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Familiar Stranger


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"How am I doing, honey?"

"Best blowjob I ever had, Mom. Absolutely the best!"

"So, I haven't lost my touch, then? Good to know. Let me know when you're about to blow, honey. Okay?"

"Sure thing, Mom." I winked, and then my head lowered as my mouth went back to his cock and I resumed my loving attention.

Despite having already come twice, it wasn't long before Peter warned me of his impending explosion.

"Getting close, Mom, won't be long now," he murmured. Somehow, without missing a beat, I managed to nod an acknowledgment, my lips and tongue continuing busily stimulating him. And doing a great job, too, I thought. One thing I was sure of, I still knew how to blow a guy! I didn't think the impending explosion would be very much longer, and I was right.

"Coming, Mom, coming now!" he said, on a gasp as his orgasm hit him, his jizz surging up his cock and into my greedy mouth. One blast, two, and I was frantically swallowing, but then I pulled back and let his next surge paint my tits with a rope of semen, another, but he was slowing now, the violence over, and his remaining ejaculate trickled over my fingers and onto his lower belly. My eyes caught and held his, and I grinned.

"Enjoy that, honey? Because I certainly did!"

He laughed delightedly. "Absolutely, Mom. Like I said, the best blowjob I ever had."

"Nice to know I haven't lost my touch, because it's been a while." I eased back, sitting on my heels, my nipples erect. "Give me a moment, then I'll get a washcloth and wipe us down."

"And then I'll return the favor by eating you, eh?"

My pussy pulsed. "Oh, yes," I murmured. "Please, yes."

Getting the washcloth and towel, and wiping Peter and myself down took only a minute or two and after I took the cloth and towel back into the bathroom I went back into the bedroom where Peter lay stretched out on the bed. I moved to kneel beside him and bent to give him a deep kiss, then sat back on my heels. I grinned at him.

"What?" he said.

"Time for you to perform, my cunning linguist," I said, enjoying the play on words."How do you want me?"

He laughed. "Wet and panting would be nice, but if we just change places?"

"Okay," I said, and suited the action to his words. "Ready?" He nodded and I moved my legs apart, flushing slightly as he studied me. "Okay, honey, show me your skills as a pussy eater."

"My pleasure, Mom," he said, moving between my legs and lowering his head to my pubic area.

He took his time, licking my mons, the crease between thigh and mons, my labia, pointing his tongue and pushing it into my depths, flicking his tongue over my clitoris, sucking on it, repeating his actions over and over, and I could feel myself getting ever closer to climax. I suspect his experience with his fuck-buddy Jill may have helped, because just as I was trembling on the brink of climax he took my erect clitoris between his teeth and let me feel them.

I came. Oh, boy, I came. My knees clamping on Peter's head, my belly rippling with my climax, my juices soaking Peter's face. As the shocks began to ease, Peter's tongue flicked over my clitoris again and another spasm of pleasure pulsed through me. It was almost too much and I gently pushed Peter's head away from me.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I managed to gasp, "that was incredible."

He smiled at me. "Of all of the women I've eaten," he said, "you, Mom, are by far the most responsive it has ever been my pleasure to satisfy."

"Thank you, honey," I said, and I could feel my voice shaking. "Your dad was good, very good, but I think you might just be a little bit better. That was one of the most intense climaxes I think I've ever had."

"Glad you enjoyed it, Mom. Have to say, you're very tasty, kinda salty-sweet."

"And that's good?"

"That's great! First time I ate pussy, in high school, I didn't know what to expect - "

"Boys' locker room horror stories, maybe?"

"Definitely! But Jenny's pussy -- remember Jenny Anderson -- Jenny's pussy was clean and fresh. Yes, there was an aroma, but as I've learned since, it's the natural aroma of a sexually ready female."

I was curious. I did remember Jenny, one of Peter's high school girlfriends, slim, petite, hair a fine red-gold. I had to ask.

"Did you and Jenny ever fuck?"

He made a face, rueful. "Nope, never did. I think we might have, in time, but Jenny moved east with her family when her dad got a promotion."

I gave him a wry smile. "Such are the whims of fate. But whatever successes you may have had with your girl friends, it's me who has benefited." I gestured to his returned erection, hard, ready, for me, I hoped. "Any plans for that, son?"

He grinned. "I thought you might like to try doggy style?"

I grinned back at him. "Woof! You're a mind reader!" I said wriggling round onto my knees. "Okay, big boy, give me your best shot!" I had a sudden thought. "Have you fucked this way before, honey?"

"Yeah, once or twice."

"Enjoy it?"

"Love it! Especially watching the way a woman's pussy adjusts to accept a man's cock, one of my favorite visuals of all."

"Is that so?" I thought for a moment, then made a long arm and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I passed it back to Peter. "I want to see it as well, honey, if you'd be so kind?"

"My pleasure, Mom. Just a moment."

I felt his hands take my hips, felt his cock touch me, then his right hand left my hip, a short pause, then I felt the broad, blunt head of his cock pushing into me. I couldn't help it, I let out a soft groan of pure pleasure.

"Oh, yes, baby, that feels good!"

"It looks even better! Okay, Mom, enjoy!"

"Oh, I will!"

And I did, relishing the thrust of his lovely hardness into the wet heat of my pussy, enjoying the feeling of being filled as he pushed in, then feeling the loss as he pulled back, only to be filled again on his next thrust. I was loving it! Greedy bitch that I am, I wanted more.

"Honey? Do you think you can reach my tits? I want to feel your touch."

"Just a sec, Mom." I could feel the bed move as he adjusted his position, then felt his hands cup my breasts, my nipples against his palms. I sighed in content.

