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Elise and My Roommates Ch. 01

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My roommates have fun talking my girl out of her clothes.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/12/2023
Created 08/01/2016
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My beautiful girlfriend Elise and I had been going out for about six months and things were going really well. So well in fact that we were even considering moving in together after we finished college.

Elise is a complete knockout and every day I thanked my lucky stars that I found someone like her. She was fairly short, just a little over five feet tall and very slender. Elise's boobs weren't huge, but they were definitely a handful and matched her petite frame perfectly. They might have been her best physical asset if it wasn't for her great ass. Long dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes completed the perfect woman for me. The icing on the cake would be that she's probably the nicest, most trusting person I had ever met.

It just so happened that some unplanned events pushed the time table for us living together up. The house she was living in had a burst pipe and a lot of water damage so she was asked to move out while repairs were being done.

Elise came to me and asked if she could stay with me for a little while until her place was able to be lived in again. We had already been discussing living together so Elise thought it would be a fun "test run." I wasn't sure how fair a test this would be, living with four guys is different than just us the two of us living on our own. But I did look forward to spending more time with her.

I was also secretly looking forward to it for another reason. My roommates were all single and I was relishing the thought of rubbing it in and showing off my gorgeous girlfriend.

Moving in wasn't without concerns though, our house isn't very big and often feels cramped with even just the four of us, so the guys weren't too eager to bring in an extra body. Even a body as nice as Elise's. I spent a lot of time talking to the guys and letting them know Elise would be helping with the cleaning, rent and food, and not just taking up space, they hesitantly agreed she could stay a while.

My main concern was that she wouldn't be too comfortable here. She knew what our place was like, she visited it many times, but I wasn't sure she'd enjoy it day after day. Our house was a typical bachelor pad. Sports stuff and video games were lying around everywhere and a good cleaning was long overdue. Not exactly a woman's paradise. Elise assured me it would be fine and she really didn't have anywhere else to go anyway.

Let me tell you a little about the roommates I share our rented house with. There were three other guys other than myself. First one is Jeff, my best friend since high school. I could trust him with anything. Even though he's decent looking and a great friend, growing up he never was a real hit with the ladies. He's dating more now that he's in college but doesn't have a steady girl. Which is fine, if I didn't have someone like Elise I'd be dating around too and seeing what the world had to offer.

The second roommate is Shawn. Shawn likes to think of himself as a ladies man, and for a while there was definitely a stream of new girls coming through the house. Funny thing is I've never seen the same girl twice. Not sure if that is his choice or theirs. In any case, he's been in a slump lately and he's been complaining about the lack of action.

My third roommate is Matt. The best way I could describe Matt would be to call him Shawn's sidekick. Matt doesn't normally go out without Shawn, and the girls he gets are often the less attractive friend of the girl Shawn is currently with.

Even though the guys agreed Elise could stay, Shawn complained endlessly she'd probably hog the bathroom, while Matt suggested she'd probably have soap operas or chick flicks on the TV all the time. They were both concerned on the effect she'd have on them bringing girls over.

When Elise finally arrived, the guys were friendly but not overly welcoming and she soon disappeared into my room to unpack. She stayed there for most the night, only coming out to get some food before quickly returning to hiding.

After a day or two of her hiding in our room, I went to talk to her about it.

"You got the whole house here, you don't need to stay in our room," I told her.

"I just feel like I'm not wanted and intruding on everyone's space," she told me sadly.

I told her she's welcome here and since she's paying rent just like everyone else she has as much right as they do. I told her to just act like she does around her own house and not feel like she's a guest.

"I'll try but I don't think Shawn and Matt like me," she said with a concerned look on her face.

"They just don't know you yet," I explained, "plus that's kind of hard if you're cooped up in here. Just be your normal sexy, flirty, self and they'll come around."

Elise smiled, thanked me and promised to try.

The next day was Saturday and my roommates and I had a welcome break from school. The four of us were sitting in the living room watching baseball and talking about nothing in particular.

Elise finally came out of our room wearing the tightest, smallest pair of pink cotton shorts I had ever seen. It left so little to the imagination that it might as well have been body paint. She paired this with a tiny cutoff t-shirt.

