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Emily Steele Science Professor Pt. 03

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The third week and the confrontation.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/10/2020
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Monday morning found the older couple up early. They performed their daily routine. Emily thought the younger couple was still asleep. After her shower she wandered into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. She was nude. She didn't realize Frank was an early riser. He was in the kitchen already with the morning paper.

He looked up from the paper to see his mother rooted to the spot. "Hi Mom, I like your outfit!" He Laughed and returned to the article in the paper. He was shirtless and had a pair of boxers on.

Her son has seen her naked before, so she has shown nothing he hasn't seen before. He doesn't seem offended with her nudity either. Emily poured a cup of coffee and sat at the breakfast counter to drink it. Lesley entered the kitchen with her oversize shirt on one button secured. She proceeded to pour a cup of coffee and sat next to Frank across from Emily.

"Well, I can see we have one happy family here and so conservative in dress also." Craig said jovially as he entered the kitchen. He poured a cup of coffee, made scrambled eggs and sausage with buttered toast for breakfast for everyone. He was excited the women got along so well, and he liked their choice of garments or lack thereof.

Emily left for the college after she dressed, with these instructions to Craig. "Make sure all our ducks are in a row when we meet today." She breezed through her classes that day. Arnold was nowhere to be found. Craig and Jerry were on time. Lesley accompanied them to Emily's surprise. They were at her office by Three. At three thirty she had them follow her to the dressing room.

"Come on in. This will be the last time I will be forced to undress to attend a meeting or to walk the halls nude when I go to the sex-ed class." Emily said to the group. Jerry was surprised she stripped off in front of him. Craig took it in stride. Lesley felt bad for her future mother-in-law. As Emily removed a garment, Craig hung it up for her. She turned her back and he unhooked her bra. She skinned her panties down held onto Jerry's shoulder as she stepped out of them. Jerry had a close-up view of her flower of life as she lifted her leg. She handed the garment to the P.I. She put her shoes back on. "I am ready for the walk of shame, so let's go."

"Wait a minute you need someone to take notes of the meeting I can help." Lesley said as she started to remove her garments.

"What are you doing Lesley?" Emily admonished.

"I am giving my mother-in-law support. Girl power!" she stated as she turned her back to Craig and he unhooked her bra. She skinned her panties down and gave them to her father-in-law to put in the locker with her other garments.

Now it will be a good time to give you more information about Lesley. She just received a position to teach at the New High School in the area where she grew up. Lesley is five foot six tall. Has brown eyes with light brown hair, half-way down her back she wears in a phony tail most of the time. She has an athletic build, her measurements are thirty-four, twenty-six, thirty-six. Light complexion and a button nose. Lesley trims her light pubic hair, so it doesn't show when she wears a swimsuit. Her parents were killed in a car accident a year ago.

We will continue with the story.

Craig opened the door and the two women walked down the hall with a man on each side. They interlocked their arms as a show of solidarity for anyone in the corridor to see. Each woman although nude carried a bag. The group was the first in the conference room. Jerry had a fat folder he placed in front of him as he sat down. Craig sat next to him, but Emily paced around the room. As did Lesley. It was quarter after four when the Dean, the Attorney, Sean, Arnold, and Les finally showed up.

Emily took control of the meeting. "I called this meeting to discuss FEH-101 as we go forward, but first let's go around the table and introduce yourselves."

Lesley opened her laptop she had with her and started to compose the meeting minutes.

The faculty members were jovial, they had the pleasure to view two naked women instead of one. They smirked at Emily until Jerry introduced himself and then their posture changed. You could see the look of fear on their faces.

Les was the first to speak. "Professor Steele you did it! You overstepped your bounds. I am pulling the grant." He said as he stood up to leave scared.

"I think you should sit down and listen Mr. Smidt." Emily stated as if Les was a disruptive student. "Mr. Lee would you be so kind to give an overview of your findings."

