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Extra Credit Club Ch. 02


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"Morning, Dave!" she said, way too cheerfully.

". . . mornin' . . ."

"Have a seat! I'll fix you some breakfast."

". . . thanks . . ."

I flopped down onto a kitchen counter stool: the one furthest from Quinn. It wasn't that I didn't like her. It was just . . .

Okay, that's not exactly true. I don't particularly like Quinn. It's just the way she always seems to be in total control of everything and everyone. It just bugs me, like she has the whole world rapped around her pinky.

Tessa hummed absently as she poured some pancake mix onto a skillet. As the hiss of cooking started, I noticed Quinn watching me. She was wearing those retarded pastel blue pajamas of hers: the ones with white bunnies all over them. It was so out of character; she should wear a leather dominatrix getup and brandish a whip to breakfast. That would be in character.

Not frickin' fluffy bunnies.

"Here you go!" Tessa said, sliding a plate full of hot pancakes in front of me. She poured my orange juice and set the maple syrup next to my plate before sitting down between me and Quinn.

". . . thanks . . ."

I lathered the pancakes with syrup and butter before cutting into them. A phone rang before I had the first bite in my mouth. Quinn reached over and grabbed hers out of the small pile of wallets, purses, and cell phones next to the coffeemaker. She flipped it open one-handed.

"Quinn here."

I ate on, interested more in filling up on carbohydrates than listening to Quinn's private calls. Whatever it was, it must have been real private, because Quinn stood up, walked into the office room, and closed the door.

"I wonder who that is," Tessa said.

I grunted noncommittally as I shoveled more dripping pancake into my mouth, chasing it down with some orange juice. A few minutes later, I heard the office door open, and Quinn head into one of the bedrooms. She closed the bedroom door.

Actually, slammed the door would be more accurate.

"Oh dear," Tessa said. She was rocking nervously back and forth on her stool. "You think I should go talk to her?"

I shook my head, and stuffed another fork-load into my mouth. Just as I was finishing breakfast, Quinn came out. She was dressed in black jeans and a dark green polo shirt, combing her hair.

"I have to leave town for a few days," she said, picking up her purse and putting the comb and her cell phone into it. She pulled out her Oakley sunglasses, flipped them open, and slid them on.

"What's going on?" Tessa said.

"Family business," Quinn said, and we all knew what that meant.

Tessa and I looked at each other. Sure, I was curious. But ignorance was better in this case. I was pretty sure most of Quinn's family's money came from illegitimate means. Whatever she had to do, I didn't want any part of it. Neither did Tessa.

"Oh," was all Tessa said as she looked away.

"'ood 'uck," I said around a piece of half-chewed pancake. It seemed the polite thing to do.

Quinn got her wallet out of her purse and pulled out one of her credit cards. It was platinum and probably had a limit of around fifty thousand. She tossed it to Tessa who caught it easily.

"Why don't you two have some fun while I'm gone," she said. "I'll be taking the Escalade."

Sweet. That meant she was leaving the Corvette. She'd never let me drive it before, but now . . . heh, heh. I had some trouble suppressing my grin.

"You sure?" Tessa asked, guiltily looking at the credit card.

"Of course. Have fun. Just make sure he doesn't wreck my car."

"'hat? 'e?"

"Is it something serious?" Tessa asked.

"Nothing I can't handle," Quinn said. "Don't worry about it."

But Tessa wasn't the kind of person who could easily stop worrying. Quinn smiled, lifted Tessa's chin with a finger, and leaned in. They kissed slowly and softly for so long that I grunted and returned to the last of my pancake.

With a wet smack, they parted.

"I'll be back before you know it. You'll see."

"Okay . . ."

Quinn walked up behind me. For some reason, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. She had that kind of effect on people.

She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned in next to my ear.

"Don't worry, stud," she whispered. "It won't be long. When I get back, we'll celebrate, and then I can properly reward you for last night."

I shivered again as she kissed me just below my ear. I had a pretty good idea of what Quinn thought a proper reward was. Oh, man, was I going to be sore.

Quinn left and I finished breakfast and helped Tessa clean up. It was Friday of final's week, but all three of us were done with exams (leading to last night's celebratory activities, heh heh).

And so, I was alone with Tessa, a credit card with a huge limit, and the keys to a cherry red 2005 Chevrolet Corvette. And Quinn was leaving for a few days. Not a bad start to summer break. Not a bad start at all.

