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Jane saw the cops, but felt the threat. One of the men grabbed her arm and tried to pull Reyna away. Jane grabbed his thumb and yanked it back until she heard it pop.

"Get your fucking hands off me." She hissed at the man.

"She no leaves... You woman, I'll see you beat for this." As he tried to stand, Jane dislocated his knee with a side kick. She knew she did it by his screams.

"Get in the car Rey... I'll be right there." Jane said never taking her eyes off the men in front of her.

"She leaves, she is dead." Another man said.

"What? What did you say? Did you just threaten to kill my sister?"

"She's mine. I marry next week. Her boy is mine."

"You fucking idiot... We're not in Jordan, Iran, Iraq or whatever God forsaken sand pile you're from. We are in the fucking United Stated of America, and she is my sister. If you want to kill her, you piece of shit, you'll have to go through me first."

Jane knew he understood her insults as he grabbed a stick and came at her. It was what she was waiting for. As soon as he started his swing, her hand was already in motion. She let his momentum do the rest as she heard the shoulder pop and the thud as his ass hit the pavement.

Putting her foot on his neck, she heard someone yell. "That's enough Ma'am.... We've got it from here. Go to your vehicle and wait for us please." Jane was pulled off by one of the cops and noticed the crowd gathering around the spectacle.

"One rock comes my way and there will be hell to pay," Jane told the big burly cop. The guy on the ground saw the Star of David Jane had forgot to take off around her neck and spat.

"Hebrew Bitch, you take piece of shit and her whelp. I will find and kill you all later."

"WHAT?" Jane screamed, lunging forward.

"Shit..." the cop yelled "David! Call out more units... Now...!" Looking down at the irate man on the ground, he told him. "Alright mother fucker. You are under arrest for battery and making terrorist threats. You have the right to shut the fuck up... I suggest you use it!"

The cop, David, was pulling Jane back, while watching the crowd. He shoved her into the SUV and told Susan. "I've got your tag number. Get them the hell out of here. Meet us back at our station house" He typed the address into the GPS and went to help his partner as sirens started wailing in the distance.

When Jane looked into the back seat, she was half tempted to go back and finish the job, but Susan took the cop's advice and drove them out of there as fast as she could. As she followed the directions the two other women got reacquainted.

Jane was happy to see Reyna, but not the condition she was in. "Why didn't you call me sooner? I'd have come...!"

"I know, I could not... Janna, this is your Aunty Jane, Ummah sent her. She will take care of us." Reyna said diverting what Jane wanted to say.

"Hi Janna, it is nice to meet you." Jane said to the little big eyed girl. "This is my friend Susan." Jane told her as Susan waved. Janna, being as shy as her mother once was, buried her head into the folds of Reyna's baggy clothes.

"We'll stop at a store to get the right car-seat and her some other essentials as soon as we get done with the police." Susan said to Jane.

"Yeah, let's get this done." Jane said she'd need to be careful what she said in front of the terrified child.

Four long hours and two borrowed pull-up's later, they were finally winding down all the interviews and statements. Janna had been looked over by health and welfare and they kept asking if Reyna wanted to press charges. They insisted in having an address for Reyna, just in case.

Jane just gave them hers as Rey explained. "My husband is dead. He is the one who beat me, so no charges." The cop David, while finishing up his report, had to ask Jane.

"So why did you forget to take off your necklace in a place full of Muslims? We just about had a riot."

"I'm so used to it. My dad gave it to me at my Bat Mitzvah. I've worn it ever since." Jane explained while touching it.

"Next time take it off or tape it to your skin. My wife sews a little pocket in my shirts for mine." He smiled.

"Oh, I didn't.... I don't think I'll be going back there. If Reyna needs anything, I'll get it for her."

"Are you two really sisters?" He was curious.

"No, I'm her American sister according to her mother. We met in high school. She's my best friend."

"I thought it was something along those lines. Don't let CPS know... Just keep the sister act going until you are out of this state, then live long and prosper." He chuckled at his own wit.

"Shalom Mr. Schlock.... When can we leave? It's a long drive to Atlanta."

"Just as soon as welfare releases her..." Just then Jane heard Reyna tell someone.

"No, I go with my sister to Atlanta. She has home for me."

"Well that should just about do it." David said as he shook Jane's hand. "So did you get trained by the Moussad? I've never seen someone put on their ass so easily."

