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Falling for Georgie

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A 45 year old man falls for his niece.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/22/2024
Created 06/28/2024
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My name is Rob, I am 45 years old, single and thanks to selling my very successful engineering business a few years ago, decidedly well off! As a result of the sale, I own a property that comprises a large house, numerous outbuildings including a large garage for my collection of classic cars, a lake and about 100 acres of woodland. I now spend my time between looking after my land and collection of classic cars, some charity work as a trustee for a local charity and running a small business consultancy.


My phone pinged with a text message:

"Hi Uncle Rob, I am all finished at Uni, I will be coming home on Saturday after the end of term parties. XX."

This was my niece, Georgina, or Georgie for short. She is 21 years old and as you can see has just finished University. Both of her parents, my sister and brother-in-law had been killed in a car crash a couple of years earlier and since then I had taken over the role of surrogate father, helping her to navigate her way into adult life without the people who had done such a great job in raising her and providing a home for her when she was not at University.

"Looking forward to seeing you," I replied, "I will send a link to the rail account for you to collect your ticket. Just let me know what time you will get to Taunton and I will pick you up. XX."

"XX" Came the swift reply.

I logged onto my account with train company and booked her a first class ticket for anytime on Saturday, assuming she may have a hangover and would not need an early start.


Saturday arrived and I was surprised to hear that Georgie would be arriving at Taunton at 11 am, much earlier than I was expecting. As she had finished University I thought that I ought to greet her in style so started up my 1960's Aston Martin DB6 Convertible (the same model as owned by The King).and drove down to Taunton to collect her. The train was on time and she ran to give me a huge hug when she saw me standing on the platform.

"Your carriage awaits," I told her.

"You brought the Aston!" She shrieked when we got to the car park, "Can I drive?"

"No way," I laughed, "you know that nobody else drives this car."

"Worth a try," she said as we stowed her bags in the car.

We set off for home which took about 20 minutes. When we arrived Georgie said,"I love this place, I suppose I am going to have to find somewhere to live now that I have finished my studies."

"This is your home," I replied, "you can live here for as long as you want, I am not going to tell you to leave, besides, I like having you around, the house feels much less empty when you are here."

"Thanks Uncle Rob, you are the best!"

"Anything for my favourite niece," I quipped.

"I am your only niece," she reminded me.

"Which obviously makes you my favourite," I replied.

"I have got us some lovely sirloin steaks and a fabulous bottle of Puglian red wine for this evening, after Champagne to celebrate you finishing your course," I told her. I have some jobs to do in the woods this afternoon if you want to relax here or chill by the lake?"

"I will go down to the lake later," she told me.

So, I set off to the woods in my ATV with kit for cutting back an area that was being choked by invasive plants. I worked for a couple of hours and when I decided to head back, the ATV refused to start. "Amateur," I told myself, I had forgotten to put any fuel in it! I set off down the pathways that criss-crossed the estate, heading back towards the house which would take me by the lake.

Just as I started to see the lake through the trees I spotted Georgie walking to the swimming beach that I had had put in; I was about to shout to her when I stopped dead in my tracks as she lifted her sundress over her head to reveal that she was naked underneath. I knew that I should move away and respect her privacy and not be a pervy uncle, but I was transfixed by how gorgeous she looked, her curly red hair, cute face and then her beautiful breasts, not large but not small, just right on her slender frame. I could not stop myself looking lower to see a small landing strip of pubic hair to match her head.

She then startled me again by squatting down and peeing, obviously unaware that I could see her, once finished she ran and dived into the water, emerging after a few moments and swimming strongly to the diving deck that was anchored about 20 yards from the shore and 20 yards closer to my concealed position, about 40 feet from the bank and about 12 feet above the water. She climbed onto the deck and lay down to soak up the sun. I knew that I should move away but any movement might alert her to my presence, so I stayed fixed to the spot unable to stop watching her.