"With the information I have accumulated, I could go to the authorities right now. There would be at least fines, but most likely jail time for everyone here. I have copies of all the information I have gathered. I can give it to Mr. Bluster if you like or you can listen to Professor Steele's proposal. She is more compassionate than the authorities would be. She will be your best bet to get out of the mess you created with the least difficulty."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee." Emily stated and she continued. "My first concern is for the students in the class who need the information I am giving them, so I came up with a plan. First on my list is Assistant Professor Graham. Thank you for starting FEH-101 and getting the grant. This will help many young men like you and Mr. Smidt. I want Mr. Graham to get credit for course and can copy it, but it will still be a course taught here as long as there are students that apply for it. I will give him a recommendation, but I want him gone!" Emily stated.

"Mr. Smidt, you have a grant you have given the college for twenty-five million dollars with a stipulation I humiliate myself to obtain the grant. You're not nice. You will up that to seventy-five million over five years.

"Dean Kraft, you allowed the faculty members to humiliate me. You have until the end of the school year to find another job. I want you gone! Same for you Professor Bates. Oh, and by the way I will keep instructing the class. Mr. Smidt you will pay the same amount per class hour to the instructor for as long as the course is taught at this college. You will also contribute to my retirement fund at the amount we agreed upon. You will pay my assistant Miss Smith for her time at fifteen hundred dollars an hour when she works in the nude and half that amount when she is clothed." Emily stated.

"One last item. Counselor Bluster have your clients give me their decision by next Monday at four PM or Mr. Lee will go to the authorities on Tuesday Morning is that understood. I will teach the FEM-101 course for the next four weeks. Thank you for you time." Emily said in a sing song voice. They left the folder with the lawyer and the four arose and left the room four abreast down the hall the two women between and they locked arms for solidarity.

"Fred you can't let that cunt get away this." The Dean bellowed after the group left.

Fred opened the folder and went through a few pages and then stated. "You better do as she asked. I have run into Jerry before when he was a cop, and detective the best they had in the state. He has you by the short hairs' guys. I told you the woman wasn't a pushover. Take the deal or you're going to be at least disgraced and won't be able to find a job or more likely in jail."

"She and the other woman came in here nude. Can't we use that against them?" The Dean asked.

Fred went through the file and it was a few pages down. "Arnold demanded she be nude in order to have this meeting."

"Is that right Arnold?" The Dean demanded.

"Well, I suggested, Ah, yah I guess." Arnold stammered.

"How are we going to tell the administration about this?" The Dean asked.

"Let me take care of that. It is imperative you let the Professor do as she wants for the time being. Arnold, I suggest you start looking for another job. I will make sure you get a stellar recommendation from the administrators. Sean you should do the same. I think I can find a way to keep the Dean in his position" The lawyer stated as he could see dollar signs with this debacle. He figured this would happen, so he had a plan B to quell this situation unbeknown to the group.

The women dressed and the group went out to dinner.

Lesley called Frank when he answered she said. "Frank we are heading for Charlie's steak house. How long will it take you to get there?"

"I will be there in about twenty minutes." He stated.

The group had a wonderful meal and a joyous time. They figured erroneously they had won. The group will find out here will be a lot of compromise before this situation is quelled.

The night was spent commemorating the meeting. The five spent four hours in the restaurant. The group was lucky it was a slow night. The establishment had a piano player. The couples danced on the small dance floor and each of the women took turns to dance with the P.I. By the time they left all were tired and retired for the night exhausted but relieved this day was over.

Tuesday was a rainy day, an ominous sign Craig thought. Everyone arose and kept to their routine. Emily showered and went for a cup of coffee, she put on one of her husband's shirts. Lesley had one of Frank's shirts on. Frank sat at the counter with the paper topless in his jockeys. Craig cooked the breakfast per usual.

"I have to go to the high school today for orientation. I will be there most of the day." Lesley stated.

"I have to go to the college they want to see me." Frank stated.

"I will give you a call to tell you know where we will have dinner tonight after my last class." Emily stated.

Emily left for the college. "See you in the cafeteria my love." She gave her husband a kiss on the way by as she left for the college.

The morning classes were a breeze for Emily. She felt there was a weight lifted off her shoulders after yesterday. Arnold made himself scarce. Sean didn't look at Emily as she said hi to him on the way by his office to hers.