"Nope, Billy Chang's Martial Arts Academy..." Jane smiled as she went to gather Susan and Reyna.

"Yeah, the same one Uncle Chiam went to." David said as he picked up his paperwork. "Good luck girls, something tells me you're going to need it." He headed back to patrol with an interesting story to tell his family when he got home.


Before leavening town, Jane and Susan took Reyna and Janna on an expensive but necessary shopping trip. They bought the mandatory diapers, clothes, car seat and paraphernalia for Janna. Susan held the shy little girl while Jane dragged a reluctant Reyna in to the dressing room to try on new clothes which might actually fit.

Susan had no defense against the injured innocence she saw in Janna's eyes. At first, she wanted to do what was necessary, but no more. Janna's first smile, not matter how tremulous, shattered what reserve Susan had. Like the perfectly aimed arrow, it pierced her heart and she fell in love with the little girl.

Seeing the same pain in the mother's eyes, Susan's heart opened to Reyna too. She could see why Jane had loved her for so long. Susan found a 'See-N-Say', which Janna fell for, and started listening to the animal sounds. At her first happy giggle, Susan knew she was lost. In less than a day, she couldn't see her life without this precious child in it.

Meanwhile in the dressing room, Jane was having an argument with Reyna's pride. Jane didn't want to suppress what little spark she had left, but she needed to get Reyna new things so they could travel. She didn't think her friend recognized just how bad she looked.

"Rey, don't be so stubborn. I can afford this stuff. You and Janna need it." Jane tried to reason with her friend.

"But Janey, I cannot pay you back. You came and got me. You have saved me. You have done enough. Maybe Ummah can send some money later, then I...?" Reyna pleaded.

"Rey, if you think I'm going to let you mope around in those rags.... You got another think coming. I can afford it and you need it." Jane said softly.

"But I...!" Reyna tried.

"But nothing...! Pick at least two outfits. We can talk more about this once we get home." Jane ordered gently, but firmly. "We have to get out of Cleveland before they find you and Janna."

"Okay, but you keep receipts. I will pay you back for everything as soon as I can." Reyna said lifting her head. They heard in the background.

"The cat goes MEOWWWW" Then a happy giggle from Janna. Reyna almost ran out of the dressing area with tears in her eyes.

"The cow goes MMMOOOOOO" Susan said the moo with the toy with an exaggerated face making Janna laugh as Reyna came out to see her daughter giggling while the tall redhead, held her daughter.

"Momma... Momma, look it!" A happy Janna said as she pulled the handle. "The sheep goes BBAAAHHHHHH" The toy said as Susan and Janna mimicked the noise and laughed.

"It is first time she has laughed in months," Reyna said in tears. Jane smiled at the two, as Susan just winked at her. Reyna surrendered and let the two women get her what was needed without further complaint. No matter how much it cost her, it was worth it to see her daughter happy.

Every couple of hours Jane and Susan would trade off driving. Janna was happy in her new car seat with its little steering wheel and horn until she dozed against the little teddy bear Jane had given her. While Susan drove, Jane and Reyna would talk quietly, catching up on each other's lives. During these conversations, Susan listened with interest.

Before hitting Frankfort Kentucky, There was an accident and a truck was blocking the road. The police directed them to turn around. Jane decided they would find a hotel and sleep. Everyone was worn out and they knew the next few days weren't going to be any easier.

Once they checked in, Jane and Susan let Reyna and Janna use the tub and shower first. When Susan heard the water running, she came behind Jane and hugged her. Speaking softly in her ear, so she wouldn't be overheard, she told Jane.

"Well this isn't the way I envisioned sleeping with you the first time." As Jane turned, Susan kissed her softly and went on. "I can see why you've loved her for so long and little Janna is a doll. I'm glad I came..." She nuzzled Jane's neck and sighed heavily.

"Thank you so much for coming. I'd never made it without you." She hugged the taller woman, leaning her head on her firm breast. "You don't know what this means to me...."

"I have an idea." Susan kissed Jane on the top of her head as they separated when the water turned off. They took their showers quickly as Reyna settled Janna down with an apple juice and a story.

