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Father Ted's Diary Ch. 01

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Young well endowed priest is appointed Parish priest.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/21/2023
Created 08/03/2023
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A young, well-endowed priest is appointed to his first Parish, he loves full breasted women. All story characters engaged in sexual activities are eighteen years of age or older.

They appointed me to be the priest of an unusual church in a picturesque town in England. It was unusual because in the grounds of the church, there was a convent, which was now used as a home for retired nuns. The town was idyllic; it was popular with retired couples, had a wonderful parkland golf club, excellent fishing in the river that ran through the town. I remember when I told my dad I was going to become a priest, he said, 'Wise choice Ted, you don't see many priests having heart attacks.'

Dad had died when I was eighteen, it was an enormous shock; he had an aggressive cancer when they found it and all they could do was pump him full of painkillers, he died in his sleep two weeks later.

Dad had been Director of Education in the County; it was a big job. His family were wealthy and he was an only child, mum used to say to that she only married him for his money and that increased significantly as dad had taken out a massive life insurance policy.

Mum sat on many committees and earned a lot of money; mum was friendly with the Archbishop and the two sat on several committees. It was through this friendship that I didn't need to board at the seminary and our house was only three hundred metres from it, though I took part in the sports on Saturday and attend mass there on a Sunday.

After dad died, it was tough for mum and me, staying at home with her made things easier for her. Mum and I were inseparable, mum introduced me to wine, we would holiday three times a year to wine-producing countries, France, Italy, Spain, we even had a holiday in Napa Valley in California. We both love wine and drinking the wine together brought us closer together.

After my ordination, John, the Archbishop, picked every church I served in, they were the best parishes in the area, now I was being promoted to Parish priest. I would start in two weeks' time when the old priest retired, but I'd stay with mum for these two weeks and would spend time at St Thomas as well.

I said my last Sunday Mass in my old church then left with my suitcase, priests don't have possessions apart from what their family may have, I phoned mum and said, "Hi mum, I'm on my way, I'll be with you around three, mum would you like to go out for dinner tonight that would save you cooking?"

"Ted, have you had lunch as I haven't eaten and I've two lovely steaks and a delicious bottle or two of white Burgundy?"

I laughed and thought mum would have everything planned, I hadn't seen her last week, usually I visited her twice a week, I said, "You're a dream mum, I've a lot of nice wine in my car, we'll drink well for the next two weeks, I'll see you at three."

"Great Ted, I haven't seen you for two weeks, I've bought a new housecoat, I think you'll like it, see you at three darling and drive carefully."

I got home just before three, I went in quietly, mum was in the kitchen arranging some flowers at the kitchen sink, I stood behind her, she hadn't heard me, I put my hands on her hips and said, "Have you missed me, Babs?"

She turned round pulling me close she said, "Two weeks is too long, being alone so long is not good for me, we can eat later I need you in bed now, did you notice my butt plug is in and my butt is well lubed, I'm glad your home, my pussy has missed your big thick cock, give me a kiss and tell me you love me."

I did then mum led me into our bedroom, mum and I had been lovers coming up for nine years, seven weeks after dad's death, one Friday night when I got home from the seminary, mum had said Ted we can't sit here night after night doing nothing, let's go out for a meal.

Mum is a tall, voluptuous attractive woman, men like her especially older men, dad was a lot older than mum, on that Friday night when we got back from the restaurant, I had complimented her on the outfit she was wearing, mum's cup size was 36-EE cup, when she came out of the ladies' room in the restaurant, she'd undone three buttons on her blouse and was showing a cock stiffening amount of breast.

She didn't mention the unbuttoning in the restaurant, it was on the walk home mum said, "Ted, we will go out often, I want you to sleep in my bed tonight, I am not sleeping well, I need to feel the comfort of someone sleeping beside me.

I was so surprised I said nothing, mum's massive breasts were stiffening my cock, it scared me that she'd notice it. Then, as we stood in the hallway in the house, mum said, "Ted, I'd like to kiss you to say thank you for going out with me tonight, that means a lot to me."

Mum took me in her arms, she pulled me close to her, our lips met, spontaneously our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths, the kisses were filled with passion, mum broke away and said, "Ted, do you like my big breasts as you couldn't keep your eyes off them in the restaurant?"

My face blushed, and I said, "I love big breasts and yours are massive."

