa, BFD. Liam?" She started to cry. "What do you want, Liam? What do you want from me?"

"I thought I'd been clear, sorry. I want a best friend that I love to death. A person who can make me laugh every day, even when the going gets tough. A person who I think about all the time, who I ache for when we're apart. Someone who makes my heart race and who I want to touch all the time...And, well, I would also like a fixer upper, kids, a dog, a garden, and maybe some fish. You know, the little tropical fish? Guppies? Swordtails?"

She stared and finally smiled. Just a little. "I want you! The person I will want forever. What say ye, Willow?"

"I'm going to have to stand here and think about it."

"Should I set a timer?"

"Damn you, Liam...YES!" She leaped on the bed and kissed him. Their kissing became serious and they settled in. A sigh escaped the back of her throat and she slid a hand under the covers and stopped.

"Where the hell are your clothes, Liam? Were you just assuming I would get into bed with you?"

"No, no. I was all kinda sweaty from running, so I took a shower and washed them. They're in the drier..."

She shook her head. "Liam! Shit! You break into my home, take a shower, wash your clothes...and did you get anything to eat?"

"Well, I was kind of hungry. Great leftovers by the way." She went to thump his chest. "No! Not the chest. Please!"

She pulled the blankets back and ran a hand over his chest. "Holy crap! It's all red and swollen. And where the heck have you been hiding all this muscle. I thought you'd be all soft and doughy."

"Like Kari."

Looking sheepish, "Yes, like Kari. Sorry about that."

"I mean it was awful, simply awful having her rub her breasts all over me. I've never felt so violated. I'm having flashbacks. PTSD or something."

"If you keep it up, Liam, I going to have to do this!" She took the side of her fist and brought down on his bruised chest.

"Oh! Oh, crap that hurt."

"Good! Now shut up and kiss me. Make love to me, Liam." They kissed again and the tension built. Nothing frantic, just a slow steady build. Every time she would try to speed it up, he would slow her down a little. She was starting to get more and more excited. She needed release.

Her hand slid down and grasped his already hard cock and then slid down to his scrotum which was tight and contracted, then back to his cock. 'Ummm, nice,' she thought to herself. He in turn pulled her shirt over her head, reached behind and unhooked her bra. "Pretty smooth there, Liam."


"I swear to God I'm going to...kiss you to death." She shrugged it off her shoulders and her breasts dangled free as she leaned over and continued kissing him. He cupped one with each hand, massaged gently then rolled the light pink nipples around.

Breaking their kiss, he pulled her up a little and took her her right nipple and areola into his mouth as he continued to massage. A moan escaped her lips and she stroked him faster. Reaching under, he unpinned the left one and slid it up as she rotated her chest to make it easier for him.

Her breathing became more rapid and she took his left hand and put it on her folds. A finger slid in and she thrust against it. Back and forth, building up speed. Reaching down, she put another finger in and he flattened his palm so he massaged her clit as he went in and out with his long and ring fingers. She groaned, shuddered, stop stroking and rested.

"Time to put it in there, Liam. Oh how I've wanted this." He rolled her onto her back, spread her legs and climbed between. "Yes, Liam. Do it!" But instead he lowered his head and sucked her clitoris into his mouth and massaged it with his tongue. Then slid south and used his tongue to spread her lips and probe her insides. In and out with his tongue, then slid back up to her rod and started working on it once again as two fingers once again penetrated and moved in and out.

Moments later she thrust her pelvis skyward, grabbed his hand and shoved it against herself, growled, tightened and collapsed. "Damn, Liam! Not bad! Not bad at all. Now quit farting around and slide that bugger into my honeypot."


"Yes, honeypot. Now shut up. God, no one I ever met talks as much as you do." She grabbed his cock and pulled it towards herself. He resisted. "Liam, I swear to God I'm about to twist your nipple off if you don't put that thing in there."

"Uh, do I need a condom? I mean, I don't have any, but I could use a baggie or aluminum foil..."

"Aluminum foil?" She laughed. "Cut the crap, Liam. Do it! And no, you don't need a condom. But thanks." She grabbed him again and he slid right in. Two strokes later he was buried and she groaned. "Oh, Liam since that first night when I clutched you to my bosom and threw you on your fucking head..."

