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Filled Beneath the Waves

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On a new planet, a woman explores ecstasy under the waves.
6.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/23/2024
Created 01/08/2022
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I hesitated to publish this story, if only because it is a whole new genre for me. So, this is a bit of an experiment. Then again, looking back, maybe this is exactly the same type of story I've written before--just on a different planet.

I hope you enjoy it, both in mind and body...


Mara dropped down naked under the waves and into an alien world. Even diving under the sea on Earth had felt like leaving the planet-- the vast oceans were filled with strange creatures with pulsing bodies and glowing feelers that drifted around in the dark.

But this was truly an alien world; the first inhabited exoplanet explored by humanity. People had been dreaming about this day for generations. Now Mara was here, in the flesh, one of the first human beings to glimpse what had once been only fantasy.

Giant masses of what looked like towers of coral made of rose petals pushed out from the ocean floor. A riot of colors splashed across their intricate patterns. Sunlight shafted down through the clear water above, making waves of light dance on the reefs.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Mara?" Taxlaq's voice vibrated through the water. Looking over her shoulder, Mara could see him floating a few meters away. His rubbery skin flashed with bright yellows of happiness as he thrust his tentacles behind him.

Mara could do little more than wave back as she inhaled in through the small circle of the breathing device between her lips. The rest of her was bare. With long legs kicking through the warm water, she swept her hands forward in a breast-stroke as she made her way through the cathedral of sights and sounds.

A collection of sea creatures with three little snouts like flutes flittered in front of her. Their tails flashed through reds and whites as they dipped and weaved. One of them made a clicking sound through the water, then the next, until a symphony of clicks rang through the reef. They swirled around her smooth brown body, gently touching her, before thrusting out together back down into the light blue below.

Taxlaq made a guttural rumble-- it was his equivalent of a laugh. His alien body was shockingly similar to that of an octopus back on Earth; apparently, when a pattern of life worked, nature stuck with it. Yet these last few weeks of having Taxlaq as her guide showed her how different he was on the inside. He was no cold, solitary creature. His eyes danced with intelligence and compassion. He seemed to know her thoughts and needs before she did.

Mara smiled again and reached out to stroke Taxlaq's tentacle. A tendril wrapped around her wrist, and gently played with the transparent little hairs on her arm. She'd learned that his tentacles were not always completely under his control. Apparently, they had a bit of a mind of their own. He assured her, though, that he had been trained since a child on the strict mental disciplines needed to direct his arms with the greatest of care, when needed.

The tentacle caressed further up her arm, making little popping sensations on her skin with its suckers. She had sometimes wondered what it would like to have those sensitive organs running up and down her body... all of her body.

Shaking her head, Mara pushed the thought to the side. She was a scientist-- here to explore and learn. This was the greatest experience of her life, and she intended to enjoy it.

Laughing out bubbles into the water, she swam through the glittering towers of the reefs, stroking out into the wonders of this alien ocean, the flowing form of Taxlaq always by her side.

* * *

Mara's head burst through the surface. She gasped and giggled as she threw her breathing device on the sand and pushed back her wet black hair.

"That was amazing!" she told Taxlaq breathlessly. The patches of color glowing on his skin told her that he was pleased. "The reef is so vibrant here, and the water is so perfectly warm," she added. "I've never seen anything so beautiful!"

That was true, but it was more than that. It felt so freeing just to leave everything behind, she thought. No clothes. No responsibilities. No one around to care if I am naked or not. Just me, the water, and all the lushness of life on this world.

Taxlaq curled up next to her as she lay back in the pool, looking out into the lagoon as little waves caressed her thighs. As usual, Taxlaq's tentacles wrapped around her waist and popped little suction-cup massages across her legs. Mara's breasts rose out of the water, gently swaying to the ripples. Looking down through the nearly transparent water, Mara could see every sucker of Taxlaq's tentacles, and every curl of the neat black bush between her legs.

"Did that give you pleasure? Did it show you new ways to be alive?" Taxlaq's deep voice vibrated out from the water.