I did remember telling her to dress and act like she did around her old place. I knew she sometimes walked around in just her underwear when we were alone at her place, but I wasn't expecting her to be wearing such revealing clothes in front of the guys. I decided not to mention anything, I was happy she was finally getting comfortable and coming out of our room.

Elise was dragging a large bag of dirty laundry behind her and you could see her braless boobs jiggle under her shirt as she struggled with the heavy load.

Shawn noticed her first and his eyes almost popped out of his head. He gave Matt a nudge in the ribs and he looked up with a quiet "Whoa!" that got Jeff's and my attention.

"Hi Guys!" She said cheerfully flipping her long hair out of her face. "I'm doing some laundry, if you need anything washed just bring it down and I'll do it while I do mine."

She karate kicked the overstuffed bag down the basement stairs and disappeared after it to the laundry room.

Shawn got up and headed to his room, "Hey, since she offered."

He returned a couple minutes later with an arm full of dirty socks and underwear.

"Really?" I said.

Shawn just laughed, "Better her than me," and headed downstairs.

After about five minutes he came up with a big smile on his face, whispered something to Matt who quickly grabbed some laundry of his own and followed him back down.

Another five minutes or so passed and the neither the guys nor my girlfriend emerged.

I decided to go down and see what was going on. Maybe she's having a problem with the washing machine, I thought, it was old and can be a pain in the ass to start.

When I got halfway down the stairs I was stunned to see Elise leaning against the washing machine topless, her breasts completely on display for my two horny roommates. She was casually talking to Matt and Shawn like everything was completely normal.

"Hi babe!" she smiled and waved as she saw me. "The machine wouldn't start at first but we figured it out."

"Okay, that's good," I managed to say still trying to absorb the scene in front of me. "Why are you topless?"

"Oh," Elise giggled, "Shawn pointed out that I had spilled something on my shirt so I threw it in the wash too."

I looked at Shawn who had a big grin on his face.

"I see," I said slowly.

Elise could see I didn't look terribly pleased with the situation.

"It's all innocent," she said trying to reassure me. "I wasn't going to get undressed at first but Shawn was telling me about his trip to Europe and how women are topless there all the time and it's completely normal."

She was speaking so fast I could hardly keep up with her.

Elise kept rambling, "I thought that it was kinda cool how everyone is so casual about nudity and not so uptight like people around here. He told me he's seen so many boobs that it's no big deal to him anymore."

Ah, yes, Shawn the sophisticated world traveler. If I recall he had a short vacation in Europe with his family when he was a kid. I assumed most of his knowledge came from browsing nude beach websites on the internet which he wasn't shy on sharing. I was going to need talk to Shawn about this later, I didn't want to make a scene and embarrass Elise who was just tricked out of her clothes.

"Actually," Elise said, "before you come all the way down, can you get me a clean shirt from our room? It's a little chilly down here."

"Yeah, we can tell," Matt said as he laughed with Shawn.

Elise looked down at her erect nipples, blushed a little and giggled, "Stop it, you guys are too funny."

I went upstairs and mumbled under my breath that I should at least be grateful her shorts weren't dirty.

I found a less revealing shirt and returned to the laundry room tossing it to her.

"Thanks babe!" she said as she put it on, a little too slowly for my liking.

"Well," Shawn said as he got up and patted me on the back. "Back to the ballgame." He turned to my girlfriend, "Nice talking to you."

"Yeah you too," she smiled warmly, "maybe you can tell me more about Europe later."

"I'd love to," Shawn replied and disappeared.

"Elise-", I started once we were alone.

She shushed me, "Honestly, nothing is going on. Don't be so uptight. It's just boobs. Like Shawn said, women go topless all the time in Europe and it's no big deal."

I briefly tried to explain that while it may be true that in some parts of Europe some women may go topless, this wasn't some beach in the south of France, this was my basement.

She just gave me a small kiss on the cheek and dismissed my arguments with an, "I love you, and I think it's cute you're so worked up about the guys seeing me. But it's just boobs. It's no big deal right? Just like in Europe, no big deal."

Her warm smile and beautiful blue eyes made it impossible to keep arguing.