They both laughed. "Now move it, Mister."

The sun was already well up when Ayla unlocked the store and prepared the baked goods for sale. But there were no smells of fresh bread, the ovens were cold. Where the heck was she? Maybe she slept in. But she never did that. Better check on her. If she hadn't found bread today or probably tomorrow.

She climbed the stairs, opened the bedroom door and, "Willow?" And at the same moment noted Liam's bare backside looking at her and moving. It suddenly stopped.

"Oops! My bad! Good to see you, Liam. A good morning to you. It is Liam, right?"

He turned his head, "And a good morning to you too, Ayla. We'll be down in a bit."

"Oh. No rush. Just finish your business." Laughing, "I'll turn on the ovens and start getting things out. Should I order some lunch? Nice ass by the way."

"The Perky Butt video by what's her name." She laughed and left.

A half hour later Liam came down the steps. "And here he is, ladies and gentleman, the man of the hour. Or maybe several hours." She hugged him. "Thank God she finally came to her senses. I'm so happy for you, Liam. Well, happy for you both," and hugged him again. "And Mom and Dad will be so happy too!" She returned to getting ingredients ready, then looked up, "The rest of you is in pretty good shape too, Liam." She laughed, he looked embarrassed, but laughed as well.

In a dumb jock's voice, "Duh. Thanks, I've been working out." Spreading his arms apart in mid air like he's revealing a title, 'As seen on TV!'" They laughed some more.

Another half hour passed and still no Willow. Ayla looked at Liam, "Maybe I should go check?" Liam nodded. "What the hell did you do to her?"

He smiled sheepishly, then, "TikTok."

She burst out laughing again. "Liam, I swear you are going to do us all in."

She climbed the stairs two at a time and saw Willow still in bed. Laughing aloud, "Holy crap girl! It was that good?"

Turning bright ready upon remembering they'd been caught. "Yes, it was that good." Ayla went over and hugged her.

"Willow, I love you like a sister, " laughing, "'cause you are my sister. But you have been so stupid about this whole thing. I'm the younger one. I'm supposed to be stupid, not you. But this is terrific. I'm so excited for the two of you.

"Now tell me all about it. Is it this big?" holding two fingers an inch apart, "Or this big?", sliding her hand to the bottom of her index finger. "Or this big," holding her hands apart? "Or THIS big!" She slid her hand up to her elbow and held it up with the fist clenched.

Willow laughed and grabbed her. "I love you, Ayla. Thanks for being there for me. And it was more like," she slid her hand to her shoulder as they both laughed and hugged again.

Willow started laughing to herself. "What's so funny, Willow?"

"You won't believe what that jerk did!"

"Well, I probably will. What'd he do?"

"It's our first night together right. Should be all serious and business and stuff, you know. Show the person how much you care and you can make them happy and stuff?" Ayla nodded.

"And while we're taking a break he says, 'Willow, I think we should try a new position.' I about shit! I was afraid I had it all wrong and he'd turn out to be some kind of freak or something..."

"What'd he do?"

"He tells me to sit up and brace myself. Climbs between my legs, and I'm like getting really worried. And then he flips onto his back and puts his head between my boobs and says, 'Ah, just like I remembered it. Heaven." They both started laughing and Ayla touched Willow's hand.

"No way. He didn't!" She nodded. Still laughing, "So what did you do?"

"I threw his ass off the bed and told him I hope he hit his head again. So he could remember that part too. Can you believe he did that? Right in the middle of everything?"

They laughed and hugged again.

"So, Sis, are you working today or is it pastry and leftover day?"

"I'll get up. I just feel, I don't know, it's like he just flipped the light on in my heart again. I feel all aglow or something. I just don't want the feeling to fade."

'Well, if your glow starts fading, just call down and I'll send Liam back up." More laughter.

A horrified look filled her face, "But what if he leaves! What if he goes away! I promised myself I would never do this again and now I'm in deeper than I've ever been. No, no no! How did I let this happen? I hardly know him!"

"Holy shit, Willow! What is wrong with you? That guy ain't ever leaving. He wouldn't even leave when you tried every thing you could think of to drive him off. Quit thinking that way. Please. Sometime you friggin' drive me nuts. You just told me what a wonderful night you had AFTER you pulled that stunt with what's his name and now you're ready to curl up into a ball and cry!