I didn't tell mum her mouth was the second woman's mouth my tongue had ever been in my life, mum smiled and said, "Ted, if you come to my bedroom now you can play with them."

It was an offer I couldn't refuse, from that night I never called her mum again, it was always Babs.

We went straight to mum's bedroom, mum put on all the lights as she wanted me to see her body, warts and all, she stripped so seductively my cock was rock hard, mum's body was gorgeous, I saw a pussy for the first time in my life, her vulva was hairless and swollen with thick cunt flaps, I always imagined them to be hairy. Mum looked at me and said, "Would you like Babs to undress you, I've noticed a very large bulge in your trousers, Ted, I hope you looking at my body makes you hard."

I was wondering whether to tell mum that I was a virgin but decided not to in case she stopped doing what she was doing. When I stepped out of my boxers and mum saw my monster, I knew mum wouldn't be stopping anything.

She gasped and as she fondled my monster cock, she said, "Ted, when I suck cock, I get wet, it's all the foreplay I need, sit on the edge of the bed and I'll make this beauty so hard."

I did as she asked, I couldn't believe the sensations mum was giving me, she had a marvellous mouth and tongue; it was the 1st blow job in my life, one girl had seen it but had told me it was too big for her.

Mum came off me and said, "Ted, feel me down below, feel how wet I am, just blowing your monster cock has done this, a lot of women will want this cock, I love the way it's throbbing, I want to feel it inside me. Ted, lie on top of the bed, I'll take you cowgirl, you're so big, I'll have to be careful how I do this, it's the biggest thickest cock I've ever seen, darling just lie back and enjoy the ride and don't worry if I cum a lot, I need this."

Mum cumming a lot wasn't my problem, I'd nearly cum when she was gobbling me. Mum squatted over me, rubbing the bulbous head of my cock up and down her gorgeous fuck hole, she then pushed down on my cock and I felt the warmth of her cunt walls, then the head of my cock hit something soft. I also felt mum's cunt lips around the base of my cock, mum got a great rhythm going, she said, "Oh baby, what a cock, that's a big fucker and I love it, I've never had the head of a cock hit my cervix, baby, finger Babs's clit, it's nice and hard now, your big thick shaft is stimulating it as I ride you. Do you like it when Babs talks dirty? Babs can talk very dirty to you and make you cum, baby I'm nearly there, your cock feels so good, it's stretching Babs's cunt and Babs loves her cunt stretched, baby cum for Babs, let Babs feel you spurt your seed against my cervix, cum for me baby, flood the walls of my cunt with your creamy spunk."

Mum was having a body shaking orgasm as I spurted my seed forcefully against her cervix, I'd lost my virginity and I was happy mum had taken it from me, I also loved mum talking dirty to me.

That was the start of a very dirty night, mum told me the next morning she'd cum over ten times. We spend Sunday in bed; we didn't go to mass, mum told me she'd give me a dispensation as I had to look after her.

I told mum that she'd taken my virginity, she smiled and said, "I'm glad you didn't tell me as I would have felt so guilty I wouldn't have done it."

We had non-stop sex for the next five years. I was doing well at seminary; I was their top student. Mum told me she saw Archbishop John once a week, mum was honest but she was brutally frank as well, John loved her big breasts too. She did it as she was on seven committees, for each of these committees she received eighty thousand a year plus big expenses. Mum said, "Ted, for the guts of three quarters of a million a year, letting a man play with my tits, let him watch me play with my cunt and give him the occasional blow job, it's easy money and John is also looking after you in the seminary."

Mum had been doing this for years, she had amassed a massive amount of money and she was still doing it coming up to ten years later.

My time at the seminary flew in, I was faithful to mum all the time I was there, mum taught me so much, especially when to talk dirty to get your partner over the line. One night in bed close to my ordination, mum said, "Why did you decide to be a priest, Ted?"

I laughed and said, "Babs, can you remember Father Charles, who was our priest? He was the most insignificant man I've ever met in my life."

"I remember him, he got transferred to Manchester as his mum was poorly, you'd fall asleep during his sermons, he wasn't inspirational, what's he got to do with you becoming a priest?"

I laughed and said, "Babs, you know I love big breasts, I was the head altar boy and spending a lot of time at the church, over three months, I saw him four times with four different big-breasted women fucking them in the sacristy, all of them were married and their husbands were older."

