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Click hereGilly and Jason spent the rest of the evening in her bed, exploring each other's body and talking about their sexual experiences. Jason was amazed to hear about how his parents had been swingers and how his Dad had apparently been fucking several other women in the neighborhood before his mother found out. She was furious not because he was screwing other women but because he was doing it behind her back, something they had promised not to do. If there was going to be any swinging, they would do it together or not at all.
The following morning Gilly walked over to Jane Ellison's house for coffee.
"Okay, Gilly, what's the story?" Jane immediately asked. "What happened with Jason?"
"God, you were right!" Gilly bubbled. "We had sex, and it was the most fantastic thing I've felt in years, maybe ever. The towel was missing again and I asked Jason to dry me off. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew, he was sliding into me. God, that felt good! We fucked half the night," she giggled.
She went on to tell Jane about Jason's affair with his landlady and her son in France. "I wish I'd done this years ago. Jane, when were you first exposed to incest? Was it with your son?"
Jane chuckled, "No, Pete wasn't my first incestuous sex. It was a long time ago, a long story."
"C'mon, you can't hold out on me now. I've got all the time in the world."
"Well, okay. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning.........."
Jane's father was the preacher for a small, secluded congregation in a village in another state. The congregation maintained its seclusion, seldom interacting with the rest of the community. Many described it as a "cult." Her father was known by all as The Reverend. Even Jane had always called him by that name instead of Daddy or Papa. He was an impressive figure, tall at 6'6" and lanky. He towered over his audience in his black robe and white clerical collar when he stood in the pulpit preaching his usual damnation and hellfire sermons.
The children in the congregation went to the local public school but were forbidden to join any school activities and required to come home right after school every day to do their chores and study the bible. They were not allowed to date, except with other children of the congregation and were always chaperoned. Needless to say, this was frustrating, particularly to the high school students who were beginning to feel their hormones.
The high school students were chafing under the restrictions on their social life. They had seen members of the opposite sex at school that they thought were cute and wanted to date them. As the reverend's daughter, the other kids naturally looked to Jane as their leader. Finally, she came up with a plan. She convinced her father and the church elders that it would be good if the seniors formed a club at school and invited outsider kids to come and talk about their religion. This could lead to better acceptance of the church in the community and they might even gain some new members. However, no adults could attend the meetings, only the students. Otherwise, the outsiders would not feel free to talk about their feelings. Jane was amazed when the church board authorized the project. She hadn't thought it had a chance.
The club was quickly organized. It didn't take long before the weekly meetings after school became make-out sessions. The church kids had never had such freedom, and the outsiders were quick to become friendly with them. The make-out sessions got hotter and hotter, and soon the room was filled with naked teenagers filling the chairs, couches and other furniture.
The final step was taken when Jane and her date were lying on a mattress on the floor with other couples watching them. Jane was really hot as her date fingered her. She spread her legs and let him rub his erection up down on her pussy. The other kids were cheering them on and telling him to stick it in. He did, and Jane was fucked for the first time. Other couples quickly followed suit and from that day forward the weekly meetings became fuckfests with everyone switching partners. Jane kept telling her father that they were making progress, and that several outsiders were talking about joining the church.
Near the end of the school year the inevitable happened. One of the girls got pregnant. To say that there was an explosion of anger within the cult would be understatement. The Reverend's punishment of Jane was particularly harsh. She had to come home directly from school every day and remain in her room reading the Bible in a loud clear voice so that her parents could hear downstairs. This went on until she was allowed to go to bed.
As the weather got warmer, it got hot in Jane's room. She began removing her clothes, leaving only her panties and bra, to cool off, while she continued to loudly read the Bible. She knew her father wouldn't come upstairs as long as he could hear her.
One evening, the reverend suddenly entered her room unexpectedly.
"My God, girl," he thundered," what are you doing without your clothes?"
"It's very hot up here, I just wanted to cool off."
"Is that so?" his voice boomed. "Then, by God you'll do your reading in the clothes God gave you and nothing more! Take them off!" She slowly removed her panties and bra and stood before him. She was a sexy looking girl, not skinny, not fat, just full bodied and her breasts were almost big enough that they would start to droop, but not quite. They stood out proudly with large nipples. Her belly was soft, and the hair covering her pussy was soft and brown.
The reverend looked at her for several long moments before he spoke again. "Don't just stand there. Continue your reading as you walk back and forth. And just to be sure you don't stop, I'll sit here and listen."
This went on for several days, until one evening he announced that if she was going to be naked, then it seemed right that he should also honor the Lord by removing earthly things like clothes. She would never forget that night when he stripped naked. He was a tall, lanky man with large feet, large hands and long fingers. Consistent with this, he also was blessed with a very long penis which hung far down his leg when limp. The head of his prick was abnormally large, almost like a bulb or knob. It was all Jane could do not to stare at it, for she'd never seen one that long. He sat in the chair and she once again began pacing as she read. She would steal sidelong glances whenever she thought he wasn't looking. She also noticed that as he watched her he would get an erection although he'd try to hide it. But there was no way to conceal something that large.