Laughing happily to herself again, Mara reached out to tightly hug Taxlaq's giant "head" in her arms. The soft, rubbery skin of his mantle melded itself against her breasts. Taxlaq was massive, with tentacles that could wrap around her three times without even trying. Yet she could compress his entire body until it was almost flat. It was still hard to believe that all that squeezing didn't hurt him; even more, that he actually enjoyed it!

The tentacle around her waist gave her a strong squeeze in reply, as did the tentacles wrapped around each leg.

"Yes, my friend, that gave me pleasure." Mara put her hands behind her and sank them into the sand. The water was so warm that it was hard to tell where it ended and the air began. She arched her neck back, letting her hair float on the little waves. Her nipples pointed up straight towards the sun. She closed her eyes and felt its heat.

"Yeah, I feel alive ... maybe for the first time in my life," she whispered.

Taxlaq's tentacles were doing their usual exploration, running up and down her legs, walking up her back, and running their soft tips across her skin. Taxlaq had explained how "touchy" his people could be, especially when faced with curious new sensations. She knew he was tasting her with those suckers. More than tasting-- almost all of his senses were in those things. Tasting, licking, smelling, touching--plus senses humans could barely imagine--he wanted to feel and explore every piece of her.

In spite of herself, Mara's heart began to beat faster.

"That is well," Taxlaq rumbled. His whole body was a bright yellow now, almost the same shade as the sun above. "You have also shown me new ways to be alive. I am ... pleased to have been able to know you, Mara." He gave one more squeeze, then started to stare off into the distance. The yellow in his upper body slowly started to fade to green, then light blue.

Apparently, he was moving off into meditation. He had explained that his people needed to do that when they experienced great emotions. As far as she could understand, it was a powerful spiritual practice; at least, when put in human terms. They still had so much to learn about each other!

A tip of the tentacle around her waist, still bright yellow, began to creep down her stomach. It briefly tickled her belly button, making Mara have to hold in another fit of giggles. She inhaled sharply as she saw it squirm downwards. It reached out towards her mound, touching her curly black hair.

The tentacle appeared to get excited, shifting back and forth across her mound to taste and touch.

A shudder ran through Mara. Opening her eyes, she glanced over at Taxlaq. He gazed steadily out into the sky and sea. He did not seem to be paying attention to her, or what his tentacles were doing.

Maybe one of those little brains in his arm is smelling something new, and wants to explore, she thought. This is the first time they have felt me naked. They must be curious.

She shuddered again as the tentacle began to run itself back and forth through the hair between her legs-- tasting, exploring. She could feel her labia, just inches away, begin to swell in arousal. Mara began to open her mouth to tell Taxlaq about his wandering tentacle, but the words stuck in her throat. He still appeared to be in deep meditation. She had learned it was very disrespectful to disturb one of his people in such a state.

And, if she was honest with herself, her body wanted to be touched-- needed to be touched. Her life was focused on this mission. It had been many long months since she had last been with someone. Even then, it was a meaningless fling of convenience-- two crew members hurriedly getting each other off.

What's the harm in letting the arm fulfill its curiosity? None at all, she reasoned. Anyway, isn't the whole purpose of this mission is to learn more about each other?

It was a rationalization, she knew, but when the tentacle slid into her slit she stopped caring. The soft tendril started to brush itself back and forth across her clit. The sensation sent little shocks of pleasure rolling up into her stomach and down into her pussy.

Mara tried to turn her attention elsewhere. The sunshine was so beautiful. The exploration of the reef was so astounding. Her mind was alive with insights that could open doors to countless new theories. It was all because of Taxlaq that she had this. Taxlaq was so shockingly wise and caring. Though he was completely alien--so utterly different in body and brain--he was the person who understood her the most. Her body meant nothing to him-- well, except as an interesting experience to explore. He knew her for who she was inside, and he still wanted her to be happy in every way.

Thinking about Taxlaq deepened her arousal. The sensations between her legs made her stifle a moan in the back of her throat. Her body relaxed into the feeling, her hips rising up to meet the tentacle.

The eager tendril pushed itself down her slit and into her pussy. This time Mara groaned out loud as a little cup higher up on the tentacle applied suction, putting exquisite pressure on her clit.

