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Estrogenie Pt. 01

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Trans woman accidentally summons sex genie.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/02/2020
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If you're not familiar with me, it is important to know I'm almost completely blind. This series is a first-person fantasy and not all the wishes will be written about in detail. If you're reading mostly for sex, read the intro, then skip the first 9 wishes and finish the bottom from wishes 10-12. I am the main character of this story and my description is in my bio but you could pretend it's you. Other than that all characters described in this piece are completely fictitious and any similarities to persons real or otherwise are completely coincidental. If you don't agree with any of the wishes in this piece I won't care so feel free not to rant in the feedback about it. Thanks for coming, hope you get cuming.


'Wait... What's happening? Oh yeah, meds. Gotta take the Estrogen.'

I'd had some edibles and I was having a good time but also a hard time focusing. I'd decided to get ready for bed so I wouldn't have to leave my room too many times.

I knew I was running low on my Estrogen but I didn't know I only had one tablet left. I was feeling around the bottom of the bottle when suddenly...

"Oooh oooh mmm right there." I heard a deep but feminine voice moaning from within the bottle which suddenly felt tighter, warmer and wetter. I dropped the plastic bottle which bounced off the lid of the toilet and hit the floor. The room was filled with a thick vapor with a scent like none I had ever experienced before. I could see just well enough to tell the vapor was a dark blue color and had a faint glow to it. It was solidifying to a point and now the voice was returning.

"Why'd you stop baby? You were doing so well." A cool hand wrapped a soft grasp around my wrist and guides me along a smooth belly over a silky skirt and under it where I found thick pussy lips slick with fluid. Then this being placed their arms under my knees and arms, placing me on the toilet and then floating down so that large cheeks barely rested against my bare dick. My right arm was reaching around the being's belly and still moving a finger in and out of their pussy.

"What's happening? Who are you?"

"Plenty of time for that later babe, you should really get me off first."

"Is there any chance you could um, float a little higher?"

"I can do whatever you like sexy bitch." I blushed as they basically read my mind, lifting herself so her feet were placed on my thighs, their legs apart, hands on the sink in front of them and their ass right in my face...

I gripped the large cheeks in my hands, squeezing them and pulling them apart before running my tongue up and down the deep crack, eventually circling their asshole with the tip of my tongue. They moaned louder as I teased their asshole with my tongue, now moving 3 fingers in and out of their pussy, my thumb now rubbing a thick clit at the top of their pussy, too big to be hidden by their lips. I succeeded in surprising them when I finally plunged my tongue as deep into their ass as I could get. They tasted far different than anything I had ever tasted before and I loved it. The combination of my fingers in their pussy and tongue-fucking their ass was getting they suddenly let out a loud scream of satisfaction, drenching my face and night gown in their fluids. I was suddenly very glad that my roommates weren't home for some reason as I had no idea what was going on or even if it was actually happening. They started giggling as I hadn't remembered to pull my tongue out of their ass for several moments after they had climaxed.

"I can keep telling you what's going on from here if you want to keep eatin my ass, I sure don't mind, it might be easier to ask questions a little less tongue-in-cheek though." They let out a deep laugh that made my dick tingle and my boobs vibrate... I pulled my face from the delicious cake I was eating and the being landed on their feet in front of me. They turned to face me and all I could tell was that they were shorter than me, maybe about 5 Ft and thick. I knew from feeling them up that they wore only a silky skirt not even long enough to cover their entire ass, a cute and fancy belt and ring necklaces and bracelets around their wrists and ankles.

"Am I just this high? I didn't think I took this much." The being burst into laughter again before answering in short breaths.

"No you're not just high, although I'm sure that helps. I am your Estrogenie. You summoned me when you rubbed the bottom of the bottle your Estrogen was in. It doesn't usually happen so I can understand the surprise. Essentially I'm gonna hang out with you until I've granted all your 69 sex wishes. The wish can be anything that some-how effects or is affected by sex. While I am present you will not run out of Estrogen and each of your wishes will bring you a little closer to the physical body you'd be most comfortable with. If your wish is used to speed that process along then by all means but if it isn't immediately obvious, you may have to justify your wish to get it granted. Any questions?"

