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Flirting at the Hotel Bar

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Wife flirts while hubby watches, goes further than expected.
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One night, while we were lying in bed, Holly turned to me and said, "We're not having enough sex. Let's spice things up. Tell me about some of the scenarios you fantasize about, or what happens in those stories you like."

So, I went over a few various ideas, trying to keep it from getting too wild and not wanting to scare her off. One fairly safe one was the idea of her going into a hotel lounge and flirting with other men while I watched. She could take it as far as she felt and I knew she wouldn't be too freaked out by the whole thing.

"So, you'd be fine watching other men hit on me?"

"I think it would be totally hot."

"Yeah? And how far would you want me to go?"

"As far as you felt comfortable."

"That's not what I asked."

"How far? I dunno. I guess I'd like it if you were a bad girl."

"And what would a bad girl do?"

"What wouldn't a bad girl do, more like it," I said, smiling.

"So, if he invited me up to his room, you'd be fine if I went and left you at the bar?"

"That would be hot."

"So, is there a particular hotel you were thinking of?"

"I dunno. I could have a look. Maybe we could get a room. Have a mini getaway."

"Why don't you take me somewhere out of town for a weekend? Somewhere nice. That way, I'll be more inclined to make it worth your while. Plus, we will be less likely to run into anyone we know."

"Hmm. Sounds like a great idea."

"What if no one hits on me?"

"Oh, trust me, lady. If you're all dolled up, you're hard to resist."

"Well, we'll see about that."

A few days after that, I asked her again if she was serious and she said that she would love to get away for the weekend at a nice hotel. "If I was a good boy and treated his queen right, who knows what else could happen."

So, I went ahead and booked a room for us two weeks ahead in the next city over from ours. I went online first, though, and tried to suss out one that would offer the most opportunities for shenanigans. The internet is amazingly useful sometimes. Not only could I see which hotels had suitable lounges, but with a little digging, I found out which ones had more of a reputation as pick-up bars.

I told Holly that I had booked a room, after which she made sure to tease me as much as possible with what she might do. She suddenly seemed more into than I was, if that were possible.

A few nights later, she was going through her closet and making me watch as she modeled various outfits. One was a particularly scandalous dress that she had only worn once before. It was a "little black number" with the stress on little. It came down to mid-thigh (which resulted in no end of panty shots last time she wore it), and had fairly plunging front and spaghetti straps with a built in bra that resulted in no end of yummy cleavage. Plus, it was slinky material that clung to her every curve and left very little to the imagination, especially if her nipples got hard, as the material was too thin to contain them in such an event.

"You know what, honey," she said as she preened herself in front of the mirror. "I think we should get a bit of practice in before we go. That way, I'm not going in cold, as it were. Why don't you take me out for a drink downtown?"

"Sure!" I said. "Are you going to wear that?"

"Is it okay?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Then, put something nice on and let's go."

Holly went into the bathroom to retouch her makeup while I got ready. I took the opportunity to try and suss out where to go while I was getting dressed and, after a few searches, found what seemed to be a good place -- the Marriott.

When we got there, given the nature of the evening, I thought I'd spring for valet parking. I pulled into the throughway in front of the main entrance rather than into the underground parking. I got out and came around the side of the car just as the head valet was opening the door for Holly. Between her putting one leg out and flashing him her lacy little panties and then leaning forward as she got out and giving him an eyeful of cleavage, she made sure he got his money's worth for his efforts.

As we headed in, Holly said, "I don't think it'll be good for us to go in together. I'm going to powder my nose. You go and find yourself a chair."

As I went in, I saw that the bar was about half full. The bar itself was a wide semicircle with many of the stools free. I went down to the far end, which would give a good vantage of the rest of the bar itself as well as the room as a whole.

I had just been served my drink when Holly entered. She stopped and scanned the room, almost as if she were looking for someone. Her eyes briefly settled on me and then moved on. I noticed a lot of the men in the room sizing her up (and down...and up again). Apparently not seeing whoever she was looking for, she sauntered up to the bar and choose a stool five seats away from me.