Mum said, "Ted, with your monster cock, they'll be lining up for you, a lot of wealthy men marry younger women as a trophy wife, they get older and the wives get horny, it's going to happen to you as soon as you get in a parish, but please always be there for me, I need you."

Back to the Sunday afternoon.

Mum and I spent the next three hours in bed, then as she cooked the steaks, she said, "I've a couple of numbers John has given me for you to phone, he wants you to phone each one of them separately. One is Mother Joan, she's the Mother Superior of the Convent, the other is Father Peter, the retiring priest, the two of them don't get on. John is putting you on to the Education committee, for three hours work a month you'll get one hundred thousand plus expenses, it's crazy money but Mother Joan is also on the Education committee and he wants the two of you to work together, she's a forward-thinking woman. I believe she was involved with a Bishop who died recently, John specifically told me you must tell her that her number came from him and he's putting you on the Education committee with her."

I got my private phone out; I have a work phone as well, one that I can turn off, when you're on call fourteen to sixteen hours a day, you need that. I phoned Father Peter first and went straight onto voice mail, I told who I was and asked if he could call me back.

I was sitting naked on a kitchen chair sipping the delicious Burgundy mum had got, mum was naked too, her massive breasts swinging beautifully, mum handed me two sheets of paper on Education, which John wanted me to read. Mum's tits were swinging even more as she handed me the papers. I dialled Mother Joan's number; she answered on the first ring and I explained who I was, and that I'd got her number from Archbishop John, who wanted me to sit on the Education committee with her. I was phoning her to arrange a meeting, I also said it would be better if we met without Father Peter, as I believe the two of you don't see eye to eye.

Mother Joan had a lovely voice and said, "Father Ted, I'm so happy that you've called, I was wondering what was happening, I so happy that Archbishop John has suggested this with the Education committee as two voices are better than one. Yes, there's conflict between Father Peter and myself which is bad for St Thomas, he disappears on a Sunday afternoon and reappears on Tuesday afternoon, is tomorrow suitable for you, Father Ted?"

"Mother Joan, please call me Ted, I'm having a couple of weeks off before I start, you tell me a time tomorrow that suits you and I'll be there."

"Ted, please call me Jo, is eleven in the morning good for you?"

"Jo, that would be ideal, the last few weeks have been pretty hard."

"Ted, I understand, so tomorrow at eleven, I'm so looking forward to meeting you, will you go away on holiday?"

"Jo, so am I, I may go away for a few days, I'm staying with mum at the moment, mum's cooking dinner and we're both sipping a delicious white Burgundy, believe me I wasn't doing this last Sunday evening."

"Ted, I love a glass of wine in the evening, it allows me to switch off. Father Peter is a heavy drinker, it's such a relief for me that he is leaving, I'm sure he was drinking vodka in the morning, I only drink wine in the evening, though my stocks are running low as my source is now not available to supply me and I can't go into a wine shop in my habit and buy wine."

"Jo, don't worry about that, I'll get all the wine you need, see you tomorrow at eleven."

"Ted, I'm so happy you phoned, after you saying about the wine, I may have three glasses tonight, see you tomorrow."

Over dinner I thought it might be a better idea if I went for the meeting in a normal suit and no clerical collar as it would be better if Father Peter didn't know I'd visited the Convent, I sent Jo a message suggesting this. I then asked mum how much of the white Burgundy she had? She replied, "I bought five cases, we've had two bottles this afternoon, oh Whites are having a wine tasting two weeks on Tuesday at six in the evening, you start in the new parish on Monday, will you be able to make it?"

I gave mum a hug and said, "I'm the Parish Priest now Babs, I don't have to ask anyone's permission, I'll be there and we'll get a taxi there and back, we'll go for a meal after the tasting, I need a case of the white Burgundy?"

Mum smiled and said, "You can have it darling, but I want your big, thick cock after dinner."

I was lying on top of the bed, mum was giving me a lovely gobble, my phone beeped, Jo had replied, "Ted, that's a great idea as by mid-afternoon on Tuesday Peter would know of your visit. Several of the nuns do minor jobs for Peter, cleaning his rooms, cooking and serving his food. There's no housekeeper in the church, the nuns also serve at Mass, I have no contact with him. When you start, I'll help you get things arranged for the Sisters to do things for you, I'll be prepared to do things for you too."