As they prepared to go to bed, Jane was uncomfortable at first. She wasn't used to sharing a bed or wearing clothes to sleep in the summer. Then there was also the urge to let her hands wander as Susan slipped between the covers next to her. Added to her frustration, the confusion of having Reyna, the woman she had secretly loved for so long, in the same room. With everyone on edge, surprisingly, they all fell fast asleep.

Later in the night, Janna had a bad dream and woke up. She slipped out of bed, and went to her new best friend, with the bright hair. She whimpered as she crawled in next to the tall woman who had made her want to smile. Susan woke up, saw Janna and invited her into her arms. She had no resistance to the little face with those big brown soulful eyes.

Reyna, realizing her daughter was missing, jolted awake. She feared the family had taken Janna from her. Sitting up she realized she wasn't trapped in the small room Janna and she had shared. Once her eyes adjusted, she saw Janna safely snuggled in Jane's friend's arms and sighed.

She got up and joined the other women in their bed so she could be close enough to touch her daughter. She snuggled behind Jane who was spooned behind Susan who was holding the softly snoring, contented Janna. The rest of the night, they all slept peacefully, if a bit cramped.

Susan sighed as she woke to a small set of lips kissing her nose. Opening her eyes slowly, her view was filled with the smiling face of Janna who was wide awake and ready to play. Groaning, she stretched, brushing against the still sleeping Jane and surprisingly, Reyna. She didn't know how they all ended up in bed together, and after thinking about it, it really didn't matter.

Janna giggled and bounced on Susan, making her realize she needed to get to the bathroom or on the next bounce, there would be a mess. She held up the grinning, giggling Janna, as she scooted out off the bed. She sat her down next to Jane and pointed at her with the stay put motion. It took Janna all of ten seconds to disobey and follow Susan into the bathroom.

Jane and Reyna woke up to the laughter and giggles of Susan and Janna in the bathroom as Susan tried to get a quick shower. Reyna smiled at Jane and hugged her tight in thanks.

"I like your friend. Janna is happy, life is now good." Reyna said simply.

Jane was confused, she knew she had gone to bed with Susan, but was now waking up with Rey. Jane, on the verge of asking, when a wet, giggling, naked Janna, running from an equally wet but semi-covered Susan, bounced on the bed getting them wet.

"Come here you little imp..." Susan called quietly as she chased the little girl, towel in hand. "Oh, I was trying to keep the dervish here quiet so you could sleep. It looks like she has other plans though." Susan smiled reassuringly at Reyna.

Reyna just nodded as she called her daughter to order and reached for the towel in Susan's hand. "She likes playing in bath. Thank you for...."

"It's okay... it wasn't like I had a choice." Susan grinned. Susan instinctively brushed Jane's hair back in a tender movement, but pulled back quickly when she saw her eyes go soft. She didn't know what to do.

Jane, seeing the startled response, covered the gaff by asking for coffee. They both looked at Reyna to see her response, but she was busy on the other bed, drying and braiding Janna's hair, while the child was pulling out one of her brand new outfits.

They made an interesting procession as they trouped into the restaurant. Reyna looked much better after getting her long hair clean and braided, but the bruises on her face were still visible. Janna was pulling Susan and Jane, trying to hurry them up. All of them ignored their surroundings as everyone watched them as they ate breakfast.

The rest of the trip to Atlanta was better. They all took turns playing blue car, red car, with Janna, who was restless. Reyna was able to relax around Susan and Susan tried to keep Reyna in the conversations. If there was ever an awkward moment, Janna inevitably would bridge the gap as only a child can.

When they got to Jane's apartment, they settled Reyna and Janna as best they could. Jane told Reyna to make themselves at home, while she and Susan returned the rental and got Jane's car and Janna chased the cat.

"I have to take Susan home, so it might take me awhile. Look in the kitchen and start making a list of things we'll need for Janna. We can go to the store either tonight or tomorrow morning." She gave the stunned Reyna a quick hug as Susan gave Janna love and kisses goodbye.

Susan was quiet the whole time Jane conducted her business. She was pensive during the ride home. She didn't want to be alone and she didn't want to think about what happened next. The past few days they had been running on instinct and she knew it was time to pay the piper. When Jane pulled up in front of Susan's building she finally spoke.

"Please pull to the side and park. I want you to come up for a minute... Please." Jane nodded, lost in her own thoughts. Susan held Jane's hand as she led her up to her small apartment. Once she had shut her door, Susan leaned down and kissed Jane thoroughly. Before Jane could speak, Susan told her.