It was noon time before Emily realized it. She walked into the cafeteria to find her son in there already with his lunch and her husband in the food line to pick up lunch for them. The three ate and discussed their course load for next semester. When finished lunch, Frank cleaned up the table. Craig went with his wife to the change room.

"You look more comfortable today Em." Craig stated as he took her suit coat to hang up.

"I am, feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders after the confrontation yesterday." She acknowledged as she removed her blouse, skirt, and panties. She gave the garments to her husband to hang up after he unhooked her bra.

Emily stood nude in the room. While she waited for her husband get her dress from the locker. There was a knock on the door!

"Who is it?" Stated Emily she hoped it wasn't someone who will antagonize her as she had a good day so far.

"It's, Frank!"

Emily walked to the door and let him in, she forgot she was nude. "What can we do for you?"

"Oh, sorry mom, I can wait for you outside."

"Nonsense, you can come in here." She stated as she reached for the dress her husband handed her and donned it, but she left it unbuttoned.

"I want to know if Lesley and I can stay at the house for about a month. We have a house in mind we will purchase but it will not be ready until then." Frank asked as a courtesy. He knows they will be Okay with this.

"Sure, Franky stay as long as you need to. It is great to have a daughter in the house. After only having testosterone all these years in our home." Emily stated as she secured two buttons on the dress. Craig agreed with her.

Emily took her book bag, along with Craig's hand they walked to the sex-ed class. The students in the hall noted the Professor was not nude. They knew something went down as the assistant professor was not present. There also seemed to be turmoil within the administration. Conversely the Professor is not agitated today. She is her usual calm self.

Today Emily entered the classroom dressed. She secured a few more buttons on the dress. The class filed in and after a head count Craig locked the door. Emily spent time to inform the class the highlights of the meeting the day before and assured them she will instruct the class for the full term.

"Are there any questions?" Emily asked.

"Is the class going to be as in depth as it was?" Tommy who seems to be the spokesmen for the group asked.

"Yes, the class will cover all topics in depth Tom. The only difference is the unnecessary nudity requirement will be eliminated."

"Oh, okay!" Tom said and the Professor could see relief come over all the students faces."

"Well, I think we better start with the class before it is over for the day. I know we haven't finished with the instructional part of 'how to give a woman pleasure', but I looked at my pubic area today and noticed it has become scruffy. I decided to give a lesson on how to groom your lady friends if asked. Craig will you get some warm water and the towel on the counter. In my bookbag I have the shaving equipment."

Craig retrieved the necessary items, as the Professor removed her dress and mounted the exam table. She put her feet in the stirrups as she asked her husband to demonstrate the proper procedure to groom a woman's pubic area.

"The first thing you do when you trim a woman's vaginal area is use sharp scissors which are designed to cut hair." Craig said as he began to trim is wife's bush very carefully. He then took some shaving cream and put it around her lower lips. Took the razor and carefully pulled her vaginal lips taut and ran the razor over it carefully as he stated. "You need a steady hand to do this you don't want to injure the lady." He proceeded to defoliate the other vaginal lip. Craig continued. Before you are done you need to put aloe vera on the area to stop razor burn."

The class went into overtime as Craig groomed his wife's pubic area for the class.

"We will continue on Thursday with the manual manipulation of a woman's vaginal area. Class dismissed." The Professor stated from her exposed position on the exam table.

The class filed out and Craig gave his wife her dress. She slipped off the table and put on the garment as Frank entered the classroom.

"Where are we going for dinner tonight?" Frank asked.

Emily stated. "Anywhere you want to."

They discussed it as the group walked to the change room.

Frank stated. "I will wait out here for you mom."

"Nonsense, come on in with us, Franky." His mother stated as she likes to be nude in front of her son for some unknown reason. It makes her happy to expose herself to him.

On his part he likes it also to see his mother naked.

Frank called Lesley and told her to wait at the house they will pick her up as the dining establishment is on in the opposite side of the city from the college and they have to go by the house to get there. The three all had cars. Emily had to find out who has her envelope. She went to her office to get her purse and found the envelope on her desk along with an envelope for Lesley.

