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Easy Cum, Easy Go Ch. 02

Story Info
Jackie gets filmed for a popular, kinky website.
19k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 10/30/2022
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Jackie refused to sit still throughout her entire flight. Too many things ran through her mind for her to be idle. A week ago, her friend with benefits took her anal virginity. Now she was flying from the east coast to the west coast on her quest for pleasure. Having nymphomania seemed like a never ending (and often disappointing) journey for sexual satisfaction. Jackie hoped her destination would not let her down.

The petite redhead took a deep breath, trying to force her pulse from racing. As well as her arousal. Never one to shy away from a risk, Jackie stuffed her hyperactive pussy with two metallic Ben Wa balls prior to going through airport security. She kicked off her Birkenstock clogs and set them on top of her case. Her luggage went through the scanner, ending with a clean result. Followed by her footwear. Then she opted for the "Pat Down" just before being x-ray scanned herself. A female agent approached with the Metal Detector wand holstered against her leg and Jackie spoke to her immediately.

"I had surgery on my pelvis a few years back from a car accident. So, your toy might go off when you scan close to my groin." she lied.

The TSA agent gave her an odd look but did her job. Her hands felt across Jackie's body. Nothing of interest was found by touch. Next came the wand, and true to the redhead's words, it beeped loudly in proximity to her groin. The agent looked directly into Jackie's eyes; she returned a seductive glare.

"Told you so." she winked at the woman, then lightly bit her bottom lip and releasing a barely audible moan.

The agent's poker face was to be respected. Externally, she looked bored and annoyed with her job. Internally she was screaming at the sight before her. The redhead practically told her she had something hidden inside her and lied to her about it. The agent steadied herself and concluded the quick search. Seconds later, Jackie's shoes and luggage were back in her possession and venturing to her terminal.

Thinking of the agent made Jackie shuffle in her chair. The inner mechanics of the Ben Wa balls moved about while she shifted her legs. Each motion of her body certainly reminded her what was deep within. Jackie's mind moved onto other thoughts. Most importantly, the journey she was on. In a few hours she would be on the west coast and filming for one of the craziest pornographic websites she ever stumbled upon: Kinky-Kum

Over the years, during some of her loneliest and horniest nights, Jackie would venture the erotic world wide web. By chance she discovered the website and its numerous subgenre webpages. The things happening to the women made her jaw drop and pussy drool. Electro-play, bondage, lesbian domination, foot worship, anal destruction, elaborate machines designed for fucking. The options went on and on. And each woman was beautiful. Mostly porn actresses. But on occasion, amateurs were featured with the content posting to the site on Fridays. Their videos made Jackie long to be part of that alumni.

After having her ass pounded by her friend, she knew she had to take the next step. She navigated the website and found the means to reach out to the people who owned it. She provided the necessary information at request and scheduled herself to be at the filming location the approaching Friday. Just in time for what she considered "amateur night".

A little turbulence made the airliner vibrate rather intensely. The rippling effect crawled up the soles of her feet, across her shins and knees, onto her thighs and finally deep within her sexual core. It made the Ben Wa balls react perfectly, causing Jackie to gasp then cover her mouth as the balls rattled in her drooling snatch. Her eyes rolled back for a brief second before she composed herself. A flight attendant noticed her and approached.

"Is everything alright, miss?" they asked.

"Yes. Yes, it's fine. I'm just a little scared of flying, that's all. Whatever we just hit made me feel a little nauseous." Jackie lied for the second time that day.

"We didn't hit anything." they laughed. "But if you're not feeling well, the restrooms are at the back of your row on the right side."

"Thank you," Jackie spoke.

The airliner shook again and Jackie raised her hand to her face, almost biting down on the flesh beneath her thumb. The toys in her pussy teased her and she needed the release. Before she could speak, the attendant pointed a finger in the direction Jackie wanted to be. Slowly she got out of her seat and cautiously walked to the back of the airliner. The balls within stirred up her sticky nectar. Closing the stall door behind her, Jackie dropped her pants and furiously rubbed at her clit.

