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Fade to Black Ch. 01

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Bella becomes breeding stock for a colony of xenomorphs.
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Author's Note: This is the first installment in the series. I am not sure how many chapters there will be or how often I will be writing more of it. This is my first go at a nonhuman story that is set in space. My use of advanced technology is minimal to keep it as simple as possible.

The story takes place in the future on an unknown planet that houses a cave that is inhabited, unbeknownst to the main character Bella and the crew of her ship, by a colony of male xenomorph aliens that have one thing in mind to do with their new catch: breed her.

All characters featured in the story are over the age of 18. Hope you enjoy it!


The cave was pitch black and quiet. Bella could faintly hear the sound of water dripping against the cold stone floor in the distance every now and then. The silence was almost deafening to her ears.

She couldn't believe she had drawn the short end of the stick to be sent to the area for data collection. They had scanned the surroundings for lifeforms back at the ship but had seen none. In hindsight, this seemed a little suspicious, as there tended to be at least some type of life within the massive caves that spanned across the planet.

She was to collect the materials for the ship in the cave and then get out. It seemed like a simple mission but not everything is as it seems. Sometimes they went off without a hitch, other times not so much.

Finally, she found the materials she needed after moving through the cave for fifteen minutes. Or was it thirty? They all seemed to blur together on these types of escapades.

At some point, she lost communication with her ship. This wasn't very alarming and tended to happen quite a lot in the more remote areas of the cave. To gather the resources they needed, she had to travel quite far within the narrow passages.

Halfway through using her tools to get the ore she heard a strange noise from behind. She thought little of it and continued with gathering the materials for the ship.

It wasn't until a good two minutes or so later that she heard the noise again. Strange. She was supposed to be the only lifeform in the cave. So, what could be making the strange noises? It sounded like a distant growl, which was a bit disheartening. Could their scans have missed picking up some kind of alien creature in here? Wouldn't be the first time it happened or the last.

In general, most alien lifeforms they encountered were harmless. But a growling noise didn't sound all that friendly to her. She became acutely aware of every sound around her at that moment, hoping against hope that she could finish getting the mineral and get the fuck out of dodge. She was a little over halfway done.

Bella of course had a blaster at her hip to defend herself with, but she tried not to use it if it wasn't necessary. She'd gotten herself into a few hairy scrapes in the past that she barely escaped unscathed from, but she was hopeful that her imagination was just playing tricks on her.

Too bad she was wrong. But her tool had taken all the ore that it could hold. She urned on her heels and took a long glance around as felt like she wasn't alone. She couldn't have been more right about that. It felt like something was breathing right down her neck in the darkness of the dimly lit tunnel she was in.

Suddenly, Bella saw movement out of the corner of her eye. But it was too late. She was slammed into from the side of the cavern and knocked into the stone wall so hard that she thudded to the floor and saw stars. She was dazed by the force of it and found herself having a hard time concentrating.

What the hell had just happened? Had she been hit by the freaking Incredible Hulk?

She blinked a few times as she began to come to and raised her head. She wished she hadn't and had just played dead. Above her was a large xenomorph alien about ten feet in height. He was a massive, deadly creature. It dawned on her too little too late now that the growling noise she had been hearing was the beast hissing quietly in the darkness.

Xenomorph aliens were a species feared by many in the galaxy. Unfortunately for her, this specific type of them had no intention of killing her and giving her a swift demise. They wanted quite the opposite. This specific hive consisted primarily of males except for the Queen who ruled over the colony. The main goal of the males was to procreate with the Queen and any other unfortunate lifeform that was stupid enough to come near their swarm.

In lamen terms, Bella was going to be impregnated and turned into their breeding stock. It wasn't uncommon in this sick, twisted future for aliens to be able to have children with humans. These aliens lived for that very purpose and would have sex with the intention to reproduce with any type of being that could hold their eggs. This included male humans as well.