My mouth hung open and my eyes were pealed back. My mouth was dry, probably from the edibles and this information was a lot to take in during this time of night and this kind of high. Eventually I stood and picked the bottle and lid up from where they had fallen. The tablet was still in the bottom and when I pulled it out and placed it under my tongue the bottle refilled by itself.

'I should have taken a drink of water before I started dissolving this.' I thought as I thought about my situation.

"Are you visible? Audible?"

"Only you can see, hear and feel me unless you specify that I should be seen during the granting of a wish. "The response was simple but I wondered how such a wish would go and how it would turn out.

"Do I have to use all the wishes on myself?"

"No, as long as they can be related to sex I can make it happen."

"Do you want to come to my room? It's not the nicest and I have a really small bed but it's better than standing in this tiny bathroom."

"That's a good idea, you can lie on the bed and I can sit on your face."

"As much as I would love that, and will likely love that in the near future, I think I want to think of some wishes."

"Lead the way slut." They grabbed my ass under my short nighty and squeezed it as I walked the short distance to my bedroom.

"So, what happens to you when I'm finished wishing?"

"I disappear for 69 days unless the seventieth day is a Monday, in which case the count starts over. On the seventieth day arrives I appear to a different person taking their last tablet of Estrogen."

"Why not on Mondays?"

"Who likes Monday? I sure don't I take that day off every time I can." I didn't disagree with them and was glad today happened to be Thursday.

"What are your pronouns?"

"Thank you for asking, I use she or they; and you?

"I use the same but prefer she." By this point I was sitting on my bed and the genie was lying beside me. So many thoughts were racing through my head. I could experience every fantasy I had ever thought of in reality and I didn't know where to start...

That's why I decided to start with everybody else.

Wish 1

"I wish every Sexually Transmitted Disease or Infection ceased to exist."

"Done." She snapped her fingers, there was a strange wave that I imagine swept softly through every location on earth and that was all.

"I'm sure it'll be in the news if you wait long enough but it is done. I got rid of all that exist but that doesn't mean new ones won't evolve over time." That made sense to me and I figured none of the wishes would be perfect.

Wish 2

"I wish for every form of Birth Control to be One Hundred Percent affective and free to access."

"Done, and that was a clever one."

Wish 3

"I wish that all schools were required by law to provide accurate and all-inclusive sexual education beginning at a grade level voted on by states, providences or similar denominations."

"That one is going to take some time to start given that people will suddenly need to discuss that topic, but basically done."

What now? I decided that I would use the first 9 wishes on the world as a whole and move on from there to personal desires.

Wish 4

"I wish for all current victims of sexual assault and trafficking would be returned to a safe place they know with a support network awaiting them for recovery."

"I like it."

Wish 5

"I wish that all current sex offenders would be found and arrested or otherwise dealt with immediately."

Unfortunately we will have to be satisfied with our justice systems but I could only ask for sex related accomplishments and I figured that if I added the "Otherwise dealt with" part that at least a few of the offenders would be found by vigilantes.

"Ha ha, that one's my favorite."

Wish 6

"You know I should have thought of this earlier but I wish that all forms of Birth Control that have side-affects no longer carried side-affects."

"Nice catch."

Wish 7

"I wish that unsolicited nudes would never be sent again."

"Making dick pics consensual that'll be new."

Wish 8

"I wish all adult sex work was decriminalized nontaxable activity."


Wish 9

"I wish everybody on Earth would be better at hydrating and that the water they have access to is no longer polluted."

"Relate that to sex?"

"People sweat when they have sex and not everybody is great at hydrating in general, not to mention people who like watersports."

"Nice argument, done."

At this point I was getting pretty tired and thought I'd sleep before I got into any personal sex wishes. This, however, meant that I had to figure out how the genie felt about sleeping arrangements.

"I think I'd like to go to sleep before I start personal wishes, maybe give some of the ones I made sink in a little before I do anything else. So, given that my bed is only a twin I don't know if that's enough space for you to fit comfortably or if maybe I should sleep on the floor?"

"Oh sweetie you don't have to sleep on the floor. I don't really need sleep but if you'd like I could lay with you until you fall asleep and float over you if I get uncomfortable."

"I'd like that." I took off the panties I was wearing under my gown, plugged my phone in and started a track of ocean waves on my sleep app to fade out after a set time. I lay on my left side, my right arm draped over the genie's big body, my hand gently rubbing her ass as I drifted to sleep.

