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Egg Ch. 08

Story Info
Jacob begins to struggle and ends his torment.
5.8k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 12/03/2023
Created 08/08/2022
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Chapter 8

Jacob stared blankly at the cocoon.

Secured to the wall, the greenish-brown pod pulsed with life. While smaller in size compared to Aurora's pod, it looked formidable all the same. With a bulbous body it looked like a pregnant belly. Rebirth for a future of servitude to the goddess. With a sigh, he sat down in front of the pod.

Inside the pod, Meredith underwent the change. Meredith, a cop, found herself the day before as the latest inductee into the religion devoted to lust. Jacob didn't know why he sat there in front of the pod, but he currently had nowhere else to be.

Everything with Aurora over the past few days left him a bit overwhelmed and three days ago, he awoke to find her missing. With nothing left to do, he meandered to Meredith's after a ton of research into where she lived. Thankfully, the internet provided the answer. That's why he sat here now, trying to breathe a bit. With his father being home and the lack of attention from Aurora, he felt overwhelmed.

School bored him now. Subjects that he once flocked to now meant little to him because his cock throbbed almost constantly looking for something to sink into. Honestly, he kept himself at bay, but today he skipped as his balls hurt painfully now. Three days and he hadn't seen Aurora since he dropped her off at Ms. Devons. He tried not to be upset about it, but after three days, he felt abandoned.

Jacob hadn't tried to go to Ms. Devons after being there once. A seen student would cause issues. Now that he thought about that issue as all that important, but getting discovered outweighed any physical need he had. Even now, staring at the pod, his cock throbbed in sick determination.

"I fucked the pod that Aurora was in," he said. "Would there be any difference here?"

Standing up, he groaned in frustration. By now his pants sat at his ankles. Looking at the angry head of his snake spurting out thick globs of white pre-cum. His gaze slowly fell onto the bulbous pregnant looking sac.

The black tendrils pulsed rhythmically across the surfaces of the room. As he studied the pod and its body, he got the distinct feeling that what he was about to do would be welcome. The pod made no movement towards him as he stepped up to it. Placing a hand on its brown surface, he marveled a bit.

The sac felt warm under touch. A heartbeat pulsed through it. Even leaning up and pressing an ear to it, he thought he could even hear rhythmic breathing and fluids pumping. So much about it made no sense to him.

"What happens in there?" he asked in a whisper. "Does it hurt when the change happens? Does one turn into soup?"

Jacob felt ridiculous asking the questions. Aurora kept a lot from him concerning the workings of her alien-esque physical traits. That or she didn't know herself and that possibility made Jacob more curious than anything. Surmising the priestess probably cared only about knowledge dealing with lust-oriented things. Biology wouldn't matter to her, but then, Jacob did think the high school's biology teacher would be interested.

"Ms. Brooks definitely would like this," he said with a mischievous smile. "Wonder how she would feel about cross breeding."

Holding his cock, he presses against the warm skin of the sac. Feeling the warmth caused a shiver of pleasure to run into his toes. Then, not knowing what else to do, he pushed his cock against the membrane of the sac.

Jacob got the impression quickly that the sac membrane mimicked latex in its texture. While he could slide his cock to be surrounded by the body of the sac. Though, try as he might, the friction did not feel good on his cock. Deflated with the defeat, he prepared to pull away.


A powerful force unexpectedly gripped suddenly around his cock. Then, a warmth surrounded his phallus that spread quickly throughout his whole body.

"Who's there?"

The voice was female.



"It's me, Jacob."

"Hey Jacob," she replied. Her voice sounded happy.

"How are you talking?"

"I'm still in the cocoon then?" she replied. "It takes a while for the change to happen."


"The mind has to be preserved while the body is regrown."

Jacob was silent as he digested that information.

"Why are you here Jacob?"

"I have nowhere else to go right now and I am too horny to concentrate."

"How did you get in?"

"You left the back door unlocked."

"That makes sense," she said. "I was rushing to get inside before the physical changes began."

"Does it hurt?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Best fucking orgasm I have ever had in my life," she said. Her words had conviction in them. "The explosion of light heralded the change."

"So it doesn't hurt now?"

"Only thing that hurts is how patient I have to be for it to finish."

She was silent and a pull began in earnest on his cock. It felt nice.

