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Family Destroyed

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A man is betrayed by his wife and family.
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OK. Here's another one. Yeah, it's improbable and it would never work the way I wrote it. Yes, I know that the laws aren't this way. This is FICTION. This is the way things work in my world. This is a BTB, but there is a slight redemption in the end. All characters engaging in sexual activities are over the age of 18.

Family Betrayal

OK. Let's get the formalities out of the way. My name is Tim Davis. I'm the middle child of Tom and Linda Davis. My parents are currently 55 (dad) and 53 (mom) years old. They are still in pretty decent shape. Dad is 5'11" tall and weighs in at about 190-pounds. He works out a couple times a week. His hair has turned grey, but it used to be black like mine is. For those of you that are interested, his dick is about 6-inches long and average in girth. Mom is 5'6" tall, with 36C breasts that are sagging slightly with age. Her hair is also grey. That's probably why she shaves her pubic hair. Still, her stomach is slender, and her hips flair nicely.

As I said, I am the middle child. That means that I have two siblings. My older brother Josh is 6-feet even, and he weighs in at around 220-pounds. Sadly, it is not all muscle. He has a bit of a gut on him, and that probably makes it a tad difficult to use his slender 5-inch dick effectively. He still has his black hair like I do, though. He is 32-years old, two years older than my 30-years. His wife Kim is an attractive blonde that is 5'4" tall and weighs 110-pounds. She has nice B cup tits, and she prefers to have her pubic hair in a landing strip. Yes, that is blonde as well. She also has an admirable figure.

My sister, Donna, is 5'2" tall and weighs around 105-pounds. She got mom's red hair. Her breasts are in the small C to large B range. Her pubic hair matches the head on her head, and she trimmed her pubic hair into a neat triangle. Her husband Bob is 5'9" tall, weighs 180-pounds, and has the biggest dick of them all at about 7-inches.

Since this is a Loving Wives story, I should probably describe my wife. Bree is 5'6" tall, 36D breasts, Shaved pubic hair, and a fiery redhead. She works out 4 times a week in order to keep her trim figure. She is also 30-years old. She is the reason that we don't have children yet, but she has stated that she will be throwing her birth control pills away as soon as I return from this business trip. We've been married for just over 5-years.

Me? I'm the tallest of the bunch at 6'1" and weighing 195-pounds. My dick is a touch over 6-inches long, but fairly thick. As stated earlier, I have jet black hair, and I keep myself in great condition in the gym. I'm an engineer for a moderately large firm, and I travel a couple days a month to check on projects. That's where I am right now. I'm in a hotel room about 200-miles away from home working on one of the jobsites.

Now, I know all you perves out there are just imagining how I can accurately describe the breasts and sexual organs of my family. No, I have never participated in any sexual activities with any of my family members. That's just disgusting. The reason that I can accurately describe them all is because I just happen to be watching them on the cameras I set up at my home as they are all involved in and orgy with my wife as their main attraction. No, I do not have an erection as I am watching this, and I have not the slightest desire to masturbate to the scene on my computer.

So, a little of the back story here. Again, I was the middle child. My older brother was the outgoing one, as well as my younger sister. I was more introverted. Josh was more into sports and had a large group of friends in high school. So did my younger sister. I was more of a loner. Truthfully, I really never fit in. Sure, they loved me as a brother, but I was never comfortable in large groups. Consequently, my brother and sister got along better than I did with either of them.

I was the only one to go to college after graduating high school. My brother went to work for a local construction company, and my sister worked retail at a department store. They both got married within a couple years after graduating.

Having successfully graduated with my degree in Civil Engineering, I got a decent job with a moderately large firm and began my career. I wasn't a virgin, but I will also say that I wasn't a stud by any means. I dated sporadically through college, and probably had sex a couple dozen times. That is until I met my wife. It was a total set-up from the beginning.