Before Bella could recover her strength, she was being hauled over the hulking beast's shoulder. She banged her fists on his rock-hard leathery skin but it was like hitting a brick wall. It did more harm to her than it did to him and she got a few minor cuts and scrapes on her skin from it.

She resigned to her fate as Black she will call him due to his sable color, brought her further into the cave. By then she was motionless and didn't dare try to move. She had a weapon but her particular blaster was a mere pistol and therefore wasn't strong enough to penetrate their thick hide. It would do her no good in this situation anyway. She suspected there were probably a lot more of them within the walls. It amazed her that they had somehow evaded the ship's initial scans, but there could be many reasons for that. Equipment may have gone faulty, could be the distance into the cave, etc., etc. You can bet she was cursing her luck about it though.

Time seemed to be moving very slow for Bella as she was carried hastily to where she assumed the nest of them was. That thought was terrifying. It seemed that having their Queen to impregnate wasn't enough for them. They were interested in something new and shiny now, aka the female human that had stupidly stumbled upon their lair without even realizing it.

Finally, she was brought to a much larger opening of the cave. Several tunnels intertwined with one another surrounding them so she imagined this area to be the hub that connected all of their living spaces, such as sleeping and feeding areas.

She was well aware in the back of her mind that somewhere down one of those tunnels was the Queen of the hive, but she'd rather not meet her face to face if she could avoid it. They were the nastiest of the nasty and she had no intentions of becoming a slave to these monsters. Not that she would have a choice in the matter at this point.

There was likely an area for the massive eggs that contained the other species known as facehuggers in them as well. Nasty little things that would hump any orifice they wanted and deposit a massive amount of eggs into their victim regardless of which hole they took, forcefully impregnating their victims, both male and female. They cared not about the gender or looks of their prey, only that they had a warm belly that could store and grow their brood. Disgusting.

If those were here, and it was likely they were, she was not looking forward to the future encounters she may have with them when the males of the herd grew bored of her. The golden rule was always where there were xenomorphs there were bound to be facehuggers.

However, she also had faith in her crewmates. They would soon know that something went wrong with the simple mission she was given and come after her in the cave. Or so she hoped. There was no way to warn them of the imminent threats right now, as her communicator was too far out of range of the ship. This was the likely cause that their scans didn't pick up the settlement inside.

Black set her down in a soft bed of moss in the middle of the large cavern. She retreated away from him to the cold of the stone wall behind her, shivering with a mix of fear and anxiety. Her suit protected her from the cold of the environment and other atmospheric dangers but she knew it wouldn't stay on her for very long.

Bella covered her ears with a cry of surprise as Black let out a loud call to the others to alert them of his newfound prize. Before long, she was swarmed by at least eight of his brethren, who were letting out hissing noises that would haunt her in her sleep for years to come. They were just as large in height as he was, and just as intimidating.

She could only watch in horror as their cocks hardened to full size as they took in the scent of their prey. Their inhuman members were huge and thick and spongy, different in texture by far than a human cock in that they were soft, slick, and rubbery. They were shaped with curves and ridges and bumps that human men did not have. And they were twice as big in girth, which was a very scary thought.

They could also rotate their cocks and twist them inside of her in a corkscrew motion, which was hideous but arousing all on its own. She gathered she was soon going to find out just how dissimilar having these new sets of alien penises inside of her was going to feel compared to making love to a human male. She was hardly a harlot at twenty-three years old and had sex with three different men of her species prior to this.

The thought that she might enjoy this with them more sickened her. But she had no choice in the matter. She had no means to defend herself against them and she was outnumbered. If it was a hive, hundreds of them were within the many tunnels that were all around them. Seems this cave was much larger than they had originally thought it was.

She was forced out of her thoughts as Black let out low demonic sounding hisses as he communicated in his language with his fellow brothers. She knew it was about her as the atmosphere suddenly became very tense the more they communicated with one another.

