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Final Flu Shanghai Ch. 01

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First try by the virus to breed Jim. It all goes right to 11.
7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 05/11/2024
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Author's note: This is a harem impregnation story. If that's not your cup of tea, don't read it. There's not much else here. It's just all about one guy making a ridiculous number of babies, but without some of the baggage that often bothers me about that genre (he's not some evil rapist, he's not even trying to make all this happen, and there's at least a halfway plausible sci-fi explanation for it all). Also, if you don't read a story, please don't vote on it. Don't vote down a story just because the genre isn't for you. Kindly respect that others may actually be interested in this genre, and let them be the ones to rate it up or down.

An important goal for me in writing this story was to somehow avoid the repetitiveness that I fell into with my previous (unrelated) series Grateful Virus. Generating realistic AI pictures of the faces of each woman in the story has helped me a ton. They're amazing, and I wish I could share them with you here, but it looks like at least for now I can't. The illustrated section doesn't allow AI pictures, even when they're just completely fictional faces generated with generic prompts. I think it's about copyright risks, so it might not ever change. Anyway, I think they add a lot to the story for me as an author. So I just wanted to say I really recommend other authors at least try generating AI face pics of your characters and just see if it inspires you.


Jim was on a work trip in Shanghai looking out his hotel room window. He couldn't help but notice two stunningly beautiful women in the pool below. They were maybe mid-20s, lithe, shapely, graceful, and so full of youthful joy and energy, chasing each other around on inflatables, splashing and laughing. He couldn't help fantasizing a little, imagining them joyriding him instead of those inflatable rafts.

His fantasy awakened something inside him. No, not that. Something that was actually not Jim, but was literally inside his body. Earlier that year, a mutated strain of the flu had built an intelligent network of modified nerve cells within his body and become a separate sentient being. For its own reasons, the virus needed more of Jim's DNA in the human population. A lot more. In Jim, and in a precious few other humans scattered around the world who shared his rare combination of genetic quirks, the virus was able to take on its full form, an extensive parallel nervous system of infected cells throughout his body and especially in the gray matter of his brain, where it could watch his thoughts, borrow his senses, and develop its own intelligence by mimicking patterns in his brain.

The virus had already spread to everyone on the planet in a limited form, but it remained mostly dormant, watching, learning. The one action it had taken was to eradicate all other infectious diseases from the human population, mystifying scientists and making headlines around the world. The virus didn't want anything else around that could ever evolve into a competitor. Everyone knew that all infectious diseases from the common cold to malaria to STDs were now a thing of the past, but nobody knew why. The only remaining exception was a single flu strain that briefly made headlines, becoming known as the final flu. It was never fatal, usually completely asymptomatic, and present in everyone. Unlike all past flu strains, it was not mutating at all and seemed to pose no danger, so medical science largely moved on from it as a curiosity not worthy of major research funding.

For months the virus had been studying human reproduction and sexual attraction, observing and experimenting in other reproducing bodies, learning to optimize the process so it could be as effective as possible whenever Jim got around to doing it. But what the hell was he waiting for? It had been months! The virus was growing increasingly impatient with Jim's apparent total lack of interest in spreading his precious DNA.

Then it saw his attraction to the women in the pool. This was it. Finally, he wants to breed with someone, it thought. It sprang into action. The viral network in Jim's body could signal the network in another nearby host with tiny muscle twitches beneath their conscious perception. From farther away like this, the twitches would need to be a bit less subtle, but would still do the job.

As Jim watched the two women below, one of them seemed to feel his eyes on her and looked up directly at his window. He felt a quick series of muscle twitches all around his eyes as they made eye contact, and then he saw her gasp as her skin flushed and her eyes went wide. Her friend, following her gaze, looked up a moment later and saw him too. The twitches came again and she too immediately flushed, gasped, and stared wide-eyed at him. He stood there in shock, locked in their gaze. Their expressions weren't the anger or disgust he expected and probably deserved as a voyeur. Slowly it dawned on him. They were... aroused? Their hips ground subtly against the inflatable rafts they were straddling as they stared, panting, up at him, their eyes smoldering. Smoldering and grinding, right at him. They wanted him? It seemed ridiculous. It was ridiculous. Even more ridiculously, somehow he felt they were now connected to him and would try to find him. And then what? Nothing, of course, he told himself. He was happily married. And probably imagining things anyway, he told himself as he forced himself to step back from the window. Of course you're imagining things, Jim, you idiot, he told himself firmly, you're not that attractive. Also, nobody is.

