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Filthy old Principal Pulaski

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A hot young socialite takes a job as a Principal's assistant.
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Dooley Elementary School was long considered the black hole of Lane County. The downtrodden school was a dumping ground of wasted resources. Since the school was so poorly administered, many parents refused to send their children to Dooley.

Harry Pulaski had been the Principal at Dooley going on ten years. Most people knew he was incompetent, but the school had been a wasteland long before Harry took over, so he couldn't be blamed. The county simply treated the school as if it didn't exist.

How did Harry keep his job for this long? Many parents and teachers wondered the same thing, even wondering how he got the job in the first place. He was a foul, pig of a man. Weighing 300 lbs, while only standing 5'9", he stuck out everywhere he went. For several years he wore a hairpiece to cover his balding head, but it was so fake-looking that he eventually threw it away.

He hadn't bought new dress shirts in years, so his old shirts were worn thin and contained stains, especially under his armpits. Some of his white shirts had been worn so thin that you could make out the shadow of his chest hair and back hair through the material. Sometimes he would hit the snooze on his alarm a few too many times, causing him to be late, so he would leave his house without bothering to shower, shave, brush his teeth or put on deodorant.

Aside from his foul looks and appearance, he was abrasive and rude to everyone. He simply didn't care what people thought of him, and he didn't care about making others feel good. He was also a known pervert. He had never been married, but he quenched his thirst with prostitutes whenever he had extra cash in his pocket.

Because of the low reputation of the school and its Principal, the female staff was not attractive women, much to the dismay of Harry. The chance that a somewhat attractive female was hired, she quickly resigned after being exposed to the pig of a boss and his sexist demeanor. Many complaints had been filed with the county about Principal Pulaski.

So how did Harry keep his job? To make a long story short, he had dirt on a high ranking official with the county. Minor complaints by female faculty who despised his sexist ways were not enough to oust him. Even the pitiful standing of the school wasn't enough because people in the deficient county simply ignored the school. Nobody would want the job if he was to be replaced.

The start of the school year was just around the corner when Harry Pulaski received some interesting news - the state passed a bill that would inject cash directly into the bottom ranked schools in the state, without going through the county. Imagine the smile on his face when he received a handsome check. Of course, his reason for smiling was selfish because he planned on giving himself a nice raise, aside from a few hires he was required to make. For the Principal of Dooley, the school year was starting off on the right foot.


Life was going great for the newly engaged young couple. Mark Bridges had proposed to Jenna - his gorgeous girlfriend of four years - eight months ago. Mark was an extremely wealthy young man at the age of 26, but this was because of family money.

His father owned a lucrative manufacturing and distribution company. The plan was for Mark to take his father's place one day, but his son was to earn his way to the top instead of being given it. Now graduated with a master's degree, Mark had met with his father one month ago to go over a succession plan that involved him starting out at the bottom of the company and working his way up. Mark was not happy about starting as a lowly staff, not to mention a poor starting salary, but he knew his father was going to make him earn his keep.

His first post as an entry level employee was to work in a distribution center in the rural town of Dooley, 100 miles away from the big city he had grown up in. Dooley was the pits, in the middle of nowhere. Mark feared his fiancé would dread going to Dooley, but it was a necessary evil, and it was only to be for one year, so they could grin and bear it.

Mark and Jenna met in college and immediately became exclusive, knowing that it was a match made in heaven. Mark, the rich handsome stud, and Jenna, the busty blonde babe, it was only a matter of time before they got married. As soon as Mark graduated, he proposed and Jenna gladly accepted.

Jenna was quite simply a goddess. Blessed with flawless genetics - her grandmother a famous dancer, her mom a bikini model and actress, and her father a world class tennis player - and incomparable beauty, she dropped jaws everywhere she went. Long flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes, natural 34D bust, soft skin, bubbly ass, and tanned legs to die for on her 5'7" frame, Jenna could easily be considered as the creation of a horny mad scientist in a laboratory or a perverted comic book artist.