Bree worked with my sister at the department store. Unbeknownst to me, Donna invited her to a barbeque at her place with the rest of my family and several other friends for the Fourth of July. Being it was a family event, I attended as usual. I had no idea that I was being set up with one of my sister's friends. After being introduced, she decided that I was going to be her companion for the rest of the day. I did find her rather attractive and a good conversationalist, so it was not difficult to spend the time with her. By the end of the night, I had asked her to go on a date the next weekend, and she accepted. We dated for another 6-months before I proposed. We were married a year later.

So, we were happy as far as I knew. I never had any inkling that there was anything wrong until about a month ago. It was the stupidest thing in the world. I was missing a flash drive that I always kept with me. Every once in a while, I would come across something at work that I wanted to take home and research. I would take out my flash drive and copy the document. Then when I got home, I would upload it into my laptop and begin my research. For some reason, it wasn't in my pocket. Logically, I thought that I had probably missed pulling it out of my pocket after showering and changing into a clean pair of pants. Thus, I found myself digging into the dirty laundry to try and recover it. That's when I found a pair of men's underwear that obviously weren't mine. I wore boxer-briefs. This was a pair of regular men's jockey shorts. The kind known as 'Tidy Whities'. They definitely weren't mine.

OK, so I couldn't fathom a logical explanation for them to be there. Oh, I did find my flash drive right where I thought it would be. Now, you all are most likely expecting a long drawn out thought process that I went through to try and explain that pair of underwear. Truthfully, there wasn't one, because I could only see one single logical explanation. Bree had to be cheating on me, and this pair of underwear was accidentally left behind for some reason. Thus began my search for the truth.

At work the next morning, I went over to our IT department. I knew them fairly well, because we used some pretty high-tech modeling software, and it occasionally need some tweaking. There were also the occasional computer glitches that are normal and new software as well as updates that need to be loaded and installed. Marge was my favorite tech. I wandered into her office and asked if she could help me out. I explained to her what I found and voiced my concern that Bree might be cheating on me. I asked if she could recommend anything that might help me find out if she was and who with.

"Tim, if you can get me into the house for about two hours, we actually have some spy cameras that I can set up for you. We got them two years ago when we had that guy posing as an intern to give one of our competitors info on a couple projects that we were bidding on. We caught him, and just stored the cameras in case we ever needed them again. She explained. The company decided to get rid of them, since they are just collecting dust, and we can get better ones cheaper now."

The next Saturday, Mary was parked down the street when Bree left to go on one of her shopping sprees with her friends. Five minutes after she left, Mary was in the house and beginning to set up the cameras. They were small and battery operated. They had motion detection so they would start the video automatically and not waste valuable space recording an empty room. We hid the receiver unit in the crawl space in the attic, so Bree wouldn't accidentally discover it. The receiving unit would not only record the video, but also send it to a secure website that only I could access.

So, that's the setup. On Monday, I called our company lawyer. Being a Senior Engineer at this time, I had to deal with Jerry fairly often on contracts. We got along pretty well, and he and his wife even came over to the occasional party that my wife and I had at our home. I explained my suspicions and asked if he could recommend a lawyer that I could see. He expressed his sorrow that my wife may be cheating and gave me a phone number to call. I made an appointment for the next day.

Work for the rest of the day was not overly productive. About the only thing that I did accomplish was to set up a site visit for the following week. I would leave Sunday afternoon and return on Wednesday. I decided that I would take some work home to prepare. That gave me a reason to avoid Bree for most of the evening. Typically, she took the news of me traveling next week with barely a shrug.

The next morning, the news I got from the lawyer was not what I hoped. No fault. In their infinite wisdom, our elected officials had determined that it did not matter if your wife was fucking the entire state. The wife would get the gold mine, and the husband would get the shaft. She would end up with half of the assets. Furthermore, since I made about three times what she earned, I would have to pay her to fuck around for the next five years in 'Maintenance'. All a divorce would get me would be the humiliation of letting everyone know that she was screwing around and that I couldn't satisfy her. Typical politicians -- punish the innocent and let the guilty keep partying.

