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First Time With a Vengeance

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Straight guy's curiosity gets him into a rough situation.
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I’d never been with another guy before, and until a few months ago, I wouldn’t have believed it was ever something that would happen to me. I’m very happily heterosexual, and although I was occasionally curious about what it would be like to suck a cock, I never thought I would be curious enough to do anything about it.

It all started, really, with a dream. In the dream I found myself kneeling in front of a big, muscular guy. He was tan, very fit, and was wearing nothing but a pair of faded jeans. If he had a face, I didn’t see it. I just found myself staring with growing excitement at the bulge in his jeans. He unzipped the jeans while I watched, and released a massive cock. I lowered my head in the dream and started sucking it immediately, and when I woke up not long after, I would have sworn I could still taste the cock in my mouth…

I had the dream – or some variation on it, anyway – once or twice a week for the next two months. Soon I found myself fantasizing, in a very casual way, about maybe acting out some of the things from my dream. Searching the web one evening, I came across an Adult Personals site that allowed people to find others seeking “discreet encounters”. Maybe I’d had too much to drink that night. Or maybe I was just more curious about the whole thing than I had realized. For whatever reason, though, I posted a short ad of my own:

Athletic, good-looking straight man, seeking a one-time adventure with a friendly stranger. Anyone out there willing to show a curious virgin the ropes? Willing to try anything…

It wasn’t much of an ad, maybe, but it was late and I didn’t really think anyone would respond anyway. So I sent it off, turned off my computer, and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up and started having second thoughts. Did I really want to meet some stranger and suck his cock (among other things)? Wasn’t I being just a little too bold, here? I convinced myself it was a stupid idea, and I logged on to remove my ad from the Personals site to which I’d submitted it the night before.

I was surprised to find that I’d already received a reply. It was just a single sentence:Meet me at the Blue Dragon bar, Monday at seven. It was signedBrian.

The Blue Dragon was a rather upscale bar and restaurant in the heart of the city, and I’d been there a few times with different girlfriends. It gave me an odd little thrill to read the note. Then I deleted it and promptly put it out of my mind.

That Monday night, I left work at six-thirty, as I always did. I honestly thought I had forgotten all the ad and the mysterious, one-line reply I had received. But perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, I found myself driving past the parking lot of the Blue Dragon at six forty-five. I considered the possibilities. It could be a serial killer. It could be some disgusting creep. And how would I even be able to tell who “Brian” was, when he hadn’t given me any physical description?

I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to go in for a drink. I didn’t have to look for Brian, after all, and even if I did find him, I didn’t have to admit that I was the one who had written the ad.

I parked my car and went inside. The bar was dimly lit and not as loud as a lot of bars in the city, but it had an elegance that I liked. I took a seat near the end of the bar, and tried not to stare too closely at the people around me.

I ordered a Scotch, no ice, and had a series of aimless conversations about college football with a few guys on either side of me. It was ridiculous, but I felt nervous, and I had finished two glasses of Scotch before I looked up at the wall clock and realized it was ten past seven.

Relief mingled with disappointment in my mind, but I decided I really was more relieved. Maybe.

I decided to have one more glass of Scotch before I started to sober up. Halfway through the glass, the guy to my right – big, muscular and handsome in a very non-descript sort of way – turned in my direction and said, “Oh, by the way, I’m Brian.”

The glass froze against my lips. I forced myself to bring it back to the bar, knowing that my hand was visibly shaking. “I’m John,” I said, taking his hand.

He smiled. “Drink up,” he said. “In fact, let’s both have just one more, what do you say? Then maybe we could get a table and have a bite to eat. Sound okay?”

I swallowed once, hard. “Sure,” I said. I finished the glass in two gulps, while Brian signaled to the bartender for two more glasses. It was hard to look at him, but it was hard to look away, too. I caught myself looking down at his pants, at the bulge in his jeans. When I tore my eyes away, I saw that he was smiling at me.

Our drinks came, and I finished mine off in seconds. The Scotch felt warm and comforting in my stomach, and I knew I’d already had too much to drink. I looked directly at Brian, and now it wasn’t quite so difficult to look him in the eye. “Okay,” I said, slurring my words just a bit. “Let’s go…”

We stood up and Brian went off to find the hostess. A few minutes later we were led to a small table near the back of the restaurant. Brian took his seat, and when I started to sit down across from him, he stopped me. “You can do better than that,” he said, gesturing to the seat beside him, to his left.