Jenna received her college degree in Education, and she was glad she finished school instead of relying on Mark to provide for her because it would take some time before he could start making good money when moving up in his dad's company. She would have to work and help provide for their future family, especially since they were planning on starting the family as soon as they wed. Jenna loved money as much as the next gal, so it was frustrating knowing her husband was on an embarrassing low salary, but the huge diamond rock on her finger, albeit funded by Mark's father, was a gentle reminder of what lay ahead. The 23 year-old beauty doted on her husband and understood that it would be some time before the financial fruits of his labor would pay off. Unfortunately Jenna's parents had gotten addicted to drugs and a lavish lifestyle, so they burned through their money quickly and now weren't able to support her.

Upon their first visit to Dooley while looking for a place to live, Jenna felt sick to her stomach. She couldn't fathom living in this run-down town for one year. With tears welling in her eyes, she expressed as much to her husband.

"Mark, this place is worse than I imagined," she whined. "What on Earth am I going to do here while you're at work? I'm definitely going to have to get a job."

"Honey, I know it's going to be a tough adjustment, but we have each other to get through it, and it will only be a year. It will go by faster than you think." He said squeezing his beautiful fiancée's hand and kissing the tear that dropped down her soft cheek.

Mark didn't want his wife to have to work. While dating her through college, he wined and dined her and took her on expensive vacations around the world. Now, he was cut off financially and it unnerved him because he wanted to impress the bombshell he was going to marry. He had some rich friends who had tried getting in Jenna's panties many times by throwing money and gifts at her, so he was insecure about being inferior now.

"But we are going to need money," she continued. "I have to get a job."

"You don't have to, I can ask my father for a loan," Mark said unconvincingly.

"Your father already told you that's not going to happen," she said. "I don't mind working; that's why I got a degree."

Jenna persisted, and Mark relented. He was embarrassed that he couldn't provide for her needs, but she seemed ok with getting a job, so he couldn't refuse her. Besides, he would probably be working long, hard hours, so it would be nice not to worry about her being bored all of the time. She could perhaps meet some friends, too.

After they found the home they wanted to rent in Dooley, they got into the car and headed back to the city. On the way out of town, they stopped for gas and Jenna picked up the local newspaper, which was more like a four page bulletin. As they got on the highway, Jenna turned to the last page and noticed a job posting that caught her eye.

"Mark, look at this! Here's a job posting for a position at Dooley Elementary School." With her degree in Education, she figured this would be a perfect opportunity. Plus she could work with kids, which would be great experience to prepare her for the big family Mark and she planned on having. She continued reading. "Qualified candidates, please contact Principal Harry Pulaski."


Harry Pulaski sat at his old, rotted desk and ate his morning donut. He had his hand down his trousers, massaging his fat prick as he perused the latest issue of a porn magazine he kept in the bottom drawer of his desk. This was his usual morning routine when he got to work. Since he was always in a rush when waking up to go to work, he rarely had time to release his morning wood, so when he got to his office he would shut the door, drink his coffee, and rub one out into the trash can.

This morning was no different, although he actually had a lot of work to do since the school year was about to start. He took a sip of coffee and started to stroke faster, hoping to expedite the process since he had meetings all morning.

Harry was interrupted by a knock on his door. "Ugh, shit," he groaned under his breath as he stuffed his erect cock into his pants and zipped up.

"One minute," he shouted gruffly. He put the magazine into the bottom drawer, stuffed the rest of the donut into his mouth and took a large gulp of his coffee to wash it down.

"Come in," he finally barked as he stroked his hand through his thin hair to push his comb-over in place. His fingers were covered with sweat from rubbing his groin and glaze from the donut, so his hair was matted down in place after pushing his fingers through it. Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead and poured from his armpits. The air conditioning in the building only worked half the time, so it wasn't uncommon for the Principal's office to get steamy hot, especially during one of his masturbation sessions.

"Sir, your appointment is here. She's interviewing for the job posting," the front office secretary said in her raspy, smoker voice poking her head through the cracked door.