"Stop reading, girl," he instructed her in a stern voice. "I want you to tell me about your sins. Did you touch those boys' penises?"
She nodded, "In the beginning, that's all we did."
"Come over here and show me what you did." Jane knelt in front of her father.
"Girl, you must be cleansed! Put your hands on me and we shall pray."
Jane was so stunned by this that she hesitantly put her hand on his erection and waited as he began to pray out loud. She had always been so intimidated by The Reverend that it never occurred to her not to obey.
"Guide me O Lord," he deep voice droned, "Help me to cleanse this young girl and erase her sins. Tell me what to do. Tell me how to do it. Give her the trust in you, through me, that she needs to regain her rightful position in Your eyes." He stopped and sat quietly for several minutes, as if listening, before continuing. "Thank you, Lord," he began again "I shall do your bidding. I shall do all in my power to release her from her sinful ways. Amen."
"God has told me what to do, and I shall do it, no matter what the sacrifice. For you to be cleansed, you must show me exactly how you sinned. The Lord has blessed me for this purpose, and He wants to use my mind and body to bless you."
"Yes sir," she said softly, "What do you want me to do?"
"Show me exactly what you did when you touched those boys."
Jane looked at his stiff prick only inches away from her face. She had been raised all her life to obey her father without question, and the few times that she hesitated, she was soundly beaten. She wrapped her hand around his long pole and began to stroke it up and down. She'd never felt a prick that was so hot. The boys she'd had sex with didn't have penises nearly this size and they were warm to touch, not hot like her father's. He had his eyes closed as she stroked him harder and faster. She thought he may have been praying again.
"I can't believe this is happening! It's been weeks since I've even so much as kissed anyone, much less been near a prick. I've never seen one like this. It's huge! I'm getting turned on, but I can't let him know that. Oh Lord, this is good! But he's my father. He's The Reverend. He wouldn't do this if it wasn't right.
His prick was hard as a rock. She kept stroking him until without warning he grunted. His stomach muscles jumped and his cum shot out of the knob on the end of his dick. Spurt after spurt shot skyward landing on Jane's hand and on his belly and thighs. It was hot, creamy white, and thick, almost like mayonnaise. And there was so much of it!
He didn't speak until he had caught his breath. "Take it, girl. Rub it all over your hands that sinned and your face that watched. That's God's lotion. It will cleanse you."
She did as she was told and soon her face was shiny from the coating of his juice, and her hands were slippery with it. "I feel it, Reverend. I feel cleaner already. Thank you. Thank you so much. But I sinned in so many ways. Will this cleanse all of me?"
"How else did you sin? What was the next thing you did with those boys?"
She grasped his prick again. It was slippery with his own cum, as was her hand. She stroked him and he quickly became hard again.
Oh God, I don't know if I can do this. I want to. I really want to, but he's so long, and the head is so big around. His cum smells so good. Oh yeah, I'm gonna' ... I'm.... MMMmmmm
She moaned softly as she took as much of his prick as she could into her mouth and began to suck. She stroked the long shaft as she sucked. Her other hand slid down between her legs and she began fingering herself, watching the Reverend in case he opened his eyes.
"Oh, God, I'm going crazy. His prick is so hot ... tastes so good ... didn't like the taste of cum before ... his prick is so long ... finger feels so good ... it's going to start ... feel it throbbing ... taste it ... here it .. mmmmf.
Her mouth filled with the hot, salty/sweet sperm, gushing into her throat. She swallowed and sucked as fast as she could, but the sheer volume was too much for her. Even though she was swallowing mouthfuls of his juice, some of it pushed past her lips and ran down her chin and neck. She gagged a couple of times but never stopped swallowing. Finally the flood subsided.
It's so good! She thought I love the taste. It's so warm ... still squirting ... not so much now ... I didn't know I could like the taste and smell of cum so much. Oh, God, I want to suck it all out of him!When he was done, and the last drops oozed out of his knob, Jane hungrily licked up and down the shaft and sucked her fingers.
"Did you like that, girl? Do you feel the weight of your sin lifting?"
"Oh, yes, Reverend. I loved it. I could taste and smell God's lotion. It was so good. I'll always want more."
"Amen, daughter. That's enough for one evening." He got up and left, but it became their ritual every evening from then on until, one evening a few weeks later the Reverend began new lessons.
"Daughter, have you told me everything about your sins with those boys?"
"No, not everything," she said softly.
"How can I cleanse you if you hide things from me," he scolded. He was naked and sitting in the chair. Jane had already sucked him off once and was sitting on the floor between his legs gently stroking his shaft.. "Did they enter you anywhere besides your mouth?" She nodded slowly. "Where, girl? Stand up and show me."
She stood in front of him, reaching down to spread her pussy lips open and spread her thighs. He reached forward and placed his finger in the opening. "Here? Did they go into you here?" She again nodded slowly. He pushed his finger up into her hole, and Jane almost collapsed from the sensation of his long finger moving inside her. "Like this? Did they stick it into you like this?"