"I want to say so much. I've wanted to tell you how I feel. I want so much, but I don't have the words. So, let me show you what I can't say." Susan waited for the rejection. When it didn't come, she reached up with a trembling hand and opened the first button of Jane's blouse.

Two hours later, Jane was sprawled across Susan's bed panting, holding the gasping Susan. She could feel parts of her body she'd never felt before. Emotionally she was just as spent. Jane had never felt so well loved in her life. Nothing came close in comparison. But, dwelling on it, only caused confusion.

Susan knew she had poured everything she felt into their lovemaking, but was surprised at the return. Jane refused to accept without giving. She knew she's have welts on her back and bottom from Jane holding her still as she gave as much as she received. What she thought was going to be a one-sided showing, was anything but. She thought it was intense with her previous lover Gail, this was mind boggling.

Jane tried to talk, but was instantly silenced by Susan. "Now isn't the time for decisions." She told Jane. "I just wanted you to know what's waiting for you. I know you have to do this and it will affect us. I'll wait as long as I can, but..."

"I love you too." Jane said simply. "I know it's... Thank you." Jane tried to express her feelings.

Susan's heart was pounding at the sound of Jane's declaration. She wiped the tears from her eyes. "I've never... You have to go, I know, but I don't want you to. I just couldn't face losing you without at least once... I'm sorry."

It was Jane's turn to sooth Susan. "Like you said, now isn't the time. We know and only time can tell. It's not like I'm leaving... I don't... Just kiss me."

Susan kissed Jane tenderly. The fire of before was gone, but the warmth of their emotions were there deeper and more meaningful. She pulled Jane up and pampered her in the shower. She wouldn't let Jane do anything but be ministered to.

Susan, wrapped in her favorite robe, walked Jane to the door. "We'll talk tomorrow. I know you have to take care of Reyna and that precious child. There is time, but you have to go now." She kissed her quickly one last time before she forced herself to close the door.

Jane slowly walked back to her car, her mind spinning out of control. She knew it might have been easy to drift away from Susan had they not made love. But now, the thought of not having Susan, was totally out of the question. Her next thought, how could she hide her feelings from Reyna now they were going to be living together? Jane was glad they'd have the weekend to try and figure it out. She didn't want to think about how to handle work, and not be able to touch Susan all day.


They didn't know how they did it, but they had survived to the weekend. By the time they walked into work Monday, they no longer cared if someone saw them come in together. They were battle weary from the last five days. Jane thought they would be okay. But she was convinced, by a very upset Janna, the first thing in the morning, Susan had to come over.

The rest of the week was spent shopping for food, bedding, safety locks and all the other stuff people don't realize is needed when a young child enters their life. Janna also thought Susan was her personal play friend and toy. They didn't want to upset her, but Susan had to go home to get work clothes. It was only by a team effort, all three overburdened women, made it.

Being Monday, and knowing John was irritated with them. They tried to go to their desks, keep their heads down, and get through the day. They didn't expect John to be waiting for them.... As soon as they got out on the third floor, he pounced.

"Oh, the wandering duo has returned." John snapped at the pair. "Well don't stop now... Dean wants to see you in his office, before you get your stuff." He sneered. They turned back into the elevator and hit the button for the 16th floor.

"I thought you cleared this with Dean?" Hissed a shocked Susan.

"I did. He said we could take a week if we needed it. He didn't sound upset..." She stopped speaking when other people entered the elevator.

They smiled at the people they knew and wiped their hands from the sweat building up on their palms. When they got off, they walked up to the big rosewood desk, which Trish, the appointment assistant and all around bulldog for the big bosses, guarded.

"Yes John, they just arrived... Yes I'll tell him. No you don't needs to call security... If Dean needs them, he'll call. I'm sure Dean is aware of how you feel. I have to go, my other line is lighting up." She said as she disconnected from John's irate voice.

Sighing heavily, "That man is a pain in my ass." Trish said as she smiled up to Jane and Susan. "I don't know why he's being such a... Anyway, Dean wants to see you as soon as he comes... Speak of the devil."

"And he shall appear." A deep voice said behind them, making them jump. "Hi Susan... Jane. Give me a few minutes and then we can talk. Trish, hold my calls. I'll buzz when I'm ready." Dean smiled.

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