She had been sitting for just a few minutes when the man a few seats beyond tried to strike up a conversation. He was clearly not her type and she quickly let him know she was waiting to meet someone. Soon after that, a couple of men came into the bar and I saw one nudge the other toward her as they saw this hot woman sitting on her own. They were definitely more her type and I couldn't help but feel a little twinge of excitement as, with the shot-down guy still on her other side, they settled into the seats between the two of us, leaving an empty seat on each side.

After settling in and getting drinks, eventually the one closest to Holly tried to strike up a conversation. After a few pleasantries, the two of them established that Holly was here to meet a friend and that the two men were from out of town and staying in the hotel. The conversation continued and, as they got more engaged, Holly turned her stool to face the guy a bit more. She looked fucking gorgeous and sexy. Eventually, the guy (Mark) introduced himself and extended his hand to her. She reached forward to take it demurely, giving a good cleavage show in the process. Her legs were crossed and, while there was no panty visible, there was lots and lots of thigh.

By the time Mark had got himself and her another drink, they seemed to be getting along like a house on fire. While his companion (Tim) was also introduced, he seemed content to let Mark monopolize Holly. He and I even engaged in some random conversation, mostly around the several games on the screens up behind the bar.

At one point, Holly excused herself to go to the washroom, at which point Mark and Tim set about discussing how fucking hot my wife was and how much Mark would like to nail her sweet little ass. As they were talking, I got a text from Holly telling me to come out to the foyer in a few minutes and to call her pretending to be the friend and that I had to cancel. So, a few minutes after she returned (and totally gave us all a panty shot as she settled back into her seat), I went out to the foyer and called her phone.

"Hi, Carol," she said as she picked up the phone. "Where are you?" Not able to resist, I said I was out in the foyer. She ignored this and filled in the conversation herself. "You can't? Oh, that's too bad... Okay, we'll let's talk tomorrow and figure out when we can get together! ... Yeah, you too... K. Bye." She hung up.

I went to the can and then back to the bar. When I got back, I saw that Holly had closed the gap and taken the seat next to Mark. He had pushed his stool back a bit to that the three of them could form a little triangle. Tim now had his back to me pretty much, which, given the landscape, I could hardly blame him for.

I noticed that Holly was getting really flirty, especially with Mark, including touching him playfully when he said something funny or off-color, the latter of which was getting more frequent.

At one point, Mark motioned to Holly's wedding ring and asked, "So, your husband doesn't mind you going out dressed like that?"

"Dressed like what?" Holly said, looking down at her dress in mock innocence. "Well, dressed like you're on the prowl, I guess," he said, not backing down from his comment. "Like you want some attention."

"Well, a girl needs a little attention from time to time, just to see if she's still got it."

"Oh, you've still got it, Holly."

Holly pushed Mark's arm playfully, "You're just saying that."

"No. You're totally hot. Don't you agree Tim?"


Mark then looked over at me, "Hey, buddy..."


"Do you think this lady here is gorgeous?"


"And sexy?"


"See," he said, turning to her. "Everyone thinks you're hot." As he said this, he touched a finger to his lips and then placed it just below her clavicle and above her left breast. Not too far down to be improper, but more forward than just touching, say, her arm. As he touched her, he made a sizzling sound and said, "Smoking hot, in fact."

Holly laughed as she grabbed his hand with both her hands and placed it on his leg, lingering a bit too long as she pressed it there. In so doing, she totally squeezed her breasts together and it was a miracle that neither of her tits popped out to say hello as she leaned forward.

While the two of them (and me) marveled at the near wardrobe malfunction, Holly said, "That's possibly the corniest line I've ever heard. Has that ever worked on anyone?" "Hah. No. Not really," Mark said. Then added, "So, Holly, you still haven't answered the question."

"Which one?"

"Whether or not your husband minds you going out to a bar dressed to kill."

"Well, let's just say my husband doesn't mind me getting attention. I think it makes him feel some sort of validation that men still try to hit on me."

"So, he wouldn't mind me hitting on you?"

"Is that what you're doing?" she said, egging him on.

"I cannot tell a lie. Yes. I am."

"Hmm. Maybe we should ask him and see what he thinks?"