A memory from college flooded her mind. During her Sophomore year, she lived in a nice little space on the fifth floor of a condominium. Complete with a small balcony with metallic railing to enjoy. One sunny afternoon, Jackie went out onto her balcony wearing nothing but a bath-robe, her cunt leaking down her legs. The showerhead failed to give her enough satisfaction. So, an alternative came to mind. Jackie sat in a chair on her balcony, slowly parted her legs and fingered herself for the world to see. Especially anyone living in the high rise across the street. As expected, someone did notice her.

A boy, possibly a Freshman, was on his balcony and spotted the redhead fingering her snatch. Jackie caught him staring and refused to stop. Instead, she opened her robe completely, her soft breasts shined in the sunlight. Jackie opened her legs as much as possible and continued to put on a show for her spectator. The road below was designed for one-way travel. This allowed the two of them to see one another very clearly. The boy watched as Jackie's digits pounded her opening. She knew he was enjoying the view, and it seemed like he wanted to join in. He looked in all directions to confirm they were alone. Just as he reached for his zipper, Jackie orgasmed good and hard against her fingers.

Slowly she closed her robe and rose from her chair. The boy in other building looked upset, not getting to share the same pleasure the seductress experienced. Before stepping into her apartment, Jackie turned and blew him a kiss. Then stepped inside and shut the balcony door behind her. The following day she deduced which apartment he lived in and paid him a visit. Resulting in the pair briefly dating until the end of the semester.

The speedy fingers, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, and the horny memory did exactly what she needed. At thirty-eight thousand feet, she had an orgasm. The redhead raised her free arm to her mouth and bit down on the flesh near her wrist to keep from crying out. After the orgasm faded, Jackie made her way back to her seat. The flight attendant glanced at her but tried not to stare. They knew from experience people hated to be bothered after leaving the restroom. Regardless of the reason. So, Jackie was left alone for the remainder of the flight.

The jet landed at San Francisco International Airport earlier than expected. Jackie was relieved of this, not wanting to be late to her destination. She power walked throughout the airport. Careful not to let her clogs come off her feet moving too quickly. But in her mind, she was sprinting. First to baggage claim. Then exiting the airport and hailing a taxi. She knew the exact address, but gave the cabby a false location nearby. The distance would require walking for about half an hour. But Jackie didn't care. The trek would give her plenty of time to change her mind if needed. The likelihood of that option dwindled with every step. Her Ben Wa balls were still deep inside.

Almost half an hour later, Jackie spotted the building where all the action would take place. It looked elderly in design from the outside. Even the bricks appeared older than herself. But she was aware the interior was an entirely different subject. The building was four stories tall. Jackie laughed at herself believing each floor was used for different types of filming. Maybe the first floor being administrative, costumes, and props. The basement (if it had one) and the roof were most likely used for anything involving water during sexual acts. Something she may sign up for at a later date if her first visit went beyond amazing.

Jackie followed the sidewalk to the only doors to the building. The double doors were solid black glass, as well as the framing windows around them. Most likely the same tint used for limos. Can't look in but can look out. Near the door was an intercom speaker box with two buttons. One labeled "Ring", the other "Speak". Her finger slowly approached a button and pushed down, an extremely feint chime could be heard on the other side. The doors and windows were apparently made to be sound proof too.

"Hello there, can I help you?" a feminine voice spoke through the speaker.

Jackie's finger hovered over the neighboring button and pressed down.

"Good afternoon. I have a... um... scheduled session in the next hour but I've arrived early."

"What's your name, please?"


"Just a moment."

The redhead stood next to the speaker box for a solid minute without a response. Taking a moment to look at the street behind her, she spotted some people staring at her across the street. Instinct made her clutch her luggage handle tightly. Then she realized they must have been thinking naughty about her, knowing full and well what happens within the building behind her.

"Jackie." the voice called out "come inside."

A loud buzz sounded above her head, followed by an even louder pop coming from the double doors. Slowly they opened, and an attractive blonde welcomed her inside. The interior looked very bland and sterile. Also small in size. Much like a waiting room at a doctor's office. The desk to the far side was made of wood and curved into a half circle. A few chairs hugged the wall to the left while a door and an elevator were placed on the opposite side. The only noise within was the sound of air being pushed into the room by the ventilation system.