"Send her in," he said sitting back in his chair, which was pushed to the absolute limit from his heavy body. He thought about what kind of ugly heifer would walk through his door today wanting a job. Not many people wanted to work at Dooley, so job postings usually attracted the bottom of the barrel. Even homeless bums living on the street have come in to interview on occasion.

To say the Earth shook the moment Jenna walked into the Principal's office would be an understatement, at least if you asked the Principal himself. He was paralyzed. The blonde bombshell smiled as she entered, showing her sparkling white teeth, and closed the door behind her. She was wearing an expensive navy blue suit, which consisted of a tight skirt cut several inches above the knee, a blazer opened enough to show the flawless skin on her chest, and a white v-cut blouse that showed a hint of cleavage. Her heels only made her perfect legs seem longer and more succulent. Her long, silky blonde hair was perfectly groomed, and her diamond engagement ring lit up the room.

"Principal Pulaski, hi, I'm Jenna Peyton," she said in a sweet yet confident voice as she approached him with her hand extended. Harry stood up and took her little hand in his. Jenna was surprised at how foul this man looked and smelled, but she reminded herself this was Dooley, what did she expect? He fit in perfectly with the run-down appearance of the school.

"Well, hello there," he said with a stupefied grin as he gently shook her hand. His eyes couldn't help traveling up and down her body, including a pause at the cleavage ever so slightly peeking out from the blouse and blazer. Jenna noticed his eyes inspecting her hot body, and it immediately grossed her out, but she figured that is to be expected on a job interview, which is why people get dressed up in the first place. Besides, she had grown used to men ogling at her many years ago, older fat men certainly not excluded.

There was an uncomfortable silence as he continued to hold her hand and look at her breasts. Harry simply couldn't find words to say, which was uncommon for the boisterous man. Not only was he tongue tied, but drool was starting to form at the corner of his mouth. He had never seen such a beautiful creature in person before.

"Put a quarter in the machine, why don't you?" she thought to herself as he continued to look at her body. She knew she had to break the ice.

"Here is my resume. I couldn't find your website or else I would have emailed it to you," she said as she pulled her hand away from his grip. She had to wipe her hand on her skirt from the filthy, greasy texture of his hand. If she only knew what his hand had just been doing. She reached into her notebook and pulled out a clean, crisp copy of her resume. This seemed to jar the horny man out of his daze.

"Yes, yes, of course. Our website is... ummm... under construction," he lied, knowing there was no such thing. Someone had created a website several years ago, but it was never kept up with, so it was now nothing but waste of a webpage in cyberspace.

"Please, pull up a chair while I look at this," he said. He remained standing as he pretended to look at the piece of paper. What he really was doing was keeping his eyes glued on the sexy blonde. She turned and bent slightly to pull a chair over to the desk. Harry's cock began to inflate again as he watched her amazing ass in her tight skirt. After she pulled the chair over, she sat down, crossing her legs, while the perverted Principal watched her every movement.

Harry finally sat down in his creaky chair and put down the resume. He really didn't care what the piece of paper said; it could have been a warrant for her arrest, but he was still going to hire her.

"So a college degree, eh?" he asked. She was a bit surprised he would ask that. Did they hire people without a college degree?

"Yes sir, I graduated Magnum Cum Laude with a degree in Education. I was a 4.0 student and the president of my sorority. I also..."

"So tell me, why are you looking for a job in Dooley?" He said cutting her off. Despite being nearly entirely focused on her sexy body, he couldn't help but ask the obvious, common sense question.

"My fiancé got a job here in Dooley. We are in the process of moving here," she answered swiftly.

"So you are married?" he said looking up from her legs to notice the rock on her finger.

"Engaged, yes. We will be getting married in December."

Harry let out a cough and then cleared some phlegm from his throat. Jenna began to feel sick to her stomach. This man was simply repulsive.

"Well sweetie, I'm not going to lie, we need help. When can you start?" He said leaning forward from his chair to get a closer look at the fidgeting blonde. She was caught off guard by him calling her sweetie. How inappropriate.

"Er... well... as early as next week, but..."