I looked up in alarm, thinking she was going to expose our little game. Holly had an impish smile on her face and was doing her best not to look at me. She reached into her little purse that was on the bar and pulled out her phone and started typing. She showed Mark what she was writing and then pressed send. As I already had my phone in my hands, it was easy to read the message without them noticing the coincidental timing. Not that they would have noticed; they were both firmly focused on Holly.

The text read: Carol cancelled. Still at the Marriott, flirting. Xox.

I wrote back: With who?

Holly showed Mark my text and then responded: A man! (silly) You don't mind?

I waited a minute or so, wondering what to say, and then, given what she had said to him about me not minding, wrote back: You know me.

She held up the phone to Mark with a triumphant smile. "See? Told you."

I couldn't leave well enough alone and then texted: Is he getting you hot?

Holly looked at my text and smiled: Very.

I wrote back: Going to bring that hotness back to me soon?

Holly responded: Eventually. Still having fun here ;)

Mark then asked to see what we were talking about, so Holly showed him.

I was writing as she did and sent: You're a bad girl... which came through as Holly was holding her phone for Mark to read.

She then typed: Promise I'll tell you all about it when I get home ...xxx... Better wait up ;)

She showed Mark what she had sent. "See. There you have it. I'm officially allowed to flirt! I'm off to the ladies room. Maybe you should work on some lines while I'm gone, big boy."

After she left, Mark encouraged Tim to maybe head up his room since it looked like Mark was on his way to success as far as fucking my wife was concerned. I was wondering the same thing and whether Holly would take it any further.

A text from Holly came in as Tim was polishing off his drink: So? What now?

What do you want to do? I replied

Having lots of fun! ;)

Then have fun!

How much fun?

As much fun as you want ;)


Am loving this

Don't say you didn't ask for it ;) xxx

Tim was on his way out of the lounge when Holly came back in. He shook her hand as he passed and said his good nights.

Holly sat down again (and again flashed her panties). "Tim's gone to his room? Something I said?"

"Oh no. I'm greedy and wanted you all to myself."

"Is that so?"


"So you can really try to hit on me?"

"That's right."

"So...what's your next move?" she said, smiling.

"Well, you know I think you're totally hot and sexy," he said, and then leaned in to whisper something in her ear, putting his hand on her exposed upper leg as he did so. Holly blushed a little. "Is that so?" she said. Mark hadn't removed his hand and Holly let him leave it there. "And what to do think my husband would think if I went up to your room with you?"

"Well, honestly, I don't really care what your husband thinks."

Holly laughed at that. "Good answer!" she said. She then leaned forward, putting HER hand on his knee as she did, and whispered something in his ear. Mark put his other hand around the back of Holly's head and pulled her toward him and whispered something back. He then kissed the side of her neck just under her ear, something that drives Holly crazy. She let out a small moan. He was slowly stroking her leg with his hand now, although not going under the hem of the dress. Holly actually uncrossed her legs to make it easier for him to touch her. Seeing the green light, he started moving his hand to the inside of her leg, though again, still safely beyond the hem.

I was doing my best to focus on the sports on the various TVs and not turn and gape at what was going on. Thankfully, there were mirrors behind all the bottles at the back of the bar that let me see enough without turning and staring at the increasingly obvious wooing that was occurring.

He whispered again in her ear and again kissed her neck. At that point, Holly pushed both his hands away and said, "Okay. But, I need to talk to my friend first. We have an agreement about this sort of thing.

Mark was momentarily confused. "What sort of agreement?"

"Just to let the other know where we are. You, know, for safety's sake. I don't doubt you're fine, but...well, you know how it is."

"Ah. Of course."

I figured that she was going to phone me, so I got up and headed out to the foyer. Sure enough my phone rang right away. "Hi, Carol."


"Listen, remember our safety agreement?"

"Yes," I said for lack of anything else."

"Well... um, I'm still at the Marriott and, um, I kinda met a guy..."

"You didn't!" I said.

"Yeah...well, I think I'm going to have a nightcap in his room..."

"You're such a bad girl!"

"I know. Anyway..." I heard her asking Mark what room he was in and him saying 619. "...Room 619."

"Are you going to fuck him?"

"I will for sure..." she said, pausing, "...call you tomorrow. Bye, girl."