Still, he hurriedly left his room a little early to meet with some colleagues for dinner, just in case his crazy hunch was right and there was some unwanted attention on its way from those swimmers. He was still freaked out by what happened so he kept his head down, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. Hurrying out of the hotel onto the sidewalk, he accidentally bumped into a jogger and they both fell. Her two jogging companions helped them up. Forgetting to avoid eye contact and instead trying to avoid staring at their amazingly shapely bodies in their tight running clothes, he forced his gaze upward to their faces as he apologized politely in his fluent Mandarin (the main reason his company often sent him here).

The virus had been disappointed when Jim hurried away from the swimmers who were trying to breed with him. Humans were so confusing. But still, now that it had acted it was worth trying again, maybe with a little stronger push of arousal on Jim's end. The virus couldn't create attraction out of nothing, but it could certainly heighten it, focus it. The more attraction there was to start with, the more the virus could do with it. So the virus was on high alert for any sign of his attraction to anyone. As Jim's eyes swept up the bodies of the joggers, it was certain that he wanted to breed with all three of them too, so it acted again.

Each of the joggers in turn gasped, flushed, and stared wide-eyed at him as they met his gaze. It was happening again. This time, up close, there was no mistaking it. The only difference was he didn't feel any muscle twitches. The timing, the feeling of it. It was utterly convincing. It happened exactly as he made eye contact with each of them. Those same sudden lustful wide-eyed stares. That intense sudden rush of desire he felt for each of them right when their eyes went wide. And wow, what a sight they were. Their sweet faces that had been radiating the wholesome pleasure of a good runner's high now gaped at him panting with wide-eyed lust, their toned, athletic, shapely bodies tensed up, seeming ready to spring on him and take him right there on the sidewalk. He froze mid-sentence, his mouth open, unable to speak, move, or even breathe in his own sudden desire. Still frozen, he saw their gazes become more intense, even predatory. One of them reached out a small trembling hand toward him.

He panicked and fled, not realizing he had dropped something. It was his room key, still in its envelope with the room number written on it.

They didn't seem to be following, but anyway he jumped in a cab, slamming the door behind him, and was soon safely speeding off toward the restaurant. When he arrived, being careful to avoid eye contact on the way in, he took a seat at a table with his colleagues, trying to focus on the conversation. Thankfully none of them were attractive young women, and he found that he seemed to have no effect on them, so he began to relax.

The waitress approached their table, a beautiful willowy woman with an incredibly sweet face, an impossibly narrow waist, wide hips, and long, slender legs. She introduced herself as Yuming. He managed to avoid eye contact, focusing instead on his menu. But his peripheral vision couldn't help but take in her every movement. She glided across the floor, graceful and fluid, her every step seeming to hypnotize the men in the restaurant.

Eventually it happened. She surprised him, happening to approach from directly behind him when she brought their drinks. He instinctively turned to look, accidentally meeting her gaze before he realized it was her. Her skin flushed, her eyes grew wide, and he felt it again, that feeling that she was inextricably connected to him, with that inevitable driving purpose he couldn't yet name. It was still scary and confusing, and he wasn't anywhere near used to it yet, but he had to admit it was also so fucking sexy to see it happen to her.

He ordered his food, feeling his heart race as she leaned in close to take his order. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating, and he could feel his cheeks flush hotly. As she walked away, he couldn't help but steal another glance at her, noticing she was just as perfect from behind. Steve, one of his favorite colleagues, laughed at him and gave a low whistle. Jim shook his head and laughed too. Steve's family was pretty close with his, often at each other's houses. Well that was a little embarrassing, Jim thought, but there's no reason to worry Steve would say anything to his wife. Nothing had actually happened, just a moment of sexual tension. Sure, he'd ogled a waitress a little. That was nothing. It wasn't like he asked for her number or anything. He tried to put it all out of his mind. So far it was nothing, and it needed to stay nothing. Then everything would be fine.