After we cleaned up breakfast, Tessa and I went into the great room, placed the credit card on the coffee table, and stared at it from the couch.

"So," I said. "What do you want to do with it?"

"I don't know. I'm still thinking. You?"

"Still thinking."

"I see . . ."

We both folded our arms, almost in unison, and stared at the credit card. Ten, twenty, fifty, even a hundred dollars. That's easy to spend. But when Quinn's credit is the limit, it's hard to pick.

"You want some coffee?" Tessa asked.

"Sure. Coffee sounds good."

Tessa got up and headed into the kitchen, humming cheerfully to herself. I stayed, staring at the credit card.

"Lots of milk and sugar, right?!?" she asked, out of sight.

"You know it!" I shouted back.

Tessa came out a few minutes later, bearing a tray with two coffee cups, one black, the other very tan from all the milk, along with spoons, napkins, and extra milk and sugar, should I want some. But it wasn't the coffee that caught my attention.

It was the fact that Tessa still wore that ridiculous pink apron. That, and nothing else.

"Err . . ."

It was pretty clear what Tessa was in the mood for first, and given that it was early in the morning, I was more than ready to oblige her.

As soon as Tessa set the coffee down, I sprang up and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"Oh, you little minx!" I said, and she giggled as I groped her firm, tight body. I kneaded her breasts through the apron and she leaned her head back so we could kiss. Our lips met and our tongues played with each other as I worked the firm flesh of her breasts.

We spent the whole morning having sex. It was a nice change of pace from the heavy kink both of us had grown accustomed to. No bondage play. No domination. Just good clean sex.

We sixty-nined for what seemed like an eternity, her on top, lathing my dick with her incredibly skilled throat. It was amazing how deep she could take me with so little effort and no gagging. As she sucked me, I played with her cunt and ass, teasing her with my fingers.

We took it slow and paced ourselves. After the oral foreplay, I bent Tessa over the couch and took her from behind, first her cunt. Then, after she'd cleaned herself out, her ass, which (with the help of a vibrator in her cunt) lead her to two screaming orgasms.

We took a break for lunch. Tessa put the apron back on (and nothing else) as she made bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches with healthy doses of mayonnaise. We ate them quickly, because I was ready for more and, judging by the twinkle in her eyes, so was she.

We did it properly in bed this time, first missionary, then with her riding me. My cock was getting really sore by that point, but Tessa's boundless sexual energy kept me going. I wasn't about to be undone, no matter how sore I got.

When Tessa finally came down from her latest orgasm (I'd lost count), she rested on top of me and we cuddled and kissed as my cock softened within her still twitching cunt.

I felt like falling asleep right then and there, but as we cuddled, Tessa suddenly stopped reciprocating.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

She leaned up from me so that I could see her face. She had one of those shy-but-naughty smiles that were so characteristic of her. And so absolutely sexy.

"I just had an idea for what we could do," she said.

"You mean beside more sex?"

"Oh, silly! We have to do something today," she said, playfully slapping me in the arm.

"Says who? I'm perfectly happy spending the rest of the weekend having mind-blowing sex with you."

This made her blush fiercely, and she looked away. I reached up and turned her face back to me.

"So what's the idea?" I asked.

"Have you been to the Sprawl yet?"

Six Statue Sprawl (or simply the Sprawl) was a gi-normous shopping center about half an hour drive from the campus. I hadn't been there yet. I didn't need that level of variety, since the local Circuit City handled most of my shopping needs . . .

Well, when I actually had money, that is. You know, the whole college student thing.

"No. Why?" I asked.

"Let's go there! I just had a wonderful idea."

My eyes narrowed a bit. "You want to stop having awesome mind-blowing sex so that you can . . . shop?"

She tilted her head to one side, smiling. "And what's wrong with that?"

"Other than not having the awesome mind-blowing sex, you mean?"

"I'll make it up to you. It'll be worth it."


She looked away, still smiling. "Can't say. It's a secret."

"You can't . . . say."


"Okay . . . how about a hint?"

Tessa seemed to debate this for a moment, stroking her chin and raising an eyebrow. Finally, she leaned over, very secretive-like, and whispered to me.

"I'll make it up to you when we get back."

Ah. That I understood. More sex. Hell, yeah! That I could deal with.

"But!" she said. "I'm going to have to ask you for a favor."

"Sure. Anything. What do you need?"