She nodded and softly added, "But they used more than their fingers. They put their penises in me , too."
"Stand up!" he ordered. "We must fulfill God's command!"
She stood and he pulled her toward him, forcing her legs to spread so that she was straddling him. His erection was sticking straight up. When she was directly over it, he put his hands on her hips and began to push her down. Their eyes were locked as she felt his big knob tough her pussy lips. She hesitated and he took one hand and guided his prick around in circles at her opening until it was covered with her slippery juice. He leaned forward and began to suck her nipples, something he'd never done before. She almost swooned at the feeling and did not resist as she felt him lower her onto his prick. She moaned when the head began to push past her pussy lips and then gasped when the knob popped into her. She had her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder, kissing his neck.
"It's so big," she muttered as it probed up into her belly. "It's so big," she repeated, "feels so good. Oh God, it's going in so far ... so deep ...uh!," she grunted as she felt herself fill up.
"Take it all, girl," he whispered, "take it all. Stick it in as deep as you can."
Jane began to ride him up and down, grinding her hips against him when it was deep in her. She was grunting loudly when she felt the first spurt of his semen fire into her belly. She gasped and pushed down, forcing his cum as deep in her pussy as she could.
"Don't stop," she blurted out, "I want it all! Cum in me! AAaaaaah!" She jumped and thrust with each new spurt until his juice was running out of her and covering her pussy and his balls. They fucked twice more that night, and it now became their nightly ritual. Jane was never happier. This was the best sex she had ever had, and she knew she was doing it because the Reverend said it was the right thing to.
One night a couple of weeks later, her father surprised her just as they were about screw again. "Mother," he called out loudly to his wife, "come up here. It's time we shared our blessings together!" Jane felt very awkward when her mother entered the room and saw her sitting naked on the floor between his legs, her face and breasts shiny with his cum. Jane watched as her mother silently removed her clothes and joined them. She walked to the chair and lifted her leg over Jane so that she was now straddling her husband. Still sitting on the floor, Jane's father's erect prick and her mother's open pussy were only inches in front of her face. She watched fascinated as her mother lowered herself onto the towering prick and took it into her hole.
She reached down and lifted Jane's face up so that their eyes met, and their gaze locked as she fucked her husband in front of her daughter. Jane's hand slipped between her legs and she began fingering herself as she watched this incredible sight. Her mother drew Jane's face forward to her breasts, and Jane was quickly sucking them. This continued until her mother cried out in joy as the Reverend shot his cum into her. Several seconds later she slowly stood, and Jane watched as her father's prick slipped out of her mother's wet hole. Overcome by her own heat and her love for the taste of his juice, Jane immediately stooped forward and covered her mother's vagina with her mouth and sucked her father's cum out of it. Her mother moaned, feeling her daughter's lips and tongue cleansing her wet cunt.
Then her mother, speaking for the first time, said softly, "Now it's your turn. I want to see you as you've seen me. She pulled Jane to her feet and moved aside as her daughter backed toward the Reverend, straddling his legs. Her mother knelt in front of them and gently guided her daughter down until his prick was entering the young pussy. She and her father fucked hard, and Jane screamed when she felt his cum squirting into her. Then her mother leaned forward and cleansed her daughter in the same manner as she herself had been cleansed before.
"....And that's I first learned about incest," Jane continued. "My parents and I slept in the same bed from then on. I've never regretted it. It was the best sex I've ever had, except for my son, and we had a deeper love for each other than anyone else I've known."
"That's the most beautiful story I've ever heard," Gilly said quietly, "How did you end up here?"
"When I graduated from high school, it suddenly dawned on me that it had nothing to do with religion, sin or redemption. it was all about sex and nothing but sex. I had no real problem with that, but I was fed up with all the restrictions, particularly the one that required I marry someone in the congregation, so I walked out one day, got a job and began my own life. It was fantastic. I had my own place and was having more sex than ever. Bob knocked me up, at least I think it was Bob, and we got married and moved here. We split up when Pete was six years old, and I've never wanted to marry again. I have sex with the men I date, but my real enjoyment is in bed with Pete. He's a great looking kid, and he really loves screwing. A young kid like that has a lot of staying power. Most nights we fuck at least twice and often more than that."
"God," Gilly giggled, "I think I may take you up on your offer to let me fuck Pete."
"Only if you'll give me a shot at Jason," Jane laughed.
"It's a deal!"
And they finished their coffee before planning their next adventure.
1 and 2 got me soo horny. I just love incest. It’s soo taboo. My dad just kissed me and made out with me. I wanted more. I always want more. Please keep up the nasty.
So far Chapter 1 ad 2 is logically developed and believable. As someone who, in real life, has no problem with mutually consensual incest, Jane's intrduction to incest does not meet the requirement of consensual. Mutually consenual incest is one in which there is no positional powerplay; there is no implied or actual fear of emotional abandonment; and/or no fear of or actual possibility of physical abuse. As for Jane's father, he is the perfect example of religious hypocrisy and the very antithesisof mutually consensual incest.