I grinned nervously and sat down. An older couple at a nearby table were watching us with obvious disapproval, but I could feel the Scotch doing its job. Everything seemed fine, and I wasn’t worried about anything at the moment.

Brian startled me by saying: “Jerk me off for a few minutes.” His voice was completely normal as he said it, and several people – including the older couple I’d already seen – looked over at us in shock.

I guess I thought he was joking around – intentionally trying to shock everyone around us – but then he shocked me, as well, by unzipping his jeans and letting his cock fall out to the left side. I was the only one who could really see it, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. It was the first time I’d ever been this close to another guy’s cock, and it fascinated me. It was surprisingly thick, considering that it wasn’t hard yet. It lookedmuscular, if that makes any sense.

“Touch it,” he said, and now it was an order. Amazingly, I found myself reaching down into his lap, and I was about to put my hand around it when I saw the waitress approaching the table from the corner of my eye. I started to pull my hand back, when Brian suddenly grabbed it and pressed it down into his lap. My fingers wrapped around the warm, soft flesh, and Brian kept his own, stronger hand around my wrist to keep me from letting go. He didn’t bother trying to hide anything when the waitress finally stopped by our table.

She was a pretty young thing, and she was smiling at us until she saw that I had Brian’s cock in my hand. Her mouth dropped open in shock, but it was only for a second – then she simply pretended she hadn’t seen anything, and said, “Are you… ready to order?”

Somehow I managed to order something – I don’t even know what I told her, to be honest. Brian’s cock was getting just a tiny bit hard in my hand, and I found myself squeezing it gently and tugging on it, even while the waitress jotted down our orders. When she had finally walked away, Brian laughed quietly. “She’s going back to tell the other waiters and waitresses about this, you can bet on that.”

“We could get thrown out of here,” I said. His cock was now much larger, and it was almost too thick for me to wrap my hand around it. I was hypnotized by it, and I started stroking it very slowly, enjoying its heat and its strange texture.

Brian tilted his pelvis a little, smiling innocently at me. “I should make you suck me off right here.”

I smiled, knowing he wasn’t serious. “That would get us thrown in jail.”

“Maybe. It might be worth it, though…” He grinned again, and now his cock was massive in my hand, at least nine inches long and a full two inches across. “Imagine that in your mouth right now,” he said, again in a normal tone of voice – so that everyone at the neighboring tables could easily hear. “Imagine it shoved all the way up your ass.”
I smiled back at him, a little nervously this time. “I never said I would take it up the ass… Especially when it’s that big.”

“Oh, we’ll see…”

I kept working his cock with my hand, my own breath now very heavy, and I was just getting to the point where I would have actually agreed to the blowjob – right there on the floor of the restaurant – when he suddenly pushed his hard, giant cock back inside his jeans, and zipped them up.

“That’s probably enough,” he said, smiling.

And that was it, apparently. I tried to enjoy the meal, but I was so flustered by what had happened that I could barely touch my food. Brian made sure I finished two more glasses of Scotch with my half-eaten dinner, though.

We paid the bill and left the restaurant, and I started walking toward my car.

“Come over this way,” Brian said. “We’ll have a little privacy.”

He led me around the side of the restaurant, past the dumpsters and toward the darkest part of the parking lot, really nothing more than a tree-lined alley. When we’d reached what had to be the most remote corner of the property, he stopped and said, “Okay, now we get started.”

I smiled. “Started with what, exactly?”

“Your adventure,” he answered. “But you have to promise to not ask any questions. Just trust me.” He was walking around me, very slowly, watching me and evaluating me.

I was about to say that I barely knew him, so how could I trust him? But I found myself agreeing very quickly anyway. I’m really not much of a drinker, and I think I was demonstrating this fact right now.

“Okay, good,” he said. “Now take off your clothes.”

I opened my mouth to argue when I remembered my promise. Well, I thought, no one could really see us in this part of the parking lot anyway. And I was drunk enough to not really care very much, or to be overly concerned with possible consequences. I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it to the pavement, untied and discarded my shoes, then unzipped my jeans and left them beside the shirt.