"I've a nice suggestion, you won't be wearing your clerical clothes and I won't wear my habit and we meet at the County Inn which is a hundred yards from the exit from the Motorway, it's a lovely white building surrounded by flower and window baskets. I drive a white VW Polo, I'm five foot nine inches, I have fair hair which is cut short at the moment, let me know the make and colour of your car so I can recognise you, Jo."

"Dear Jo, I'm six foot four inches and also have fair hair, I drive a silver VW Golf, I'll be there at eleven, Ted."

Mum's head was starting to bobb, I thought, will I let her suck me off? I wanted the warmth of her hot cunt and told her to do me cowgirl. Mum had two massive orgasms, she'd cum a lot since three this afternoon, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning mum wanted a quickie then made breakfast as I showered, it's a twenty-minute drive and I left at ten-thirty, I arrived first, there were three other cars in the car park but no white Polo. A minute later, a white Polo drove in with a very attractive woman driving it. I waved, and she flashed her lights and parked beside my Golf, she got out of her car, her thigh length miniskirt and massive breasts caught my eye immediately, we shook hands and did the pleased to meet you bit. Jo was smiling and said, "Ted, you're not what I was expecting at all, I'm glad I put on my three-inch heels, although I could have got away with my four-inch heels, you're so tall and good looking, let's go in and have a coffee."

I said, "We'll do that, but I want you to open the boot of your car first."

Jo had a curious look on her face but she opened her boot, I opened my boot and transferred the case of wine to her car, Jo was smiling and as she moved a box and an umbrella my arm brushed her massive left breast, it felt good, for a couple of seconds my arm was hard against her breast, she smiled and said when the case was in her boot, "Thank you Ted, how much do I owe you for the wine?"

We walked into the Inn and I said, "We'll get that sorted out later, what did you mean when you said I wasn't what you expected?"

A member of staff greeted us and led us to a table. We ordered two cappuccinos and were the only ones there. Jo whispered to me, "Ted, you're a very tall handsome young man, you look like a distinguished gentleman, I'm happy you're going to be our new priest, I'm looking forward to working with you."

Jo had a beautiful face, her smile was gorgeous, her voluptuous body, massive breasts, they were at least EE cup or FF cup, I'd need to feel them to know for sure. Her wide sensuous hips and long legs, the last thing you'd imagine her to be was a Mother Superior of a Convent. I tried my best to keep my eyes off her massive breasts and failed miserably. We chatted over our coffee and ordered another two as Jo explained the workings of the Convent.

She told me there were five nuns, including herself there, Sister Ruth was eighty and very sick, Dr Kay, the local doctor who was also a member of the congregation, had told her she was close to death. She was cared for constantly by Sister Karen and Sister Ann, who both also did the cooking in the Convent. There was also a young novice nun, Sister Maria, who would take her vows next year.

The Convent was being used as a place where older nuns would see out their days, Sister Ruth was a perfect example. In the last thirty years, there hadn't been many new recruits, the number of nuns and clergy had dropped dramatically, which was putting the church under tremendous strain. As Jo spoke I was sure that her sensuous body had got her the Mother Superior title, her massive breasts were incredible. It was now nearly twelve, I was sure that Jo had pushed her massive tits out for me at least four times, I said, "Jo, may I invite you for lunch as I'm sure we'll talk for another couple of hours."

Jo smiled and said, "Ted, I was hoping you'd suggest that, I wanted to offer you lunch but didn't think it was my place to ask you."

"Jo, you can ask me anything, you're a lovely, attractive lady, with honest eyes, gorgeous smile and a beautiful body, I think you and I will drink a nice bottle of wine over lunch? Let's order lunch."

We ordered lunch, and I ordered a bottle of Premier Cru Champagne, a Champagne made with only using the first pressing of the grapes, after we'd ordered I said, "I've ordered Champagne Jo so that we can celebrate our new friendship, I'm so looking forward to working with you."

Jo smiled and said, "Ted, thank you so much for the compliment, I'm forty now but look after what I eat and we exercise together, all the nuns do yoga twice a week for an hour at a time. I love wearing normal lady clothes, you'll have to get used to me wearing my habit or I could dress in these clothes privately for you. I'm amazed when I stand naked in front of the mirror how my body has changed little in all these years, though I'm fuller now. I must visit the bathroom and wash my hands; I've had a lot of coffee this morning and want to make room for this lovely Champagne."


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