"What are you impatient for?"

"Sex mostly, but moreover I now have been given a way to clean up the streets."

Jacob closed his eyes once more and allowed himself to enjoy the sensations.

"You can still actually have sex you know?"

"There isn't anyone for me."

"Well, like me, you need to find her. There are plenty of women who would thrive on this gift that you offer."

He didn't reply. The sucking around his cock became intense.

"Even now as you use me to please yourself, that backed up baby batter is potent enough to force a change immediately in a woman."

Stars. He saw stars as his cock spurted shot after shot, filling up his mind with pleasure.

"That's it, feed me Jacob. You're gonna make me a very powerful flower when I bloom."

He didn't hear much. The stars danced and brought him into euphoria. As he washed in it, a tentacle slapped against him, sending him flailing backwards onto the ground.

"What the hell?"

The cocoon hissed at him. Backing away, he didn't even realize that he had stood up. Tendrils danced aggressively from the sides and Jacob understood that his welcome had been worn out.

Getting up, he shuffled away quickly. Tears rolled down his face.

"I'm so disgusting and worthless," he told himself as he left Meredith's room. "Even Aurora has abandoned me."

Jacob moved through the house, bumping into corners as he moved awkwardly. By the time he reached the stairs to go down them, he forced himself to stop.

"Fuck this," he said, fixing his clothes before starting down the stairs. "Everything was going great until my dad showed up. Think that prick even knows I'm the reason he is still alive? No. Mother fucker couldn't even believe that I can do anything."

Jacob mumbled to himself, trailing off as he exited the house. His vehicle sat there and roared to life as he drove away. Meredith's house quickly disappeared behind him as he left. As he drove through the urban streets, he thought about what she said.

He didn't know why the thought of finding an actual woman to fuck didn't cross his mind before. Every woman thus far approached him for sex. Would approaching a girl actually work for him? He thought about this and wondered briefly who would fit his tastes.

He already heard Aurora's thoughts on the matter as he thought this way.

"It's not about looks. Those will come with the change. It's about who is worthy to join us. Not all women are and by far not all men. But anyone who can serve the goddess will in their way."

There, of course, didn't exist a way to reply. Even though he knew Aurora and him could communicate telepathically, she hadn't used the ability with him since before she had a humanoid form. With a sigh, he decided going home didn't have any appeal.

Driving on the highway, Jacob felt relaxed. The road, even with traffic, felt freeing to him. Even as he sped, never going over the speed limit, his thoughts on everything meant nothing mattered about him to anyone in the world right now. Driven now, he drove for an hour to the next town over thinking there would be meaning there somewhere.

Jacob parked the car near downtown and began walking the streets. The weather, sunny and bright, made him realize that a black shirt and jeans didn't reflect a good decision for the heat. Sweat accumulated uncomfortably in his pits.

"Probably should have taken a shower," he said to himself imagining how he smelt horrible to those around him. His walking pace slowed as he remembered the teasing from not even two months before. Bad smell clung to him before. Often described as rotting pig sweat, he gagged at the memory. Shuffling off the walk and into a diner, he almost ran into a short blonde.

"Slow down there hun," she said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out, looking around in almost a panic.

"It's fine hun," she said, regaining his attention. The older blonde, a shorter woman by almost two heads to Jacob, looked up at him with a fake smile. They always were before and Jacob didn't like this was any different. "Do you want a seat?"

"Sure," he said, replying to her and looking through the diner. No other customer sat in the place. The diner reflected the same as workers too. "Just you?"

"Nah hun," she told him, grabbing a menu and beckoning him to follow.

Jacob stared at her backside as she walked. A light blue waitress uniform with a pink ascot and white apron gave him the impression of a pinup type woman. In all actuality, as Jacob watched her hips swayed with her gait.

"Well?" she stopped suddenly and turned to look back at him.

Jacob smiled, but he didn't feel any heat rise in him at being caught. Moving forward, she led him to a booth in an almost obscure area.

"Pretty far huh?"

"Closer to the kitchen," she replied as he took a seat. The leather protested as he did.

"I'm the only one in as the owner at the moment. Afternoons during the weeks are slow," she stated with that smile before placing a menu in front of him. "Start you off with a drink?"

"Water please."