It was as if Black was negotiating with his fellow kin who would get to have her first. She imagined that he felt he had the right since he was the one that had first stumbled upon her in their territory and brought her here. But there was more than likely an alpha structure within the clan, and perhaps Black was lower on the totem pole than others.

Seems his friends didn't like the idea of him staking his claim on her, as he was soon shoving and pushing some of them away with snarls and growls. His massive claws connected with one of their chests and green stinky blood was drawn. The smell was foul but that seemed to be enough to make the others back off of him... For now.

Black whirled with a hiss to face her and began a slow approach. He snarled to make her fearful of him and at this moment she was. Had he changed his mind and decided to tear her limb from limb instead? Were they going to just eat her and be done with it? All these thoughts were racing through her head as he came closer and closer to his quarry.

Bella let out a yelp as Black suddenly and aggressively flipped her body around with ease so that she was poised on all floors with her ass facing him. His razor-sharp claws stung as they sliced open her jumpsuit. The sound of the fabric tearing just seemed to excite their onlookers as she heard sudden chitters of joy as their brother so forcefully exposed her body to them.

The last tatters of her spacesuit were soon pried off her body and she found herself naked as the day that she was born into the world. As much as she wanted to blush, she didn't. These savage beings were going to take her against her will and there was little she could do about it now.

Black let out a hiss of arousal as he approached, and she felt his clawed hands gripping her hips, as he roughly jerked her back toward his skeletal body. His hung slimy cock rubbed all over her slit enticingly but soon traveled up higher to her puckered star. Oh, Jesus. Was he really going to go there?

Bella could only shiver and shake from the cold of the cave as she felt his hot precum oozing out between her butt cheeks and dripping down her crack to her slit. He seemed to be leaking it in a steady stream, providing the lube he needed to penetrate her tight holes with little hassle. But just what was he planning to do to her?

She soon found out as his massive member began to push on the star of her anus for entry. Her asshole soon yielded for him from the lubrication, and she let out a cry of pain mixed with delirious pleasure as his huge manhood forced its way past her resistance and into her bowels.

True to his brutish nature, Black gave her no time to adjust and began to hammer into her rectum with savage pumps, his oversized flesh stretching and widening her once narrow tunnel to epic proportions to accommodate him.

At first, it was agony. He was so fucking huge it felt like a fist had been rammed up her bowels with no warning. But due to the constant precum heating up and lubricating her small passage, it started to feel good. Fantastically good. Why? Why the frak was she enjoying this? It made no sense! His dick was huge, it was splitting her apart! How could she gain joy from it?

This is because unbeknownst to her the stream of liquid spurting out of the tip of him was not only a natural coating to make things slick to ease their coupling but also an aphrodisiac that would infect and spread throughout her entire body to force her mind and anatomy to strictly feel extreme pleasure from their cocks and their cocks only. Lucky for her, the effects of the stimulant only lasted for so many hours before it wore off and left the bloodstream. But if she was constantly being fucked, that wouldn't matter.

So you can imagine that shortly after the fucking began it wasn't long before the cum glazing her full bowels began the infection process. It spread throughout her system as it seeped into her and traveled to the pleasure points on her body to enhance her arousal tenfold. She began to feel tingly all over the more the savage beast abused her poor asshole with his oversized rod. He was ramming into her so hard that her head was nearly slamming into the cave wall with each forceful rut and her body was being bounced around like a small sack of potatoes.

Her nipples were rock hard and her moans of pain had soon turned to a woman in the throes of ecstasy. She could feel her mind going blank as the infection spread to her brain and began to cloud her judgment. Her rational way of thinking was going out the window. Now all she cared about was how good and hard this monster from another species was fucking her and how much she never wanted it to end.

The sexual rapture this hulking brute was making her feel was far superior to any sex she had with Derek, Jake, and, say, what was the other guy's name again? She had absolutely no idea. All she knew right now was Black and his godlike cock that was in another dimension from the men she had coupled with previously. Could she ever go back to a normal human cock after this? Likely not. Even the biggest of them couldn't compare to the way Black's could twist and wriggle within her like a spiral, driving her wild with delight as he ravaged her rectum.

