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Flamingos Ch. 10

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Demanding an Offering.
3.6k words

Part 10 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 05/22/2022
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But I wasn't done.

Oh hell, I wasn't really truly started.

I had promised her orgasms until she was begging me to quit and I intended to fulfill my promise to my Goddess.

Those fat bags of her labia beckoned so I kissed them. I didn't just kiss them, to be honest, I caressed them with my lips and my cheek and told them I loved them, just loud enough for Ashley to hear. I tasted her nectar and once again understood why someone, the ancient Romans? Maybe the Greeks? The Indians? Anyway, someone had called an aroused woman's love honey the Nectar of the Gods, and I damn sure believed it. I was hungry for her.

But I was hungry for ALL of her. Those enormous thighs begged for attention so I kissed softly.

The way she was laying her legs were spread almost ninety degrees, leaving her exposed completely to me. So I looked and then kissed, very slowly working my way down her thighs. I found that line, a very distinct line, where the tough skin of that semicircle where her thighs constantly rubbed met the softer skin of her thighs and traced that line with my tongue and then my lips. I took my time, finding the twin line on the other thigh and paying as much attention to it.

On my way from thigh to thigh, I stopped to kiss and lick where that thick white nectar was flowing, loving that slightly spicy aftertaste of her, inhaling her womanscent.

I gently lifted the pad of thigh fat that hid her knee and then kissed what I had exposed. I took my time with her knees, kissing and licking and nipping.

But it was the line where leathery met soft that held my attention for the next fraction of eternity. I gently squeezed where she was soft and warm and let my tongue trace back and forth between soft and tough. I nipped at the softness and then latched on, leaving matching hickeys as she squirmed and moaned softly.

I returned to her pussy then, playing with the soft bags of her labia before gently opening her for my tongue and accepting another orgasm and ejaculation on my face.

I did her shins then, taking my time. Kissing my way down, I found the arch of her foot with my tongue. I made love to her feet then, kissing them, sucking each toe separately drawing little squeals and giggles from her. I used my tongue between each pair of toes and then the curl at the bottoms of her toes, whispering "I love you," and not caring how crazy I sounded. I was lost in her.

When I was satisfied that her feet had received enough attention I moved back up to her pussy, all women's true core and especially so with my goddess. I made love to it too, kissing gently, sucking those soft, fat-infused lips, and then gently parting them to find her clitoris. I covered it with my lips and sucked, very gently at first but then harder, feeling it swell against the sensitive skin of my lips. When I felt the tension in her body building until she was almost quivering, when her breath was coming in quick little gasps, I started flicking that little bud of delight with my tongue, very softly.

I heard a soft, almost whistled, "yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss," so I deliberately masturbated her with my tongue.

When she came, this time it WAS pure squirting. What hit my face was hot and watery. When I opened my mouth and covered her I felt her entire body suddenly go rigid. What suddenly filled my mouth, making me cough with the power of her ejaculation, this time had a slight bitter undertaste and I realized her bladder control had slipped a little.

I swallowed noisily, wanting ALL of her, and then went back to her clitoris with my mouth and tongue.

She was panting now, that sort of Lamaze breathing you learn in your birthing class.

And after that first intense gush of release she was flowing now, her thick, salty, slightly spicy pleasure delicious in my mouth as I kept at her.

The next orgasm made her whole body go rigid again. She was trembling as I used my fingertips to open her wider still, my entire face engulfed in those fat lips, and her delicate inner lips beckoned for attention. My tongue was probing when her back arched and her heels drummed on the mattress and she filled my mouth again.

And again.

"Davey, oh God, oh Jesus," she sort of hissed as she came again, very thick in my mouth.

I had that pad of fat that protected her clitoris in my mouth now and was sucking, hard, feeling her swelling as her fingers dug into my hair and tried to pull me away.

But she didn't have any leverage that way and my tongue was busy.

She came again and again.

I could feel her tiring now, feel the sweat of her thighs on the sides of my face.

And I kept at her, my tongue licking, my mouth sucking, my throat busy swallowing her pleasure.

With a final burst of energy she twisted and got away from me, rolling up onto her side, laughing and crying and sort of whimpering, "oh God, Davey, Jesus, no more, no more, God, baby, enough," over and over.

