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Ficciones in a Time of Pandemic

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Three tales of reaction.
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Grateful thanks to Qetesh, my story consultant, for help in shaping this up and to editing whiz avarramarie for going beyond catching mistakes to point out some things that could confuse the reader. The German version of this story is posted in German Literotica as Fiktionen in Zeiten der Pandemie by Egon Hoppe.

Protective Covering

Although he wasn't in China, he had been in many busy airports on his month-long business trip. He returned just as the virus was beginning to explode. When he was examined upon arrival, he had no symptoms, but he was ordered to self-quarantine for at least fourteen days.

At home, he went to the guest room and never came out. She placed his food in front of his door, went downstairs and called his phone. They talked themselves out in a few days. After that, they spent a lot of time silently looking at each other on their phones. The desire in their eyes almost caused the house to explode in spontaneous combustion.

When they took a break from lustfully gazing at each other, she wandered the Internet for relief. She found Literotica and read voraciously. Then came the day she discovered Oggbashan. She binged on the author, and his stories haunted her dreams and daydreams until she knew what she had to do.

She placed her first order from a sex site after clicking on "Fetish." It arrived five days later. She didn't make too many alterations to what she had bought, and his outfit was ready the next day. She left it with his dinner, went downstairs and phone him with instructions for what to do after he ate.

When he was ready, he opened the door and saw a plastic sheet covering the carpeted hallway. Soft towels covered the sheet. He stepped out and shut the door behind him. His outfit was so tight that he could barely move as he lay down on his back on the towels. Latex covered every inch of him except eyeholes, the surgical mask over his nose and mouth and the hole through which his genitals hung out. He pulled off his face mask and closed his mouth.

He looked up and saw her as she stepped over him and slowly lowered herself. She was wearing a matching outfit. He saw her hairy mound for a moment before she was sitting on his face. He suddenly smelled and tasted a heady mix of her love juices and latex.

She reminded him again that of her research that showed mouth to pussy or and mouth to cock doesn't transmit infection. Then she sucked him in. A moment later his tongue was inside her. For an hour, almost nothing moved except his tongue and her head, except when their bodies rocked from their orgasms.

Afterward, she got up, walked to the end of the hallway and watched him from the stairs. He couldn't get up because of the muscle constriction, so he used his hands to slide himself around until he could reach his door handle. That helped him roll over, and then he opened his door and slithered back into the guest room like a snake.

Once his door was closed, she put the towels into the washing machine. She rolled up the plastic sheet, took it outside and dumped it into the garbage container. She enjoyed the feeling of his come drying on her face as she worked. Then she took a long, hot shower with a smile on her face while humming a favorite love song.


Their marriage was stale, and they were both too busy with their careers to put in the effort to save it. They separated while waiting for the court date, each living with someone else when the country locked down.

Each of the couples' four employers transitioned to telecommuting. At night, the police enforced the curfew, so, except for greeting the grocery deliveries, both pairs were together twenty-four-seven.

By the fifth day, each couple knew that as soon therer was an all-clear, they never wanted to see each other again. Their nasty arguments over trivia had destroyed any desire for sex, although as the days passed, everyone got hornier.

She called him first but hung up as soon as it rang. He saw the incoming call and called back. They talked for an hour. Two hours later, they had a video conversation.

Their video calls soon became the highlight of their days. At first, they were restrained, but as they rediscovered why they had fallen in love with each other, the calls became emotional and intense.

They had to stop talking about how much they longed to touch each other because it set them both on edge. When they couldn't think of anything to say, they gazed silently at each other. Their desire for each other was so strong that their bodies twitched.

Her roommate gave her the idea when he suggested they hate-fuck. At first, she recoiled from the idea. The thought of ever having sex again with anyone but her husband seemed monstrous. Later, when she and her husband were on video again, a light bulb went off. She didn't share her idea until the next day, after she worked out the logistics.

He thought it was crazy when she explained it, but when he told his roommate, she agreed eagerly. The four conferenced about it together and decided on the next day.

She had told him the most important thing was the placing of the iPads, so he was careful. Both naked, he and his roommate got on their bed, with him lying down and her on top of him. He told her how to move the iPad around on the dresser next to the bed until it showed only his upper body and face.

At the other apartment, she was on her hands and knees and adjusted the iPad in front of her so it showed only her face and breasts. At her signal, her partner entered her and began slowly in the doggie position. At the same time, her husband's roommate began riding him.

Both of them were so excited they could hardly stand it. He watched her face and her swinging breasts. She watched his face and his heaving chest. They talked to each other about how they felt and made each other more excited. He came first and told his partner she could ride him harder so she could come before he got soft. She began slamming down on him and came a minute later.

Meanwhile, his wife came twice before her roommate orgasmed. She turned off the connection.

A few hours later, they both came again using their hands as they talked about their earlier lovemaking.

They knew now how they were going to get through the quarantine and that once they were in each other's arms, they would never again let their love grow cold.