She then ran her hands over her body, tweaking her nipples to make them stand out and causing me to achieve full erection in the confines of my jeans. Could I relieve myself without her noticing? I unzipped myself slowly, not wanting to make any noise at all, eased my engorged cock out of my jeans and slowly started to masturbate, pre-cum oozing from the head of my cock. Georgie by now had moved her right hand lower and was clearly strumming her clitoris. "Oh Uncle Rob!" she gasped, causing me to stop mid stroke, had she spotted me? "Oh yes, yes, lick my pussy for me!" She was clearly fantasizing about me and moving rapidly towards an orgasm. I increased the pace of my own ministrations and stifled a yell as I shot cum onto the forest floor. I quickly zipped myself up and moved as quietly as I could away from the lake and headed back to the house, thinking that the image of Georgie on the diving deck was going to be sticking in my mind and be replayed many, many times.

I went to the equipment shed and got some fuel for the ATV and was just about to start walking back when Georgie appeared through the trees.

"Hi," I said, "good swim?"

"Wonderful thanks," she replied, "what's up?"

"The little John Deere ATV ran out of petrol, I am on my way to retrieve it."

"Why don't we both go in the old Land Rover?" She asked.

"That would be a great help, you can drive the Landy and I can bring back the truck and it will save loads of time."

So I got the Landy out of the car barn and we set off through the woods until we came to the abandoned ATV. I filled the tank and she started as soon as fuel pumped its way through the system, "see you back at the house!" I shouted and we set off down the track back to base.

That evening we enjoyed dinner together and polished off most of the red wine and had moved on to port with cheese when, out of the blue, Georgie asked me "Uncle Rob, you're not gay, are you?"

I spluttered into my port, "No, what on earth made you ask?"

"It's just that you never seemed to have had a regular girlfriend and I just wondered why a gorgeous, handsome, eligible man would still be single."

"Well," I replied, "When I joined the family business I was so wrapped up in developing it that there didn't seem time for relationships beyond the odd hook up, I was far too selfish about work for a relationship to develop. When I sold the business a few years ago I did start to think about a partner and went on loads of dates with varying levels of success. The problem arose when I brought anyone back here, their eyes just lit up wondering who they had bagged, none of them could help it and I want someone who accepts me for being me not someone who practically has an orgasm on the driveway."

"Well, that explains a lot," Georgie laughed, "but what about your "needs", physically?"

"Well, there was a lady who used to work for me, happily married to a nice but dull man. We had an arrangement whereby she had sex with me about once a month and I paid her a cash bonus irrespective of whether we actually did anything. Her husband knew of the arrangement and was quite happy by all accounts."

"So do you still see her?"

"No, we stopped when she got pregnant a few months ago."

"Is it yours, the baby?"

"No, definitely not." I replied, wondering how I came to be discussing my sex life with my niece. "Claire was very definite about that and we had an agreement that "I would not, under any circumstances ejaculate in her vagina," she was very technical in her vocabulary!"

"So now what do you do?"

"What do you think, I sort myself out."

"You mean that you wank?"

"Of course, doesn't everyone?"

"Well yes, but I was just thinking, what a waste of a gorgeous sexy man."

"OK, enough about me, fairs fair, how is your sex life?"

I saw her blush deeply, but the wine had loosened both of our inhibitions.

"I have given and received oral sex and hand jobs and I have even been to bed with another girl, but, I am still a virgin."

"Really, why, you are a beautiful young lady who obviously enjoys sexual contact?"

"I never met the one that I wanted to be my first, that is all. So, I masturbate frequently but I am careful not to break my hymen as I want my first lover to do that."

I could feel myself hardening and decided that I needed to stop before this went too far.

"Well, after that interesting enlightenment, I think we ought to clear up."

"Oh Uncle Rob, have I upset or embarrassed you?"

"Not at all, I am glad that we feel that we can discuss such matters, but it is getting late and I am a little drunk."

"Maybe that is a good idea," she agreed before adding, "it's just that Mum, in particular, was very open about sex and nudity and we discussed everything." She paused, "are you busy tomorrow? If not, can we go swimming in the lake tomorrow, together?"

"That would be lovely," I said, trying to banish the image of her on the deck from my mind until I got to the privacy of my bedroom.