I got out from under her big leg and crawled up onto my knees beside her back.

She's too big to just move around, but the pressure of my hand on her shoulder, gentle, not forcing, persuading, got her to roll onto her back.

And she was even more beautiful.

Her carefully maintained hair was a tangled mess. Her carefully made-up face was a mess. She looked natural and absolutely beautiful.

She opened her eyes and met mine and giggled.

"Oh God, Davey," she said, "you're a mess." She emphasized her point by reaching up and brushing her fingers across my cheek where I could feel a thick globule of her ejaculate stuck. When she slowly pulled her finger away a silvery thread connected it to my cheek.

I smiled and touched her upper lip where her nose had been running and pulled my finger away making a similar silvery thread. "We're a mess together I guess," I said and she giggled again.

"Am I still your Goddess?" she asked, "runny nose and all?"

By way of answer, I bent and kissed her, a nice, lingering kiss. When I broke the kiss I deliberately licked her upper lip, making her giggle.

"Yes, Goddess," I said, "I still worship you."

I spent the next fraction of eternity covering her face with kisses again. I tasted tear salt along her cheeks where she had cried in her excitement, and snot salt on her lips. I caressed her cheek with my own and felt odd friction as I rubbed her makeup away.

I rolled quickly off the bed and said, "hold that thought." I went into the bathroom, ran the water until it was hot, soaked a washcloth, and went back to her where she lay, watching me with a little smile.

"Close your eyes," I said and began carefully washing her face.

"Oh, God," she sort of moaned, but she closed her eyes.

I took my time. I wanted to see her natural face. So I turned the washcloth often, working from her forehead down, carefully around her eyes, her cheeks, and the soft skin under her chin. As I did it I kept saying, "my Goddess is SO beautiful."

And she was.

The deep wrinkles across her forehead didn't detract from her beauty, they added character.

The tiny mass of wrinkles around her eyes didn't detract from her beauty, they added character.

The lines around her mouth didn't detract from her beauty, they added character.

I tossed the washcloth through the door into the bathroom, brushed the hair away from her face, and just looked.

"Well," she said, holding my eyes, "at least you didn't run screaming from the room."

I didn't laugh at that. I brushed an imaginary hair away from her forehead and another from her cheek and smiled.

"So beautiful," I said, almost in a whisper.

"I'm still your Goddess?" she asked, her tone making the question mark clear.

"My beautiful, natural, Earth Mother," I said.

She smiled then and moved, with an odd quickness, rolling me onto my back.

She was ponderous as she swung her big leg over me and grunted as she pushed herself up, on her knees, straddling my hips, and smiling down at me.

"Let me feed you," she said as she lifted her breast, brushed her nipple across my lips, and held it there until I opened my mouth, accepting it but not nursing. It seemed that she wanted to do the work for this and I was more than happy to let her.

She was on her knees and one hand as she used her right hand to work her nipple and areola. I felt the first drops of her milk, warm and rich, on my tongue, but still made her do the work as my hands gently squeezed the great soft roundness of her hips.

And she was still flowing between her legs. I could feel her soaking my cock and balls.

"Latch on baby," she said, "let me feed you."

So I did and her milk flowed freely.

My control almost failed again when she reached down and guided me. She accepted me into her body with a sigh.

I was being absorbed into her, and I was liking it. Her breast was large and soft and covered my face, making breathing a little iffy. That round softness of her belly was surrounding my waist. I could feel her nectar flowing, soaking us as I suckled. She was moving very slowly, obviously enjoying our bodies being merged.

She shuddered suddenly and came, gasping and then crying out when I bit down on her nipple. Not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to get her attention.

"I still need to do your back, Goddess," I said, releasing her breast and enjoying the way it continued dribbling a little.

She lifted herself up onto her arms, looking down at me. Her now-old face was pure Fertility Goddess as she smiled.

"I don't think I could say no to anything right now," she said, lifting her big leg ponderously and pulling off of me. There was an audible little splash as we separated making us both giggle a bit.

I squirmed out from under her and gently rubbed her back while I told her to relax. She settled, slowly, face down, face on the pillow cradled by her hands under it. She giggled as I tickled her back and then sighed as I threw my leg over her back and sat, her enormous ass a backrest.