Good morning.

Thanks. Yours doesn't seem to be so good.

How can you tell?

Because your video is off, which means you don't want me to see your face, and you sound really down. I'm guessing you did the math.

What? Oh! Yes. So you're not surprised.

No. I've been preparing myself. When normal lives are disrupted, people usually contemplate and take stock. I've been doing it for a few weeks already, but you were too busy with work until this week.


You were going to let me raise another man's child?

That was the idea. Who knew that something out of a pulp science-fiction novel would trip me up. I worked out the math so you'd be home soon enough that you would never have had a clue. Instead, you're stranded in Dubai.

What about the real father?

He's not the father. I won't call him the donor because he knocked me up the normal way. He doesn't know, and he never will. The only thing that matters is he's healthy, good-looking, smart and kind. And he has virile sperm.

How did you meet him?


He didn't seduce me. You didn't notice, but I've been on the hunt for some time. He looks so much like you that I fooled a couple of my friends. The baby would have fooled you, too.

I've been thinking about the worst things I've done to anybody in my life. By the way, I didn't do any of them to you.

Thanks for turning on the video. You don't look as bad as the mess you're looking at. Why are you recalling bad things you did to other people?

I thought maybe I deserved what you tried to do to me. By the way, I decided I didn't. Since you guessed I would do the math, have you seen a lawyer yet?

No, I was waiting until after this conversation. I'm going to use Doug, and I hope you do, too, to save money. The only expense will be to untangle our finances since everything is in both our names. I'll tell Doug to have the accountant figure out what I brought into the marriage and add some interest. I don't want anything else from you.

What about half the house?

Keep it or sell it.

I think I have to pay child support even though the DNA won't match. The state has a law like that.

I won't ask for child support.

Your lifestyle will take a big hit. Have you thought about how that will affect the baby?

Yes. We'll get by. I'm sure my parents will help.

Have you told them yet?

No. You can.

It sounds to me like you're punishing yourself because you regret the affair. Or do you only regret that you got caught?

You got it right. I don't regret the affair, and I deeply regret that you found out.


We would have had a wonderful life together with our baby if it hadn't been for the stupid virus!

Thank you for being honest about your philosophy of cheating. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

In this case, that pretty much sums it up.

I guess there's nothing else to say until I can get home. You can have Doug draw up the papers. Even though you're not asking, I'm giving you half anyway. You'll need it as a single mother.

Whatever you say.

It's still hard for me to believe you aren't sorry for what you did. Seven years, counting before we got married! I guess I never really knew you. The fertility specialist was going to go over donors with us at our next appointment, but you never made the appointment.

Strained laughter

I'm sorry. It's not that funny, but the doctor was the reason for my affair.


Don't blame him, but after the last appointment, when we left the office, I was thinking about us selecting an anonymous donor. I've heard stories about mistakes at sperm banks and some intentional contamination by weirdo freaks. You know I'm a risk taker. But not with our baby. I had to know everything about the donor.


I, I, I have trouble with that one for all sorts of reasons. One, you never told me how you felt. Two, you didn't need to fuck the donor. Three, even if I believed you, I would always be wondering if you would cheat on me again for some other reason that you decided was good enough.

Let's see if I can answer your questions in order. One, I didn't tell you how I felt because I was obsessed with our child having the best gene combination that was in my power to bestow. I knew that you would try to calm me down and persuade me to be sensible. Rather than waste precious time, I would find the right candidate and present him to you fully wrapped up and ready.

When I saw him in the drugstore, I was stunned. At first, I thought I was looking at a clone. He's a few years younger than you and there are some differences, but the resemblance is freaky. I told him he looked like someone I knew and got him to meet me for coffee the next day.

I turned on the charm, and he had no idea he was being interviewed. We had lunch a couple of times and coffee a few more times. I initiated everything without him realizing he never asked me out. For me, it was like conducting a job interview. I am a master of extracting secrets from prospective employees. By the time I was finished, only a doctor looking at his lab work knew more about his health and history.

I was just getting ready to tell him the reason I was interested in him and arrange for you to meet him when he dropped a bombshell. He was being promoted and would be leaving in a few weeks to manage one of his company's subsidiaries in Asia.

I had trouble falling asleep that night, but when I woke up, there was no doubt in my mind. I couldn't let him go to waste. I seduced him and had sex with him as often I could before he left. I had to secretly snip a bunch of condoms and run to the bathroom when he came in my mouth so I could spit into a container and inject the sperm into my vagina later.

I was almost too good a whore. He told me he was thinking of turning down his great opportunity to stay with me. I said I liked him but was only interested in his body. I think he may have realized toward the end that I was married.

Three is the big one. I'm over my obsession with making a perfect baby. I've gone over to your side. I'm up for adopting, maybe even adopting a special needs child. I realize that's a pipe dream because, as you say, whenever you looked at our first child, you'd resent it for making you wonder if I was cheating again.