Glancing over at Taxlaq, she saw him with his eyes half closed, his body slowly fading into the deep, pulsing blue of his meditative state. Yet the "arms'' wrapped around her waist and legs still remained as brightly colored as the sun. Looking down she saw streaks of pink running up the tentacle that was twisting its way into her pussyhole.

He must be lost in contemplation, Mara thought distantly. The higher brain is immersing itself in the meaning of life, while his arms are busy getting happy off the juices from my cunt.

Breathing hard, she struggled with herself. The right thing to do was to shake him out of his reverie and tell him to control his arms. But the deeper, primal part of her needed to release all of her sexual frustration... right now!

Fuck it, Mara thought to herself, when was I ever good at doing the right thing?

Shifting her hips again, Mara gave the tentacle a better angle for exploring up her swelling vagina. The happy tentacle quickly obliged, pushing itself all the way up, almost to her cervix. Mara gasped as she kegled rhythmically, gently pushing the tentacle back and forth inside her. Little cups sucked on the inside of her pussy. One attached itself to the folds of her G-spot.

Mara moaned again, her breath coming fast. It felt so good to be filled up again. One of her own hands crept up almost involuntarily to stroke circles around her nipples. She could feel her arousal rising to a frenzy. It had been far too long. The pressure of an orgasm began to build.

Suddenly she felt a quick, sharp jab on the inside of her pussy. Before she could react with little more than brief shock, a feeling of complete relaxation spread out from between her legs. First all the tension in the muscles in her thighs and calves melted away. Then the sensation flowed its way down to her toes, loosening places she didn't even know existed. It was as if she had received the deepest massage in her life, all in the matter of seconds. She sighed in contentment.

She gasped as the tentacle twisted inside her. Every sensation was multiplied. The complete relaxation and pleasure in her lower half somehow extended to inside her pussy. That complete surrender opened her up like a flower. Every stroke sent shivers up her spine.

The warmth kept flowing. Up her belly, into her breasts, to the tips of her nipples, which throbbed with what felt like electricity. The feeling flowed up from her heart, loosening every knot in her back and shoulders. Beating with every pulse, the warmth moved up her throat and into her head.

As the flow touched her brain, bliss exploded in every part of her consciousness. All anxiety fled. She was completely lost in the sensations pumping through every vein. All coherent thought, all inhibitions, drifted away. What was left was an insatiable need to cum.

Mara sat up onto her knees, moaning and panting. She grabbed the thick tentacle between her legs with both hands and started bucking her hips, fucking herself with it as it started to writhe wildly inside her. The other tentacles started to wrap themselves tighter, crushing her into their embrace. Frantically rubbing a sucker across her clit, Mara thrust herself against the tentacle with all her might, forcing the squirming mass all the way up in her. More bliss shot out from her pussy and melted her body. Mara cried out as her orgasm came crashing down, a full-throated scream of pleasure and release.

Mara was vaguely aware of Taxlaq's voice rumbling somewhere off in the distance. A bright euphoric light quickly grew to fill her vision, washing out the view of tentacles writhing around her. Her muscle control failed her completely. Mara sighed as she happily collapsed forward into the lagoon, darkness enfolding her as her breath bubbled into the water.

* * *

"Mara!" Taxlaq's voice drifted in. "Mara, can you hear me?"

Mara coughed violently. Water gushed out of her nose and mouth. After gasping and gagging a few times, she lay back down without moving. Her eyes were closed and a small smile was on her lips. Beneath her, she felt sand cradling her head. The rest of her still lay underneath the surface. Warm water lapped against her breasts.

"Mara, I believe you can hear me. Please move so I know you are well."

Of course, she could hear him. She just felt so relaxed and content that she felt no motivation to do so. Little tremors from her orgasm still throbbed in her pussy.

"Please, friend, move for me."

Taxlaq was being very annoying. He was ruining the afterglow. For some reason, her head felt like she had drunk a few too many shots of tequila. It was hard to think straight, but she supposed she didn't want Taxlaq to worry. Sighing, Mara slowly kicked her legs.

"I saw you move. Thank you, friend. It may take a few minutes for you to recover." Taxlaq paused for a moment. "I am sorry, Mara. I was lost in meditating on all that I had learned today, and was not aware of the actions of my ... arms." Taxlaq still used the word "arms" as if he did not fully understand what it meant.

