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Eat It and Love It

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A good marriage, an argument and it all falls apart.
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This is a tale of a strange marriage break up, it makes no sense, two people fighting over very little, a creampie. I wouldn´t waste my time reading it if I were you.

Of course this is fiction, it never happened except on these pages, even then almost nothing happens.

I was half awake, having been aroused from my slumber when my wife arrived home late one night and said, "Eat my cunt and love it". Those were the words I heard as my wife press her cunt to my face. Her cunt smelled of semen.

Nothing unusual about that, I loved to eat her pussy, I´d done it hundreds of times, I´d even done it when she asked me to after we´d screwed. I wasn't wild about the taste of my cum but still, I´d always looked down on morons who expected their women to swallow their cum but were scared of having it near their own mouth. I could never see anything macho about a terror of your own bodily fluids.

So yeah, I´d eaten her creampies, but this was different. Why? Because it wasn´t me who had fucked her tonight.

We´d been married for 15 years, both in our early forties, we´d had our sexual adventures in the past, we´d both screwed other people, a small regular group of friends we were into swinging with, some strangers we´d hooked up with, separately or together. We had even an arrangement that if either of us were out of town when each of were occasionally needed to travel, when an opportunity to have some fun presented itself we were ok with each other going for it, we just wanted to ensure that we kept as safe as possible, condoms the norm with strangers.

We´d had lots of fun with different partners but I was not a cuckold, never was and this was not OK with me. I´d never done this before, we´d never discussed it and I certainly wasn´t letting this happen.

I pushed her away even as she tried to lower her cunt on my mouth, "Jackie, get the fuck away from me, what are you doing? "

"Ken, it´s just a creampie, just like yours that you eat out of me, what´s the problem, honey? I really want you to taste me, just do it babe." She looked and sounded really annoyed that I was not already sucking down some guys cum.

"Jackie, the cum is not mine, that is the problem, what makes you think its ok to disrespect me like this? That you go out tonight, say nothing to me about where or with whom you are fucking and expect me to eat his cum from your nasty cunt when you come home. Fuck off Jackie, you sleep in the spare room tonight, how fucking dare you do that to me."

As she took her leave she glance over her shoulder and said, "I can't fucking believe you are serious, remember when you get lonely that you pushed me away to sleep in another bed, don't expect me to forget this, that you sent me away from our bed." I shot back at her, "you are right, I won't forget this either, fuck you too."

And that was it, 6 weeks later we were barely speaking, each refusing to be the first to crack, the one to offer an apology, after all I´d nothing to apologise for, this was trouble of her making.

Three months after she tried to make me eat another man´s cum we were still not talking except when absolutely unavoidable and then only in nods and grunts. We were still not sleeping together and needless to say we hadn't had sex... with each other, she was making it very clear that she was having her needs met after coming home late 2 or 3 nights a week. Again, late at night she offered her cum soaked cunt and I told her to fuck off, that was never going to happen.

I had linked up a few times with Sally who had been part of our small intimate group of swingers but somehow Jackie had got to her and as an act of sisterhood, Sally also cut me off. It´s easier for a woman to go out and get laid than a man, if she doesn't look like the back of a bus, all she needs to do is turn up somewhere looking available and some pussy-hound will fuck her.

Men need to work harder and to be honest most of the time I was just too stressed out to put the effort in, so I was reduced to maybe getting lucky once every two weeks and Mrs Palm & her five daughters did the rest.

During the fourth months with neither of us making the first step, late one Friday night after we´d each been out separately, I was in bed by the time she got home. Again Jackie opened the door of what used to be our bedroom and she was dressed to kill and had obviously been out on the razzle. She even looked like she´d been well fucked.

She had, she said to me, "Ken, we can put an end to all this fighting and sleeping in different rooms. Let me come to bed with you and if you eat my cunt, we can get back to normal, you can fuck me all night because tomorrow is Saturday and we can fuck the weekend away and make up."

I looked at her as seriously as a heart attack with disdain said, "have you already been fucked tonight?"