I tried to keep an eye on the guys throughout the day but nothing more seemed to happen aside from them checking her out and the odd sexual comment.

I thought Elise would be annoyed by the guys and their sometimes overly sexual comments, but she'd just laugh and playfully swat at the guys.

I started to relax a little once I saw she could take care of herself. Shawn and Matt seemed to have had their fun and Elise was starting to dish it back to them with funny comments of her own.

Elise was feeling much better about her stay and she told me as much. "I think they're starting to warm up to me," she said excitedly.

She still wanted to make a good impression on the other guys so she went ahead made a really good dinner for all of us. She beamed as my roommates complimented her on her cooking skills and said how great it was to have a woman in the house.

After we were done eating she shooed us off to the living room as she cleaned up.

"I have to say, you have a great girlfriend," Shawn said lifting his glass. "Sorry about earlier today, Matt and I were just fooling around. It's not often we have woman as hot as her in this house."

I accepted their apology and we sat around to watch a movie.

I must have dozed off for a while, a full stomach and beer did a number on me. I woke up just in time to see the closing scene and credits.

"Damn, looks like I missed everything," I mumbled as I woke.

Matt and Shawn laughed, "You snooze you lose."

Elise was contentedly curled up at my feet eating popcorn, she looked up at me as I woke up. "Come on sleepy head, let's go to bed."

"See ya in the morning," Shawn said as he got up, he had a funny smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I'm beat too," Matt said.

"I should probably get to bed too," Jeff mumbled, a guilty look on his face.

Elise and I headed off to the bedroom. She was very much in the mood for sex and was all over me the moment the bedroom door was closed. Normally I have to spend a little time warming her up and getting her ready, but tonight her pussy was soaking wet from the moment I peeled off her shorts and panties.

Elise lay on her back and spread her legs wide as I pounded my cock into her. She moaned loudly as she reached orgasm. I was concerned that she was too loud, I didn't think my roommates needed to hear us having sex but obviously she didn't care.

I loved watching her boobs jiggle as I fucked her hard and it didn't take long before I had my own orgasm, exploding inside her warm pussy.

Elise turned on her side and wiggled her ass against my spent cock, nestling it between her cheeks. I spooned her as we came down from our orgasms.

After ten minutes or so Elise turned to me, "I'm really happy that your roommates seem to like me," she said.

Well of course they do, I thought, you took off your top for them. I decided that wasn't the best thing to say so I just agreed with her.

I few more minutes passed in silence before she started giggling.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"You're roommates are so funny," she said, "You'd think they'd be tired of looking at my boobs after a few times, but they never seem to be."

I was sleepy and it took a moment, but my brain finally caught on to what she said. "A few times?" I asked groggily. I thought I kept a pretty close eye on her.

"Well," she replied, "there was the laundry room. But you already knew that. Then when I was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner Shawn came in and asked to see them again."

"Did you?" I asked, already suspecting what the answer would be.

"Yeah," she replied, "but it's nothing. He'd already seem then anyway. So it was no big deal right?"

"Yeah right," I sighed.

Elise kissed me on the cheek, "I knew you'd understand. That's why you're the best boyfriend in the world. It's all in fun, just like I'm one of the guys. I want your roommates to like me while I'm here."

"So that's it?" I asked.

"Well, during the movie I needed to pee and Matt bumped into me while I was coming out of the bathroom," she said.

"Let me guess, you flashed him too?" I said.

Elise giggled, "Just a little flash. He really likes it when I shake my boobies for him. Matt says my boobs are perfect. Do you think they're perfect?"

I agreed that I did.

"Well, sounds like you had a fun day," I said hoping that was the end of it.

"It was fun," she said and paused for a moment, "but Matt and Shawn played a little joke on me that did make me a little mad at first."

"What happened?"

"Oh, it's nothing," she said.

"No come on, you can tell me," I encouraged her. If my roommates were being mean to Elise I wanted to know.

"Okay, but promise me you won't get mad," she said.

I didn't like the idea of promising something I knew nothing about, but I agreed so she'd tell me the story.

"Well, Matt said my boobs were too perfect and were probably fake," she complained.

I closed my eyes, I think I knew where this was headed.