Once in bed, I lay back and brought the image of Georgie masturbating back to my head, stroking my cock to its full 7" hardness as I also imagined her going down on another girls pussy in a 69 position. In no time at all I felt the familiar feeling of an impending orgasm and grunted loudly as I shot a load over my stomach and chest, with a few drops reaching my chin. I cleaned myself up and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day was another hot and sunny one, and after a late breakfast, we headed off to the lake, Georgie was wearing her sundress again and I idly wondered if she had a swimming costume on today, causing my cock to instantly react. Banishing this thought we got to the beach and Georgie pulled her dress off revealing a lovely but modest one-piece swim suit underneath. I was in my swim shorts and we both rushed into the water, laughing and splashing each other. We swam to the deck and Georgie climbed the ladder first, giving me a close-up look at her glorious bum, barely covered by her lycra swim wear, so I decided to swim about for another minute or two just to make sure that I was not creating a bulge in my shorts when I got out and lay next to her on the deck to soak up the warmth of the sun.

"I really do love living here," she said, "I don't know what I will do when I inherit from Mum and Dad when I am 25."

"I have told you," I replied, "you can stay here as long as you want, and if you don't want to leave, I can create a self-contained apartment for you in the house or convert one of the out-buildings."

"Oh thank you, you are such a lovely man," she said, kissing my cheek.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" I asked.

"I would like to go into Taunton, I need to buy some suitable business attire for interviews, I don't think that student garb will pass muster, do you?"

"No you are right. Whilst you are doing that, if I give you some money would you buy something nice for yourself, not for work?"

"I would love to, what are you are up to?"

"Usual chores then I have a meeting of the board of trustees for a local charity that I work for. That is about 4pm so I should be home by 7. You are insured on the Golf so take that to Taunton and I will see you when you get back."

"Thanks Uncle Rob, I will cook dinner for us and have a large G&T ready for you when you get back."

"I will probably need it, most of the other trustees do like the sound of their own voices and these meetings can drag."

The rest of the day passed easily and I went to bed later that night with the image of Georgie, naked on the deck, masturbating, refusing to leave my mind until I had shot another load over my torso.


The next day, Georgie set off early for Taunton on her shopping spree, I re-read my notes for the meeting later that day and did some general administration chores. At lunchtime, with Georgie still not back (she had sent a text saying she was going to have lunch in Taunton) I decided to go for a swim and to re-enact what Georgie had done (I know, pervy). I went to the beach, stripped off and before getting in the lake pissed on the ground, a long stream creating quite a puddle on the hard, dry ground. I then swam to the deck, pulled myself out and lay down in the sun. My hand strayed to my hardening cock as I started to slowly wank myself "Oh Georgie, suck my cock!" I shouted as I shot a huge load over myself. I wiped it off with my hand and licked my hand clean, wishing it was Georgie savouring the taste.

I quickly swam back to shore and walked back to the house to get ready for my meeting.

The meeting was just as boring as predicted and I was pleased that it did not run over time as I was keen to get home. When I arrived, Georgie was true to her word and placed a large drink in my hand. "Lifesaver" I told her as I took in the view. She was wearing jeans and a thin tee shirt that did nothing to hide the fact that she obviously wasn't wearing a bra as it clung to the shape of her breasts and her nipples were poking through the material.

"What's for dinner?" I managed to say, trying hard not to stare at her chest.

"Spicy chicken with salad and new potatoes," she told me "and there is a bottle of Sancerre in the fridge."

"You are a star, I could get used to this," I told her.

"Me too," she replied.

"What are you up to tomorrow?" I asked

"I need to go to Exeter to see some recruitment consultants, can I borrow the Golf again?"

"No problem, "I replied, "I am off to Newbury to see one of my clients, the Ferrari could do with a run so I will take that. I should be back about 7 o'clock. Fancy going to The Crown tomorrow night?"

"That would be great, I can show you the new dress that I bought today."

"I will look forward to it, I will be off quite early so I will try not to wake you when I go."

"I will probably be up reasonably early," she said, "as I want to get to Exeter pretty early myself."

"Well, goodnight, see you tomorrow," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.