"OK, I have a special position I'm trying to fill and I think you would be the perfect fit," he began, cutting her off again. He had just come across an idea, making his cock even harder. With the stimulus money the state gave him, he had some money to work with. Yes, he had planned to give himself a nice bonus with it, but he would gladly trade it for a chance to work extra close with the lovely young bride-to-be.

"I need a secretary," he continued. "We have the girls up front, but they do general work for the school, whereas I need someone to help me do my job."

"Principal Pulaski, with all due respect, my degree is in education, so I thought this interview was for a teaching position," she said. She figured teaching would pay a higher salary, and the experience would boost her resume. Not to mention, she really wanted to work with kids to prepare her for her future family.

"Hmm, we do have a teaching position open for 3rd grade, but we have a lot of other candidates applying for that job, so I can consider you for it," he said nonchalantly, disappointed she didn't show interest in his special position.

"Can I have more infor..." she began to inquire about the teaching position before he interrupted her.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," he said scratching his fat chin. "The starting salary for my secretary is $60,000, with plenty of growth and bonus opportunity."

Jenna's jaw dropped. $60,000 starting salary? In this town where the cost of living is dirt cheap? She couldn't believe it to be true.

"How much is the starting salary for the teaching position?" she asked, clearly perkier than before.

"$20,000," he replied with a smile, knowing it was no match for the other offer. "But anyways, if you're more interested in the teaching position, I'd be glad to consider you, but I must tell you there is a lot of competition." He stood up and reached out his hand to shake as if the interview was over. Jenna gave a blank stare ahead in thought as Harry stood with his hand out.

"Wait, Principal Pulaski," she said looking up at him. She didn't want to be a secretary, especially for this pig of a man, but this would only be for one year, and the salary would do wonders for her future husband and her, considering he would be making close to nothing starting out with his dad. And she knew there weren't any jobs within miles of this crap hole of a town.

"I'll take the secretary job." She continued looking him in the eyes until she felt a strange nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach, as if she knew she was making a mistake she would regret, but before she could change her mind, Harry reached down and grabbed her hand to shake.

"Welcome aboard, Ms. Peyton," he said with a huge grin as they shook hands. She was a little stunned... it was happening so fast, but she just nervously grinned back at him and pulled her hand away.

"Thank you, I'm eager to get started," she said with a nervous grin.


It had been a week since her interview. In the meantime the young couple moved into their new rental. Her husband had started work right away and was working crazy hours, leaving Jenna home alone for most of the day. She kept busy unpacking and fixing up the house, but by the end of the week she had become bored out of her mind. Even though it was work, and her boss was a pig from all indications, she was looking forward to a change of scenery. She was grateful that she found a job so quick and easy, as opposed to sitting around the house all day. She couldn't believe Mark didn't want her to work.

It was true Mark didn't like the idea of his future wife having to work, but he was willing to accept it if it made her happy. However, when he learned she would be making $60,000, he became very uncomfortable, since he was only making peanuts. He was a prideful man, so it cut deep into his ego, and Jenna noticed a change in him. She wished she hadn't told him what the real salary was going to be. There was this uncomfortable vibe between them whenever the topic of work came up.

As Jenna put the finishing touches on her makeup on this Monday morning, she thought of an idea to make her husband a nice dinner tonight. She would be getting home a lot earlier than him, so she wanted to do something special in hopes of putting him in a better mood. Ever since she told him what her salary was, they barely had any intimacy. "He needs to grow up," she thought to herself after thinking about how he turned her down for sex last night. Maybe a nice dinner and desert would change his spirits.

Jenna was dressed to kill, as usual, since it was her first day of work. She had a bunch of nice, expensive suits and work outfits from when she worked an internship in college. Today she decided on a tight, yet conservative length black skirt and cream colored button up blouse. She put on black high heels and put her blonde hair in a ponytail. Jenna had never liked wearing hose when she wasn't wearing a business suit, so her tanned flawless legs were bare. She also liked to wear thin, non-padded bras, so her breasts always bounced with every step, and her nipples usually poked through her blouses if stimulated. Her panties of choice were always thongs, because she liked to wear tight pants and skirts and didn't want her panty-lines showing.


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