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Emily Prank's Ryan on April Fools

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How Emily's prank back fired and led to a lot more.
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Hello Everyone! This is another one of my submissions for the April Fools Day Story Contest 2024. I found this idea fascinating and thought of putting it over here. I got the idea from April Fool's Day Contest Support Thread!!! Hosted by Duleigh. I hope no one else has presented a story on this topic before, though I checked and found nothing.

I hope you enjoy the story! Do show your love with comments and votes!

Note - This story is an Incest Sex Story between a Brother and Sister. All the Characters in this story are consenting adults and this is a fictional story. If content like this makes you uncomfortable, please don't read ahead.


Ryan screamed in pain and agony, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A PRANK?" He screamed at the top of his voice. Hearing the pain in his voice, Emily shivered in fear. Did she push the prank too far?


It was two days back when Ryan and Emily entered into this bet. "So you are telling me that one who manages to prank the other wins $100?" Emily asked in her curious voice.

"Yes, that's the deal," Ryan said excitedly. Ryan had ways of pranking his little sister, so he thought of making it a bet. Emily bought into the deal though she was scared that she might be pranked too easily.

Since then, Emily had been closely noticing Ryan's moves. April Fool's was barely two days away, and she still could not think of a prank while Ryan had more than one in his head.

From mixing worms in her Skittles to stuffing her hair dryer with powder, he was excited with all the plans in his head.

As Emily had started losing hope, she encountered herself in a weird situation. 30th March was the start of the weekend and, as always, their Dad was home trying to fix things around the house.

"Where is Ryan?" he asked in his grumpy tone as Emily was enjoying her cereal.

"He is still sleeping, I believe," Emily's mom replied.

"God, that kid, I have an Adult, 20-year-old man in the house, and yet I have to fix things? Emily, go wake that ass up," he commanded.

Emily grunted as she left the table, rolling her eyes. Being the youngest in the family, she was always ordered around. She went up to Ryan's room, calling him, "Ryan! Dad's calling you."

As she reached his room and cracked open the door, she found Ryan was half asleep with his eyes still shut and was playing with his penis under his blanket. The bulge was visible on the blanket with the silhouette of his moving hand.

Emily was taken aback, almost freezing at the place she stood at the door, witnessing the situation. Ryan ran his hand over its length and occasionally rubbed the head. While his penis was covered with the blanket, Emily could figure out its size with the moving hand.

Her eyes were fixated on the moving blanket, though 18 and not a virgin she had seen penises before but this sight seemed so much different.

Snap! An idea like a light bulb hit Emily. She slowly backed up, and moving to a certain distance, she shouted again, "Ryan! Dad is calling you" which brought Ryan to his senses, and he replied, "I will be down in 5 minutes." Emily wanted to avoid the weird encounter, at least today, and hence she went back to enjoying her cereal.

The next day, Emily went to Ryan's room again, waiting for him to wake up and see if he would still rub himself; not to her surprise, he did. She figured it was his everyday deal as Ryan woke up and was still in bed, half asleep, he started rubbing himself.

The same bulge and the similar movements were almost fascinating to see for Emily yet she avoided the encounter for that day as well and went to her room with an evil smile pasted on her face as now she had a plan!


"God Emily! It is burning like hell!" Ryan said with pain evident in his voice. His penis was pulsating and had turned completely red. This was the first time Emily had seen her brother's penis.


1st April began for Emily earlier than most days. She woke up at 7:00 am and rushed to Ryan's room with an orange bottle in her hand. Her evil smile would burst into evil laughter, occasionally, as she was excited for her prank.

Tip-toeing, she reached Ryan's room and cracking the door open, she entered. Ryan was in deep sleep as always. His room was dark with trickles of light escaping the corners of his curtains.

Ryan was a tall guy, standing 6 feet, he had a broad chest which was exposed. His well-formed chest pecs were slightly tanned when Emily noticed them. She had never seen Ryan naked this close and this was the first time when she was realising how hot her brother was.

She knelt softly next to his bed and opened the bottle in her hand. The fragrance of Tiger Balm, which they had gotten from their trip to Thailand, filled Ryan's room. Emily wasn't sure if she would succeed with her prank, yet the idea made her chuckle softly.

