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Falsely Accused Ch. 01


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"So," I said, "the reason I came over was to speak with Jack."

"He's in the back room." said Tanya. "Why don't you go on back there."

I did so, finding Jack Muscone in the study room/office, working on his computer. "Hey, Don." he said. "Let me finish this email and I'll be right with you."

I sat down in a side chair and looked around the room. Typical study, except one desk was lower and made to accommodate Tanya in her wheelchair. I felt a pang of emotion as I thought of how even simple things were tougher for Tanya than most of the rest of us. But I'd never say that to her, lest I risk a severe crowbar beatdown. Tanya did not want to hear that she was handicapped; she thought of herself as 'handi-capable'. I admired her spirit.

"Okay," said Jack, finishing up his business, "what brings you to see me?"

"Well," I said, "we were going to meet at the Federal Building, and you said not to come. Consider me curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat." said Jack, knowing what I would reply.

"And satisfaction brought him back." I said, satisfying Jack's expectation. He grunted a laugh.

"Yeah." he said, then turned his chair to face me. "It was starting to get a little crazy over there. First, like we discussed at lunch, a lot of them are pissed that you won't get Milton to help them, but they're really pissed that you guys went and got a restraining order about it. They really don't see it the same way as you and Myron do."

"Tough shit for them." I said. "So what else?"

Jack lowered his voice instinctively, though he didn't really need to. "I told you at lunch I wanted to talk privately about the 'Guardians of Justice'. But I realized that I couldn't at the Federal Building after I got a call from Dana Fox. He told me that the investigation of the Guardians of Justice is going to concentrate on this State... and a certain part of this State."

"Right here in this County." I replied.

"Not much gets past you." said Jack. "I'll bet I don't need to tell you who they're looking at as the leakers, either."

"Actually, you do have to tell me." I said.

"Then I will, but I'll deny it like hell if this ever gets out." said Jack. I nodded, and Jack continued: "You know the FBI has long suspected Professor Marvin Milton of being a subversive, especially after he exposed some CIA things going on on Campus. You may also know that the FBI has long... 'distrusted' Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart, though I personally think they're off the mark, there."

"Don't ever say that out loud in front of Cindy." I said, also knowing that Muscone didn't think they were off the mark, there.

"No kidding." Jack said. "But some in the FBI remember her bringing it up publicly about FBI surveillance of her father's compound. They questioned her loyalty, and why she's an FBI Consultant. And I'm not talking Les Craig bringing this up, but quite a number of Agents."

"And I guess they're bringing my name up, too?" I asked.

"That's what I'm getting to." said Jack. "When this BigAgraFoods thing came up, many Legislators who have had their campaigns financed by BigAgraFoods did what we'd expect them to do... they pushed back on behalf of BigAgraFoods. They began putting pressure on the FBI to go after the Guardians of Justice, either because of the information the GOJ was releasing, or as a distraction to the Wheeler murder."

"But I didn't play the game." I said.

"That's right." said Jack. "Word was that Senator Russell actually wanted to order a Mob hit on you... but Jimmy Cerone and Moe Molinari put out word to refuse that. But beyond that, your Officer Milton is Professor Milton's son. On top of that, you've gone public with your allegations of a cover-up, and BigAgraFoods's announcement they were leaving the State did not get the response they expected. Seems people took your side on that."

"Good." I said.

"Don't get too happy about it." said Jack. "So what Dana Fox basically told me... is that the FBI is secretly investigating Professor Milton, your Officer Milton and his wife, and both you and Captain Ross as possibly being involved in leaking the information on BigAgraFoods to the GOJ."

Well, I thought to myself, that explained some things. Out loud I said "That's crazy."

"And one last thing, Don." said Muscone. "You know I'm your friend and I won't betray you. I hope you know that, anyway. But after tonight, don't contact me, and we won't meet again for a while. No one expects me to lead Team Lazarus in this investigation of you, but they're watching me and I don't want them to try to use me to get at you or any of the others."

I nodded. "All right." I said. "Well, thanks for telling me this much."

"I'm sure that if something really vital comes up, your friendly neighborhood Crime Lab might ask you to run a test or two at the State Crime Lab building." Jack said. I nodded.

"I better get on home, then." I said, getting up. Jack got up and we shook hands. I left the room, went and said goodbye to Tanya, kissed little Pete on the top of his little head, then waved back at him as he waved goodbye to me...

Part 3 - The Accusation

"Oh, Commmannnddderrrrrr..."