I started at her shoulders, massaging, using fingers and thumbs to dig in deeply making her groan and giggle in turns.

I took my time, enjoying the athletic firmness of her shoulders, the strong trapezius muscles, the long muscles of her back, the latissmus, and others. She groaned again as I dug in and then giggled wildly when I found ribs.

I almost had to stand to get past her ass and sit on her thighs, but I managed.

And again I found myself absolutely mesmerized by her body. The two immense globes of her ass were, at once, the distillation of every woman's ass and grotesque in their size and the deep cellulite dimples that covered them. It was glorious and wonderful and huge and I loved squeezing the softness I found.

I made love to it. There's really no better way to put it. I made love to her ass. I kissed and caressed with my hands and my cheeks. I touched with my tongue, enjoying the slight salt taste of her sweat. I brushed my cheeks and lips across it. I pushed, gently, to kiss the sulcus, that crease where ass meets thigh, and enjoyed the feeling of big soft flesh against my forehead as my tongue reached for the bottom of that deep crease.

I laid my palms flat on her ass, right where it was roundest, and leaned forward, using my weight to spread her cheeks.

This wasn't my first asshole. Paula enjoyed anal sex and I did too.

But this was different. Rather than the smooth circle surrounding a tiny puckered orifice, my Goddess's nether port was a distinct raised ring of powerful muscle. The insides of her cheeks were darkly stained. She did something, some muscular contraction, and it moved, suddenly contracting and then pushing back out into that odd shape.

I couldn't resist. Hell, I didn't want to resist.

I kissed it and she shuddered.

I traced that raised rim of muscle with my tongue and she shuddered.

The earthy scent, not unpleasant just, well, earthy is a good word, beckoned. So I kissed and licked and covered that private, intimate ridge with my mouth and sucked gently.

She squirmed and bucked a little, but I had the leverage in this position.

She came, her nectar hot and thick and redolent of her desire. The pheromones were thick in the air.

I could hear her fingers scrabbling for purchase on the sheet, and her soft, "oh God, oh Jesus, oh God, oh Jesus," repeated over and over.

She came again and again and again and then just collapsed.

I finished then, slowly working down those thick legs, probing cellulite dimples with my tongue and my fingers, sucking the soft skin behind her knee.

She didn't move. I don't think she could move.

I took my own pleasure then, finally, taking her from behind.

She was slick and loose and immobile, as I set up my rhythm, finally ready to allow my own climax.

But I couldn't. She was SO loose there was no friction. It was, as a character in that TV dramedy "Nip/Tuck" had observed once, "like making love to a glass of warm water."

I was sweating and tiring, my hips aching, the muscles in my belly burning with exhaustion when I heard her, very softly, almost whimpering, "please,"

That single word re-energized me.

I kept my rhythm going and said, just as softly, "Please what?"

"Please, baby," she said, "fill me up. I need your beautiful gift."

"Am I worthy?" I asked.

She giggled and said, "Your Goddess is begging honey. Please, fill me up."

And my control failed.

I came like it was my first time. My back arched to get as deep as I could. My cock burned and tickled and hurt all at once. I'm normally quiet, maybe a little hiss of satisfaction, but I cried out. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! Goddess, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"

It was like I couldn't stop cumming. My normal couple of pumps went on and on. I could feel an ache in my belly as my prostate contracted, at least I assume that's what it was.

I couldn't breathe in after my hissed cry.

My entire body was locked

I was helpless. My vision was going dark around the edges.

And suddenly I gasped a sudden intake of air, the spell not broken but the demands of my body taking over.

She was whispering, "thank you, thank you," over and over.

And I was whispering, "thank you, thank you," over and over.

I surprised myself by staying hard much longer than normal as we said, "thank you" to each other but before long, as always must happen, I softened and slipped out. The gush of semen and nectar when I did soaked the front of my thighs and the backs of hers.

She whimpered and sighed a soft, "nooooooooo."

I crawled up next to her, fascinated by the change in her face with her total relaxation. Oh, she was still my gorgeous Goddess, don't get me wrong. But now she was the eternal Fertility Goddess with every year showing clearly as skin sagged in her complete relaxation.