Throughout dinner, his colleagues chatted about work, but Jim found it difficult to focus on anything but the waitress. He hardly spoke because her name was always on the tip of his tongue. Yuming. She seemed to be everywhere he looked, her presence permeating the air around him.

While trying to look anywhere other than at Yuming, his eyes accidentally met those of a tall young woman seated far across the room. He felt those quick muscle twitches around his eyes again, and her gorgeous face immediately blushed and her eyes widened, staring at him. The three other tall, slender women seated with her turned to follow her gaze and again his facial muscles went crazy as he met their eyes too, with the same result. It caught him off guard and happened so fast, before he could look away. He was stunned at how incredibly beautiful they all were as they stared wide-eyed at him from across the room. He guessed (correctly) that they were fashion models. It wasn't uncommon to see them out and about in Shanghai, the fashion capital of China. Jim forced himself to ignore them too and stared at his food. After a few minutes he noticed with relief that the four models were leaving the restaurant. He forced himself not to look as they left.

The waitress approached their table once more, this time accompanied by a shy-looking trainee who she introduced as Mei. Jim's heart skipped a beat as he saw her. She was like a petite version of Yuming with an angelic face, long flowing hair and a similarly extreme slender hourglass figure. Trying to avoid staring at her delicate, delectable body led him to accidentally meet her gaze for a brief moment, and she too immediately flushed and stared wide-eyed at him.

Jim could barely concentrate on the conversation with his colleagues as he felt an alarmingly intense desire welling up inside him. Whatever was happening, there was no denying it was real now. He had never seen women react that way to, well, anyone, much less himself. And he had never felt such a strong attraction to anyone as he did to every one of them. Yes, most of all Yuming, but every one of them, individually and intensely. It was becoming unbearable. An overwhelming desire to... what? Sleep with them? No, more than that, somehow. He couldn't name it yet even in his thoughts, but it was an alarmingly powerful and very specific desire towards each of these women.

He thought back on each of them and realized that vivid images of each of them were burned in his mind, each one flushed, panting, eyes wide and pleading, gorgeous, irresistible. The two swimmers as they ground their hips on their inflatable rafts. The three joggers crouched, panting, ready to pounce. The four models, impossibly hot and slender. He hadn't even gotten a look at anything more than their stunning faces, flowing hair, long necks and a few elegant bare shoulders and upper chests, but that was enough. He knew they just had to be hot. No, not just hot, absolute goddesses. And of course Yuming and the other waitress whose name he forgot (he had been thinking of her as mini-Yuming), both so sweet and delicate. His accountant brain had been counting as he went, and reported there were eleven of them. Eleven! It was insane. Why? Why him? And what exactly did they want from him?

Anyway, they were connected to him even now. He felt it. He felt certain they were all, right now, consumed with thoughts of him. They were all... wet for him. Right now. All of them. The thought hit him so hard. Eleven pussies wet for him, clenching with every thought of him, aching, craving to be filled by him. It was so urgent, so overwhelming, so undeniable.

They would find him. They would hunt him down if they had to. He just knew it. He felt exposed, surrounded. He panicked. He had to go, hide, get away. Barricade himself in his hotel room, or even cut his trip short and fly home. His colleagues wouldn't mind picking up the check since it was on the company card anyway. He excused himself, telling them he wasn't feeling well, hurried out of the restaurant, and hailed a cab back to his hotel. He didn't notice the four models watching him from a car parked outside the restaurant. They pulled out into traffic following his cab.