She covered her face to avoid any noises and then fingered out a huge glob of balm from the bottle. She slowly then applied a thick layer of the balm on Ryan's thick-skinned palm. Her soft tiny fingers ran softly on his palm without waking him up.

As she was done spreading the balm she stood up and waited for the fun to begin. She waited at his door for him to wake up slightly and carry on with his morning rituals!


Just like any other morning, Ryan had woken up at 7:50 am and had reached for his penis. As his hand slowly started rubbing the penis a striking pain jolted Ryan awake. He could feel a burning sensation on his penis's skin.

While his hands had still gripped the penis the burning sensation slowly started rising and before he knew the burning had turned into extreme pain. He screamed his lungs out in pain when Emily jumped in shouting "April Fools Ryan!"

The strong fragrance of Tiger Balm lingering in the air fell on his nose and that is when he realized the prank Emily had pulled on him. "What the fuck Emily! Are you kidding me? This is your prank?" Ryan shouted at the top of his voice.

His face was flushed red in pain, he could feel the extreme burning sensation all over his body as if he was on fire. Hearing his screams Emily stood there shivering, she never thought this would work, Ryan would catch her with the strong fragrance of balm is what she had thought.

"God Emily! It is burning like hell!" Ryan said with pain evident in his voice. He had jumped out of his bed, the creeping flames of this burn were crawling on his thighs. His penis was pulsating and had turned completely red. This was the first time Emily had seen Ryan's Penis.

It was 6.5 inches tall, with a girth big enough to take up her whole small palm. Bent slightly downwards, it had blue veins running towards the top. The pain and the burning sensation was still keeping the penis erect.

Emily, as if glued to the floor, could not move from where she was standing. Her legs felt heavy, her heart was racing, and she could not think of a way out of the situation she had landed Ryan in.

Her eyes welled up in fear, her tiny frail body shivered with the thoughts of what might happen next. Emily was the smallest human of her family, standing just 5'4, she had a petite body. Her tiny frame made her look like a damsel. Her soft tiny face had soft pink cheeks, and her eyes were almond-shaped, with the darkest shade of black.

Her skin looked soft to sight and it was indeed the softest to touch. Her tiny C-cupped breast sat perky on her chest looking bigger for her body. Her thin thighs and barely visible curves were soft and always clean with no hairs.

Seeing the visible fear on her face Ryan calmed himself down. "Emily, please don't cry, it's okay I am fine. But can we please think of a way out of this?" he said in his gentle yet pain-driven voice. He wasn't bothered with his dick still exposed, the exposure to air was making things worse.

The burning sensation was also mixed with the sharp pain of cold. As if his hand had been stuck on ice cold iron. His breaths had started to get heavier and his heart was pounding his chest.

Emily gathered herself, "I am sorry Ryan," she said in her sobbing voice and started thinking quickly. She ran to his bathroom and found his towel. "Here, clean using this," she said handing the towel to him.

While Ryan struggled to clean the penis she went on Google to look for ways to help oneself in cases of tiger balm burns. The first sentence read, "Call 911!" as Emily read those words, her heart started racing again. She had started to feel dizzy, what had she done? She was questioning all her decisions.

Scrolling down she started reading the instructions - 1) Clean the place thoroughly. Reading that she turned back to Ryan, his hands barely were tapping on his penis. The globs of balm were still visible on the skin. "What are you doing? Clean it properly!" Emily shouted.

"I am trying, it's burning like hell!" Ryan replied. His head was spinning like crazy, and he felt as if he would puke his guts out any second, the burning sensation had become a needle-like pain. It felt as if someone was pushing needles through his skin.

Seeing his situation Emily made him sit on the bed, snatching the towel she said, "Give that to me" and slowly with her gentle soft hands she started cleaning his penis. Her tiny soft hands grabbed his huge penis in her hand, lifting it slightly she started rubbing the towel over the skin.

Her face was barely a few inches away as she knelt next to Ryan's bed. She had moved in closer to get a better view, her gentle grip was comforting Ryan. She took a few minutes and cleaned the penis thoroughly.

She went back to her phone and read the instructions ahead: 2) Wash the place to avoid any residue. She stood up in a second and holding Ryan by the hand she said, "Come with me." Ryan's spinning head had fogged his thoughts and he simply followed the instructions Emily was giving him.