"Hello there, I'm Daisy." the blonde spoke with an English accent. "I'm the receptionist for today. If you'll please take a seat, you will be seen very shortly."

Jackie's eyes wondered across the woman's body and attire. She was definitely dressed like a receptionist, even in her sexy and tight business attire. But she wondered if she was also an actress. She certainly had the looks of most of the girls on the site.

"Miss?" Daisy spoke, snapping her back into reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but wonder-"

"If I've performed for the company." she smiled. "The answer is no. However, my partner helps design the numerous contraptions used. And being more honest than I should, I often am the test subject for most prototypes."

Jackie shifted her feet; the Ben Wa balls secretly did their magic within. The very idea this sexy, possibly British, woman got first dibs on everything inside was making her wet by the second.

"Now, if you will take a seat, someone will be joining you soon."

Jackie moved over to a nearby chair, pulling her luggage behind her. The wheels slid across the laminated tile much better than the rough concrete outside. Daisy walked back to her desk and slid back into her chair. The sound of flipping magazine pages echoed within the small room until the blonde found whatever article she was looking for, and all was silent afterwards.

Five minutes later the elevator chimed and the door opened. An attractive woman with dark, curly brown hair stepped out. Her clothes were black on black business/casual and hugged tightly to her frame. The kind of body anyone would fall in love with, regardless of gender or sexuality. She moved towards Jackie. Her black heels clicked with every step.

"Hi, my name is Roxie."

"Don't you mean 'Mistress Roxanne'?" Jackie smiled, knowing who the woman truly was.

The acknowledgement of her identity made Roxanne's clit immediately throb, followed by seductively biting her lower lip. Though she enjoyed working with actual pornstars, they often seemed very self-absorbed when away from the camera. Amateurs; however, always made her wet. They were more fun to play with, testing their limits as well as her own to hold back during specific sessions.

"I see you've done your research. Are you currently a member to the site?"

"I am. And after watching enough, I felt like I wanted to be a part of it." Jackie blushed.

"Well, I hope we don't disappoint. But before we begin, we need to cover a few things. Let's go to my office."

Mistress Roxanne turned on her heels and walked towards the door by the elevator. Jackie was close behind, her luggage wheels rolling across the floor as fast as she was moving. Opening the door, Roxanne led Jackie down a long white corridor. Together they moved past a series of unmarked doors until reaching a specific one and stepping inside.

The interior contrasted the corridor. Instead of white walls, they were actually solid black. The tile floor was replaced with crimson carpet. An office desk was in one corner. A long, black leather couch rested against a nearby wall. And a filing cabinet wedged into another corner. The most breathtaking feature of the room was the assortment of flesh-colored dildos mounted to the walls, close to where the walls connected to the ceiling. Jackie held back a laugh, "fearing" if she stared with her mouth wide open, one might fall off the wall and slam down her throat.

"First thing's first," Roxanne started "have you thought of a name?"

"A name?"

"Yes. On your application you commented not having any previous experience in the porn industry. In fact, you believe you have never been filmed while having sex. So that would mean this is your very first time doing anything on camera, not just for the adult film industry. You certainly wouldn't want to use your real name, would you?"

Everything said made perfect sense.

"Oh. Well, you are right. And I certainly don't want to use my real name. I'm not even sure if I really want to get into the business. I'm really here jus-"

"Don't answer that yet." Roxanne interrupted. "At the start of each session we do an introductive video. Aside from your name, I want you to answer specific questions without having to think about it. Genuine responses. No bullshit. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress." the word fell out of Jackie's mouth to her own surprise.

Roxanne's clit throbbed once more. Being called "Mistress" before filming was having an affect on her.

"So back to your name. What do you want to be called?"

The redhead took a few seconds to think about it and finally came up with an answer.


"Wait, like initials? Letter J? Letter C?"

"No, Mistress. An actual name. It's spelled J-A-C-E-Y."

The woman smiled and nodded her head. She liked the simplicity of it. One word. Required two syllables to say. Very easy to remember.