"I believe my arm tasted a new part of you. It ... liked ... what it tasted. I am afraid that before I became aware of what happened it had injected you with a chemical that eases the mind and relaxes the body of potential prey. It may have tried to test to see if you were food."

So, I'm FOOD now? Mara didn't know whether to be flattered or offended. At least I know I taste good. Well, they better not be getting ready to start gobbling up humans! She chuckled heartily. It all seemed extremely funny, for some reason. Her thoughts drifted like birds through the sky.

Taxlaq paused for an even longer span. A tickle of fear slowly started to penetrate through the haze around Mara's mind. She willed her eyes open, and slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position. Taxlaq's skin was a deep purple, almost black. His golden eyes regarded her.

"To be clear, that was only my arm, which acts more on instinct than reason. Do not worry. I completely control my mouth, and I have no intention of ever consuming a sentient being for food. No matter how good you taste." Little flashes of golden amusement flashed across the otherwise somber purples.

Mara relaxed somewhat, adjusting herself into a more comfortable position. The more she focused, the easier it was to start thinking clearly. The effects must be wearing off already.

"It is difficult to explain," Taxlaq continued hesitantly, "but we also sometimes use this chemical as part of a ... mating ritual. It can be ... pleasant ... to both the giver and receiver. Under extreme arousal, a tentacle may become engorged and erect with liquid for stronger ... stings." His skin turned almost completely black, with just hints of purple. "In any case, it is not dangerous except to small animals, and should wear off quickly based on your large body mass. Again, I am very, very sorry, friend."

Mara shook her head. Large body mass? Not a very nice thing to say to a girl. Then again, if we're talking about manners I basically just fucked myself with his hand while he was meditating. She felt her face flush with embarrassment.

"No, it's my fault Taxlaq. At first, I was just being polite. I didn't want to interrupt you. But then... I was enjoying the feeling too much." She slid her legs up and hugged them up to her breasts. Her knees poked out of the water.

"You see, that is a very sensitive part of the human body. It gives us great pleasure to have it stimulated. Well, when it's done right, at least. It could be very painful if done wrong." Mara shook her head again. Her thoughts were definitely coming more easily now.

Fuck it, she thought, at this point I have no shame, anyway. I can be professional about it.

Taking on a more lecturing tone, the objective scientist took over. "That opening is primarily used for liquid excretion. When we digest food and use other chemicals in our body, we have toxins which we need to expel."

Spreading her legs open wide under the water, Mara pulled back her brown labia to show Taxlaq the pink flesh beneath. She pointed to her urethra. "This is the opening that expels waste using a stream of mostly water and urea. We usually do this multiple times daily."

Leaning back, Mara stretched out both butt cheeks. "This is a second opening we use for excretion. Most food waste we cannot digest is expelled here in a soft solid form. We use it with somewhat less frequency."

Taxlaq looked closely. Some of his arms turned yellowish and twitched with curiosity.

Mara let her fingers slip away. Water flowed gently against her holes. "Now that you are paying attention, could you control your chemical releases?"

"I am now in full control. My arms do not have much reasoning, but I know you are not food."

"I might be, you never know!" Mara, joked. "But I trust you."

Mara gulped down rising anxiety and arousal, forcing herself to stay objective. "I know you primarily sense with your tentacles, not with sight, so if you are now in control you can begin your exploration more systematically. Please feel free to continue."

"Are you sure, Mara?" Taxlaq flashed a bright green of worry. "I would not want to cause you any discomfort."

Mara took a deep, calming breath. "Yes, I am sure. We are here to explore, and I understand how important it is for your kind to experience life physically, not just analytically. If I have any discomfort, I will let you know."

Taxlaq's bright tentacles twitched in anticipation. "As you wish, friend. I will be aware of your needs."

Three tentacles tentatively reached out; one slithered between her ass cheeks while the other two felt around her outer labia. The supple tips curled around her pussy lips, pulling back on either side to expose her pink flesh. A fourth tentacle moved forward to delicately probe the opening to her urethra. At the same time, the tentacle between her cheeks slowly ran a circle around her anus.


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