She looked away, blushing. "I want to tie you up when we get back."

After hearing that, I probably looked like a fish, because my mouth formed a perfect O. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. It was like hearing on the news that Hell had frozen over and had opened a winter theme park. It was that unexpected.

"Err . . . you want . . ."

"To tie you up," she said, unable to meet my blank stare.

Of course, I'd been bound before, but only by Quinn.

With Tessa, it'd always been the other way. And though I found it weird at first, I'd actually grown to like trussing up Tessa and teasing her or forcing her to deep throat me or giving her a solid ass fucking, all of which I knew she loved. Tessa was always happiest in the submissive roll.

Or so I thought.

But now she wanted to tie me up? That was like— It was as if—

Holy fucking shit! Tessa wants to tie me up!

Granted, the thought had a certain perverse appeal to me. But I couldn't help but be nervous.

"Why don't you think about it," she said. "And I'll sweeten the pot a bit."


"I'll tell you a story. It's from a few years ago."

"Oh-kaay . . ."

"Trust me," Tessa said, a sexy glint in her eyes. "This one's worth it."


Tessa and Quinn couldn't have been more different. On the one hand, there was Quinn, standing tall and beautiful and positively brimming with confidence in everything she did. And with good reason, for Quinn was technically a genius, and was studying through college at a markedly accelerated rate. She'd grown up rich and had lived a life full of distant travel and lavish experiences Tessa could only dream of.

Tessa, on the other hand, was quiet and shy, and a bit on the poor side. Both parents worked, and though they had good jobs, they'd also accumulated a large sum of debt. College would be tough when it came, and Tessa was studying hard towards several grants.

Tessa looked quite a bit different back then, also. Her hair wasn't done up quite as expensively. Her clothes weren't anywhere close to the cutting edge. And she walked around everywhere with a slight slouch, as if under constant ridicule.

But somehow, Quinn and Tessa had met and they'd become fast friends. Over time, that friendship grew into something more intimate.

They'd been at a club called Sirocco's that night. Quinn never had problems getting herself and her friends into any club, and Tessa enjoyed experiencing things she wasn't (according to her parents, the government, and the world at large) old enough for.

Quinn said something to her and, due to Tessa's aggressive alcohol consumption, the words hadn't made sense.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I'd like to try something new with you tonight," Quinn said, warmly putting her arm around Tessa. She started to feel all hot inside, and not just from the alcohol. Her heart beat a little faster and her cheeks flushed.

Tessa had a pretty good idea what was coming, and she downed the rest of her Zima as if it were liquid courage. It helped. A little.

The night came to a close with Tessa followed Quinn back to her apartment, butterflies fluttering inside her stomach. She remembered the last time Quinn had tried something new, and she also remembered how she'd cum screaming three times. The things Quinn could do with her tongue and fingers . . .

Tessa's cheeks flushed again as Quinn used her keycard to get into the 30th floor apartment, and she wondered what Quinn would do to her this time. Tessa was technically a virgin. That is, a certain piece of fleshy membrane remained unbroken. Sexually, however, she was hardly inexperienced, and after a few drinks, was always willing to try something new with Quinn as long as she stayed a virgin.

It really seemed a bit silly to Tessa when she thought about it, but soon she wasn't thinking at all.

The door closed, and Quinn pulled her close. They kissed, slow and impassioned and lovingly, and Quinn ran her fingers through Tessa's hair.

"I love you, you know," Quinn whispered.

"Yeah, I know," Tessa said, and her voice quavered nervously.

Quinn pulled Tessa's shirt up over her breasts and unclasped her bra in the front. She knelt down and started licking and sucking and fondling, and all Tessa could do was gasp and shudder as her lover enjoyed her body.

Slowly, as Quinn licked and sucked and her hands fondled Tessa's body, the two of them undressed. They were soon naked, their hot bodies pressed against each other as they kissed again.

"Come on," Quinn said. "Let's clean you out."

Tessa's heart beat a little faster. She remembered the last time Quinn had played with her ass. She'd been so nervous at first, but had been so surprised by what Quinn could do to her ass with tongue and fingers. Tessa bit her lip, half nervous, half excited, as Quinn lead her to the bathroom and administered an enema.

Quinn liked anal sex, but it had to be clean anal sex.

When they'd finished, Quinn pulled out a long strip of black cloth.

"What's that?" Tessa asked.