She looked entirely unrepentant and said she had and that if I wanted to get back to normal, I´d do what she wanted 4 months ago, get over myself and just lick her creampie out this one time.

She thought it would be no big deal since I´d often eaten our homemade creampies and said that she loved me, missed me but this was the price, she had waited four months and she´d wait another 4 if she had to. She said she wouldn't sleep with me again until I was ready to man up and eat her.

"In that case Jackie, get the fuck out of my bedroom. I´ll see a solicitor on Monday, this marriage is dead after being on life support for 4 months."

She slammed the bedroom door without another word and the weekend passed with us not saying one word to each other. In fact she stayed out all Saturday night and didn´t get home until Sunday lunchtime. She was making a statement as her neck had several hickeys her hair was a mess, I thought I could see cum in her hair. I muttered, "what a fucking slut" just loud enough for her to hear. All love had gone over recent months, I wanted to hurt her and I hit the target.

"Well its none of your concern anymore since we are getting divorced" and stormed off to her bedroom. I thought I saw her shoulders shaking as she left, tears perhaps. Good enough for her I thought.

I´d checked out divorce on the internet, picked out a couple of potential solicitors and roughly worked out what would happen in our divorce.

In truth life would not be much different financially, the house was rented, we each paid for our own car costs, we had very little savings but neither had we debts. Our incomes were similar. All in all, it should be a pretty clean break I´d been told.

Ten days later I had her served -- at work, just to grind her gears. That night she came home called me a fucking bastard, threw the vanilla envelope at me and told me it was all signed and she couldn't wait to be rid of me.

I was mean enough to laugh in her face as I walked out and went to my favourite bar to "celebrate", at least, that´s how the night started out. After a few beers I started getting a bit gloomy and wondered how things had come to this, 15 years for what? Four months going on five where we just couldn't or certainly didn't communicate.

15 years of marriage gone in an stupid argument over a creampie, with not one single sensible conversation, neither prepared to give an inch, I was not going to eat the produce of some strangers balls just to please her, remember neither of us had a problem with the other fucking other people. It was just that she was totally fixated on winning this mindless battle and couldn't or just wouldn´t see the wood for the trees.

Were we two children? How could we have let this get so far out of whack without sitting down and talking seriously? Nothing about this made sense. I drank myself to a state of rubber legs, an aching bladder in constant need of being emptied and a completely befuddled brain.

The following day I determined that although no way was I going to eat someone else´s cum from her pussy but I decided I would try to start peace talks. So that night I got home early, made a nice dinner and waited for her arrival, planning to talk things out. I thought it would be a welcome surprise for her and maybe we could get things back on track. One last effort to talk it out like adults.

The surprise was on me, she was later home than usual but at 7pm she walked through the door with a guy holding her hand. "Oh, you are home" she slurred, "meet my date for the night, we met in Deckers, had a few get to know you drinks and now my dear, soon to be ex-husband, we are going upstairs to fuck the night away. Maybe you´d like some nice creampie for desert after that dinner on the stove? It´s not too late for you to try."

Well, of course, I asked her did she like sex? -yes, did she like travel? -- yes. Then just fuck off out of my life you bitch.

Not many months later we were in the divorce court, both still with our heads up our asses, both continuing to refuse to back down and the divorce was very straightforward and as we had agreed a simple settlement through our solicitors, the divorce was granted that day. True to how the last many months had gone, there was no attempt on either side to draw things out, hence the judge waved it through as a done deal.

When we were leaving, we did catch each other's eye, we each looked a little sad but neither of us made the slightest move towards the other, both leaving quietly and leaving 15 mainly good years behind, many happy memories, some sad, but neither of us had been prepared to bend. Wasted years now as things turned out.

It was about 8 months later that I saw her in a restaurant, she was with our old friend Sally, would I´d hooked up with right after our trouble stared but who Jackie had persuaded to stop seeing me as she tried to win me around in the dumb creampie argument.