Ayla grabbed her sister and hugged her. "Willow, if you're worried, ask him to marry you. Guarantee you he'll say yes."

"But we hardly know each other. I can't do that."

"No, I think you two know each other much better than you think. Then get to know him. Just, for the love of God, take it easy on both of you."

"You're right! You're right as usual, Ayla. I'm going for it."

Ayla smiled. "Going for it? Hell, you're already in the river way over your head. Just float along and enjoy it. And keep that sheet up! I have no desire to nestle my head between your bounteous bosom. Just saying." They both laughed and hugged yet again.

"Gotta go. Take your time, but I have to supervise Liam. Not sure we can trust him alone in the kitchen or with customers."

Willow wandered down the stairs a short while later in time to hear, "Ayla? Could you get that bag off the shelf for for me, my chest is just killing me. Thanks."

"Sure, what..."

"Are you still whining about that little bump you got?"

"Little bump? Ayla, she hit me with a baseball bat. While I was sleeping!" Ayla looked at Willow with a smile on her face.

"Baseball bat! It was a rolling pin. And the wooden one, not the granite one. And you're lucky. I was aiming for your head!"

"Ayla, I was lying sound asleep as a little baby and wham! She hits me with that thing. No warning."

"Willow. Why the heck..."

"Ayla, I sat most of the night on his porch waiting for his ass to come home. I called like a hundred times..."

"I think it was more."

"And the ass didn't answer a single one. What would you do if you came home in the wee hours and your door was unlocked and someone was in your bed, like some snoring assed Goldilocks or something. What would you do?"

"Duh, I would never have gone in the apartment. I'd have called the police."

"In any event, he's just lucky I didn't pick up a knife and do some serious damage. It's nothing, Ayla. He's just being a weenie."

"Nothing! Look at this, Ayla." He pulled up his shirt and his chest was swollen and puffy. "And just look at my cute little nip. It's all discolored. I don't think it will ever be the same." Ayla lost it again.

"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. Here, let me look." She lunged forward and bit it. He backed away and she held on. He screamed, but she finally released.

"What the hell! You're like some friggin' piranha or shark or something. Look, I think it's bleeding."

"Oh, my poor, poor baby. Did Momma hurt you?" She grabbed him and kissed him. "There, is that better?"

"Kind of, but I think you have to kiss something else to make the pain go away."

"Maybe. If you're nice to me all day and don't give me any shit! Now give me another kiss. And quit talking dirty in front of my young, impressionable sister."

"I meant my nipple."

"Is this how it's going to be? I'm going to have to put up with PDA and a hostile work environment?"


The two sisters hugged and Ayla whispered, "I'm so happy for you, Willow. Just relax and enjoy. Please!"

"Alright, enough fun and gaiety. We have work to do. Liam, quit rubbing your friggin' nipples, tuck your shirt in and get to work. We're way behind thanks to your shenanigans. All you had to do was answer my damn phone calls, but ohhhh no. I'll just disappear or something. Where the hell did you go, by the way? I ran out after you and you were gone! No one can move that fast."

"The dumpster."

"You are such an ass!" Then she kissed him again. "But oh how I love you. But if you ever make me fret again..."

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noonenscnoonensc25 days ago

Love your writing. Like all the others, this story was extremely well written. Definitely a funny, feel-good yarn. Yes, the ending was a little abrupt, and the story was a little too saccharine for me. Still, well above average.

Hope you continue and contribute more stories in the future. I enjoyed this one too, even with the nit-picks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A nice, light and funny little story.

Omg, so many keyboard warriors in the comments here that are in reality, lonely little boys.

And dont get me started on the „good inputs“ that are actually bad, or the comments from the genetical failures like inka2222 and co.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great writing. Lots of chuckles.

GardenshedGardenshedabout 1 month ago

Nice light tale, enjoyed the humor. Especially when Liam was talking to Willow’s father on Thanksgiving.

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Some funny stuff but somehow this one was a misfire for me. I like a number of the author's other romances, not so much his LW stuff, but this one was just ok. Honestly not sure that Willow was worth it. And the ending was abrupt. Compare this to Branded which was absolutely amazing. Just nit in the same class. 4 stars.

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