"Oh, God, yes! Fuck my ass, you alien freak! Ram your huge dick into me! Twist it inside of me! Fuck me up! Make me yours!" She pleaded, unable to recognize her voice as her will to resist any longer was sapped out of her by the special poison that was now flowing freely without hindrance through her whole nervous system.

Bella could think of nothing else now but being fucked by the group of those surrounding the two of them, witnessing their erotic interracial tryst. She wanted each one of the males to take advantage of her and dump their cum in her as deep as they wanted, so long as their seed took root inside of her and bred her. She didn't care if they all stuffed their supreme dicks in her ass, so long as she was fucked and fucked good like the bitch in heat she was for the colony.

Black had heard her pleas but just hissed louder in response as he continued to labor into her with no end in sight. If he had understood what she was saying, he made no indication of it. The creature was like a relentless machine, never tiring or cumming. His stamina was far superior to the men she had long forgotten by this point.

That fat meaty shaft of his was reaching places inside of her once virgin anus that she never thought possible. She couldn't help but rock her hips back into his bony body, grunting each time his leathery skin slapped against her ass cheeks with each forward movement. She was sure she would have some minor cuts and bruises on her afterward but at the moment all she wanted was for him to never stop his misuse of her. She wanted him to own her, take her, claim her as his. The wounds would be worn like a badge of honor.

Bella squealed with delight as suddenly his cock began to twist and rotate inside of her ass rapidly like a drill, grinding against her inner walls repeatedly and causing the most pleasurable sensations she had felt as of yet. He was urgently battering into her sore throbbing rectum faster and harder, seemingly nearing his limit.

The combination of the wildly revolving dick and the quick powerful thrusts of his enormous phallus proved to be too much for Bella. She was long it! It would be any moment now. Just a few more strokes and it would be nothing but sexual bliss for her.

The aliens around them watched with satisfaction and lust as her whole body seized up and she came harder and longer than she ever had in the past with human men. So much so that she feared she was going to pass out from the extreme euphoria this beast was bringing her.

Bella could feel her mind going blank as her orgasm went on, and was only vaguely aware of the feel of the beast's passionate thrusts as he approached his point of no return, his cock wedged as deep as it could go into her ass.

Sound and time seemed to be nonexistent to Bella, as she began to float in and out of consciousness. Her limp body continued to jerk and rock from Black's savage motions behind her, but she was completely unaware of this.

She came back to her senses just in time to feel his hard-hung flesh harden and expand within her. Her mouth shot open with a silent scream of happiness as she felt his hot sticky cum bursting deep within her bowels, hosing her insides like a geyser.

The feel of his spunk blasting off in her set her off again. She had a series of mini-orgasms on him before she felt a strange change inside of her. Her eyes went wide as she felt something large and round traveling up his shaft and through the inner walls of her spread rectum. It took a moment to dawn on her that he was impregnating her with his eggs.

The thought alone made her orgasm double in ratio, this time much stronger than before, as her whole body twitched and jerked violently as more and more of those oval-shaped eggs were deposited into her belly through her entrails. Because of his impossibly long cock, he didn't need to fuck her in her cunt to lay his offspring.

After five or six of his eggs were delivered, Black was finally done with his human girl. His mammoth penis retreated from her gaped sphincter and he gingerly stepped aside to let the next in line have her. As much as the beast wanted her all to himself, he was satisfied being the first alien from the hive to mate with the beauty and put his many sons into her willing body. They would hatch within a day, and the colony would grow in strength and numbers. Such was the sole purpose of his life and now hers.

For Bella, the eggs would hatch the following afternoon, and then the cycle of sexual paradise would start all over again. The aliens planned to constantly use and abuse her voluptuous human body for their rapid reproduction. With just one human woman as their breeding bitch their hive could double in size. This would make their Queen extremely happy. Happy wife, happy life.


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