"Okay, 'Jacey'. Now the next question: do you have a safe word?

"I've never really thought about it but I have one in mind."

"Okay, what is it?"


Roxanne looked at the redhead awkwardly. Over the years, she heard numerous things. Some were humoring, others were down right graphic. But never once had anyone used the word "pinecone." Jackie understood the look on the woman's face and gave the explanation.

"A friend and I have a running joke involving that word. If we wind up saying it, it makes us both laugh. Sometimes it's needed to ease the sexual tension between us."

"Did you ever have sex with this friend?" Roxanne asked.

"Many times. But sometimes we just need a good laugh more than a good fuck." Jackie answered.

"Now that is a lie," Roxanne chuckled "a good fuck beats a good laugh any day."

Both women started to laugh. Both knew this was true. Good sex was always better than a good laugh. No matter how hard the romantic types tried to convince everyone otherwise.

"Okay, back to work." her pen returned to the paper "Have you thought about what you were wanting to do today?"

"I can only pick one thing?"

"Generally all newbies get one type of session of their choice during the day of filming. If it goes well without any issues, and if there's enough time to schedule it, more content can be made. Usually the next day."

"What kind of issues?" Jackie questioned.

"Depends on what's chosen and what actually happens. Sometimes a model may have an unpleasant experience with a toy or machine or any of the bondage play. They won't use their safe word to stop filming, but when it's over they honestly don't want to come back. Sometimes certain injuries can happen during filming that may not get noticed until many hours later. Not to say a performer actually gets brutalized beyond what's permitted. But perhaps a part of the body becomes too sore for additional filming the next day."

"You mean like some poor girl's ass gets flogged and she can't properly sit down for a day or so."


The nymphomaniac within immediately wanted to call all of those women wimps. Or cowards. Yellow. Anything in the dictionary that could be used agasint their lack of courage and fortitude. Jackie quickly reminded herself to stay focused. The fun would soon begin, but first she had to be serious.

"Is there no way I can mix-and-match?"

Mistress Roxanne leaned forward at her desk. Her hands came together with her chin resting on her knuckles. She looked Jackie over. Something was different about this girl, but she couldn't put her finger on it just yet.

"What exactly do you have in mind?"

The redhead cleared her throat and spoke.

"I... want to use some machines... and also be tied up."

"Okay. What else?"

"I want to be... submissive."

"To who?"

"Y-you," Jackie started to stutter, "I want you to dominate me while I'm tied up and helpless, being fucked by your machines... or you."

Roxanne's panties were soaked by now. Almost on par with Jackie's from hours of arousal. This unknown redhead walked into her world and wanted to be submissive to her. She was hiding a secret. And she was determined to figure it out.

"I think we can make an arrangement." Roxanne smiled seductively.

The site veteran rose from her chair and walked over to the filing cabinet. Opening a single drawer, she retrieved what looked like a catalog and a blank form. She handed Jackie the catalog then returned to her chair, the blank form spread across her desk. Her face no longer seductive. Instead, it was all business. Roxanne took a moment to write Jackie's "performer name" in the appropriate field then started to speak.

"What you're looking at are the machines we can use for your session, where bondage can play a factor. How I get involved will be of my choosing. You've seen the videos I'm in, so I know you're not a stranger to my work. I can inflict pain and pleasure how I wish throughout your entire session. You get to have one safe word. If spoken, what we're doing will stop immediately, including filming. After that you can have a moment and decide if you want to continue. If you repeat your safe word multiple times throughout filming; on purpose or accidentally, the session will completely end and the footage will be erased. You will be paid, but for less than a quarter of a full session. Those are the terms and they are none negotiable. Do you give your consent to these terms?"

Jackie nodded her head before saying yes.

"Good girl. Now I want you to look through the catalog. Find what catches your eye and select four to use. While you do that, I'll fill in this paperwork and prepare the contract."

"Contract?" Jackie's eyes broke away from her selections.

"Yes, hun. Contract. It covers what we've talked about including your pay for a full session. As well as the royalties you'll receive every time a patron buys your video."

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