"Take a minute to look over the menu, I'll be back in a few."

Like that, she left him sitting there. From the moment of her departure, he smelt the stench of stale cigarette smoke. No longer around, Jacob smiled thinking of an old saying.

"If she smokes, she pokes," he said under his breath. Relaxing, he looked around the diner and saw nothing. Old pictures in black and white. Low ambient lighting that wouldn't shine through the dark wood blinds, which hung over huge windows. Other than the shiny chrome trim on the edges of the wooden and blue surface, nothing else drew his attention. The ambience reflected peace, and Jacob let out a content sigh.

Seconds or minutes may have passed while he leaned back into the cushion of the booth. A lull quickly fell over him and he may have dozed off. The next thing recalled startled him as the noise of glass thudded onto the table.

"Sorry about that," the waitress said.

"Tea?" Jacob asked, a little confused.

"Sweet tea hon," she said with a smile. Her teeth were remarkably white and shiny. "My specialty and at this time, I don't get many who sample my tea."

She slightly bit her lip. There was an innuendo present that he didn't fully understand himself, but he thought the implication for the tea centered on womanly bits. Not wanting to be rude, even though water would have sufficed, and picked the glass up. With a tentative sip, he felt like he could sing to the heavens in praise of the sweet tea. The golden brown liquid danced down his throat in sugary sweetness. Before anyone blinked, he sat the glass down drained of the liquid where ice cubes swirled around.

"Wow," he complimented looking up to her. "Whatever you want to bring me I'll take."

She smiled at him. Hand reaching out, she grasped his hand.

"I hope you know, I have the best cooking experience here," she told him, locking eyes with him and the smile turning into a blank expression. He got the feeling that a serious persona took over her. Then again, he also noticed while she squeezed his hand, so soft it was her skin.

"Whatever you deem necessary, I will eat."

She smiled again and then let his hand go.

"Let me get you more tea and I'll cook you something right up."

The waitress left him, only to return in a few seconds and top his drink off. Then she left again, disappearing into the back. Jacob took a deep breath, waiting for the food.

Minutes passed. No music kept him company and while he did have a phone, Jacob found content in waiting. His thoughts wandered on this place and eventually he had an idea of the place. The waitress touched him. He knew that it wouldn't take long for her to succumb to whatever otherworldly influence he offered.

"I wonder if I can push it," he said out loud. His cock throbbed in agreement. With a shrug, he looked at the glass.

"Maybe I should wait for the food though," he commented, noting that sexual need could wait for a fuel up. The way women were when the change began, they tended to want a lot of exertion. Sitting back, he took a breath, stowing himself.

In what seemed like an eternity for Jacob, he finally heard the sound of approaching steps. Moments later, a hot plate of fries and a burger sat before him.

"Make the best burger in town hun, eat up."

"Thank you," Jacob replied, but she already turned to leave. It left him wondering if there was a reason for her sudden change. Before she seemed more than happy to communicate. Now she left hurriedly without a word.

With a shrug, he ate the burger and fries. The whole thing tasted wonderful and after a bit he sat back satisfied with the meal. Draining the iced tea glass, he let the cup make a hollow sound on the table, causing the ice cubes to shift about. As if summoning her, the waitress returned.

"How was it?"

"The best burger I have ever had," he told her. She smiled at him, but he could tell something was off with her now.

"Would you like dessert?"

"Do you have pie?"

Her face slightly reddened, and Jacob knew that the influence of whatever hit women when touching him worked. He almost felt bad, but then as she walked away after giving him an affirmative, that melted away. Jacob wanted to get off and this waitress would be the means for that.

Moments later, she returned, placing a small plate with a slice of apple pie on it.

"You don't have cherry?" He asked, looking up at her.

"I uh hun," she stammered out. Jacob knew then that she was ripe for the taking.

"I could really use some really hot and moist cherry pie right now."

If the waitress could turn even redder, Jacob would have sworn something was wrong with her. He pushed the pie aside.

"So cherry?"

"I have this?"

And to Jacob's delight, she lifted her skirt up.

"Yup, that does look like cherry," Jacob said with a smile looking at the red plump lips of a woman definitely in heat.

"I'm not sure," she replied, her words having pauses between each. He could see her inner thighs rubbing together, hiding her sex a bit. The scent of her need filled the air.