"Yeah, honey, that feels good!"

"Okay, Mom, enjoy this, because I sure as fuck am!"

"Don't worry about me, honey, just concentrate on getting us both off!"

He laughed, never faltering in his thrusts. "Yes, mother."

I laughed, too, giving his cock a quick squeeze with my pussy, then gave myself over to the sensations, relishing the feel of his cock in my pussy, illicit as it might be. As Peter had said, we were just two consenting adults sharing pleasure, and pleasure it certainly was, and I knew from the sensations building in me that climax would not be long in coming.

"Getting close, honey, how about you?"

"Yeah, Mom, won't be long now," he said, his voice unsteady as he thrust steadily into me.

I adjusted my position slightly and moved my hand to my pussy, extending my finger to stroke my clit. If I came, it might trigger Peter's climax, and we could share the moment, and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened because I doubt I'd tickled my clit more than six or seven times when my climax hit me, just as Peter gasped, "I'm coming, Mom!" then all was sensation as my pussy tried to drain his balls, his cock tried to fill me and we passed together through the miniature death that is orgasm.

Sensation so intense cannot last, of course, and gradually, oh, so gradually, we regained our equlibrium, our gasps for oxygen segueing into heavy breathing, the spasmodic clasps of my pussy around his cock becoming occasional twitches while the thrusts of his cock died away to nothing. I felt Peter moving, then stifled my denial as I felt him pull out of me, then lay himself beside me, supine, still breathing heavily but no longer gasping for air. Still on my knees I bent across to kiss him, then let myself collapse, my head on his chest, one leg between his. His arms came up and he hugged me close.

"Thanks, Mom, for the best sex I've ever had."

"My pleasure, honey, and believe me, it was my pleasure. You are a talented lover, to my great delight I should add."

We lay quietly for a few moments, both of us reflecting on what had happened between us, I suspected. I certainly was, and I didn't regret a moment of it. Morally wrong it may have been, but it was two consenting adults sharing love. I was miles,years, away for a few moments, the realized Peter was holding my phone out for me.

"You wanted to see my favorite view, Mom. Well, this is it." He pressed play and I watched my son's stiff cock make its way into my obviously wet pussy, marveling at the way my labia molded themselves around him as he pushed into me. The video was only about ten or fifteen seconds long, but I loved every second of it. I nodded, and smiled at Peter.

"I can see why you like it son, I do, too." I stifled a yawn. "Quick wipe down, I think, and then I think it's our bed time."


"You want to be somewhere else?"

"No way. I want to be next to you, so I can make love to you again in the morning."

"No protest from me, sweetheart." I rolled myself over, and off the bed, and into the bathroom for the washcloth and towel, quickly wiping us both down, then back to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and having a quick pee. Back in the bedroom I stopped, then laughed quietly to myself. My super fit athletic son was fast asleep. I covered him with the sheet then climbed in beside him, giving him a quick, light kiss. Goodnight, stud, get your rest. Mama has plans for tomorrow!

Well, that's it. It's a contest entry so vote, please. Comment welcome, pro or con, as long as it's honest, and if you ask a question give me an address to reply to!

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Waiting for her to come for a swim….

RudyJeRudyJeabout 1 year ago

Yet another clincher! Great story of clean and joyful sex. Thanks and please keep on writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm a male but would love to have a chance to have sex with my mother...Loved the story, was thinking it was me not your son...

Hope to see more stories on here from you...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

lost interest when son said mom was 63. no hard on's??? nothing real here...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Like the premise of Nude Beach. No mention of the son having a hard on, when first time seeing Mom naked, seems unrealistic. Whenever I saw my hot mom in a bikini my shorts would tent up big time. Plus joining another naked mom, I’d go off like a rocket. Same thing with seeing my aunt also nude, get me to attention. My aunt was whom I so often jerked off thinking about. The rest of the dialogue, and sex at home was great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Extremely hot and loving at the same time. I especially liked the visit to the nude beach as being a natural type of living without making everything sexual. Having the minor children there with no innuendos or crass talk was great as far as people living that lifestyle. 5 stars for characters, plot, and a well thought out story and dialogue. Thanks for sharing.

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 1 year ago

Lotta possibilities here, but my thoughts go to Molly Hunter and son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice with the nudity opening the door for mom/son fucking. My mom has great tits and nipples, maybe that's why I'm a breast man. There was no information about Peter's mom's tits at all except they had hard nipples.

202GE202GEover 1 year ago

Having nude minors definitely seems like a no-no.

krakbaknsak58krakbaknsak58over 1 year ago

A great story, with plenty more to come I hope. There is still the cousin and aunt to contemplate.

ThegreyhaggisThegreyhaggisover 1 year ago

Loved the story and has my vote. Would like to see what happens next though ???

romeo9romeo9over 1 year ago

Great story tanks. please continues. foe example mom and molly with sons

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't wait until he fucks the aunt

Campus77Campus77over 1 year ago

Well done. A good story with real characters. The nude beach story was perfectly described as I have always found nudist living. A great way to meet like minded friends. This is one of the best "Mother and Son" stories I've read.

tiger_ttiger_tover 1 year ago

Great story, triggered some great memories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another chapter please want more with Kara and Christine I don't get many stories I ask for another chapter on

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You better continue this with Kara and Christine I haven't read a story so good in a while that leaves me wanting another chapter

akindman22015akindman22015over 1 year ago

Excellent story and great foundation for many more wonderful stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice start, hope it continues with the cousin etc

likestolicklikestolickover 1 year ago

I hope you continue this story, hope Molly and Kara get involved somehow.

SWT3SWT3over 1 year ago

Fun story. Leaves me wondering what happens next.

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