I met her eyes, said softly, "my Goddess," and slept the sleep of the completely satisfied.

I woke, rather I was awakened, by her snoring.

She had rolled onto her back and her mouth was open. Every wrinkle and sag was on display and I just wanted to look at her, my Earth Mother, my Fertility Goddess, natural, now fully human. Imperfect. Lovely.

I chuckled, moved my pillow to her side, plumped it up, latched onto her breast, and laid there, nursing, suckling, drinking from her body as I drifted off again.

I woke the next time when I felt the bed moving.

She had rolled up onto her side and was looking down at me.

She was even more human to me now. There was a dried crust around her nose where it had been running, and one of her false eyelashes was missing.

"Am I still your Goddess?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, simply, brushing a few stray hairs back from her face.

"Did you mean it when you said 'anything?'" she asked.

I didn't remember saying exactly that, but I said, "yes."

She did that lips-pursed-pulled-to-the-side thing, looking at me speculatively. No human with a Y chromosome ever pulled that look off.

She didn't say anything but moved in an odd combination of graceful and ponderous. She got to her knees and sort of knee walked around until she was on her knees above my head, facing the foot of the bed.

"Anything?" she said again and I replied "yes."

She grinned, a grin that can only be called "predatory," lifted herself slightly, and knee walked forward until she had my arms pinned against my body with her knees. That left me with nothing but big full labia and ass filling my entire field of view.

"You did say 'anything,'" she said as she used her fingers to part those huge nether lips and slowly lowered herself onto me. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, not just accepting what she was doing but wanting it.

She was flowing again, fully aroused, and I loved the taste and feel of her filling my mouth. I swallowed, drinking her pleasure, forcing my breath in and out. It was difficult with the pressures she was applying but I felt no need at all to escape.

She came suddenly, catching me off guard, and I coughed. I could, vaguely, hear her giggling as I struggled to breathe, coughed again, and realized I couldn't breathe. I was completely helpless to prevent the panic that set in as my body started starving for oxygen and I squirmed, trying to push her off, to get free. But she weighed too much and my strength was already failing.

I was in a full panic when she lifted enough to allow me a quick breath and then she was back on me, full weight, full orgasm, waterboarding me with her body.

I lost all track of time. I would gasp a quick breath and she would cum and it would start over again.

And the strangest thing was, I didn't WANT it to stop.

I have no idea how many times she came or how long it went on. At one point she waited too long to allow me a breath and I lost consciousness but when I woke up ("came to?") she was still there and settled right back onto me.

I was so goddam hard I hurt.

When she was finally satisfied she lifted herself and did the kneewalk thing backward, freeing my arms.

I rolled into a sitting position and then made it to the bathroom before I threw up violently. What came up was thick and milky. I could taste her, her milk, and her nectar, and hated that I was losing it. Finally empty, mildly surprised I hadn't seen my asshole come up, I rinsed out my mouth and then grabbed my bottle of Listerine and rinsed again.

I headed back into the bedroom and she had scooted up toward the headboard a bit. Now she was reclined on three pillows.

And her legs were spread in that way that is pure offer when you see a woman in that position.

"Feeling better?" she asked and I said, "yes."

"Hungry, baby?" she asked, lifting a breast and offering her nipple.

"Yes," I said.

She smiled and said, "so am I, so come here."

I was surprised to realize I was still hard. She had that effect on me.

So I moved forward and buried my face between those immense thighs and began making love to her big nether lips. I was kissing and licking, tasting and smelling. I was lapping at her pleasure and enjoying it.

She giggled softly and said, "kiss me, David."

So I scooted forward, my thighs pressed against her thighs, and kissed her. One of those good kisses she did so well, her tongue probing and teasing.

Her fingers entwined in my hair and she pulled me away far enough that our eyes could meet.

"Am I still your Goddess?" she asked.

"Yes," I said with no hesitation at all.

"What will you offer me?" she asked.

"Offer?" I said.

"Yes David, 'offer.' It's customary to make an offering to a Goddess," she said and it occurred to me that she had said this before.

"What would you have of me?" I asked, my language joining hers in its formal tone and vocabulary.

She smiled then and makeup or no makeup, the years fell away. In that instant, she was, once again, that beautiful Goddess of indeterminate age.


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