"Matt wouldn't believe me no matter how much I showed and shook them for him. I tried to explain that implants don't move like that but he wouldn't have any of it. Finally he called over Shawn and they both discussed my boobs. I lifted my top again and jiggled them and jumped up and down but they were still undecided on if they were real or fake," she complained.

"Sorry to hear that Hun, I know they're real and perfect," I said now really not wanting to know where this was going.

Elise kissed me again, "I love you baby, you're so sweet."

"So Matt and Shawn think you have fake boobs," I said.

"Well, not anymore..." Elise said a little embarrassed.

"Damn it," I said a little too loudly, "I'm going to-"

Elise cut me off. "Please don't be mad," she pleaded. "It was all in good fun. They were just playing a joke on me and kidding around, just like I was one of the guys. They even apologized afterwards. Please, please don't do anything rash, I want us all to get along while I'm here. It was actually really funny and we all laughed about it. It's just boobs right?"

I took a deep breath. I should have known Matt and Shawn would try something else. I blamed myself for bringing Elise into all this and letting her live here. I decided I needed to be even more vigilant. But the surprising thing was Elise wasn't mad, she thought it was funny. Maybe I was overreacting.

"Yeah, it's just boobs," I sighed, "go on."

"They said the only way to tell for sure was to touch them," she explained. "I was a little mad that they thought they were fake so I let them both have a little feel."

"And that finally convinced them," I said not believing what happened.

"It took some time, but finally yes," Elise agreed.

"So where was I the whole time this was happening?" I asked after I calmed down.

"You were sleeping on the couch."

"Of course," I sighed defeated, "just try and tone it down from now on okay?"

Elise gave me a big hug, "I promise I'll be good."

"You didn't mention Jeff, did he do anything?" I was hoping my best friend wasn't involved in all this.

"Well, he didn't want to..." Elise said shyly not wanting to upset me again after I just calmed down.


"Well he was the tie breaker," she explained. "Matt and Shawn brought me back to the living room. They had had me take off my top, straddle him so he could have a good look and shake my boobs. You could tell Jeff was embarrassed, I guess he's not used to seeing boobs. Maybe he should go to Europe? Anyway, Jeff said he believed by boobs were real but Shawn and Matt wouldn't accept his answer so I made Jeff feel them too. Then everyone was happy. That's when they told me it was a joke and they knew they were real all along. It was really funny and we all laughed. It was all just a harmless joke, so it's okay right?"

I buried my face in the pillow.

"It's really fun being one of the guys, you must have a blast living here!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a non-stop ride," I mumbled.


I woke up the next morning feeling much better. I was still annoyed that the guys tricked Elise multiple times to take off her shirt and even feel her breasts, but since Elise didn't seem bothered and actually thought it was funny I decided to drop it.

Another reason I felt better was because Elise and I would have the house to ourselves for most of the day. Jeff was going to be visiting family and both Shawn and Matt needed to work.

I looked over to Elise who was still sleeping peacefully in the nude. She looked like an angel. If there was such a thing as a sex angel.

I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. Shawn and Matt already left for the day but Jeff was still there finishing his cereal.

"Hey," Jeff said. He looked too embarrassed to look me in the eye.

"Don't worry, it's cool," I said, "Elise told me everything. She said it was a joke and all in good fun. She's not angry and I'm not angry."

Jeff gave a sigh of relief, "Thanks buddy."

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course," he replied.

"When I'm not around can you keep an eye on Shawn and Matt? I don't trust them around Elise,"

"No problem. I don't blame you," Jeff said as he put his dishes in the sink.

Jeff headed out and I plopped down on the couch to see what was on TV.

I was randomly flipping through channels trying to find something interesting when Elise came out to join me. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and not much else. She lay down on the couch and stretched her legs out over my lap. I ran my hands over her legs up to her tiny white panties that were now barely covered by the shirt as it rode up.

"Ahh," she sighed as she stretched, "so nice having the place to ourselves."

We spent the morning just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We joked about yesterday's events and soon it was just a funny memory to me as well. I found that in a way I actually liked it that my girlfriend was so attractive other guys were crazy about her. Maybe they got to see her boobs, but I was the one that got to fuck her every night.


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