"Leave me alone, Angela. Let me sleep." I said.

"Oh, but now is not the time to sleep, my darling Commander." I heard the Black Widow say. I opened my eyes. Angela was sitting on top of me, straddling my loins. There was no light in the room but the bluish light of the moon filtering through the window.

Then I became aware that my cock was throbbing hard, and sheathed in the warm wetness of Angela's tight, wet, cunt.

"Mmmm, yes, Commander, do you feel my tight pussy sheathing your iron hard cock, baby?" Angela whispered as she ground her loins against mine. The pleasure was intense as my loins responded to Angela's fucking.

"What's going to happen?" I gasped as the naked woman rode my cock, her high-riding breasts bobbing on her chest, her nipples rock-hard.

"Mmmm, you'll see, Commander." Angela gasped as she seemed to begin coming. After a grunt, she said "You and your faith in your friends... and the sysssss-temmmmmm..."

I snapped awake at that. Angela's use of that word had reminded me of Gruff's use of it years before. (Author's note: Case of the Executed Evangelist, Ch. 04.) I also realized that the sex I had been feeling was real: my wife Laura was sitting on my loins, my cock impaling her deep, wet pussy. She was riding me, her big milk-filled breasts bouncing heavily on her chest.

I slid my hands up from her hips to her waist and pulled her down towards me. As her breasts hovered over me, I lifted up my head and sucked her left teat into my mouth, enjoying the warm snack of her breast milk flowing over my tongue. Then I sucked her other breast.

"Mmmm, that feels so good, darling." Laura moaned as she rode me, grinding her ass on my thighs. Her black pubic bush mingled with the red hairs of mine as we hotly rutted together. I felt my nut beginning to rise.

Laura climbed off me and settled next to me. "I want you to come in my mouth, darling." she said. She settled her body over my abs, and I soon felt the warm wetness of her mouth sliding down my throbbing cock. She began sucking me, expertly fellating me, her right hand massaging my balls.

I couldn't hold back, and began firing jets of sperm into my wife's mouth. Even as the gray mist swirled before my eyes, I had a fleeting image of Angela Harlan standing naked by the bed. My cock pulsed a bit harder as I fired the next wad of thick, ropy jism into Laura's eagerly sucking mouth...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


It was my Police cellphone ringing. A most very displeased Bowser was barking his head off, and a most very displeased Carole was telling Bowser to hush. Laura went to tend to our daughter and her dog as I took the call. To my surprise, it was only 12:30am, Thursday, August 10th.

"Troy." I said into the cellphone.

"Commander, this is Captain Ross." said Cindy. "I'm at University Hospital. A woman came in making a claim that she was raped. She's being examined, and evidence collected now."

"Okay." I said. "So why are you calling me?"

"Sir..." started Cindy, then she rushed into it: "I don't know what's going on, but Tunnin of I.A. is here, and Deputy Chief Harlow is already here, as well..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It only took 15 minutes for me to get to University Hospital. Their Emergency Room ward is actually six rooms on the first floor. Two are in pretty constant use, two more if there is a backup or a mass trauma event, and two more for really bad trauma events. The last two are used, when available, to examine rape or child abuse victims and collect criminal evidence.

Cindy met me in the E.R. waiting room. "Woman came into the E.R. at 12:10am. Her name is Kendra Luskin, 38 years old, yoga instructor in the City. Said she was on a date with a Peter Gordon, a post-graduate student here at the University. Said he took her in his car up to the Point Hollow area and forced himself on her."

"To whom did you assign the case?" I asked.

"Joanne Warner as primary, Theo Washington and Mary Milton as backups." said Cindy. "Joanne and Gayle Tunnin are interviewing Ms. Luskin now."

"Why Tunnin?" I asked.

"Do you have a problem with Detective Tunnin working this case?" came a voice, just a bit too shrill. It was Deputy Chief Della Harlow, who had just barged past two Uniformed Officers to get to me and Cindy.

"Not necessarily." I said, some acid in my voice. "Though she's I.A. and not an MCD Detective."

Cindy said "Tunnin used to be our specialist with rape victims. She's been training Warner----"

"She's an expert at rape cases, so why shouldn't she be helping?" said Della, nearly snarling.

"Commander Harlow," I said, turning and confronting her, "do not ever interrupt one of my Captains again when they are telling me something. And that brings up another point... why is a paper-pusher like you here? This is an MCD case, not a logistics or support case."