They were chatting and did not notice me, but having become used to living on my own over recent months, I was now past my anger with Jackie so strolled over, just to say "hello".

Looking surprised Jackie with no attempt to stem her anger said, "fuck off you bastard, I have nothing to say to you, don't ever come near me again." I was shocked at her outburst, I really couldn´t understand how she was still holding onto all that anger, for fuck sake it was her who made a ridiculous demand of me that broke up our marriage.

Sally looked as surprised as I was and not a little embarrassed. The whole restaurant had caught the sound of her outburst, so I just walked away. Another door closing on what we had for all those years. It just made me sad that she couldn´t get past things, we were divorced but still had quite a few mutual friends, I hoped we could have at least a civil relationship but that looked as doomed as our marriage.

Almost a year passed before I saw Jackie again. By this time I had met a nice girl Jane who I had dated for 8 months, and I felt pretty serious about her but after my ultimately wasted years with Jackie I wasn't going to jump quickly into another marriage without being 100% certain.

Jane and I were in a supermarket getting some food in for the weekend when we turned out of one aisle and bumped trolleys with another couple. It turned out to be Jackie and some guy, doing much the same as we were.

"Hello Jackie, how are you", I offered as a pleasant greeting, an angry look came over her face and she replied, "Not any better for seeing you, you bastard." Jackie had put on quite a bit of weight and looked haggard, it looked like her anger was taking a big toll on her body and mind.

Turning to a shocked Jane, she almost shouted, "If you have any sense, you will get away from that rotten pig before he ruins your life like he ruined mine." With that she moved away leaving Jane and I speechless.

"Who was that?" asked a clearly shaken Jane. I told her that I had been married to Jackie for 15 years and that we had broken up over something ridiculous. When I explained everything to Jane she seemed to accept everything but I could see that she was having doubts, the story seemed so far from making any sense that she was having trouble believing it was just that simple.

To my great surprise, things started to cool with Jane, it was obvious that she just couldn't get her head around such a ridiculous reason to end what had apparently been a happy and very relaxed marriage. Clearly, she thought that there must be more to it that I wasn't telling her.

The damage was done, I could see in her actions that Jane now had doubts about me and I had had enough, I took the decision to end our relationship. She was tearful but she all too easily accepted that things were no longer good between us, that told me everything I needed to know, Jane was not a woman I could see as a long term partner given how easily she had started to doubt me.

Fuck you Jackie I thought, stupid bitch ruined our marriage over a petty row, had gone ballistic when she saw me 8 months after our divorce and now almost another year later had very directly ruined another relationship.

I was so pissed with her that I considered leaving our city, trying my luck somewhere where I could just forget her but I decided why allow this increasingly mad bitch to drive me away from everything I knew?

Only a few weeks later I was in Decker's having a Friday night drink after work with some colleagues, two of whom knew me from when Jackie and I were married and there was a lady, a recent hire, who I really liked the look of who I was trying to see if she might have any interest in me socially.

We been there for an hour or so, enjoying a relaxing evening, when in came Jackie with Sally and another friend who I didn't know. I saw Sally trying to direct Jackie away from the both I was in but she saw me and immediately made a beeline towards the booth. I could see her turning red in the face and she was more or less bristling and looking for conflict when she shouted so the whole bar could hear, "be careful around that bastard Ken, don't get close to him or he´ll ruin your life like he ruined mine."

I´d had enough, I got to me feet and pointed at her, "You ruined your own life and mine with your stupid demand that I eat a stranger´s cum from your rotten cunt. You did this to us, if anyone has ruined things it was you who killed our marriage, you still hold onto all that anger nearly two years later. You don´t know it but you ruined another relationship that I had with your mad anger, now you are trying to ruin any relationship I have with any of these people. Jackie this has to stop, if you don´t I´ll be going to the police and taking out a restraining order against you for stalking and harassment. We are done Jackie, for what we shared for 15 years, please, please just move on. This is doing neither of us any good."