“Everything,” he insisted. He was behind me, now, but I could feel his eyes on me as I pushed the black underwear down off my hips. I stepped out of them and kicked them into the growing pile of clothes beside me on the pavement.

It was cool outside, almost cold really, but the alcohol and my growing sexual excitement kept me warm. My cock was completely hard and standing up straight in the night air.

Brian said nothing for almost a full minute, simply making me stand there naked outside in this dark alley behind the restaurant. Not far away, I thought I could hear people walking across the parking lot to their cars, and I hoped I really was as invisible in the shadows of the lot as I imagined. I was starting to wonder if Brian had left – if this was just a terrible joke he had played on me – when he stepped up behind me and brought a thin, cool layer of fabric down over my eyes. He tied the blindfold rather tightly behind my head, pressing the front of his jeans aggressively against my ass as he did so.

“Now,” he said, “just follow my voice and you won’t lose me.” And with that he turned and walked away. I could hear his footsteps moving away quickly, in the general direction of the more well-lighted, well-populated section of the parking lot. Lifting the blindfold didn’t even occur to me; it all happened so quickly that I found myself moving without even realizing I was doing it. I stumbled once or twice, disoriented by the darkness and my growing embarrassment at what was happening, and then I just tried to stay focused on Brian’s receding footsteps.

I couldn’t see anything, obviously, but I heard enough different voices to know that I was no longer invisible. I heard a few gasps, and several giggles that seemed to be coming from a large group of teenagers. Ignoring all of it, I walked faster, my feet starting to get sore from the rough pavement. And on top of that, it seemed that I had lost Brian: I couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore, or at least I couldn’t differentiate them from dozens of other footsteps. I felt oddly hesitant about lifting the blindfold, though – as if it protected me from any further embarrassment.

And then, at last, he called out to me from about ten yards away: “Almost there, just keep going straight.”

I was so relieved that I found I didn’t mind too much that he’d intentionally parked his car in the farthest corner of the lot from where we’d been standing. From the sounds, I knew that we were at the very front of the parking lot, beside the busy highway that ran through this part of town. Probably a hundred people, I thought, had seen me walk naked – with a giant erection – from one side of the parking lot to the other.

“Okay, good,” he said, and I stopped obediently. “At least I didn’t make you crawl, right?” He laughed and said, “You’ve got quite a little audience watching from inside the restaurant, by the way. I supposed you’d like to get in the car, perhaps?”

“Please,” I said.

“As you wish,” he answered. He opened a car door, and guided me with surprising gentleness to the seat. I sat down, and was shocked when my ass was greeted by a slick, rubbery object that had been somehow secured in the middle of the seat. My momentum and the slickness of the object pushed it partially up into my ass, making me cry out a little, and then before I could pull myself off, Brian put his hands around my hips and roughly forced my ass all the way down onto the seat.

The pain was startling for a split second. The dildo, or whatever it was, must have been enormously wide. Even with the lubricant, I could feel it stretching my ass as it was forced inside me. Just as quickly as the pain came, it left. The thick head of the object gave way to a very narrow shaft, and I could feel my asshole closing around it, almost in relief. My ass and my balls came to rest on the cold leather of the seat and the thin rubber base of the cock which was plugging my ass.

“Just to get you warmed up a little,” Brian explained. “You’ll thank me for it later – trust me.”

He closed the door without saying another word, and came around to the driver’s seat. He didn’t speak for the next few minutes as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. I was still trying to get used to the plug, and I found that if I relaxed completely, it wasn’t entirely awful. My cock, which had softened completely when I sat down on the plug, was now starting to regain some of its hardness.

A mechanical noise caught my attention, and then the inside of the car was suddenly cooler and windier than before. Well, I thought, that would make sense, wouldn’t it? Of course we would be in a convertible. And then there was another sound, very faint but unmistakable: the sound of a zipper coming down.

“Okay,” Brian said, “you’re going to get your first chance to suck cock, John. If you do a great job, I may even let you go back and get your clothes before the end of the night…”

I’d forgotten all about the clothes, sitting in a pile in the shadows of the parking lot. What the hell had I been thinking?