The next day I woke to find I was having a hard time breathing.

That was because the genie was sitting on my face. When I understood this I reached my hands up to spread her cheeks and pressed my tongue into her asshole. She moaned in pleasure and moved one of my hands between her legs and into her pussy. I was easily able to fit 3 fingers into her pussy and used my thumb to rotate her clit.

Meanwhile the genie had pulled up my night gown as well as spread my legs and had lifted me off the bed a little so she could start to run her tongue between my tattooed cheeks.

I moaned and gasped into her ass as she pleasured me in a way I hadn't yet experienced. Her tongue got deeper in my ass than I could have predicted and she was able to push down on my prostate as she wanted and it was driving me wild. I brought my left hand up beside my face and pressed my middle finger up the being's butt.

"Oh fuck yeah slut, finger my fucking ass." I licked around my finger moving in and out of her ass and soon added a second at which point we both came. I drank all of her sweet fluid and she lifted off of me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, thanks for the wake up."

"You didn't mind did you?"

"Not at all, I don't usually eat breakfast but I'll eat booty any time."

"I like you slut."

"That reminds me, what should I call you?"

"You can call me whatever you like, I fell you'd like Cosmic Mistress."

"Cosmic Mistress?"

"Yeah, I have power from the cosmos, you're a sub, it works out."

"Yeah I like it. I think before I get too wild I'm going to talk to my partner about what's going on. Am I allowed to do that?"

"As long as you trust them to keep it secret you can tell whoever you like."

I texted my partner about what was going on but it was still a little early for them so I knew I might have to wait a while for a response. But I had a couple relatively tame wishes.

Wishes 10, 11 and 12

"I wish that all the hair on my face and body below my eyebrows would fall out and that it would never grow back."

"She snapped and my body tickled all over as suddenly all the hair on it slid off of me. I ran my fingers along my chest, under my arms and down my belly. Then I touched my face and neck, my legs and feet and finally between my legs and cheeks... Nothing but smooth and sensitive skin remained and I loved it.

That was the first wish with immediately observable quality and I was not disappointed.

"I wish I could make myself and any items I'm touching invisible at will."

"Interesting, relate it to sex?"

"I can be naked whenever and where ever I want. Also if my partner wanted us both to be blind during sex I could make myself invisible."

"Kinky, done."

"I also wish my skin was Immune to Sunburn."

"Done." I took off my nighty and dropped it and the panties I'd worn under it into the hamper. Then I started stripping my bed, catching all the hair from my body in it as I put the sheets in the hamper as well. I willed myself to be invisible and grabbed the quarters and soap I needed to do laundry. I opened my door and carried my hamper to the door, completely naked. I made my way to the washer and put my laundry in the washer. I started the machine and returned to my apartment where I got ready for the day. After all the essential activities I drank a few bottles of ice water and put on a pair of socks.

"I'm going for a walk, do you want to join?"

"Sure, let me get rid of my skirt so I can join the nude trend. Why put on socks?"

"It's hot; the concrete will also be hot. Not to mention I wouldn't be touching the shoes so I'm not sure if they'd be invisible." She chuckled at that comment.

"That's a question I don't know the answer to."

I put on a mask and picked up my cane before heading out for a walk. It was hot, but I wasn't going to get Sunburn so I wasn't too worried. It was so exciting; I was almost completely naked, wearing only my collar and socks. I moved through and around the Downtown area before heading back. I realized I had forgotten my purse, and therefore my phone at the apartment. Before I made it back I started to feel like I needed to piss and as I was invisible I grinned as I moved into an alley way and started to piss against a wall. Cosmic Mistress thought that was really funny and was feeling up my ass as I pissed which was really arousing.

"Get down bitch."

I got on my knees in the nearby grass. She pushed me back a bit and put my hands on her thighs as she spread her legs. She took my right hand, parting her plump lips with my fingers and finally pissing on me. I shivered in orgasm as she pissed all over my arm, chest, belly and below my waist... I moved up again and ran my tongue up her slit, licking from front to back and swallowing the little drips that remained. Then we stood and continued our walk.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Trans? First wish should have been to join the 41%

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Real trans representation!

Great to see a trans story by a trans woman, as another trans women, I’m looking forward to reading more.

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