And with that, she hung up. I was sitting in an armchair absorbing how quickly this all happened when I saw them coming out of the bar. She had an arm linked in his and, as they moved across the open space, Mark was whispering something in her ear. As he was doing this, Holly looked to where I was sitting and winked at me. And, then...that was that, they were out of my sight. I went back into the bar and settled in to wait as my wife went to fuck another man somewhere above me in the hotel.

About 40 minutes later, I got a text from Holly: Get the car. Be down soon.

I paid up and headed outside where I gave the valet my tag and he phoned the garage. Just as the car was pulling up, Holly came out the front doors and down the stairs. She totally looked like she had just gotten fucked, which I think the valet must have also noticed. She was smiling and reached up to give me a big, tipsy kiss before whispering in my ear, "I've been a verrrry bad girl."

The valet stepped down and opened the door for Holly as I went around and got in on the other side. As I pulled away, Holly immediately reached for my pants and undid my belt and fly and pushed them down until she could pull out my cock.

"Mmm, honey, your wife just did a very bad thing..."

My cock was getting erect under her administrations. "Yeah. And what was that?"

"I cheated on you with another man."

"Did you, now?"

"Mm-hm. I flirted with him all night in the bar and then I let him take me up his room and fuck me."

"Did he?"

"Fuck me? Mmm, did he ever."



"Was it good?"

"Yeah. He was really good. He made me come twice." She motioned to my cock in her hands. "His cock was huge..."

"Bigger than mine?"

Holly leaned across to whisper, "Way bigger. I could barely fit him in my mouth."

"You sucked his cock?"

"Mm-hm. As soon as we got to the room, he pushed me down onto my knees and made me suck his big dick. It was nice and long and thick."

"Jesus, you've got to slow down," I said, motioning to her hand stroking me. "You're going to make me come..."

"Don't you want to come?" she cooed.

"I want to fuck you first."

"Mmm...two men in one day..."

Holly let go of my cock and grabbed my balls firmly. "Are you going to fill me up with come like he did?"

"You let him come in you?"

"Yes. It's oozing out of me right now, so hurry home."

Thankfully, there was no traffic and we were only a few minutes from home at that point.

"Mmm, after I sucked his cock he took me over to the bed. He pulled my dress off and then watched as I stripped off my panties. And there I was, naked with another man in his hotel room while you were sitting downstairs in the bar. Did you like that, imagining me naked somewhere above you, letting another man fill my pussy with a hot, creamy load of come?"


"Did you think about him drilling me from behind and making me scream?"

"Is that what happened?"

"Yeah. He got naked and climbed onto me and then we kissed while he played with my body. Then he started kissing my body, first my tits, and then he went down on me."

"Is that when you came?"

"No. He made me come with his big, hard cock. After he went down on me, he pushed his cock into me slowly until I was all full. I haven't had a cock that big for years, baby. It was sooo big! Then he really started fucking me, driving his dick in and out of your little wife until I had a giant orgasm. Then he flipped me over and fucked me doggy style. I rubbed my clit into another orgasm while he fucked the shit out of me. In fact," she whispered with a smile, "you might have to kiss your queen's little pussy better when we get home. Will you do that for me?"

"If you like..."

"Mmm. I can't wait."

We got home a few minutes later and, as soon as we got inside, Holly grabbed me by the hand and pulled me behind her as she ran up the stairs to our room. She pulled her dress off over her head and jumped onto the bed, facing me on her knees.

"C'mon, baby. Come and see your dirty wife."

I stripped off my clothes and got on the bed with Holly, facing her on my knees. She pulled me down onto my back and straddled me.

"Do you like that I fucked another man?"


"You're not mad?"


"You don't mind that I let him come in me?"


"Am I your hot little queen?"


"Are you pleased with me?"


"Are you going to do what I asked?"


Holly stood up over me and slowly stripped her panties off. She cupped her pussy as she moved forward a little and then sank back down to her knees. Her pussy was right over my face now. She took her hand from her pussy and rubbed it across my lips.

"Baby, my pussy is so sore. His cock was sooo big and he fucked me sooo hard. Are you going to kiss your queen's pussy and make it better?"

"If you like..."

"I want you to. Tell me you will."

"I will."

Holly reached behind and grabbed my balls and tugged them.


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