Emily dragged him to the bathroom, where standing close to the sink and vanity she turned on the tap. Getting her hands wet she slowly started rubbing his penis. Her wet hands slid softly over his dick cleaning all residue of the balm from over it.

The touch of water made the burning sensation worse for Ryan who gasped again in pain clenching his eyes tighter. Amidst the pain, he could also feel his little sister's tiny hands sliding over his penis which was the most comforting feeling he had ever felt.

Getting his penis completely wet she ran out again to grab the towel using which she dried it clean and read the instructions ahead. 3) Drying the place up apply Aloe Vera gel or Vaseline to avoid rashes. "Where is the Aloe Vera Gel?" she asked turning towards Ryan.

The cluelessness on his face suggested that this was the first time he had heard that word in his life. Frustrated, she shuffled through his cabins to find nothing. She dragged him out and made him sit on the bed. She then ran to her room to fetch her Aloe Vera Gel.

She could hear her parents talking downstairs. She and Ryan had managed to keep the chaos contained so far and she was hoping that this would persist and that her parents wouldn't find out about her prank.

She was back with a large tube of Aloe Vera Gel. Washing the balm off had helped Ryan, his fogged-up brain had slowly started clearing. The nausea was subsiding but the sharp pain persisted.

Emily squirted a huge portion of Aloe Vera Gel on her hands and unbothered, her hands wrapped his penis. The girth of Ryan's huge penis was using both her hands. She rubbed softly using her tiny hands over the length of his penis. Sitting so close she could notice strands of his curled-up pubic hair.

The touch of cold Aloe Vera Gel was the most amazing feeling he had felt all this morning. The cold Aloe Vera Gel was helping with the sharp pain, and Emily's soft hands were making things much better.

While Emily was dedicated to rubbing his penis, Ryan started feeling something rising within him. He was feeling a mixture of emotions. The soft burning sensation paired with the sharp needle-like pain was slowly subsiding with cold Aloe Vera Gel while the soft hands of Emily rubbing over his penis felt like bugs crawling over his spine.

This was the first time in all this time he had noticed what Emily was wearing. A pink top paired with tiny black shorts. Her round buns were visible as she was kneeling. While Ryan was enjoying the feeling and the view Emily was still very worried.

Applying the Gel perfectly covering his complete penis, she turned back to her phone to read the instructions ahead: 4) Apply non-sticky dressing. She knew expecting a dressing in Ryan's room was impossible so she ran back to her room and grabbed her clean tiny handkerchief.

She came back and said, "It says, dress the place, I am unable to find a dressing so I will wrap it with this" and before Ryan could respond she knelt again and started wrapping his penis.

While Ryan was enjoying the touch of Emily's soft fingers and tiny hands, she was already done massaging his penis. He wanted to revolt and ask her to continue massaging but could not think of a way of doing it. The head though not spinny, was still feeling light and hence he decided not to push it.

"Please rest for a while now, I will check on you later. I will tell Mom and Dad that we aren't going to college today." her tiny hands brushed through her hair and she covered his body with his blanket and left.

Ryan wasn't sure if how the prank turned out was good or bad for him.


A couple of hours later Emily came back to Ryan's room. He had already told their parents that they weren't going to college as they were scared that people might pull weird pranks.

The house was left to them as her parents had both headed to work. She cracked his door slightly to check on him. Ryan was still asleep, tip-toeing she entered in and asked whispering, "Ryan? Are you up?" Ryan was sleeping a light sleep and hearing her whispers he opened his eyes almost immediately.

All this while he had been thinking of how Emily's hands felt on his penis. About how for the first time he had felt his little sister's hands around his penis. He could not quit thinking about how amazing was the feeling and how he wanted to feel more of it.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked. The thoughts of Emily's hands had distracted Ryan from his pain. Though the pain had substantially subsided as well.

"Better I guess" he replied.

"Let me check" Saying this, Emily pulled the sheets off him. Ryan did not revolt rather he was noticing her dress. Emily had changed, she looked like she had bathed. She was wearing a tiny dress reaching her thighs which was white. The dress was straight with tiny yellow flower-like patterns all over it.

The neck of this dress was deep and with her bending down he could see her white bra strap within. The strap was sitting tight on her soft fair skin. Emily had tied her hair in a pony which made her look beautiful.