"Just climb onto the table," Jacob demanded.


The waitress climbed into the seat in the booth across from Jacob. She sat on the table and swung herself around. Legs spread apart and he saw that she used the headrest of the booth behind to steady herself. Taking a deep breath, he leaned in to savor her lewd scent.

"Not worried about other customers?"

She didn't say anything. Instead a hand reached to her sex and spread the wet lips apart. Meat lips pulled apart, assaulting his nostrils with a pungent smell of desire. Without further hesitation, he leaned into her heat.

Warm wetness engulfed his cheeks as pussy lips slid across his face. Without any more chiding, he began licking pussy for all it was worth, using his tongue to lap up the salty tasting fluids. He almost stopped after a moment to look up at her, but then her body finally gave a shudder after his tongue roamed through the valley of her sex.

"Ah fuck," she cried out. "It's been so long. Lick that honey pot, sweetie."

Jacob felt all too happy to oblige the demand. While with sex, something he found fascinatingly amazing about women is how sensitive they could be.

"Lick it harder, now."

Suddenly nails dug into his skull, but he didn't mind the pain they brought. What he did mind over the minutes of lapping at the waitress's pussy, is that she began moving her hips to grind her pussy up and down his face. Of course, his tongue didn't stop and neither did her growing foulness.

"Shit," she cried. "My pussy needs more, drink its filth."

Jacob would have found it comical, but she meant it. Suddenly, his face saturated under a deluge of liquid. He tried to pull away, but nails dug in harder as the waitress piercing wail filled the air. Eventually, her grip weakened and he sat back in the chair and marveled at how salty the taste of her sat on his tongue.

"That was something," she said after a few moments. By the time the words left her mouth Jacob recovered.

"Not that it wasn't," he said plainly, stepping out of the booth. The waitress watched him. In a flash, his hand reached out and grabbed an ankle. She let out a cry as he yanked her to the edge of the table. Standing in the aisle, his pants dropped down.

"That's huge," she said with a look on her face that Jacob couldn't place. Still, look at the head of his cock, the swollen head resting the bare flesh of her labia. Another thing he noted at the moment is how prevalent shaved pussy presented itself. Looking at the glistening pussy as its brown lips looked enticing.

"I'll lube it up."

He slid it a few times through her wet lips. Before long, he began pushing to get his cock into her. A few pushes were needed for her pussy to open and accept it. Even as the head of his cock slipped into her, he held back from a final push.


He asked the question. Not only for her to brace herself now for the size, but also for what would come from the encounter. He knew the forces that worked between sex and Aurora. No doubt to Jacob now as he figured out a choice presented itself for the change. Once accepted, she would change like the others. Aurora offered no encouragement in the telepathic link to the idea. Until a differing opinion on the matter came forward, he would assume it was right.

He waited for her encouragement and locked eyes with her. After a minute, she nodded and Jacob felt a sense of relief wash over.

They both moaned as he slid into her. Inches went in as he relished the feeling. An envelope of warmth and comfort around him as he went in. He hit the wall, but as he did, the waitress let out a throaty moan.

"I haven't been this filled before."

"I haven't filled you yet."

"No, you haven't," she replied, her body moving now in impatience. He shuddered with the feeling. "Get on with it."

The demand didn't surprise him, but the intensity of her words took him aback. As he locked eyes with her, he saw the lust in them in her gaze. With a smile, he then began rearranging her insides.

Each thrust was powerful. Jacob quickly built up a sweat under his efforts. He couldn't recall when he had yanked her off the table and bent her over it. All that mattered to him was the nice slapping sound their bodies made as he thrust into her.

Eventually, the waitress stopped making loud noises. Her voice had begun tapering off from the obscenities. Without much more effort from her, he surmised that he probably fucked her enough. After that thought, he relaxed and allowed himself to finish.

"Ah," he cried out as pump after pump of jizz shot into her. He saw stars as he did. A weight of stress and tension leaving his body. Maybe it went into her, a sort of offering to Aurora. That thought dissipated as his orgasm came to an end. Awash in post-coital bliss, Jacob pulled out and staggered back. Looking at the waitress, he saw the thick white cum flowing out slowly. The sight brought a smile to his face.


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