Early the next morning I set off for Newbury in my 1970's Ferrari 308 to see my client Dominic who reminded me of myself when I was his age. We spent the day going through his progress on projects that we had agreed on and I was pleased with his progress, he was definitely a quick learner. When I got back to the car I phoned Georgie to let her know what time I would be back and set off for home, avoiding the main motorways and opting for the A34 and A303 instead as being better suited to my choice of car that day.

I got back just before 7pm and Georgie was waiting for me in a stunning jade green dress that clung to her body like a second skin.

"Wow, you look amazing," I told her, "do you think that you can get in the Ferrari decently in that or do I need to get something else?"

"I think I can manage, just," she laughed.

We had a lovely meal but I could tell that something was on Georgie's mind.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing really," she replied, "It's just that I wonder how on earth can I ever repay you or thank you for everything that you have done for me since Mum and Dad died?"

"You have nothing to repay or thank me for," I told her, "I just want you to be happy in your life. I want you to find somebody to be with that you love and who treats you right, whether that is a man or a woman, young or old, it doesn't matter as long as you are happy and fulfilled. If you find that person, don't hold back."

"Oh you are such a lovely man," she said and leant forwards to kiss me on the cheek.

I paid the bill and we headed home, Georgie being especially careful when getting into the Ferrari to not flash me or anyone else!

When we got home, Georgie came up to me, kissed me on the cheek and said, "thank you for this dress, I really love it."

"I am pleased that you found it, I meant it when I said that you looked stunning."

She looked me in the eye and, stepping closer, kissed me softly on the mouth.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stunned.

"Taking your advice," she replied, "about finding the person that I want to be with and letting them know."

I was stunned but also aroused, after all I had been fantasizing about her. I gently kissed her back and then her arms were around my neck, our mouths locked together in a passionate kiss, the barrier between uncle and niece breaking down.

She gasped as we broke to catch our breath and holding my hand said, "take me to bed and make love to me, please."

Before I could reply she started leading me to the stairs, stopping numerous times to kiss and touch one another, my hands fondling her breasts and bum, hers rubbing my erection through my trousers. When we did get into my room she said "undress me."

I unzipped her dress and as it dropped to the floor she revealed a set of lace underwear in exactly the same colour, her hard nipples clearly visible as was her pubic hair.

"I take it those came with the dress?" I asked

"Oh yes, and they are yours to remove," she replied.

I unhooked her bra, letting it fall forwards to reveal her gorgeous breasts that, until now I had only been able to admire from afar. I lowered my head and kissed each nipple in turn before taking one into my mouth and sucking on it, my hand sliding down the front of her knickers, rubbing her pubes before moving on further, seeking her wetness. Whilst I was doing this, Georgie was doing her best to undress me, my shirt was un-buttoned and she had managed to get my trousers opened and her hand inside them to grasp my cock. She moaned softly as she stroked it, out of sight in my underwear. I released her nipple, shed my shirt and pushed my trousers and boxers to the floor, somehow managing to step out of them without falling over. Georgie sank to her knees, naked except for her lace knickers and took the glistening head of my cock into her mouth. I groaned as she moved her lips up and down my shaft, coating it in her saliva. "Can you cum more than once?" She asked. I nodded as she returned to sucking me, I knew that I would not be able to last long as she was very, very good. "I'm cumming," I warned her; she continued her actions and I felt my cock tense and then shoot 2 ropes of semen into her mouth, she choked slightly but managed to swallow most of it, with just a few drops leaking onto her chin which she wiped up with her finger and then licked that clean.

"Oh God, that was amazing," I told her

"I aim to please," she replied, laughing.

"Your turn," I told her as I led her to the bed. She lay down and lifted her bum to allow me to remove her knickers, her pussy was absolutely soaking wet and I couldn't wait to taste it. I lowered my mouth to her and ran my tongue along her slit, starting at her vagina and moving up to her clitoris and on into her pubes before descending back down to penetrate her vagina. Her breathing was becoming ragged and I knew that she was close, "Cum for me Georgie, cum for your uncle." That did it and she screamed as her orgasm hit her, causing her to almost double up with intensity.

"Oh fuck, that was good," she eventually managed.

"Are you absolutely sure about taking this further," I asked, fervently hoping that she did.


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