Emily had moved away the sheets and exposed his penis which was wrapped in her handkerchief. She undid the handkerchief to expose Ryan's red penis. Rashes and burns of the balm were visible on his skin. She looked at that and turned towards him and said, "Ryan I am sorry," hearing the pain in her voice Ryan noticed his penis, he could see the rashes and burn marks over it.

Emily went to the bathroom to grab some tissues and gently cleaned his penis with the residual Aloe Vera Gel. "We should have never played that bet," she said under her breath as she was still feeling bad for the prank she had pulled.

"Ah! It is burning to touch" Ryan said as Emily rubbed the towel over his penis. Emily pulled her hands off his penis in fear and turned to Ryan. "You pranked me good Emily," he said. Emily's eyes welled again as she thought of all the pain Ryan had to go through because of her.

"Oh please don't cry, come here," Ryan said extending his arms and pulling Emily in. Her hugged her pulling her body down to his. "You scared me today!" Emily said as she gasped for air between her stutters and cries.

"Come here, lie with me for a while," Ryan said. Emily climbed the bed and lay next to Ryan. Her head rested on his swollen bicep while her hand rested on his chest. He cleaned the tears off her soft cheek and pulled her closer to him.

She snuggled into Ryan, smelling the faint fragrance of balm and sweat from him. She lay close to him with her fingers brushing his hard skin. Ryan's penis had started growing slowly with Emily lying right next to him and in no time he was erect.

Emily noticed Ryan's pulsating penis standing upright. "It burns slightly like this" Ryan said in his breath. Emily's eyes were stuck on his penis, she lifted her body and shifted down slightly till she was right next to his penis. Holding it in her hand she started examining the bruises.

"Your hand feels so nice on it," Ryan said. Emily's cheek flushed red as she started blushing with the compliment. She was feeling really bad about the pain she had caused Ryan and she wanted to make things right for him.

"Is it still burning?" she asked in her innocent voice.

"Yes," Ryan replied.

Her soft tiny hand slides softly over the penis and then without any warning she pushed the penis into her mouth. The sudden touch of her soft pink lips and her wet tongue made Ryan gasp. "Emily!" he exclaimed when her almond eyes looked up into his.

She settled herself between his legs and slowly started pushing the penis deeper into her mouth. It tasted a mixture of balm and aloe vera gel, but she did not mind the taste then.

Ryan's soft moans and heavy breaths echoed in the room. The burning sensation slowly calmed down with her soft blowjob. Her tiny face was almost as big as his penis. He saw her struggling pushing the penis deeper than mid-way.

She clenched her eyes tight and pushed the penis as deep as she could when she gagged and pushed it out. A string of her saliva was hanging on his penis and her pink lips. She pushed the penis in her mouth again.

This time instead of pushing it deep her tongue started playing with the head. Her tongue would circle his pink head and push it deep into the pee hole.

Feeling the tongue swirl around his head made him push his lower body up slightly as soft moans escaped his body. As she pushed the tongue into the hole he gasped and almost screamed at how amazing it felt.

Reaching out he pulled Emily up, Emily followed his actions and started moving up his body. He grabbed the end of her dress and started pulling it off. Emily was hesitant at first but followed along. As the dress moved up, her soft body was exposed. She was wearing a matching pair of white underpants underneath.

Ryan threw the dress on the ground and pulled Emily close. Her lips met his, her soft tiny pink lips were shining with her lip gloss. She kissed and sucked on them slightly as Emily's breasts crushed his chest.

Extending his hands to her back, she unhooked her bra and pulled it off. Emily rose shyly exposing her soft tiny breast. Tiny pink areola had erect nipples on it, Ryan reached for her breasts and slowly started massaging them.

Her soft breasts melted in his palms; he could feel the erect nipples rubbing as well. Emily moaned softly feeling his rough hands over her skin. She wasn't sure what was happening but she was enjoying the feeling. As he fondled her breasts, juices started secreting from her body wetting her white panty.

Ryan slowly lifted his body which seemed giant compared to Emily's, placing her softly on the bed he pulled off her panties. He knelt next to the bed parting her legs and stuffing her face in the middle. Emily had strands of pubic hair as well but much less than him.


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