Now purple with rage, she was about to speak when she suddenly collapsed against Sally and slid to the floor. She was clearly unwell, and I went to her, having done a first aid course at my workplace I recognised the signs of a stroke and quickly called the emergency service.

The sooner you act after a stroke the more of the person you can save and she was soon in an ambulance on the way to hospital. For all the trouble between us, when I saw her like that my automatic response had been to help her. I had thought any friendship, never mind love had long gone, but 15 years creates a bond and I´d done my best for her when she needed help.

Two days later I called the hospital to check up on her. Of course, they wouldn't give me any information when I told them I was not related to her, but when I said that I was her ex-husband and it was me who helped her in the bar and called the ambulance, the nurse I spoke and said she would ask Jackie if she would allow her to update me and to call her back.

When I called 30 minutes later the nurse told me that Jackie had said it was ok to tell me what was happening and to my greater surprise, said that she would welcome a visit from me. The nurse, Gail, told me that it had been a moderately serious stroke, she had a weakness down her entire left side including her face, arm and leg and that she would almost certainly needed prolonged occupational therapy.

That evening I called to see her at the hospital, I had no idea what to expect, the last two and more years were filled with her anger. What I found was a sad middle-aged lady, shrunken into the pillows that supported her.

When she saw me a tear or two started to fall, and though her speech was affected by the stroke, I understood well enough when she said "Oh Ken what I have a done to us, to you and to myself. I thought you should just give me what I wanted, throughout our marriage you nearly always let me have my way, I wanted that so much."

"When you wouldn't do it, I saw it as a battle of wills and yes, I did see the damage it was doing to us, but I couldn't give in. When you divorced me I was full of hate and anger that you didn't love me to fight to keep me and you gave me away. We didn´t even talk."

"These last two days... well I´ve had a lot of time to think, I´m stuck here, physically damaged but I think my mind is fairly intact. I know I´ve been such a vengeful fool, I´ve wanted to strike out at the best man I´ve ever known, I killed our marriage, I know that, you were right in what you said in Decker´s.

Well now you have some payback, just look at where my dumb stupidity and anger has got me." I wanted to tell her it gave me no pleasure to see her this way, but she wouldn't let me speak.

Speech was difficult for her, and it took a long time to get through what she wanted to say, holding up her good hand to stop me several times when I tried to interrupt or help by finishing her sentences. I could only respect her willpower and determination.

She finished with, "Look at me now, all that anger and bluster brought me to this, a shrivelled scared little woman with a bleak future and it will be a long time before I get out of here. There is nobody to help me, nobody who will care about me and I´ll have nobody to blame for that but myself. You must go Ken, but I wanted to thank you for helping me when the stroke happened but I won't keep you any longer; at least you will not have to worry about me shouting at you in restaurants, supermarkets and bars anymore."

With that last effort she drifted off to sleep and I left, asking Nurse Gail if she knew what care would be needed for Jackie and to tell Jackie I would call again soon if she would see me.

I did visit her regularly and we just chatted, it was hard for both of us, physically hard for her, mentally hard for me top see the vibrant woman I´d enjoyed so many things with reduced to a damaged woman consumed with fear about her future, but being brave and having lost her anger.

A month later, Jackie had moved into my apartment and I´d signed up as her carer? Why, you ask?

Well, when you have loved someone for so long, yes it´s easy to be annoyed with them, but when you see them physically damaged and pretty helpless, your sense of decency kicks in. Nothing more than that, I wanted to help her through this tough time. Nothing further, behind my act of kindness I had not forgotten the damage she´d done to at least one relationship as well as ours.

Two months on, she had regained much of her strength, was walking with the aid of a walking stick and fortunately her brain function was fine and her speech was slowly returning to near normal, just a slightly stalling delivery and a slurring when she was getting tired.

One morning as we were having breakfast she said, "Ken, you have been kinder to me than I deserve, it´s time I got out of your life and let you get on with yours. The last thing I´ll ask of you is if you would help me one last time and be prepared to go and look at some apartments with me and a real estate agent I´ve spoken to? You might see problems that my current condition couldn't handle"


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