"I was asked to come in, and observe this rape case." said Harlow.

"By whom?"

"That's none of your business." replied Harlow. "And I have as much right to be here as you do, Commander Troy."

"I do not agreeeeeee." growled the gravelly voice of Chief Moynahan as he joined the party. "Ms. Harlow, you may leeeeeeve, and I do not mean in a few minutes. Go." Harlow left the room, but did not turn in the hallway in the direction of the exit doors.

I looked over at Cindy, who read my mind. "I don't know." she said. "She was here when I got here."

"Did you call Tunnin?" I asked.

"No, just Joanne." said Cindy. "Tunnin got here before Joanne did, but had to wait while Dr. Yates and Martha the M.E. finished their examinations."

"Martha is examining a living person?" asked the Chief.

"She's done that before." I said. "She'll come in sometimes and do the rape kit. Christina Cho will come in at other times. In fact, Christina is here tonight, bagging and tagging the evidence."

"It usually helps the victims to have a woman there, as well." said Cindy. "Dr. Yates is a very good trauma psychiatrist, but Martha or Christina Cho being there to collect the evidence has worked well."

"O-kkkkayyyyy." said the Chief. "I'm glad you called me, Commander. I'm sure you agree that I'm the best referee between you and Commander Harlow."

"It's either you or the Green Crowbar, Chief." I said. "And she might be a biased referee." I meant it jokingly, but noticed that Cindy did not smile at the joke. At all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow," I said, reading the text on my Police iPhone, "Myron is in Headquarters already, and gathering data on the victim and the suspect she named."

"Why are we collecting evidence on the victim?" Cindy said.

I looked at her funny. "We always get basic info on the victim, as well as whoever calls in the crime, whatever that crime is." I said. "You know that."

"Yeah, you're right." Cindy said. She didn't look too happy, though, and my effort to get a 'vibe' from her was not working.

I went to my Police SUV and got my iPad and brought it back to the waiting room the Police were using as our 'command post'. "Okay," I said, bringing up Myron's data. "Woman's name is Kendra Luskin, as you said. Yoga instructor in the City, as you said. Does yoga classes at Town Fitness Centers once a week, did you know that?"

"Her name didn't ring a bell," Cindy said, "though I know Ariel and Wanda bring in guest instructors frequently."

"She does a yoga class at the University once a week, also." I said. "Part of the 'Life Fitness' P.E. course that a lot of Seniors have to take to graduate."

Just then, the door to the examining room opened. Martha walked out, joined by Police Officer Lydia Green, keeping two-man control of the evidence. Then came a very attractive woman. She was white with long raven-black hair that gently curled down her shoulders and back. She was fairly short, with a powerhouse hourglass shape, somewhat like Teresa's body, but more muscular and toned.

Her legs were very muscular, as was her ass, and the high heel pumps she was wearing made them more shapely. She was wearing a blue dress that clung to her body, showed off her large breasts, and the hem of the dress went halfway down her thighs. There were no tears on her dress, and I observed no scratches on her face or body.

Dr. Yates then came out of the room, followed by Gayle Tunnin and Joanne Warner. "Joanne! Gayle!" I called out. They came into the waiting room. Dr. Yates also came in, knowing I'd want to ask him questions. "What's your report?" I asked.

"We taped the interview if you want to watch it, sir." said Joanne. "She's pretty quiet, doesn't seem all that upset for the moment."

"That's not totally unusual." said Gayle Tunnin of I.A. "It hasn't hit her yet. We wanted to keep her hospitalized overnight for observation, but she declined and said she wants to go home."

"Where is home?" I asked.

"She has an apartment near North Street." said Joanne. "A couple of complexes down from where Cindy's mom lives, where Terry Schultz was murdered." I nodded, remembering the area.

"Before I go back to Headquarters and watch the tape," I said, "anything in the interview stand out to any of you? Including you, Dr. Yates?"

"No sir." said Gayle Tunnin.

"Sir..." started Joanne, then she said 'You'll just have to watch it, sir. Something was just... off... about it. I'm trying to account for the possible emotional trauma, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was just too calm. It all sounded..."

"Rape victims act in all kinds of ways." said Gayle Tunnin, jumping in. I looked at Dr. Yates.

"She did seem unusually calm." said Dr. Yates. "But like Detective Tunnin said, some victims do seem to be perfectly calm and emotionless, then they fall apart hours later, or the next day."