Still, I needed to find out who she was cheating on me with. Jerry called me later that afternoon to ask how my appointment with his colleague went. I explained that it didn't go very well, and that I was screwed if I divorced her. He asked me to meet with him after work for a drink. What the hell, I had nothing to lose, and I could probably use one. I did manage to get some work done though.

I met Jerry at a local tavern. He already had two drafts ready.

"OK, Tim. I kind of expected what you were told. My brother went through this a couple years ago. Now, what I'm gonna tell you can't leave this table. You can never tell anyone I said this. I could get disbarred because of it, but you're a nice guy and a friend. Listen, there is no law that says that a husband needs to live with his wife. There isn't even a law that says that you need to support her. The only way that can happen is if you get divorced and the judge orders it. The key here is to not get divorced.

"Now, sure, she could divorce you. If that happens, she will get half of whatever assets you have -- at least the assets that she can find and prove. She can't get what she can't find and doesn't know about. Furthermore, if she can't find you, she can't have you served. The only way she can divorce you if she can't find you is to wait a year -- a whole year while that you will have to hide everything you can -- and divorce you for abandonment. The cool thing about that is that she will only get whatever is left behind and still there at that time.

"Now, you can disappear and take half the money and be perfectly legal. It is only illegal if you try to take more than half and hide it. All I can tell you about that is that, if you do that, make sure she can't find it or prove it."

Thus, my plan was beginning to form up. We sat and had two more beers while we discussed my options. What I was thinking was to just move out and stop supporting her. She wouldn't be able to afford the mortgage and utilities on the house, so that would probably be lost. Unfortunately, that would mean a big hit on my credit score. I did decide to quietly begin moving some money around in case I needed to disappear.

The rest of the week went by. I stayed at the office a little later than normal and took work home with me. I did notice that Bree was looking at me funny. Granted, I was not exactly acting normal. I'm just not that good of an actor. She even questioned me a couple of times. I explained that the site I was going to visit was having some issues, and I was trying to fix them. I even mentioned that my trip might be extended if the problems persisted.

Sunday came, and I left for my trip. It was 200-miles away, so I drove. I really don't like flying if I don't have to. It's not that I have a fear of flying. The issue is that you have to get to the airport, find a place to park, grab a shuttle to the terminal, check in, go through security, wait until you can board, sit in a cramped seat for the flight, retrieve your baggage, get on a shuttle to the rental car place, wait in line to get your car, then mauver out of the airport. After that, you half to repeat all that to go home. That sucks.

So, I was back at the hotel Monday night. I figured that I should check the hidden cameras in the house. I thought that she would probably wait until I called to let her know that I made it to the hotel safely before having her lover over. She did. It was an hour after I had called that I got the shock of my life. It wasn't a lover. IT WAS SIX LOVERS!!! My entire family was fucking my wife!

I was shocked. I watched them all come in, get a drink, then begin removing their clothes. They never even went into a bedroom. They just pushed the furniture over to the walls and did it on the livingroom floor. I never even suspected that Bree liked women, but I watched as she ate all three pussies with gusto. Apparently, she was the star of the show, as she took on three men at once. All three holes. She had never even let me touch her ass. The couple times I suggested it, I was turned down flat. I watched two hours of her getting plowed in her back door. There were four guys, and she would take three on at a time. The odd man out would have sex with one of the other women. Bree would then lick that woman clean.

The talk was even worse.

"God, I can't believe that Tim still hasn't even suspected anything. Shit, we've been doing this since before Donna even introduced you two." Mom said at one point.

"Well, I had to set her up with him. Mark from work was putting the moves on Bree, and he would have put an end to us being able to fuck her." Donna added.

Bree managed to dislodge my dad's dick from her mouth in order to answer. "I have to tell you guys this. Tim's been acting weird for the last week. I doubt that he knows anything, but he might be getting a bit suspicious. Besides, we need to stop for a while. I'm going off the pill when he gets home, and we are going to try to get me pregnant."

"Hell, why not let one of us knock you up." That was my asshole brother that suggested it. That received approval from the other three guys.