Meanwhile, when the two waitresses realized he was gone, they met in the back room and talked about how they could ever find him. Neither needed to explain to the other why they needed him. They couldn't even explain it to themselves. Yuming went back to Jim's colleagues to try to discreetly gather intel. While offering them dessert menus, she asked them as casually as she could what company they worked for. Then she returned to Mei and they combed through his company's website and scrolled through LinkedIn until they recognized his picture and found his email address. Mei sent him an email pretending that he had left something at the restaurant, and said they'd be happy to bring it to his hotel if he would just tell them his hotel name and room number.

Jim saw the email on his phone as he was almost back to the hotel. He was feeling strangely relaxed again, his fear almost forgotten somehow. The virus had been hard at work trying to calm him down and make him feel safe. Jim was in the habit of extremely fast email replies. It was a great habit in his line of work, and one he prided himself on. He didn't recognize Mei's name or think much about it. He just quickly fired off a very polite and grateful reply, switching to formal Mandarin to better express his appreciation and promising to be a repeat customer and tell his colleagues about their above-and-beyond service. He added his hotel information and fired it off, hurrying to finish this small, unimportant task in the moments before he needed to pay his cab fare.

Mei squealed when she got his reply, squirming in her chair in excitement. Yuming watched her, amused and curious as Mei clutched her chair with her eyes closed, gasped a few times, and shuddered. Then she got up and showed Jim's email to Yuming. Yuming squealed too. Again they didn't need to speak to each other. Yuming told their manager there was an emergency and they both raced out, not waiting for a reply, and not able to hide their excitement. He stared after them, frowning and shaking his head in disbelief. They couldn't wait two hours for the end of their shift. The possibility of being fired didn't matter at all to them. Only one thing in the world did, now. And they knew what hotel and room number it was in.

Jim, strangely now feeling almost calm, stepped into the elevator and turned around. Then he saw them. The four fashion models entered the hotel, saw him, and rushed towards his elevator, running impressively quickly despite their high heels. Thankfully the doors closed in time and he felt the elevator begin to rise. Thinking quickly, he pressed several additional floor buttons including two before his floor, so it wouldn't be obvious to them which floor his room was on.

Shaken and confused, he stepped off the elevator at his floor and walked quickly. When he turned the corner towards his room he saw the two beautiful swimmers from earlier at the end of the hall, both wearing hotel bathrobes. Their faces lit up with a predatory gleam and they rushed toward him. He fumbled through his pockets trying to get his room key out, and realized it wasn't there.

Then suddenly his room door opened. The three joggers he had bumped into earlier were there. They were nude. Completely fucking nude, in his room. What the hell?

"Hi, I'm Leizu," said the taller jogger who opened the door, "Thanks for leaving your room key for us. Please come in."

Jim froze in shock for a moment. "I did? Wha? I... How? Who? Huh?" His brain was overwhelmed by a wave of desire at the sight of their nude bodies and could not seem to form sentences. That feeling he had had in the restaurant — the one that made him panic and flee, that certainty that they were all wet for him, their pussies all clenching with thoughts of him, craving him — it was now a very present certainty. It could no longer be dismissed as a crazy hunch. He could see it now, smell it, almost taste it.

"Please," Leizu breathed the word. "Can we... have you?"

The swimmers had slowed as they approached and now stood very close to him, not quite touching, their smell washing over him as they froze, waiting for Jim's reply.

Decision time. The desire was intense. He wanted them so much. He knew he had to say no. He would of course say no. But why not just savor this moment a little more first. He'd definitely want to remember it later. He gazed over their trembling, gorgeous bodies, trying to memorize their shapes and the incredibly sexy, hungry, pleading look in each of their eyes. He wanted them so much. More every second. But it was time to tell them no. He'd tell them he was married and didn't want to cheat. He'd tell them that they were all so incredibly attractive, but he just couldn't. He'd say he wanted them so much, felt more attraction to each of them than he ever thought he could possibly feel before, and that he'd probably regret saying no for the rest of his life, but sadly he just couldn't have them. He gulped, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to speak, locking eyes again with Leizu. Her eyes were intense, sparkling with intelligence and purpose, seeming to pierce his soul, watching his inner struggle. Pleading with him, needing him. But also strangely confident, like she was certain he would say...


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