"A blindfold," Quinn said, and without asking permission, she tied it around Tessa's head, blocking out the world. Tessa started breathing faster, suddenly nervous.

"Quinn, I . . ."

"Shhh, don't worry. I'm right here. Just follow me."

Quinn guided her into the shower. It was a large clear-glass cylinder in the bathroom's center, with a one-step depression down to it that Tessa stumbled on. But Quinn caught her, helping her in, guiding her into the shower and placing her on her knees.

"Quinn, I'm scared . . ."

"Don't be. Would I do anything to hurt you?"

"N-no . . ."

"There, see?"

Tessa heard rustling to her right, and one by one, Quinn took hold of Tessa's wrists and placed something around them. They were tight cuffs of some sort, and Tessa heard a slight jingle of metal clasps as Quinn guided her forward.

Before she could say or do anything, Quinn stretched Tessa's arms forward and clicked the two cuffs together around a waist-high railing inside the shower. With insistent hands, Quinn raised Tessa's ass and spread her legs.


"Shhh. Don't worry."

Quinn turned on the shower, and Tessa gasped as cold water hit her from above. But soon the water became comfortably warm and the feeling of it cascading over her back was quite pleasant. She almost forgot her current bound and blindfolded predicament, and her heart beat a little slower, a little calmer.

"Here we go," Quinn said.

Tessa felt her ass cheeks spread and Quinn started licking across her asshole. She shivered, but Quinn held her firmly, lapping at her ass with slow strokes of her tongue, and Tessa relaxed. This was familiar. This was good.

Quinn licked at her ass for long slow minutes, slowly pushing her tongue in, teasing her wider, and Tessa whimpered as Quinn worked her over. She could feel herself getting worked up, her cunt moistening.

Quinn buried her face in Tessa's ass, and her long tongue began stroking her, firmly, confidently, slowly. Tessa was panting now, wanting more than this, but also not wanting Quinn to stop. She wiggled her ass a little and Quinn gave her a firm slap that startled her.

"Hold still," Quinn said.

"Y-yes . . ."

Quinn pushed a single greased finger into Tessa's ass, forcing it in slowly all the way to the second knuckle.

"Does it hurt?"

"N-no . . ."

Quinn stroked the finger in and out of Tessa's ass, sometimes curling it or twisting it or swirling it around, and Tessa gasped as Quinn continued to plunder her ass. The stroking continued, becoming faster and harder, and soon Quinn was fucking Tessa's ass with her finger.

"It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Y-yes . . ."

"Be patient. It will feel even better soon."

Quinn paused, and then slipped in a second finger, pushing both in slowly, twisting them around as she went, stretching Tessa further. Tessa gasped as the two fingers bottomed out, and began breathing quickly. She'd never taken two before, and it didn't feel all that good.

"Quinn . . . I . . ."

"It hurts, doesn't it?"


Quinn pulled her fingers out. "Don't worry. I have just the thing."

Tessa waited, listening as Quinn stood up, stepped out of the shower, and came back in a moment later. It sounded like she had a bucket with her and was filling it was water.

"Quinn? What are you doing?"

"Just a little something to help you relax."


Quinn pushed something cool into her ass, the tip slipping easily past her anal sphincter.


"Just relax."

Warm water flooded into Tessa's bowels. Quinn had an enema that looked like a jumbo syringe, and she was using it right now, forcing who knew how much water into Tessa's bowels. It wasn't bad; Tessa was used to being cleaned out before anal play, but the water kept coming and coming.

Finally, all of it was in, and Quinn pulled the enema syringe out. There was rustling behind Tessa, and she heard Quinn filling up the enema again.

"Quinn, please . . . I can't take another one."

"Of course you can," Quinn said, plugging the tip into Tessa's ass and forcing another load of water into her.

Tessa gasped as she was stretched from the inside, and she felt her bellow bulge out as if she'd just gorged herself during dinner, and then it bulged even further. Finally, the second load was in and Quinn set the enema down. Her hands caressed Tessa's bloated belly.

"Quinn, please!"

"Do you feel anything yet?" Quinn asked, as if she hadn't even heard Tessa's protests.

And then Tessa noticed it. She hadn't realized it was there before as the second enema stretch her out, but now she could feel it: a burning sensation inside her body, spreading out everywhere. She started sweating and panting, shower water cascading over her.

Quinn rubbed Tessa's bellow and then squeezed.

"Don't do that! I can't . . . I can't . . ."

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