Brian was still talking. “A few instructions. First, I want you to get on your hands and knees facing toward me on the seat, with your ass as high up in the air as it will go. And second, I expect you to take every fucking inch of my cock down your throat.”

I froze, more than a little worried. “There’s no way I can do that,” I said. “I’ve never even--”

“You said you wouldn’t argue,” he reminded me. “Look what I’ve made you do already. Can you imagine what I might put you through if you don’t do as I’ve told you?”

Actually, I couldn’t imagine doing anything more embarrassing that what I’d already done, but I kept my mouth shut. I lifted my ass off the seat – with the butt plug still very much intact – and maneuvered myself so that I was on my hands and knees the way he had instructed. With the blindfold still covering my eyes, I wasn’t sure how close I was to his lap, so I slowly moved forward until he told me to stop.

“Now suck it,” he said, very calmly.

I suppose I didn’t move quickly enough, because he put one hand behind my head and shoved my face down into his crotch. The head of his semi-hard cock pushed against my lips, forcing them open, and I could taste salt and sweat and a tiny bit of something sweet. He pushed my head down farther, and his cock stiffened as it filled my mouth. It was the first time I’d ever tasted a cock.

I licked the head as if it were a delicious treat, then lowered my mouth as far as it would go down his fat cock, using my tongue on him at the same time. I could only take four or five inches, but I kept pushing down farther anyway, as far as I could go, before lifting my mouth all the way up so I could suck the head again. I kept this up for several minutes, savoring the taste of his meat and the way it expanded to fill up my entire mouth, the way it pressed against the back of my throat.

I’d almost forgotten the position in which I had been placed – exposed to anyone who might happen to drive up alongside us – when we slowed down and finally came to a stop, presumably at a red light. I could hear a car coming to a stop to our right – beside my window – and I started to lift my head off Brian’s cock.

“Don’t you dare take that cock out of your mouth,” he ordered. “And you’ve still got another four inches to go, at least. Now push your ass up high so they can get a good look at how big that thing is that’s stuck in your asshole.”

Maybe it was just that I was blindfolded, so it was easier to pretend no one else was around. Or maybe – the more likely explanation – I was more of an exhibitionist than I had ever realized.

I lifted my ass, as he had ordered me to, and dropped my head down into his lap again. As I took the cock into my mouth once again, I could hear whistling and laughing coming from a pair of young women in the next car. I ignored it and sucked Brian’s cock even harder than before, trying to push more and more of it into my hungry mouth. My own cock was harder than I could ever remember it being.

It seemed to be an extraordinarily long traffic light, and the girls beside us weren’t going anywhere. Brian grabbed my head with his free hand and pushed me down harder. Then, just as I was about to gag, he pulled my head up roughly, by grabbing a fistful of hair. He did it again, adding another quarter-inch of cock down my throat, and again he yanked my head back up just as I started to gag. The girls in the next car were cheering now, saying, “Suck that cock, suck that cock, suck that cock…”

He kept repeating this process, and I was sure that eventually I would gag and have to stop. The girls kept cheering, and it was obvious the light had turned green a long time ago. “Come on,” Brian kept saying, “just keep taking it, keep going, take it down your throat, don’t stop…”

And then, amazingly, I reached the base of his cock. Brian kept my head there, not letting me move a single inch, getting me used to the feeling of having at least three inches of his dick pushed down deep into my throat, and the rest of it completely filling my mouth. The car suddenly started moving, and I heard the girls clapping and cheering as they veered in another direction.

“Now don’t move,” he said, a little breathlessly. “Just keep it in there and let me fuck your mouth.”

I didn’t have much choice. He still had his hand behind my head, keeping me still. As we picked up speed and the cool night air once again filled the car, he started thrusting his cock into my mouth by moving his hips on the seat, and at the same time pushing my head down even harder. He would hold it there for a second or two, and then lift my head all the way up, so that only the head was still buried in my mouth. Then my mouth would get pushed all the way back down, each time faster than the time before. Pretty soon he really was fucking my mouth, using me like a toy, but by this time I wasn’t putting up any resistance. I reached into his jeans to cup his balls while I sucked him, and I increased the speed of my sucking to match his ragged breathing.

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