I never said that. I wouldn't resent the baby. It's not the baby's fault.

I'm sorry. As soon as I said that, I realized it was unfair. Of course, you wouldn't resent it. You'd love it and spoil it. You'd be the best father in the world. But even though you'd be great with the baby, you'd always be wondering about me. Couples therapy might help, but it also might make things worse.

Damn it! Why did you do this to me? You have no idea how much I loved you.

That's why I did it. I'm already in the past tense for you, but I still love you -- more than ever. My scheme was the greatest expression of my love for you I've ever made. If Wuhan had never existed, you would be ecstatic right now rather than depressed.

I don't think I'm depressed anymore, but I'm deeply troubled.

I'm sure some day you'll find someone to make you happy.

Are you going to call me again?

After my appointment with Doug, I'll call you and tell you what he said.

I've enjoyed our daily video calls -- until today.

Me, too.

Listen. Don't make an appointment with Doug yet. I have no idea when I'll get out of here. There's plenty of time.



Whatever happens once I get back, do you agree that you owe me big time?

Of course.

Then here's what I want you to do. Keep calling me every morning and evening like you've been doing. We'll stay away from this subject and talk about other things. No weepy, needy stuff. Maybe later, once some time has passed, if we both agree, we can bring this up and see if we feel differently. No promises, no expectations from either of us. How does that sound? Damn it! Why are you crying again? That's exactly what I just asked you not to do.

I'm sorry. It's because I can't believe what a beautiful man you are. I take that back. We're staying away from that subject. It's going to be hot today, with some rain tonight. What's the weather like in Dubai?

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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PraetusPraetus1 day ago

First two were fab. Third one... Doesn't jive. I feel the husband forgives too easily. No remorse really, though I see her motive. But it feels twisted. And gives an insight into the success at all costs mindset of the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, this is evil.

ibuguseribuguserabout 2 years ago

The 3rd one was a masterclass in love, betrayal, compassion, and forgiveness.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 2 years ago

Why should the husband just accept what his wife says. It casts things in the best light for her but feels full of opportunities for alternative interpretations of the wife’s actions. I am unsure why the husband does not treat her asan “unreliable narrator.” The thing I note about many of your female characters is the highly developed capacity for lying by omission and equivocation. And this is a case in point. Why do you paint your male subjects in this clueless way. Especially clueless to the possibilities of dissembling that the female characters indulge in on a consistent basis? There are plenty of intelligent women out there and you paint vivid pictures of their intelligence in action as well as their focus and drive (Trieb). Yet they are either clueless as to their own motivations or sociopathic narcissistic liars or some combo there in. And at the same time you have these female characters assert their undying increasing love for these pretty dense male characters. Why would they? There just feels to be something unbalanced and akilter about this…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More of Edrider's garbage.

ErotFanErotFanabout 3 years ago

I must agree with helix247, above. The last tale was definitely a 5-star little vignette. The idea of eavesdropping in the middle of the teleconference turned out to be a winner as you managed to reveal the plot as you went.

Your mmanagement of the dialogue gives insight into how the two feel and relate to one another.

I'm sure many readers would like to hear how you think this episode turns out. Will the husband decide not to return to the wife? Will the reconciliation bug continue to bite or will the two tire of the long range attempt and abandon each other? Since the lock-down will last longer than the pregnancy, how will that affect the story?

All delicious inquiries!

helix247helix247over 3 years ago

Two strikes and a home run.

The first two vignettes -- Protective Covering and Surrogates -- are tongue-in-cheek and half-baked.

The third -- Mathematics -- is a very cool dialogue about an intriguing and topical dilemma for both the MC and the LW.

Author edrider33 is one of the recognized masters here, notably for his classic tale, Strange Car in the Driveway. I'm surprised that this offering hasn't received more attention... only seven comments to date. Maybe he should take this collection down and re-post Mathematics as a stand-alone story.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

That was interesting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Well done!

Your two short-shorts, while purposely exaggerated, catch much of the angst and frustration the pandemic has caused, along with the imaginative ways some have found to deal with it. Without being read in that light, they would make little sense; as lock-downs and fear of the corona virus have become our norm they reflect our times.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago

Was this two separate stories, or are the linked somehow? Are both stories about the same couple? Both need work.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 4 years ago
Not up to your normal standard

I normally like your stuff, but this makes no sense. If you are done with your relationship and don't want to see or have anything to do with your partner, why would you become so intimate again to have sex with them? I could understand a video call with mutual masturbation and using your imagination, but having sex with your ex? Sorry, but this pandemic is NOT the end of the world. It is an inconvenience. What they need to do is go get tested, and if they show negative then move.

lujon2019lujon2019over 4 years ago

Maybe dont use ONLY second person pronouns when discussing upward of maybe six individuals?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please go away

And NEVER return. You can't write a decent story to save your life.

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