"No way. Look, we can keep this going for a long time, but that's if he doesn't find out. Besides, with the money he makes, if he even gets a whiff of suspicion, we will lose all the money. Sure, I'll come out OK in the divorce, but the gravy train will end. There's no way that I'm taking the chance that any DNA test comes back that says he's not the father."

"Fine, but only until you get pregnant. By the way, is that GPS unit still in his car? We don't want him coming home early and surprising us."

"No worries, I have it set up with an alarm on my phone if he gets within 50-miles."

I was stunned. I just sat and watched as they continued to fuck in every way possible. Once the guys were done, the women donned strap-ons and took over. Eventually, they needed a rest and took a break.

"So, Bree, aren't you gonna miss this when we have to stop until you get pregnant? I mean, that could take months." Asked Kim.

"Oh God, yes. I absolutely love getting my brains fucked out by all of you. I've always been somewhat of a nymphomaniac and a gang bang slut. I can barely stand waiting for him to go out of town for a few days a month. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do if I can't get my regular fix." Bree responded.

"Tell you what." Bob piped up. "As much as I would rather not, maybe if us guys used condoms we could keep going. That way, you get your fix, and we get ours."

I was devastated by that point. It was bad enough when I thought that she just had a lover. Now to find out that it was my entire family gang banging her, and it had been going on even before I met her, it almost destroyed me. My whole family was betraying me. I was only being kept around to pay for their lifestyles. Bree had apparently been syphoning money to them. That was it. My plans changed.

Perhaps I should mention something about me. I've never been good at social interactions and reading social cues. It is rather embarrassing to me now to remember one incident in college. I was walking across the campus and a cute little blonde was walking beside me. We began talking, and I told her that I was taking a couple of automotive classes. She said that she would like to learn how to do some maintenance on her car. Like I said, I am totally clueless about cues. Instead of offering to teach her, I made some stupid remark about her signing up for a class. Stupid! I didn't think about it again for a couple hours, then it hit me that she was wanting me to teach her.

Another thing about me is that science, math, and engineering are really easy for me. That is because they are fascinating to me. I love logical concepts like that. I can focus on them, and they make perfect sense to me. Abstract thought gives me some issues.

So, what was that all about? These are a couple of symptoms of a mild form of Asperger's syndrome. Some people think of it as a mental handicap, but it is just a different way that some people's brain works. This with this syndrome can really focus on a particular issue. Granted, we are totally clueless when it comes to some things, but we excel in finding solutions to problems that we are focused on. I now had a new problem to focus on.

My original plan was just to move out and stop supporting Bree. Sure, I would use the time to hide assets that she wasn't aware of, but I would supposedly still have my family to support me. Now, I no longer had that. I would need to completely disappear from everything and everyone. I also wanted to get some payback as well.

I got out my notebook and began planning everything that I would need to do. I thought about just leaving from here and disappearing, but there was too much to do that I couldn't do from here. There was also some stuff that I needed from home. I needed a plan. I sure as hell didn't ever want to see her or my former family again. I knew that she could track my car, so driving that back was out. Besides, there was too much stuff that I wanted to take with me to fit into the car. I worked until late at night before I finally had a decent plan. There were a couple things that I would need some help with, but I thought that I had an idea about where I could get that help from.

The next morning, I got up and went to the jobsite. There really weren't too many issues, so I was finished with what needed to be done within a couple hours. Knowing that my car could be tracked, I just stayed on the jobsite and used one of the empty offices in the portable building they used for the on-site office. I called my boss and exaggerated a few issues. I told him that I thought it best if I worked remotely from here, so I could be on-site part of the time. He reluctantly agreed. I searched Craigslist and found a cheap older pickup that I could buy for cash. I would Uber over and pick it up that evening.

Later in the afternoon, I went back out to the construction site. Tony was one of the supervisors that I had gotten to know fairly well from other projects. We had gone out after the workday was over a few times and had a couple beers. There were some rumors about him and his family. We made arrangements to meet at a sports bar after work. I spent the rest of the afternoon moving some of my investments around into new investment accounts.

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