I nodded, thanked them all, and dismissed them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2:00am, Thursday, August 10th. I had watched the interview of Kendra Luskin with Cindy in my office, and I could see what Joanne was taking about.

"I see what Joanne is talking about." I said. "She's showing no emotion. There's nothing in her eyes. It all sounds pre-rehearsed."

"I didn't realize rape victims had to act a certain way." Cindy replied. I gave her a Commander-to-Captain glare. To my surprise, she defiantly looked back at me.

"I thought it was interesting how she knew her attacker's full name." I said. Kendra Luskin had named 'Peter Dwayne Gordon' during her interview.

"Joanne asked about that." Cindy replied. "Ms. Luskin said his name had come up at dinner, and she asked what the 'D' stood for, and that he was embarrassed and a bit upset about it when he told her."

"Well, let me bring something else up." I said, getting up from the sofa and going to my desk. I hooked into the TV monitor and brought up a DMV photo. "This is Peter Dwayne Gordon, just turned 24." The picture showed a white man, black-hair styled in a typical style combed to one side with a part, sort of a nerdish-Tony-Romo style. The young man didn't look nerdy, but certainly didn't look aggressive nor manly.

"I'll bet he's an accountant." Cindy said.

"Close." I said. "His degree from the University is in Statistics, from the School of Business as opposed to the School of Mathematics. He worked as an intern for U.S. Senator Richard Nunn's election team of three and four years ago. Then he was hired by a polling company that works exclusively for Senator Nunn, so he's a pollster and number-cruncher. He did a little bit of work for Governor Jared's campaign, but it was just outside polling stuff."

"Political accountant." Cindy said.

"Yes." I said. "Also... how tall is Kendra Luskin?"

"Five-foot-four." said Cindy. "Five-eight in those heels she was wearing."

"Yep." I said. "Peter Gordon is 5'6" tall, per his drivers license, and I'm not sure he didn't tell them an inch or two extra. Pretty slender, slight build from this University Yearbook photo of him that came up."

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Sir, ma'am," said the Duty Desk Sergeant. "They just brought in Peter Gordon. He's going through full booking now."

"Have him put in I-1 when they're done." said Cindy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2:35am, Thursday, August 10th. I was in the anteroom, looking through the one-way glass into Interrogation-1, observing Peter Dwayne Gordon, thoughtfully tapping my red crowbar in my hand. He was short, slender in build, not fat but not toned or strong in any way. He looked scared to death. He was handcuffed to the ring on the table.

"Why has he been handcuffed to the table?" I asked Cindy and Joanne.

"He's a suspect in a violent crime." said Cindy. "Standard procedure."

"I've never heard of that 'standard procedure'," I said acidly, "and I'm the guy that writes them around here. Has he invoked?"

"No sir." said Joanne. "The arresting Officers said he didn't invoke, just asked what was going on. They told him there was a warrant for his arrest. He asked for what, and they told him he'd be informed at the Station. He didn't resist arrest, but complained during booking that they used unnecessary and excessive force in arresting him. They didn't ask him any questions, and said he never stated he was invoking."

"Who were the arresting Officers?" I asked.

"Sergeant Toole and Officer Hendricks." said Cindy. No 'sir' at the end of the statement. I could sense Cindy's anger at something, but damned if I knew what reason she had to be pissed. But she was giving me reason to be pissed. At her.

"All right, go in and talk to him. Unlock him from the frickin' table first, though." I said.

"Sir, he's----" Cindy started. I turned on her.

"Captain," I said, "if that guy is a physical threat to two of the Police Boxing Matches's Final Four, I'll be the most shocked guy on the planet. Furthermore, that was an order, not to be questioned. Do I make myself clear, Captain?"

"Crystal, sir." said Cindy, seeing in my eyes that I was getting more than irritated. At her.

Just then, Chief Moynahan came to the anteroom. "A moment with you, Commander, if you don't mind?" I went out with him and we went into the breakroom.

"Has Commander Harlow shown up here?" asked the Chief.

"I haven't seen her, sir." I said.

"Hmmmm..." said Chief Moynahan, in a manner of talking to himself. "Well, if she does, text me immediately. I'm concerrrrrrned."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When I got back to the anteroom, I saw Christina Cho taking a cheek swab from Peter Gordon. I wondered what was going on with that as Captain Ross and Detective Warner sat down opposite Peter. Cindy read Peter his rights from the card and asked if he understood the rights. He did not reply, but asked why he had been arrested.

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