Emily arrived home to find Lesley in a blue party dress. She went to her mother-in-law and whispered. "I am commando tonight what to join me?"

"Sure, Lesley I will change into something more suitable for dining out." Emily stated, as an afterthought she said. "I have something for you." She handed Lesly the envelope. She went to her bedroom stripped off all her clothes and located the dress she wanted to wear. A short dark grey number with large buttons down the front.

Lesley was surprised to find fifteen hundred dollars cash in the envelope. She didn't think she would get paid for Monday.

In the bedroom Craig watched his wife dress. "Em are you going to wear bra and panties?"

"No Craig I want to save on the laundry you have to do." Emily stated, with a giggle.

"Okay then, thank you... I guess!" Craig stated he feels his wife is headed for a destination she will not like. If she continues to push the envelope on modesty it will bite her in the back side he fears. He is the recipient of her newfound freedom though and enjoys it.

The exclusive dining establishment had dinner music and a small dance floor. The group had a fantastic although very expensive meal which Emily paid for. It cost her a third of what she was paid for the sex-ed class. They stayed and danced. Traded partners and had a good time.

Frank thought "It was erotic to feel his mother"s body tight to his as they danced to slow dances."

Craig felt the same way as he danced with his future daughter-in-law.

The women felt the same erotic pleasure as they slow danced.

Craig drove the group. On the way home he could see his son and future daughter in law were very horny. Frank had the front of Lesley dress opened as they made out. The car started to smell of the young woman's pheromones. This turned on the older couple and Emily started to massage' her husband's man meat as he drove. He in turn rubbed Emily at the juncture of her legs. He dipped his fingers in her honey pot to get his fingers lubricated.

The car was parked in the garage. Lesley exited the vehicle her dress unbuttoned, breasts and pubic area exposed. Frank's pecker hung out of his pants as he exited. Emily's dress hung open her breasts exposed, and Craig had a massive erection that tented his trousers. Both couples went directly to their bedrooms.

Lesley tore off her dress, knelt on the bed with her legs spread pleading. "Frank, I need to be hosed down I am so hot from the foreplay in the back seat of the car."

He doffed his garments and slid in back of his fiancée. Placed has tube steak against her labia and pushed she was so wet that he slid in and touched her cervix with one thrust. He stayed in that position for a while as he savored the warm wet sensation of his ladies' box.

"Frank if you don't quell my need, I will die by spontaneous combustion I am so hot." Lesley moaned as she rocked to get the friction she needs to get off.

Frank got with the program and gave Lesley what she needed to get off.

In the master bedroom Emily has stripped off her dress and to her delight Craig buried his face in her pussy. He never realized how wonderful his wife tasted. He used his tongue as a little cock to fuck her. He paid particular attention to her clit.

Emily heard her future daughter-in-law scream her orgasm in the next room. Emily added her orgasmic scream. "Ooohhh, my gad I that feels so gooddddddddddddddddddddddd! Emily added to the sex sounds in the house.

Craig stripped off his clothes and jumped on board. He pushed his organ home with one stroke, while Emily was still in the throes of her orgasm. This caused a second more intense orgasm to follow. She clamped down so tight on her husband's pecker with her internal muscles that he was trapped in her pussy. This caused him to blow his load and cause him pain because the cum was not released.

Both couples, exhausted fell asleep nude and spooned.

Wednesday morning the men awakened with morning wood and the ladies were awakened as the men thrust their bats into their boxes. After the sexual workout all participants followed their usual morning routine. Emily and Lesley walked into the kitchen with men's shirts unbuttoned. Frank in boxers and Craig in his golf outfit.

"It looks like everyone is comfortable today." Craig stated the obvious as he cooked breakfast for the group.

"I have to go to the college today I have a meeting with the administrator." Frank explained.

"I will be at the high school to observe the classes I will be teaching next year." Lesley stated.

The group conversed as they had breakfast. Emily dressed and left for the college. Lesley and Frank dressed and left. Craig cleaned up before he left to play golf.

Emily sashayed into the college offices she passed the Dean's office and stated when she went by "Hi Lenny how are you today?" She asked in a happy tone.

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